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Everything posted by d(sqrt(-1))

  1. If you don't mind a bit of plagiarism try stealing Sárku from Tékumel: http://www.tekumel.com/world_gods10.html On Tekumel he is a major deity and accepted as part of normal life...he can also create zombies and jagji, who are undead that are practically indistinguishable from the living...
  2. Yeah, you tell 'im! I'd like to know 'cos I have a voucher that expires at end Oct, so I'd like to know if I should spend it now or wait for more stuff to come out...
  3. Do we have a date for the GoG pdf? Sometime after the GM's book I guess (do we have a date for that too?)
  4. In this post: MOB suggests that the odd P&P that Finnish/Swedish backers are getting is due to postcodes not being formatted with a space in the right place(!) I just checked my (UK) order and it too does not have a space in the postcode - does that also mean that my address is being interpreted as in the US (even though the country field says UK)?
  5. I don't wish to state the bleeding obvious, but couldn't it actually look at the "Country" field to work out where the customer is? It seems daft to me if you have to format your postcode in a specific (non-obvious) way.
  6. If it's a few £ different no problem, but my worry might be that if it does physically come from the US, surface, it could take weeks, also (as Soccercalle says) possibly hit by customs, VAT and the ripoff charge for being charged (although books don't normally get hit you never know) My partner works in a PO, I'll ask her what she thinks...
  7. I ordered yesterday and thought the P&P was bit expensive - I'm wondering if the same has happened to me, shipping was £9.76. Looking here: https://www.royalmail.com/personal/sending-parcels/ I would expect it to be about half that. I've sent a query to customer service. Order 158579.
  8. Sure, I can see they might not want you reading at work (not even at lunchtime?) but if they try telling you what you can and can't read when it's obviously not porn - hmmmmm. Also, presumably the people going through it were also being paid for their time doing that over 449 pages and being irrevocably corrupted in the process? As I say, I'd be tempted to take in a big art book of classical nudes to read, or maybe the office could do with a nice renaissance piece of art like this to appreciate http://www.mheu.org/en/timeline/gabrielle-estrees.htm
  9. I'd be tempted to take into work a book on classical art and read that instead... Although, given what happened to you at work I can't quite square that with the OP. You were told off for reading something deemed unsuitable for YOU to read at work, and then posted here that the art needs to change? It sounds like you are doing the person attempting to censor you's work for them...
  10. I bought the PDF of the main rule book, but looking back I don't seem have received a coupon code - where would I find it? Or have they not been issued yet?
  11. Oh no - after 42 years of role-playing I'm still on training wheels! Farewell cruel world...
  12. Yes, imagine how bad it would be if one always succeeded 5% of the time and failed regardless of skill 5% of the time - the horror!
  13. Well I was talking about the GM taking it away, not an in-game reason/NPC etc. If someone has put points/effort into something then I'm going to make sure they can get it back or quest for a new one.
  14. Yes that's exactly what I would do too - let them do something to get it back.
  15. So what does and mean then? Sorry I'm confused now.
  16. From a game point of view, if the player has made the commitment and taken the geas, it seems a bit crappy to then take the sword away from them but leave them with the geas.
  17. If the sword is part of the geas to Humakt then if it is destroyed I could see the PC having to go back to a temple for a ritual to consecrate(?) a new one, like getting an allied spirit etc. After all they have taken the geas as part of the deal and Humakt would honour that, surely. Of course they might have to go without it for a while until they can get to a (large?) temple...
  18. Does the damage double twice? I could see that it might be that the damage is only(!) tripled i.e. the base damage is basically added on for each doubling.
  19. TBH I can't be bothered to watch something 3 hours long - any summaries?
  20. Hm if Oct/Nov that's annoying, as it means if I want to use my coupon I basically want to wait for all the pdfs to come out before I use it - which means I can't buy them until near the end of Sept...oh well I guess it's only about 10 weeks or so...
  21. I have a coupon code from the Miskatonic University KS that is valid until end Sept. Do we know if the hard copies will be up for (pre) purchase at that time?
  22. I assumed it was because they are De-Ve-Is!
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