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Everything posted by Soccercalle

  1. The Wind Stop in late 1621 makes it impossible to use rune magic from Orlanth or Ernalda. How have people played this? Have players stayed loyal and only using their spirit magic or have they switched allegiances to other cults? I guess that this is a typical YGWV issue but I wonder how you think about it. One of my Orlanthi players is also a lay member to Chalana Arroy and the step to that cult would not be too far. Another question regarding the Wind Stop. Would you consider Vinga an aspect of Orlanth or a separate deity with regard to using rune magic during the stop? I think that it must be considered an aspect/sub cult. It would be strange if for example Kallyr and Leika could keep their magic by just being women.
  2. It is often easier to become a priest/god-talker than a rune lord and one of the characters in my group (A farmer with some healing and fighting skills) will soon reach the thresholds for being a priest to Orlanth Thunderous. I am planning a longer campaign where the group will be traveling a lot and I am thinking about the possibility of having a priest in the group. I priest is more than a title or "cult level", it is also an occupation that demands actual work in a temple. Would it be possible to have a priest in a traveling adventure group or should it be a god-talker instead? The adventurer will of course stay true to Orlanth (or whatever god/goddess) , visit temples on holy days and sharing income with the cult. Any thoughts?
  3. Interesting and very well written. But isn't the Draconic thing more about summoning dragons and maybe communicating with them. Isn't this what happened at the Dragonrise and in the late Hero Wars when Argrath sent the dragons to attack the red moon. This write up seems more to be a way of becoming a dragon thru rune spells.
  4. There as well. In av five page long form. And all the special rune spells can be found in the Red Book of Magic. So if you combine those you have the Zola Fel writeup. (You actually dont read the Red Book of Magic, the spell descriptions are basically the same). I dont think Zola Fel will be in the coming Cults Book but in a future Pavis/Prax book.
  5. You can find it in the old Pavis books and in River of Cradles.
  6. I am also thinking about using Borderlands and other Paris/Prax scenarios in my campaign. We are at the moment playing "Six Seasons in Sartar" and I plan to run "Company of the Dragon" after that. Six Seasons ends in Sea Season 1620 och Company otD starts in Earth Season 1620. I am thinking that the leaders of the "Third Wind" (the Sartar rebel group) sends the adventurers east on some kind of mission. Or maybe that they just need to avoid the Lunars for the time being. Or maybe they need to find more information for the Dragon part of the larger story. I thinking of a time-line like this: Storm Season 1620: Borderlands Campaign. The group will hate Lunars but I think they can work with Raus as long as he is not an initiate of a Lunar religion. Sea Season 1621: "One High Priest to Many" (from Strangers in Prax) and "the Cradle" (from Pavis & Big Rubble) Fire Season 1621: "Gaumatas Vision" (from Shadows on the Borderlands) They need to be back in Sartar in Storm Season 1621 to run the CotD scenario "StormĀ“s age" An alternative is to move "The Forging" to Earth Season 1621. It can make more sense to have the adventurers being fugitives in the east. "The dragon" can then ask them to go west again.
  7. Yes. But I dont consider Telmori to be undead.
  8. I probably would. It have not been an issue yet. But yeah, I would.
  9. I think that I have read somewhere that some undead only can be hurt by magical weapons. But I find no information about that when I read about vampires or Dancers of Darkness in the Bestiary. Have I misunderstood the rules? i find information about the Telmori being immune to most weapon when in wolf-form.
  10. I am not using the rules for foci or ENC. I will probably only use ENC if it becomes an issue. I have told a humakti player that she must choose between wearing broadsword and shield or wearing a great sword (she is good in both). If she wants to carry both on her body there will be a penalty. I am only using ENC to lower skill roles when it comes to jump, climb and dodge. The most important thing is for dodge. A fighter must choose if the strategy is to parry or absorb damage. Or if the strategy is to avoid being hit. In the later case they should not wear anything heavier than leather. As a matter of fact. I only reduce jump, climb and dodge if they wear metal armor. I dont reduce it for wearing a sword or something like that. I dont force them to use rolls for casting spirit spells outside combat (strike ranks). If they are entering a dungeon and wants to cast bladesharp och protection before, they can do that without using rolls. They just reduce the magic points.
  11. Is ANYONE using the fatigue rules from RQ3? I think very few used them even in the days of RQ3.
  12. Soccercalle

    TotRM 19

    I am planning to take my players to the Upland Marsh and wonder if it is possible to get a copy (digital or physical) of Tales of The Reaching Moon 19?
  13. Do we have any information of when and where Chaosium will publish rules for Hero Points? GM Guide or something else?
  14. I would probably have the players make a DEX roll. If they fail I will give them -20 in their weapons skill. It can be DEXx5 if the chariot is going on normal ground and lower if it on bumpy ground.
  15. 63 rune points at the age of 12. At 25 she could eat Ralzakark or Harrek for breakfast.
  16. I realised after some googling that the Shieldwalls part of S&S is described in the Mythic Britain-book for Mythras. Seems to be quite easy to use and you could use Battle and Orate Skills from RQG. But is probably more done for battles with 20+ fighters than for 10-15 (where individual battle skills is more important).
  17. Is Glorantha Skirmish Wars a game in itself or a module to use in other games like RQG? This is the first time I hear about it.
  18. I guess that the RQG Battle Skill is appr the same as Strategy & Tactics.
  19. Hi. I wonder if there are some good rules anywhere about handling battle with say 10-20 people. Not a large battle like Dangerford or Auroch Hills but something that is too large for using the standard strike rank rules.
  20. I totally agree. But Leika and Nameless are under 40. And probably very active in the uprising after the Dragonrise.
  21. She still has the ballista in her write up. With a 125% skill. If she had more than 120 in 1621 it seems odd if she only has 125% in 1625. (Especially as all skill levels are higher in RQG).
  22. I was looking thru the skill levels of the pregens and the NPCs in the Starter and GMs Screen sets. A lot of the starter characters have some skills around 100%. For example Harmast has Broadsword 100 and Vasana has Broadsword 90. They are both 21 years old. I then looked at some of the top NPCs. Queen Leika has Broadsword 105 at the age of 37. That seems very low. The first time she become king of the Colymar was 11 years earlier. She must have been a Wind Lord of Vinga already then (at 26) with a Broadsword skill of 90. I find it ridiculous that the most famous Vinga of the Colymar only has a 5% higher sword skill than a 16 year younger new Issaries initiate. Ok. One can say that Leika is more of a leader than a fighter. But if you look at "Nameless" at age 34 the Broadsword level is "only" 120. She is described as champion of the Colymar already in "Sartar Kingdom of Heroes" that is happening in 2019. How can - maybe the best fighter in the Colymar - only have 20 more points than a new character. After having been champion for at least six years.
  23. That is great. I also guess that the hero/heroes that rescues his soul gets some kind of inside track of joining the Hero Cult.
  24. Yeah. I will try to adapt the Colymar Campaign to the period. The Eleven Lights will be harder as it doesn't really work together with Six Seasons/COTD. But I will use Return to Apple Lane and maybe some other scenarios.
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