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Everything posted by trechriron

  1. When I first visit the site, and I'm still logged in, I get redirected to a /content page. However, it shows a site error "you don't have permission to view this resource". Should we be redirected to a different page? Or am I still in the NEWBS group?
  2. Is there a way to enhance the user registration method with some questions? Not just Captcha is working these days, but over on generic-rpg.net, I've had great success with two things. A field that requires a "raison d'état" or Justification and then a plug-in that requires the correct answer to a question. The question is fairly simple and related to gaming with several valid answers. So far, this has helped eliminate anyone who's not there for legitimate reasons. Coincidentally, all users must be approved. :-D Just scanning the user emails is easier; if they answer the question I get a 2nd scan of their reason to ensure they are real.
  3. Looking forward to this, the setting sounds detailed and exciting!
  4. I am generally against the "bait and switch" campaign model. It's not really going to be as shocking as you think and worse, they could end up making characters that don't fit your idea of "characters who would be surprised by the zombie apocalypse". Worse, this has never worked in my experience (I have 30+ years going now). Are you trying to make sure these characters are non-specialized average joes dealing with the ZA? What if your players don't want to play average joes dealing with the ZA? Then your stuck with non-enthused players. What is the feeling you're going for? I think you should come clean and explain you want to run something and explore this theme and see if it jives with your players. Otherwise, you have you're own disaster to deal with; the players being unhappy with the game you worked so hard to prep. Here's how I might frame a ZA game with some particulars to garner interest from my players: I want to run a ZA game, but I want to start the week before anything happens. I want the characters to be regular people with regular jobs. I want us to focus on some mundane interpersonal and work related things, to really immerse ourselves in the everyday. I want us to get deep into it. Then, the rumors and odd news reports will happen. Eventually, without warning, your normal characters are going to be thrust into this ZA world. I want to explore HOW these people might deal with this, and deal with loss, and deal with horror without all the kitschy swat teams, army specialists, and Umbrella Corporation super soldiers mucking about my deep character play. What do you peeps think? Would you want to get knee deep in the mundane dealing with the horror and explore this idea with me? I would gauge their excitement, and then I might even need to alter the game to excite everyone, and I would. Because games should be fun, and interactive, and everyone should have some input into what's happening. Just my two cents...
  5. Yes Triff, as a fellow web master and computer nerd I sincerely appreciate your efforts!!
  6. The InDesign file is in the GM Section now! I had to append the PDF extension because the system does not allow INDD files. Just remove the PDF and it should work. Let me know if there are any issues!
  7. 265 downloads

    Here's the InDesign file for the 4 Panel Landscape GM screen I created. For those who want to hack away at it! You will have to remove the PDF extension (the system won't allow indd files).
  8. Absolutely! I will upload them into the same downloads section tonight when released from pris... *ahem* I mean work. :-D
  9. trechriron


    Why? We should make ePuP and Kindle magazines. My Lenovo tablet looks fantastic for reading and Kindles are the BOMB. The world is moving away from paper my friend. I don't always read, but when I do, I read digital. Stay Techie my friends.
  10. Can you tell me what the correct values are?
  11. I would use a combined skill roll with Knowledge or Research and Art (Forgery). You can determine success in one skill roll and it's nifty because based on which skill is lower, you know where the failure happened (info doesn't pass muster vs. appearance).
  12. I uploaded a new file; a Player Reference Mat in legal (8.5 x 14) Portrait format. It is based on the new landscape format GM screen also updated to version 1.5 and in the downloads section. Any suggestions or corrections welcome! Thanks,
  13. 511 downloads

    [PDF] This is a legal (8.5 x 14) sized landscape Player Reference Mat for quick reference of tables and rules while playing. PM me here on the forums for corrections or suggestions. Thanks!
  14. I think that would be ideal. If you can make a solid vehicle supplement, people can choose to use the relative "constructed" values in your supplement or just eyeball stuff from the Gold Book as they desire. Personally, I would use the stats from this supplement, especially if I can design my own vehicles.
  15. http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?581835-BRP-Complementary-skills Anyone want to pop in and comment? Could use a BRP grognard for a real answer...
  16. It seems the site is experiencing some technical difficulties? Nick, you OK out there?
  17. NO!!! :-D Make it bigger. Make two books. This stuff is juicy, so I want more. :-D You live in WA? Actually be heading up there in a couple days, coming across the Columbia on my way to Dupont/Tacoma and environs. You ever find your way north?
  18. Here is my entry into the landscape GM screen for BRP (in the downloads section). I wanted to do this nearly 2 years ago, but got side-tracked! :-D I am hoping to get some fan input before moving onto handouts/supplementary tables and the Player Handout. First, kudos and Thanks to Nick Middleton for his suggestions and list of tables to put where. That was very helpful. I was able to fit several more beyond the initial batch on the 4 panels, and I hope I chose the most broadly useful ones. Let me know! I created a combat “crib” notes area, please let me know if a) it's understandable and/or any suggestions to make it clearer without dramatically increasing the depth of the “table”. Here is some philosophy/design principles; 1) Nothing TOO fancy, so it would be easy on the ink. 2) Easy to read at the table (the standard font is 10pt Times New Roman, with serif fonts generally being easier to read on paper...). 3) Generically useful to various BRP GM's (optional rules can be on "handout" or supplementary sheets). Let me know what you think! Part II: Once everyone says the 4 “main” panels are acceptable, I will start work on the various supplementary tables. This will be in “handout” type sheets that can be passed around and shared or the GM can just have handy for quick reference. If interested, see Nick's earlier post about what tables should be where. I'm using that with a few exceptions (had more room, so some tables made it on the panels). I am also planning on creating a Player “Crib” Sheet using the same format with tables and notes for easy reference for players during play; likely in a 2 page front-and-back landscape format. Any ideas on what would be useful there are also welcome! Thanks,
  19. 996 downloads

    [PDF] A 4 panel landscape GM screen, easy on the printer ink, with various useful tables for a standard BRP game. Another supplement will follow with additional reference tables. PM me here on the boards for updates or suggestions. Thanks! UPDATE: v1.5 with difficulty table added.
  20. I like the idea of separating size from mass; but how to do that mechanically would require some thought. Also, to what benefit is adding the additional complexity? There is not a "mechanical equivalents" system in BRP. "Does this work for this setting/game and is it fun" seems to be the most significant measure. What is an attribute point worth versus A skill point? Looking at the creatures in BRP versus Legend, what are Traits worth compared to say an Attribute point? What about the BRP Angel's ability to fly versus a fly trait? Without any system in place, making a creature or vehicle in BRP becomes a simple exercise in "what do I want this creature or vehicle to do?" Maybe it just works better that way?
  21. This frankly sounds perfect. I would love to help. PM when you're ready, pitch me some stuff and I will kick the tires on it and pitch in!
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