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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 56 minutes ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    Ray is still around.  He did suffer a stroke a decade ago and has speech aphasia, though he understands others well..  Let me know if you want contact info.

    I am a fan boy of the early RQers and I wonder if he would appreciate that. Sometimes folk hate that kind of stuff. The first time I chatted with MOB I was apologizing for being excited so much he knew I was Canadian before I said I was.

  2. 2 hours ago, Gamesmeister said:
    On 11/5/2022 at 6:36 AM, Scotty said:

    Sadly we don't have the original developers around anymore to answer that question, but as I said:


    27 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I think what is happening here is that Scotty is interpreting the rules as written, and hasn't gone back to the current authors (Jason, Jeff) to get a change considered.

    May I offer another possible (and sadder) interpretation. He may be referring to Steve Perrin and Ray Turney... 


  3. The 11th hour approaches, the cannons roar will soon echo in the valley where I live, just down the road from our legislature. 21 times they will fire and I will begin to cry as their echoes make me recall...


    Too many died in too many senseless battles for too few yards of French or Belgian dirt... too young! One of our young boys died as the last to fall in that horrible war "To End All Wars" just 2 minutes before 11:00 o' clock!



    Despite their best efforts, war continued... a mere 21 years later they would be singing sad songs all over again...



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  4. I have been trying to find a bit more reference to musical giants and did find this in Ian Cooper's masterpiece... "The Coming Storm"....




    Called Drumtop, this hill was the drum of Lant Ulfar.


    The clans around it can gain special Drum magic when they drum upon it, and they do.


    and I will tease y'all with a taste of a tale of Lant Ulfars... just a tease though, there is more in "The Coming Storm"...




    Lant Ulfar the giant lived in the Quivin Mountains during the Gods Age. He was content just to live his life and beat his drum, but one god annoyed him: Larnste, the God of Motion. Larnste could not stop, no matter the need, but was always constantly in motion. His footsteps would interrupt Lant Ulfar’s drumming, so the giant decided one day to stop Larnste.


    Makes me think of that great song... "I don't want to work I just want to bang on my drum all day!"

  5. I was perfectly happy for this social experiment to die on the good note we had achieved... and still am. With luck it can now go away and the conversation, as you say, can go on where it belongs—in public agora across your nation... and hell, for that matter my nation! 

    So, nachos, eh?

  6. 51 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Some will also think, "well, kind of ... but  'the partisan problem'  is much worse with those guys" (note that this occurs on both sides).

    It is, truly! That is why I thought to have a hippy dippy peaceable type of topic. It would be easy to not talk to "those people" or "them" or (fill in descriptor of choice) but talking is better than the alternatives, I suppose. Eff predicted a good and peaceful outcome to me and as usual she was correct. Being a neighbour, I am pleased. 

  7. On 11/9/2022 at 2:18 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

    I will again ask that any further posts be kind and gentle. 

    That does not sound too gentle, svensson. Can any further posts please be kind and gentle.

    25 minutes ago, svensson said:

    British folks, correct me if I'm wrong on that one.

    Please don't.

    • Haha 1

    6 hours ago, huntsfromshadow said:

    In my case as I'm running a Duet game for my Husband I was going to try to pull some together for inspiration if I get stuck. Wasn't planning on using the Mythic or Ironsworn systems, going to run the game in RQG, but inspiration help is useful sometimes.


    Again I recommend the solo online game who's main purpose is to teach the RQ rules. It will save you the need for inspiration for your 1st game and will help you over any rough spots. For your convenience I repeat the URL below. All you will need are dice, but the free rules of the quick start may come in handy (see below).

  9. A new day dawns and war has not broken out... the armed polling stations did not occur (to the best of my knowledge). Votes were cast and though some egos were bruised democracy ticks ever forward. Valind's Glacier being a  neighbour, I can breath a sigh of relief and thank the gods and goddesses that good ol' fashion decency came out as a winner. I am positive that all was not perfect, and I think this thread is coming to a close, but as it is not closed... I will again ask that any further posts be kind and gentle. 


    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Barak Shathur said:

    The later contributions here have been truly awesome. Again, the information contained in this thread alone would seem to justify a dwarven supplement. 


    Agreed as I said above, I am really beginning to dig RQ dwarves... A LOT! Greg got me to hating them back in the 80s (?) with his "Why I hate Dwarves" Different Worlds article but some great posts here... some nice canon from Jeff, et voila!

