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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. Jason D


    That sounds curiously like science.
  2. Jason D


    You can always point out to your friend that they've been around for at least 800 years on Earth. No reason they couldn't have been developed on Glorantha.
  3. Jason D


    Reasons a dark troll might wear sunglasses: The sunglasses have no practical effect other than reducing glare, which is nonetheless uncomfortable. The sunglasses have an enchantment to reduce sunlight and negate any penalties, or even to see something not visible to the naked eye. Sunglasses prevent someone from seeing your eyes. While a troll doesn't need them to see, squinting against sunlight is not seemly and might cause humans/others to think them weak. Gift from a loved one. They look cool.
  4. Okay, hopefully this clarifies things for everyone: If a cultural skill modifier refers to a specific weapon, then apply that to the specific weapon . For example, a bonus to Lance is just Lance. If a cultural skill modifier refers to a category, apply that to a specific weapon within that category. For example, a bonus to 1H Spear could be applied to Javelin, Short Spear, or Lance. If a cultural skill modifier is even more general and applies to multiple categories, pick a specific weapon and apply it there. For example, a bonus to Battle Axe could apply to the 1H or 2H Battle Axe, as desired. If a cultural skill modifier refers to a weapon that hypothetically could be a skill category or a specific weapon, use the specific weapon. For example, a bonus to Dagger goes to Dagger, not to Parrying Dagger, Throwing Dagger, or Sickle.
  5. Thanks everyone! I have evaluated and made changes that I'm able or willing to, up to this point.
  6. Jongor has a high inflated opinion of himself and a corresponding Passion. His description makes that perfectly clear.
  7. It will be in the very next physical product we release.
  8. One thing I should make absolutely clear is that the Glorantha of HeroQuest and that of RuneQuest are not identical. This is a deliberate editorial decision and we're leaving it up to fans to determine whether to reconcile them or not. RQG is its own line, a new interpretation of the setting based on prior versions but also incorporating previous unpublished materials from Greg and based on lengthy discussions with Greg and Jeff. Anyone expecting RQG and HQG to be completely synchronous will be sorely disappointed.
  9. The Smoking Ruin - Chris Urvantan's Tower - Steve and I everything else - Jeff and I (with some stat block help from others)
  10. An unfortunate oversight (due to some shifting of contents between this and another book) that has been noted and fixed. There'll be an update soon.
  11. Intro - me The Pegasus Plateau - Steffie The Locaem - Jeff The Rattling Wind - Helena The Grey Crane and Renekot's Hope - John and myself Crimson Petals - Diana and Dom The Ruin on the Stream - Rachael Gloomwillow's Hollow - Jason B. The Pairing Stones - Steve
  12. I ran a different scenario, called "A Fire in the Darkness".
  13. IIRC, the Eternal Champion game rights are tied up with the BBC as part of their Hawkmoon miniseries.
  14. One is an ancient nonhuman demi-goddess and the other a millennia-old mystic tree. They are not bound by the same rules that restrict player characters.
  15. Two Jameses... Lowder and Coquillat. Not only that, but for many years Chaosium employed a male Lynne and now employs a female Lynne.
  16. Jason D

    RQG in German

    I have it firsthand that the crowdfunding campaign will be launching very soon. It is one of their highest priorities.
  17. It's a common name. See Sartarite Names on page 103 of the core book. Thinking they're the same person is like assuming two Jonathans you meet are the same guy.
  18. They were a case of the writer not being up-to-date with the new edition. Fixed in a new version of the book that'll be updated publicly soon.
  19. We are doing a fairly detailed version of Jonstown for an upcoming product, right in line after The Pegasus Plateau, but it is not a house-by-house level treatment.
  20. Clearly, we disagree entirely on the utility of this. Most of the feedback we get from layout is that all of the info you need for an encounter/scene should be present in one place, to minimize page flipping, especially for those using tablets. You have just said that page flipping is a problem, and yet you would like stat blocks at the end of the chapter... doesn't that guarantee more page flipping?
  21. Just a note, we are not removing functionality from the writeups. Many gamemasters have asked for spell costs (magic and Rune points) to be listed in writeups for convenience, requiring less page-flipping when spells are cast. Similarly, it is useful to note which entities know all common Rune spells and which do not, as some entities know only a handful of Rune spells and were not taught those spells as members of cults. You'll also note that armor listings have a new entry describing the Move Quietly penalty. This has not been figured into the default listed skill value, though, as there may be conditions where the adventurers meet the NPC when they are not ready for combat. The way we present content will likely change incrementally as we explore the game line and gain additional feedback from gamemasters and players. Please don't ask us to make needless changes for consistency when it should be obvious a change is being made for greater usability.
  22. Thanks for the feedback so far. We'll be reviewing it and making an update to the .pdf in the next week or so.
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