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Everything posted by pansophy

  1. No, it's more like a Deja-vue that creeped up my back. Maybe I overreacted a bit, but the die hard SW fans sometimes seem to smell these threads and then the flaming starts. It was a general "Please don't ..." and not directed to you in particular
  2. it's amazing what some people are able to archive with a spread sheet program ...
  3. EDIT: Updated and calculated Percentage values at the end of the Thread. I know there are some people around here wanting to convert SW to BRP. Last weekend I had the problem to run a wonderful SW adventure, but with my BRP group - so I came up with the following quick rules: d4 = 25% d6 = 50% d8 = 63% d10 = 70% d12 = 75% +1 = 83% +2 = 92% +3 = 100% unskilled = 16 to 18% It worked amazingly well while not overpowering the NPCs. The rest ... I fudged. Every +1 to skills or rolls simply added 10 or 15%, other Edges and Hinderances I simply used as they were written (adding the 10-15%, or subtracting them). Together with my minion rules (can be found in the Downloads section) the adventure was smooth, fun and wild. Never thought it would be that simple. First I had my objections, since Wildcards in SW do roll an extra d6, but then I simply thought "in SW players are heros, BRP is more down to the earth". Maybe some people find these hints useful ... Ah! and it also works for the Cortex rules (Serenity, Battlestar Galactica, etc)
  4. I would not make it more complex as it is needed. Flight of 85mph I would rate as Speed Rate 12. Since speed and chase rules are more abstract in BRP, I would not make too much fuzz about an exact Rate-to-MPH formula. Using Speed Rate instead of mph makes things easier if your hero does chases and makes ramming attacks, so I personally would ignore the mph value at all. Additionally I would judge every level of Super Speed adds one to the Speed Rate of 12. And even if it's not in the BGB, make it a setting rule and you're all good!
  5. I always have trouble finding non-fantasy mappers. Seems Modern and Sci-Fi games are not appreciated much. Anyway, the one I currently extensively use is "Shuffler". It is Modern games and Sci-Fi only and extremely fast to use. It does have a bit of a limited feature set, but you can extend it with custom pics.
  6. As a fast simple option you can allow a player to roll an extra d10 that he may exchange for one of the usually rolled ones. As a cost I would judge about 5 to 8 power points. This raises chances of success considerable, though. @JonHook: you started a interesting discussion, so do not feel sorry
  7. You use your Power Points just as normal Magic users do.
  8. We had something similar for discussion a bit earlier, when I wanted to introduce the FATE Aspects into BRP. Turned out it's not a good idea to do it, because they change BRP in a way how it usually works. In my opinion it's the same with Dis-/Advantages. They are to add flavour, but should not change existing rules. My players can still add them to their characters, and when they come forward with a good idea how to involve them, they get rewarded. But there is no hard rules for them. It is a case by case decision which works fine all the time. Otherwise: Serenity/CORTEX System is simple to change over to BRP. Attributes: d4=8, d6=11, d8=13, d10=16, d12=18; add +/-1 due to Dis-/Advantages. Skills:d4=20%, d6=35%, d8=50%, d10=75, d12=90%. Weapons and armor can be converted by looking at BRP weapon tables and find something equivalent. The rest is fluff ...
  9. Chaot, thanks for the heads up. SB looks interesting, maybe I will give it a try
  10. call me stupid, but what is the Gods of Law monograph and which ruleset are you referencing to? Looks interesting, nice teaser!