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/20/2022 at 11:43 AM, Atgxtg said:

    Seriously, every GM with any experience has messed something up badly, at least once, and most have done it multiple times.

    Can you imagine playing with an individual who absolutely refuses to acknowledge the GMs right to err! It was horror beyond imagining, I bet y'all can imagine horror in this forum

    • Like 1
  12. Exhibit one:


    May I present for your amusement:


    Bundalini and His All-Skeleton Band

    No bones about it they are the best!

    If you have access to Sartar Companion for HeroQuest (alas no longer available, but may make a comeback with QuestWorld) you can read about this fellow and he does make surprise appearances in the King of Dragon Pass video game.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  13. 5 hours ago, huntsfromshadow said:

    So I'm seeing if anyone has put together any Glorantha focused oracle tables similar to how Mythic, Ironsworn, or the other solo rpgs have for quick inspiration or ideas.  Was planning on using Mythic and Ironsworn's table but was hoping for something more Glorantha focused as well.

    55 minutes ago, Beoferret said:

    I'm not familiar with the systems you mention

    4 hours ago, g33k said:

    I don't recall the precise thing you are looking for, but I note the old RQ tradition of "rumor tables" that one might repurpose.


    Beoferret, I believe you are shooting into the dark here. I have done a little digging because I had no idea what she was referring to, and this is what I have found. Now I could be mistaken but it seems that what huntsfromshadow (let me know if I get this right, hfs) is referring to is a soloquest system called Oracle and it has been ported to several systems... except  RQ. It has a series of tables that aid in creating random encounters and quests on the fly... the quote below describes tables for DnD. Now, in a way g33k is close in his rumour table idea, and two sources have tables for events (the old Glorantha Box set for RQ3, but this is no good for a newcomer (out of print, very expensive and not very deep), and the megalithic two tomes of the Guide to Glorantha... great books but not very practical for what hfs is asking for although their are brief events tables in them.

    Sorry for being a little pedantic with this explanation, hfs but if I did not, you would have had everyone jumping in blindly to offer assistance as I am guessing many here (myself included) have/had no idea what Oracle is... You may wish to chime in and give a thumbnail describing what it is and what it does (and correct any errors I have made for that matter).

    • Quote

      5e with an Oracle and 100+ pages of tables for creating quests, picking monsters, or the troll’s toenail color (well, no table for that, probably)



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  14. 24 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    From a backgroud perspective : <snip>

    Nice FDW, and JRE. Since Jeffs expose on the new Mostali I have been getting quite enthusiastic about them. And I think you both have some excellent points to ponder. Feeling incredibly ill today so I will leave the heaving thinking for tomorrow. But thanks for some interesting stuff to look forward to.


  15. 44 minutes ago, huntsfromshadow said:

    So I'm seeing if anyone has put together any Glorantha focused oracle tables similar to how Mythic, Ironsworn, or the other solo rpgs have for quick inspiration or ideas.  Was planning on using Mythic and Ironsworn's table but was hoping for something more Glorantha focused as well.


    Just a quick question, have you tried  the free solo scenario "The Battle of Dangerford"? It seems to be impossible to find on the chaosium.com site so I have included a link below... Folk say it is a great way to learn RQ. And it is free!


  16. On 11/4/2022 at 7:03 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    with a little addition (if i m not wrong, do not hesitate to confirm) you can cast only 1 rune spell per round *, as it takes effect always sr 1 (p314)


    plus the number of MPs boosting the Rune Spell over one as SRs. (i.e.) Heal Wound for 5 points would take effect on SR 5.

    • Like 1
  17. So here we are—a few good wishes, a little trepidation heavily tempered with hope, and a new election day dawns. Are we going to make a difference. I don't think so, but it is nice to see the BRPers united and wishing America well. And I am sure we are not alone in hoping that niceness wins this election. There are pockets all over the States where people are talking to each other and wishing each other well. But we are here so, thanks folk for being nice! Thanks for the hope, and thanks for taking time out of the reason we are all here. To see Bill make only one joke in a topic (who knew)... nope... great d100 gaming! Before I start to sound like I am on the stump (campaigning in an effort to garner votes and political support, for those not hip to American political jargon according to The Free Dictionary) I will just say good luck America.


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