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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    I assume a clan's boarders change over the years based on population flux, bumper crops, stead construction - destruction, feuds, war, sickness, debts to be paid and well if you are near the Marsh your boarders might shrink via the rods: The Marsh Development Corp...

    Yeah, those all make sense. During the period of occupation many borders changed position or even ceased to exist as the rebellious movement's fortunes' ebbed and waned.

  2. On 12/19/2022 at 10:02 AM, kalidor said:

    Wow, thanks for this. This explains a lot! No more human players in Aldrya's cult. I suspect that if you are human and love the woods/wild your only way is Ernalda.

    I wonder about Flamal... god of Plants. This not being a common human cult, it may not be applicable.


  3. On 12/19/2022 at 8:28 AM, hemulaformis said:

    Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be an appropriate blessing? I don't want it to be something major - I thought perhaps the next time one of the PCs tries to augment with Harmony or Movement they can have a bonus to the roll or it can be increased by one level of success.

    A one time criticalled augment for an Issaries cult skill (bargain comes to mind) or cult spell. That would be plus 50% to the skill. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/16/2022 at 5:30 PM, SaintMeerkat said:

    I'm in the same boat. I have all of the issues of The TOME through Issue #4 on September 2nd, and then they stop. The Ab Chaos emails are continuing to arrive. #192 arrived a couple of days ago. I don't see anything in my spam folder.

    Do we need to re-sign up?

    I am in a boat with similar lines... I am signed up for the Tome and have never gotten one.  Any ideas, chaosium crew?

  5. 18 hours ago, JRE said:

    I think there are two factors here, religious and social.


    This is quite good. Nuanced.


    5 minutes ago, EricW said:

    I doubt the Lunars would do anything like this, unless they were truly desperate, if the PCs became so powerful they were starting to threaten the Lunar occupation. Otherwise, the Lunar authorities would be complacently confident that sooner or later the bounty hunters will find the rebel scum, so no sense getting all emotional about it. If the PC party does something especially outrageous, just increase the bounty, and increase the scariness of the Lunar bounty hunters. The PCs will quickly discover they shouldn't stay in one spot too long, which makes it easier to ease them into new adventures. 



    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, EricW said:

    Even more hilarious if the copper arrests everyone who looks suspicious in rebel infested areas. Because everyone does look suspicious. They’re all barbarians.


    HEY!!!! Watch that kind of talk, buster!


    2 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

    To avoid further thread hi-jacking — mea culpa — people can get it out of their systems with this simple one-question poll. If anybody cares, maybe an RQ thread, but enough of this here, I think. Sorry again.

    Not so off topic, you are a little stubborn but a Eurmali lie spells falls well within the aegis of avoiding the named topic..."Lunar Retribution". So, I think you are on topic if a bit stiff necked... :0



    1 hour ago, Eff said:

    What exactly is the point of all this when you could just tell a player "No you didn't" whenever they attempt to use the Lie spell, and then if or when they object, informing the players that sudden blowdarts from undetectable Lunar super ninjas have killed them all with ultra poison? The end result is the same, and it's much quicker, gets the point across easier, and the only reason I could think of to go through this whole process of "you thought you could use this option that exists within the rules to affect this situation? Think again!" would be sadistic intent against the players. 

    Yep, what she said!

    • Haha 2
  7. Just going by the rules I quote and if the adventurer is taking on the aspect of their God... sounds a bit like a superpower to me. The quote I use form page 8 of the RBoM does not allow wiggle room. It states the lie will be believed (the god has spoken). "These are not the droids you are looking for" was a baldfaced lie.

    I do agree that the Rune level types that RQG promotes are overpowered so you can do as I do and try to talk your munchkins... er players, into taking less power. Good luck.


    11 minutes ago, mfbrandi said:

    My thought was that having a spell that makes someone believe what a Trickster says — with AFAIK no indication that people don’t know that the trickster has just said it — is not the same as quietly inserting a belief into someone’s mind

    Just remember, it is not your player but the god who is saying (lying) it.


    29 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    When Lie is cast, the god Eurmal is present, but that fact does not allow the targets of the spell to disbelieve the lie. In this way, gods routinely show up in Glorantha, and people either acquiesce, summon their own gods, or flee. Sometimes gods contest each other, and people carefully watch for a victor.

    That is from page 8 of the RBoM.


    11 minutes ago, mfbrandi said:

    But I may be wrong. I usually am.

    Me too, so I do my research to help me to improve my "correct" score.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Darius West said:


    The fact is, the Lunars are eager to catch fugitives, but they don't often have the home town advantage they need.  The Antelope Lancers are quite good, but without tip-offs they are as likely to wander into an ambush as catch their quarry.  There is also an impetus to keep the garrison forces alive, as losing large numbers of troops looks bad on reports, but not reporting losses would be even worse as there would be no reinforcements.  Far better to let mercenaries and freelancers solve these problems from the perspective of the Lunar Authorities in Prax.  This may be the perspective more of Sor-Eel than Halcyon Var Enkorth however.  Sor-Eel didn't take rebellion as a personal affront, while Halcyon thinks everything is about him personally, as he is a malignant narcissist (or at least that's how I play him as a GM).  Duke Raus' brief tenure as governor actually saw a drop-off in all manner of crime and rebellion, as he tried to do the right things for the right reasons, and largely achieved this.

    This is interesting.