  11. In the beginning our group never thought about the Mythos entities. All adventures looked like usual horror games, sometimes with a twist. The Mythos was introduced very late during the campaign, once all players were comfortable with the system. I think the Mythos is a nice add on, but it is in no way necessary. It is hard to find official non-mythos adventures though, but there are many out there. Sometimes you have to 'downgrade' the bad guy a bit to more human levels, but it works
  12. EABA conversion: These are my initial ideas. Use the 'd20 to EABA' conversion rules for Attributes (2300AD to EABA, not BRP to EABA!). Use the skills listed in the 2300AD rule book as they are (do not use any EABA skills). The 'Initial Training' in 2300AD converts to 1S skill packages for characters. NPCs are converted like this: Skill rating: EABA skill rating 0 2d (or +0d) 1 3d 2 4d 3 5d Weapons and Equipment would need a closer look, but there are enough examples in the main rule book to relate to. Usually different weapons of the same class will vary within the frame of + or - 2. Renown can be converted to the "Trait:Status" in EABA, still not 100% sure how to vary that in game, but it should be possible in a way. Maybe by using a kind of additional 'Hitpoint' column for it. Not sure exactly. The rest is more or less fluff and nothing too complicated. You also want to use hit-locations when playing EABA. And really, that should be it
  13. My pleasure, ORtrail. It was really fun doing it and although there are some minor errors in the PDFs I think they are still usable. And I hope people like them and use it not only for 2300AD but for many Sci-Fi settings. To me 2300AD always was the starting point for a more realistic space travelling game, I never really cared about 'canon' and did what I wanted to do with it: Aliens, Event Horizon, Cthulhu, Starship Troopers, etc. It was always possible and very easy to use my handwritten rules to create these settings. I think I will do an EABA conversion, but that depends what BTRCs 'Fires of Heaven' module offers.
  14. nothing more to say other than "impressive".
  15. Back in time when I used Corel Draw it was really simple. Draw some boxes, shapes, add them together, put some text above it - splendid. I have no idea what it's like nowadays, as my experience is about 12 years old.
  16. If you are a Mac user I can recommend OmniGraffle Pro. That's how I do all my DTP stuff. It's fast, easy and enough options to satisfy anybody. After creating the layout I use Acrobat to make the PDF editable and embed JavaScript to do the calculations needed. Pages on a Mac is nice, but still not as convenient as Omnigraffle in my opinion. Word, Excel and such never worked for me as the result always looks a bit of the same. On a Windows PC I probably would use Corel Draw, if that is still around and ticking.
  17. The thing that works for us at the moment is a bunch of cards having printed some scene aspects on them and listing their modifiers, e.g. "Dark corners, +20% modifier to actions" or "Against the sunlight, all actions Difficult". This helps everybody to remember what the scene looks like and every player can opt to use these cards (they are not always automatic modifiers) by explaining their use. It is a bit like Aspects, but without these FATE rules (free tagging, using a point to tag, etc.). To create these cards (if you like props) you can go here and make them look like this. The card listing an Advantage can also be used by a clever player to turn it into a disadvantage (sometimes just standing in bright light is not a that good idea). These cards do work for character Aspects as well. The players can create one card for free (listing an advantage) and can create more by creating a Disadvantage. The maximum of cards is half the characters Power Points and is counting against their Super Power limit (if using Super Powers). The modifiers can list Dis-/Advantages by using the super power rules, but it is encouraged to create different stuff without listing hard numbers (like Fast Reactions, Keen Eyesight, Sixth Sense, Connections in High Levels, Air of Mystery, Animal Friend, Fearless, Pain Resistant, etc.). This allows a more soft boundary where the card can be used with and offers a lot of nice role playing possibilities. Why cards? Because this way you do not forget you have that 'special you'. And if you lose a card or forget them at home - you cannot activate them during the game session or lost that 'special part of you'.
  18. Hi Bardic, no I do not have a cheat sheet, but I have to correct an error in your list: This is not correct, each extra Attack is "Difficult" and at -5 DEX ranks, but ONLY if it is a Missile weapon or any other weapon that has more than one Attack per round. Usually a character has only ONE attack per round (except modern Firearms or the character has a skill above 100%) Have a look here for a better clarification: Unofficial Errata
  19. Hi wbcreighton, thanks for the response and the overview. I think I will skip this setting then, as it is has too many Fantasy aspects and I am currently looking for something more SciFi leaning towards Fantasy. Thanks!
  20. Two questions: - "Escape from the Slavelands" - does it relate to this? - is it more a Fantasy RPG or does "ancient technology" play a part in it as well (and to what degree)?
  21. I don't know, but this seems to be a very easy thing to solve: Simply rule that characters cannot die (I have never seen a real SuperHero die) but just render him unconscious. And make sure to use the Total Hitpoint Option as well as lots of fate-points. X-Men will do ok with that. But in the end, it is just a matter of style. I also do think that different people have different opinions about what a SuperHero is and how much better that hero would be compared to normal folks. There are also such a lot of different subsections that define a superhero. My opinion: BRP does Supers very good - in its own way. It might need some rule here and there, but overall it is doing heros like Batman, Spiderman & Co in a way I would expect it to handle them.
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