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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 2 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    The PDFs say: 

    Permission is granted to purchasers to use these illustrations in Jonstown Compendium publications (with a credit to the artist), and to GMs and players solely for their own use in handouts and character sheets, but not for wider publication. The labels can be removed, and the images reduced in size, but no other changes can be made for publication without permission.
    A free copy of any Jonstown Compendium publication using this artwork, whilst not mandatory, would be appreciated.

    Sweet so I got it mostly right, just missed the good neighbour policy of a free copy (which I have to say is very cool!).

    Thanks M, good sir. I could not find that anywhere.

    PS: this was one of my first JC purchases (and therefore RQG purchases period, there were not that many out back then). Love it, though I have barely cracked it's enormous heft it is one of my faves of the modern books and PDFs.

  2. 4 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

    Martin’s three art packs are bundled with the digital edition of The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass.


    So, I opens my folder: " The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass"... and within I find...

    Oh My Gods and Goddesses... there they are. And they're beautiful!



    2 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    Now free with 'Armies & Enemies of Dragon Pass'.

    What license does that come with....personal use only? JC use if credited?


  3. 4 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    the authors of that are Young Earth creationists whose and not actual archaeologists and admitted to manipulating the photographs. They wished to identify the site as Sodom. Their "dig" was by an uncredited Evangelical Christian diploma mill, Trinity Southwest.


    Nice digging Q.

  4. 6 hours ago, Mordante said:

    I'm interested in what house rules people are using especially when it comes to combat 

    Please could you share these both combat and non combat rulings.


    I am very much a minimalist when it comes to house rule... luckily a few of my house rules have been confirmed as actual rulings in the WoD. Here's is my stndard intro to the players...



    House Rules

    To start I intend to use the rules as written, but...Keep an eye peeled here for changes to this policy.

    The following are house rules we used for my old game.


    Attack/Parry Table

    Any references to hitting adjacent areas on this table are removed. Please roll random Hit Location instead. Always hated this... harder to remember and the RAW actually make the critical hits vs standard parry successes actually weaker than standard attack success vs standard parry success as entered in the table (weapon arm only is hit with a crit vs normal success as opposed to possible deadly body, chest or head hits possible with a random D20 Hit Location roll one would get on a successful hit and a successful parry). 


    Skill Checks/a

    As per WoD, an adventurer should (not by default, but ideally) be able to adventure 3 weeks per season and accumulate skill ticks for each skill successfully used in a gain/loss pressure situation, work in a field for 5 weeks and accumulate 4 relevant Occupation skill ticks, and train or practice one skill to gain a tick. Please provide an SOI to reflect the training, or occupation ticks. One sentence per tick will suffice. 

    Most importantly, one tick per Season.

    Well of Daliath now concurs... but we had it first! Yay!


    Skill Checks/b

    Skills can be increased in a similar way for the two weeks of Sacred time as they can be with occupations above with the following caveat. The full two weeks will be needed to add 4 cult skill ticks or ticks that in some way influence your Sacred Time Experience (check with GM for last). POW as per standard rules (See WoD for clarification) gets one tick if Sacred Time worship is successfully observed.


    Animals and Experience. 

    Some experience ticks are possible.

    This was a response Scotty made to one of my questions in RQ Q&A and I believe it has made it to the WoD. Bottom line, use common sense and MGF.




    4 hours ago, David Scott said:
    • Descriptive roleplaying usually trumps any die rolling unless it's an important scene and failure is an interesting story branch

    I would love to  institute this but find most GMs and players I have played with seem to like the randomness of dice rolling. But I do love this!


    4 hours ago, David Scott said:
    • I often ignore strike ranks and just go round the table clockwise and use player order.

    Does it work well?


    4 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

    I don't bother rolling for Rune magic recovery between sessions: every adventurer starts each seasonal adventure with all their Rune points.

    Sounds much simpler... I think I prefer a touch of crunchy ol' skool strategy here.

    3 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    For me, as few house rules as possible.  I would like a new player to be able to come in and play without a lot of surprise "no, that failed, we do it a different way".  


    My main reason for keeping house (really should be table rules, I like the players to bring forth great ideas too) rules simple. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Silverfoxdmt73 said:

    I can't answer for Chaosium products specifically, but I've recently bought from a UK online shop (Zatu Games) and had good experiences with them regarding the Bits & Mortar scheme. It takes a few days, but the half dozen books I've purchased in the last year have all had the relevant PDFs provided after ordering the physical product. 

    So you had a digital copy to read while waiting for the physical? Was the physical copy available or did you have to preorder (and possibly prepay) to gain access to the PDF in advance. If not, what kind of scheme did they have. @MOB, please let me know if this can be considered off-topic. I can drop the questions, but I really do not think it would stand on it's own as a thread and I must admit I would like to know if my strategy of buying a goodly amount from sources other than Chaosium has the benefits I postulate... I live in a Chaosium wasteland (CoC and some copies of MRQ when I ran the first Demo (Broken Tower) for RQG back in '17). but when I ordered the Starter Set to my FLGS they did bring in a few extra copies, a few sets of RQRiG and a few copies of the RBoM.

    Seems like a win.