    2 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

    The point of the spell is to pass off the ludicrous as true,

    Why? A believable lie or a misdirection would be fine.

    2 hours ago, EricW said:

    Or the liar could say “we are not the people you are looking for” before they are arrested and separated.



    1 hour ago, mfbrandi said:

    But it is a spell to mislead on matters of fact, right? Not a command spell or a confuse spell (unlike Ben’s “jedi mind trick”).




    Anyone hearing the lie automatically believes it to be true, no matter how outrageous it is. They continue to believe it until they have incontrovertible evidence of its falsehood, or for at least one full melee round in any case.

    RBoM page 8

    So, this is not outrageous. It is still a lie and therefore should be automatically believed to be true until someone can prove these are not the correct droids...

    Lunar Patrol 0
    Jedi Eurmali: 1


    1 hour ago, mfbrandi said:

    So if serious criminals use lie a lot, we can expect policing to get a lot more Draconian and tricksters to get even less popular. “You are a copper. You think everyone is guilty. If someone tells you they are innocent and you believe them, execute them on the spot, as they are making you look soft. That is an order. Is that clear?”


    Not according to this...



    When Lie is cast, the god Eurmal is present, but that fact does not allow the targets of the spell to disbelieve the lie. In this way, gods routinely show up in Glorantha, and people either acquiesce, summon their own gods, or flee. Sometimes gods contest each other, and people carefully watch for a victor.


    1 hour ago, EricW said:

    Surely the identity and criminal status of a group of PCs a perception of "fact" which can be manipulated by a lie spell.



    41 minutes ago, Andrew M said:

    It's probably worth considering that there are many groups of rebels and bandits who attack Lunars and are not hunted down and killed by uber forces of doom. So unless players are particularly egrarious and blatent in their murders

    If it is germane to the game then bring on the uber forces... I believe they can be summoned by iSpell™  or an "Droid"™ . Otherwise, as Andrew says.


    34 minutes ago, Eff said:

    How have you been running your Glorantha? Is it relatively archaic or relatively anachronistic/modern? Because if it's the former... the way you get away with murder is to do it without any witnesses. That's more or less it.

    This does lead to murder, as opposed to killing and as stated earlier, might cause Orlanthi quibbles.


    34 minutes ago, Eff said:

    Now if it's the latter, maybe the gods and divination serve as a universal foolproof surveillance system, with Lhankor Mhy psychometry and so on as a similarly perfect forensic investigation system. But that's dull. You might as well tell your players "You're dead people walking, do you want to go down in a blaze of terrorist glory?" in that instance. 

    As you have said, and Andrew as well. Depends on the feel of your game. It seems a little bleak to me so I would not do it. At this christian season we should do onto PCs as we wish done onto our PCs, no?


    34 minutes ago, Eff said:

    So let's start with some factors that might confound investigation. Did the PCs know the people they killed socially? If not, interrogating their ghosts or Resurrecting them probably gets a vague description, likely to be distorted and inaccurate.

    And let the story dictate, i think.


    34 minutes ago, Eff said:

    But maybe they get a general idea of what the PCs look like, or reason from where the murder spree went down, and they start rounding up people for interrogation. At that point, they have options- hide out, get out of town. Throw other people under the bus. Attempt to make it through interrogation safely. The arguments over which general approach to use and how to actually do it should provide you with more than enough challenges to throw in their way from that.  

    That is the thing what challenges the PCs and creates a great story.

    • Like 1
  9. Have no idea how I missed this puppy. For you sentimental types (with hearts 3 times the normal size) here is a fantastic heist movie, just in time for Christmas!
    And best of all... it's free! Nope, best of all... it's got Barbara Feldon...

    nope... it's the cost!

    nope... it's the sexy babe!

    Gentlefolk, gentlewomen and gentlemen... we all know the best thing is Dick Van Dyke...



  10. 10 hours ago, Darius West said:

    This is just a failure of marketing.  It just requires the right salesman with the right pitch to sell the idea to the right person.

    Let's see if I got this correct, you are saying pitchmen (well salespeople to be accurate) are chaos-ridden slime? Hm...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. On 11/20/2022 at 3:24 AM, soltakss said:

    If the whole cult should not use assassinations and ambushes, why is there a need for a geas?

    The fact that there is a geas means that the activity geased against is allowed by the cult as a whole.


    Thank you Soltakss, for cutting to the chase. This seems obvious to me, but...


    On 11/20/2022 at 1:47 AM, hipsterinspace said:

    The writers of the current edition don't seem to give much credence to Storm Tribe, it's no longer part of the canon and for me isn't a compelling case against running with the rules as written. I'll continue to give my players the flexibility within the rules as written in the core book, you're free to do otherwise.

    On 11/19/2022 at 10:59 PM, metcalph said:

    Props to hipster in space for the obvious but so maligned reminder that each table can interpret the rules to their satisfaction.

    • Like 1
  12. 38 minutes ago, g33k said:

    (OK, so I know that you do, Mr. Barbarian; but many do not!)

    Having the tools and skills are one thing... but let us not forget bad health which you know I also have... creating a great poster takes time, and time requires health. But, and this is an important but, Monsieur le Geek, but permission to use their copyrighted material, I do not have.

    I wonder if they would be willing to run contests for the other products fan advertising as they have with CoC to have fans produce art for use by the Cults of Chaos denizens of all stripes. 

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