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Everything posted by pansophy

  1. Sorry to revive an old discussion within this thread, but I think I know why there is a "wrong" critical/special success table in the BRP rule book: To me it looks it is nearly impossible to have a short & compact table for it, as you cannot group the results into a meaningful table. You end up with a table showing all numbers from 1 to 100 to show the different values for each success rating. I have attached the critical & special success table, showing the fumbles, too. Please have a look and you will see the small nice table in the book really is a nice compromise. Critical Hit Table
  2. 421 downloads

    Here's a table that shows the critical and special successes as well as the fumbles related to the skill percentage. The skills run from 1 to 200 and is a bit large - there's no way to compress it Here are the formulas: Critical success: ROUNDING (Skill/20) no decimals Special Success: ROUNDING (Skill/5) no decimals Fumble: 100-(ROUNDING((100-Skill)/20;no decimals))
  3. Hi folks, I do not know how many PA players and groups are out there, but I know there will be some of them. So I decided to make my PA char sheet public, maybe it suits some peoples needs for a generic PA sheet. It can be found in the Download area: PA Sheet
  4. 447 downloads

    This is a PA char sheet based on my 2300AD sheet. I hope it is generic enough and you find it good looking as well. When printing, try the "scale to fit" Acrobat Reader option, so it fits nicely on the paper.
  5. All valid points! Thanks for the input. I think I am again on my "the one and only RPG system" trip. There is no such a thing, I know. BRP is one of the most versatile systems I ever played, that's for sure.
  6. No, I still like my BRP. I am just curious about what people think is wrong with the system, or what needs fixing. I will start with my 'bugs': - no good vehicle rules - no vehicle creation rules - no starships - the shield rules seem to be odd and always rise questions - weapons. These different Base Skill values annoy me - damage. Unless someone comes up with a good weapon damage creation system, what is the difference between 1d8 and 1d8+1 ?! How to judge this? Why not simply make broader categories with the same damage roll? - non lethal damage is missing - SIZ is not consistent and - ENC is a muddy mess - Fatigue rules are missing (?) So, that's it from my side. Nothing that really hampers the fun or usage of the system, but still annoying. Sometimes I think about the simplicity of "Barbarians of Lemuria" and wonder how easy that system is and still works. BRP in times seems to have a rule for everything, but then other important parts lack rules. Maybe I am just a bit grumpy today ...
  7. Hm, interesting point of view ... I always had the impression that the -30% subtraction is cumulative, regardless if you use different skills to parry - Dodge and Parry do stack, so why shouldn't two different combat skills ...
  8. Also, your warrior can always use his Shield skill at the same chance, which makes him independent from the actual weapon he is currently using. There might always be a situation where you have to use an unfavorable weapon, but yiur shield skill will always be available. We had a shield discussion a few months ago, so if you do a forum search it will show up. There were lots of ideas and answers in it as well.
  9. here's a quick formular for objects. It seems to be on the right way ... SIZ(object) = [bulk*10 + Weight(in kg) + Height(in cm)/20] /10 Bulk is a value between 0 and 10, usually 0 to 4. For Humans: SIZ= [CON*3 + Weight + Height/20] /10 These formular are not fully tested, but seem to work in a way as to show a relation between the three values used. Maybe they are useful ...
  10. Right, I messed it up. I was thinking 2 SIZ = 2 ENC, but referring to the SIZ table it could be 5 to 20kg and up to 60cm in dimension. And considering this, a size 2 object might really hamper your attempts to move that object around. SIZ & ENC have always been a muddy water in BRP. SIZ in it self is not consistent as well, the tables at pages 26, 296 & 277 all differ, the equipment chapter also says 1SIZ=1m (approx.). So there's no real truth in numbers here, only references and guesswork. Size also addresses the ability to handle an object, this is why some weapons have a high SIZ even if they are very light (or at least lighter). The thing is: does SIZ have to be absolute? Does it have to be a certain number? I don't think so, the references in the book are good enough to assign a value on the fly. A way to go might be to separate SIZ into it's ingredients: bulk, dimension, weight. And then put it into a formular to come up with a SIZ value.