  6. 1 hour ago, ThornPlutonius said:

    Thanks, Bill!  I was actually thinking Design Mechanism when i wrote that.  Sometimes I type before being fully grounded in reality.  I bought the pdf from Chaosium and look forward to buying the physical book with the discount applied. 


    But answering you allowed me a chance to ask the question... "Has anyone had bad or good results with either Bits and Mortar or Drivethru in this regard?" and also to see if there was any Chaosium Staff opinion on my theory of buying from a FLGS with access to bit and mortar or via Drivethru actually benefitting Chasoium in spreading the word.


  7. 12 hours ago, Darius West said:

    If there is religious significance to Trollball I wish there weren't.  Why does everything have to have religious significance? 

    Damn Glorantha, what is all this religion about anywa...

    • Haha 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Eff said:

    A true Loyalty (Argrath) 90 knows where to get pitch, naphtha, and lighter fluid in a hurry to help the Prince with any, um, ignition problems. 


    Step away from the peril, ma'am! It is far too... perilous. Jokes like that are known to spontaneously combust and require the skills of an expert.


    • Haha 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    So, the consensus of opinion is that this is not a good idea. Shame, really.

    As long as there is a Simon Phipp Esq., or memories of him at the very least, I do believe Gloranthas everywhere will be safe to vary widely!

    • Like 4
  10. On 11/30/2022 at 2:09 PM, Lynne H said:

    You can if you buy it directly from Chaosium.

    I always suggest that you buy from Chaosium, I believe they get more cash that way and Dustin is great at getting the coupons for the discount to you when needed. That said, I did want to mention that I think Bits and Mortar and Drivethru might work like that as well (purchase a PDF when it becomes available and get the Hardcover when it becomes available for its price minus the price of the PDF that you already bought). It would be wise to do the research first before buying and suffering remorse, though. 

    If it does work, this might result in less cash for Chaosium, but I wonder if letting others in the industry know they (Chaosium) are "back in black" with materials other than CoC might be worth it. More purchases might equal more shelf-space or pixel bandwidth.


    On 11/30/2022 at 11:23 AM, ThornPlutonius said:

    I would be more willing to buy the pdf  upon early release if I could then apply its cost towards the purchase of the physical book.

    As above, but Thorn, do your due diligence to be sure you can get the proper discount. No need to be disappointed after all.


    2 hours ago, MrMacabre said:

    I’m using an apple iPad not a pc when I clock Potts it block nothing happens I have to select edit then tap where in doc I tap portrait box and add image pick image and it goes in while of doc???

    Sorry good sir, I can not make heads or tails out of that. You may wish to try to rephrase that one more time or hope for someone more perceptive than I.


    Has anyone had bad or good results with either Bits and Mortar or Drivethru in this regard?


    • Like 2
  11. 13 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

    Thinking of you folks in Canada and the US at this time when Christmas isn't a season of rejoicing and reunion

    Though ones mileage may vary, the countryside evident in the background of the following video is not representative of Valind's Glacier, where this barbarian hangs his horns, at Solstice!
    Though many frozen denizens wish it were!


    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

    Thinking of you folks in Canada and the US at this time when Christmas isn't a season of rejoicing and reunion

    Thankfully I am too ill to go and see how bad it is outdoors... yay, illness!

    Give me an

    and an 

    What's that spell. 

    Malia for the win!

    • Helpful 1
    • Haha 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, AlHazred said:

    Actually, I decided to take a look at Duck Tower (I posted without actually checking my copies of the books) and I was incorrect with that one. The opening of the module notes that a group of Humakti ducks were expelled from their village and journeyed "several months" to the location of the Legendary Duck Tower. After settling there, the Tower was overcome by Zorak Zorani trolls who looted the place, killed everyone, and then left. The tower fell into ruin and has remained so for "104 years." That points to the possibility that the Legendary Duck Tower is in a region nearer to troll lands than the Upland Marsh. You could place it in the Stinking Forest, or put it in the western reaches of Dagori Inkarth.


    I might be stretching here, but it aint tha foist time!

    A ZZ raid is not impossible into the March... I could think of a few reasons they might wish to visit a tower in there

    • Like 1
  14. 8 hours ago, JRE said:

    Hrelar Amali and the humans of Western Ralios would beg to differ.

    Then let them beg (I hate beggars). I do not play in the west nor are there rules to do so if I were so inclined. Nor do I have any reason to believe the OP was referring to the west. I will defer to metcalph's comment above and below.

    Still thanks for the response JRE.


    6 hours ago, metcalph said:

    Flamal is worshipped at the Clearwine Earth Temple p13 (RQ Gamemaster Screen Pack) and also has a number of shrines throughout the tribe.  His worshippers aren't that influential.


  15. 25 minutes ago, Greville said:

    I hated the idea of the Ducks until my players choose them for their PCs and I had to run a campaign for a party of Durulz. Now I'm a full on convert, it's the most fun I've had running RuneQuest.

    These will be on my post-Christmas shopping list for sure.

    Have to agree! If I might be self-serving have a look at...


    It's great!

    And it is one of the first of the 250 Jonstown Compendium offerings. Could make a great set of bookends*, no?
    *and then all ya have to do is collect the other 246 in the middle!

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