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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. One of the longest serving members, most prolific of the writers and simply a great talent in the band Fleetwood Mac has passed on. So allow me to post a fond goodby to one of my favourite writers and singers: Christine McVie! Here is my favourite song that she penned, sung by her and Lindsay Buckingham and backed by the band!

    Thanks for all the great dreams your songs evoked!

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  2. 20 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

    You travel there multiple times and it generates your nightmares as a composite of the group that is traveling together? Sounds like Cthulhu though I have not played it...

    What I was thinking is that the realms of gods, daemons and the dead (of many different, if not all, species) would seem to be different to those who perceive it, and them—kind of like a good song, poem, or tale—or even Glorantha itself! Besides, how could a human imagination take all this in... I would assume in such a place a mortal mind would need myth to use as a shield, protecting the individual consciousness from the confusion surrounding, swirling around and threatening to consume it.

    Follow the yellow brick road... and do not leave it—at your own peril!

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  3. 29 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    How is the Styx Water gained from any Hero Question different from Styx Water gained from physically being there to obtain it? Would they have the same effect versus vampires?


    Oh hell, broken record time... but in a topsy turvy way. I always say that from the mundane everyday point of view that HeroQuesting is as common as going to church on sunday... If it is magical it has an element of the HeroQuest. Here I will say that one does not get to Styx with out being on a quest in the first place.


    26 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    Also is there an entrance to the River Styx from the mundane plane? I assume the Syphon flows to the Underworld but not directly into the River Styx, or does it?


    in a magic world, define mundane. I have heard it said there is an entrance to hell in Sartar, so just start walking!


    27 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    , and the trolls claim that at its bottom is an opening to the River Styx.

    And I doubt they are wrong!


    28 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    When I look at the map of the Underworld I see the River of Swords but not the River Styx. Sartar Kingdom of Heroes map - The Underworld p.343

    I was reading somewhere that there were several rivers in Hell, or that the River Styx had several branches? Any help on this?

    Sorry, beyond my ken. But someone here will know.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:


    I'll bet this is an obvious pun and I will be deeply embarrassed when it is explained however... Please do explain if you would.

    13 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Incidentally, "Uncle Fulmakt" is one letter away from the Norwegian word for "Uncle Power of Attorney".

    Proving the pen is truly stronger than the sword!


    Obviouslix will be my contribution to this silliness!

  5. Can't find you a citation at the moment... way sick, but the rune you are referring to still exists and I believe it is still held by Issaries it is just not germane to the players, ergo is not part of the RQ G core rules. All the players need are the Elemental runes the Power and two of the Form runes to be able to play RQ G.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Andrew M said:

    Apparently I am unlikely. They are on the schedule to be run as part of the current campaign

    That is the reason I ask all to use spoilers, they are dead easy, simple enough to use... Why ruin other's fun and not do so?

    The 5th icon, or the first of the 2nd series of icons... the eyeball! Click that with text selected and voila! I do not worry about the player who has to cheat, you can not defeat such a one in the internet age. I worry about the player, no fault of their own, who stumbles upon the info that should have been spoilered—inadvertently.

    Thanks for the support and comment Andrew.

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  7. Well, as a long supporter of TDM, this saddens me. It is a first stumble by a great group, and I hope this very classy group can come up with a good response and institute an equally classy solution. Good luck mssrs. Whitaker and Nash!

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  8. A quick note to all. Some of those modules mentioned will end up costing their purchasers a small fortune if bought in an auction or on-line. Please protect such investments with spoilers... I know there is one here who will mock me and I will happily start posting their scenarios secrets and ruin the value of their products if they wish, but just imagine if you had spent a small fortune for a RQ3 module and have your players through no fault of their own stumble upon a posted secret that is the central part of a multi-game scenario. 

    Cheers and thanks all for your forbearance!

  9. 46 minutes ago, EricW said:

    How much of a problem is Thanatar and Krarsht in the Lunar Empire?


    I would imagine the Empire's corrupt folk and those seeking to control corrupt folk (anyone in power who would do anything to maintain said power) would use the cult Thanatar and its adherents to their own selfish advantages. Even more so with the secretive and power seeking Krarsht cultists, but here one is playing with fire...


    21 minutes ago, Ali the Helering said:

    If the Crimson Bat has a place, I don't see why Thanatar is that big an issue, tbh.

    The crimson bat does not seek to take over the empire, just eat it!