  11. You are referencing to a size 2 object and a DTR of 11. Size 2 might mean a 2m long object weighting up to 1,2 kg. So the object might be very hard to handle or does not offer good surfaces to have a good grip. Ever handled a dryer alone? It's bulky, no handles and has slippery sides - while not heavy. I would give a dryer a size 2 or 3, and yes, there might be a 5% chance you cannot handle it.
  12. I think common sense should rule over game mechanics when ever possible. Because of your hitpoints a character still would not survive a fall from a skyscraper. Depending on the setting, that is.
  13. Well, the ranges are taken from the original 2300 setting, divided by 4 as that seems to result into a comparable value to the BGB. I was thinking they are a bit low, too, but during gaming usually it does not make a huge difference as most combats take place between 0 to 50m. And I must say 2300 is a lot more low tech than Traveller. So I am glad you agree with the values in a way and I am not too far off. Looking at Mr.LeDuc's rules (Risk), I never used them but now it makes me curious how they will hold up during play. i understand the intention for them, and it actually might help characters to survive combat. Definitivlely worth a try!
  14. so, how do your striker weapons hold up with my 2300AD tables? Do you think they are compareable?
  15. Well, we will never find out. I would now say this is a 'Datensenke' , which means it's something like a Black Hole
  16. where is the "I like it" button?!
  17. No , the modern weapons BRP Supplements covers things beyond weapons, as far as I know. So you get scopes, laser aiming and stuff like that. BTW: while discussing weapon damage, do not forget that sometimes damage is setting related or could be. And then there is bruise damage in addition to penetration damage - BRP does not address that. I think BRP is a gun maniac's nightmare as it is not even close to addressing damage in a realistic way. And then, who needs that. Not me. I like the vague description of 'medium pistol' in the BGB. As I do like the term 'long sword' for an 'estoc'. The differences I think are marginally and my campaigns do not rely on combat and combat is not realistic in an RPG anyway. All that matters is a sort of consistance within an RPG. Stuff! and "Guns, Guns, Guns" give you that, at least all weapons created with it are consistent. But then, there are so many examples in the BGB which you can simply modify ...
  18. "Operation: Sprechenhaltestelle" ?! WTF! Never heard about that game, it was about 5 years too early for me. And then, I wonder it it was available in Europe. But "Sprechenhaltestelle" is still a good laugh nowadays. What wanted they to say? What was the english word they tried to translate? Why is it translations were and still are done that bad in RPG's? Like "Maschinezeit". It's sad, really. But anyway, it looks like a nice grounded spy game ...
  19. I like it. I think the attributes and skills are not too high and kind of fit. Different versions of this alien can be easily created. Nice work and thanks for sharing!
  20. Actually, I just had a look into the BGB. It's still the AHRQ3 rule - looks I used a house rule for the last 15+ years, without knowing
  21. Not sure, but I think you make it too complicated: in BRP 37% is rounded to 40, 20%=8 and 5%=2 - easy. Are the AHRQ3rules really that fiddly?!
  22. ?! 5%= 10% halved 20%= 10% doubled never thought it is challenging ...
  23. Now I hope they will update the PDF as well The hardcover book really is a beauty. I have a bit of a bad cover (there's something trapped under the inner paper), but I guess it is just a seed of darkness that wants to come out and battle its way through the rules ... otherwise: I am very pleased with the book.
  24. So, Wayfarer will be direct competition to BRP as both claim to be a universal game system. OK, Wayfarer only for Fantasy, whereas BRP can cover all genres. But to me it seems Fantasy is the most used genre for BRP. Anyway, I am glad so many Monographs are out there for BRP that the 'Rise and Fall of RQII' does not even bother me It may also have a good thing coming with it: some gamers might be attracted to BRP now. :-D
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