    Now as Peter says, the bat can be controlled. I assume the two cult who originate this topic would be more dangerous to try to control but if controlled (the local elements of the cults, not the whole) could be of great benefit to those holding the reins. Of course the fools who do not try control those cults but simply attempt to utilize powers they might gain from worship could end up finding themselves being controlled instead. (an oldie but goldie as far as tropes go, and one tool that should be in any devious GM's toolkit).


    18 minutes ago, AlHazred said:

    The Bat is basically relegated to questionable areas at the edge of the Empire, where it can feed on foreign barbarians and unnecessary locals.


    And there is that as well... 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, scott-martin said:

    Oh you guys. Community philanthropy is the heart of every temple or shrine that accepts (or demands) public donations. What they do with the income is a factor of the cult in question. 

    I was going to mention the Teelo Nori (is it?) poor house in Pavis. Of course some of the callous might call it a front for the empire.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    To a large extent, this is a matter of semantics. There’s interaction with a myth when you go full heroquesting to kill the Emperor, as well as when children play it as a game. There’s just vastly more of it in the first case.


    Agreed. I read Jeff's post and to my mind it says pretty much what I said a little earlier. Semantics... But in a land of magic, and deities in streams and souls in rocks, I will always see room for a quest of heroic proportions (dare I say an HeroQuest) in a child's game. Sorry Darius, we usually agree, but here... we diverge. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Jex said:

    I guess for now I'll stick with my version of the history of the Lonendi tribe, but I'll keep thinking about this.  Thanks again for your advice and information.

    That is one good possibility, contacting the author is another (if the author is on this site, even better).

    Best of luck to you!

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  13. 5 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    This has been the case for our groups. A Bear's Strength plus a Strength spell makes any Javelin toss or Sling stone do deadly damage. I dunno if RAW has sling get half DB but, we do at our table. 


    Yes, according to a question I asked Scotty that now resides in the Well of Daliath.

  14. 2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Huh? No they aren't. They are what they are, if anything it's the other way around. Cults are supposed to be making their god as strong as possible, and that involves reinforcing the god's nature.



    1 hour ago, svensson said:

    Hunting and hunting gods use ALL technologies and applicable magics to bring the protein to the people. Sure, it's snares for small game and pit traps for migrating herds but ALL missile weapons... everything from javelins to crossbows [OK, so darts are under-kill and arbalests... well, that just depends on what you're hunting]... are happily used as another tool to get the job done.


    Dwarven cannons for the win!


    1 hour ago, svensson said:

    Certainly, some societies are more primitive in their technologies than others. These societies will portray the hunter god as throwing spears and driving herds off cliffs. Other societies are far more sophisticated and will show the hunt as using beaters to drive prey into the kill zone for missile users.

    I was with ya all the way until this point, so that is not so bad. One has to ask about the tech level of those who used buffalo jumps, such as "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump" just down the road a few hours from my home. I believe scientific thought was that the jump was used by a technologically sophisticated and very modern (as all the first nations being around 14000 years old in this area of the world would be considered) folk. The first nations folk of the area would agree.


    1 hour ago, SDLeary said:

    A bow is certainly higher on the tech tree than a boomerang/throwing stick, so the period in Time matters. Once Bows were thing, then they were, well, a thing! You might not use the bow (early bows anyway) to take down large game, but your group might use them to ring the game in from a distance and harry them, while others move in with heavier weapons for the kill.




    48 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    The objective of the hunter is to either kill the animal or for it to escape unharmed. It serves nobody for an animal to run off wounded.

    Quite so!


    35 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    It is a hunter’s ethical responsibility to stop the hunt and search for any wounded animal. However, I am not sure this was the same view in the past when people depended on hunting for survival. A wounded animal was easier to track and eventually take down.


    This does seem plausible, I would imagine that the hunt would not end until the wounded, dangerous to the tribes, and precious food source prey was run to ground!


    35 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    In comaring Speedart to Multimissle we should also compare how much Multimissle since its a variable spell. If we are discussing Multimissle 1 the advantage is to Speedart, but if we are talking Multimissle 4 then there is no doubt that it is better. So, the question is Multimissle 2 better than Speedart? I would say yes, assuming low armor targets, but that is my opinion.

    I have seen foes levelled with the toss of one javelin and MM 3 (and a wee bit of strength) when similar foes would take MR after MR of time to drop with melee weapons. Oh and the foes had okay armour, but the first MM is still able to crit or special and the Javelins are still 1D10!

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