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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 3 hours ago, Jex said:

    Well... dang.  Turns out there is more information available on the Lonendi and Ten Spear, in Tales of the Reaching Moon #18.  And it does relate how the village got its name.  Oh, heck, wait... it's in #19, too, I just didn't see it when I skimmed it.  Heck.  I kind of liked my story behind the origin of the name better, but oh well.  Should have read the sources more carefully before I started writing.

    As great as the TotRM were/are I wonder if you have to slavishly follow articles that many will not have access to. They are not canon. Just excellent and well thought out. That said, I think many of the early RQ authors might like to read your take on the tale rather than your rehash of theirs. Of course, many of the authors are around here and might welcome a ping or a PM to answer that for themselves. 



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  2. 1 hour ago, svensson said:

    I don't think Yinkin is a Draw Beast type. Yinkin is a cat and the act of hunting is as much a pleasure to him as eating he's caught. For that reason, I think his cult prefers the chase rather than mesmerizing their prey. But YGMV.

    This sounds logical. 


    1 hour ago, whitelaughter said:

    The myth/practicality divide is a false dilemma, given the gods are supposed to be making their cults as strong as possible. So the 'crunch' factor should be considered ingame.


    Absolutely against this idea, the gods as  min/max roll players sounds horrid! I will happily play the "the myth/practicality divide" weighing on myth over practicality every time, no dilemma here for me! If you prefer otherwise, no worries, gather your table and have at it!

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  3. 1 hour ago, smiorgan said:

    No, it's not working correctly: as the "1H Spear" skill is 80, not 10. It correctly gets the 80 in the column after the clock symbol, but then it "halves" it to 5%. I'v tried with several weapon skills, Checking the 1/2 box either has no effect (if you do that after selecting the skill), or reduces the skill to 5% (if you first check the box then select the skill). 


    On what page did you put the 80% Smiorgan? You have to enter it on the skills page, I believe, and let it auto fill on the main page or it sees it as 10% (the base).



    That said, any idea what the 1/2 does @Arcadiagt5? I do not notice any difference with it deployed or not deployed.

  4. 10 minutes ago, svensson said:

    What's more, I submit to you that a lucky hit with a composite bow [dmg 1d8+1] backed by Speedart [dmg +3] is a highly efficient way to put meat on the table. A lucky shot on an average RQG deer [Special Success w/ piercing weapon is an Impale result: average dmg 4+1=5 doubled = dmg 10 + Speedart +3 = dmg 13] would drop it in it's tracks. ANY location hit would cripple or instant-kill even a SIZ 26 elk from the RQ Bestiary. Even cutting that down by using a self bow would still get a crippled limb and bleeding wound, thus making the prey easier to track and finish off. So for the expenditure of 1 arrow and 1 Magic Point you've brought home enough meat to feed your family for a week.

    If you are looking for damage, nothing beats a javelin 1D10 used by a strong guy or gal, plus 1d2 or 1d3 DB and then kick in a bit of magic and/or specials or crits... ouch!

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Dragon said:

    On another point, I watched a nature video where polar bears went after seals, big seals. The seals were congregating in huge masses and could potentially seriously injure the polar bears, or escape into the seas. But some seals had climbed the shore cliffs (the long way around). The polar bears, in groups, threatened them and chased them off the cliffs. Then they just walked the long way around and ate the crushed seals. Perhaps something similar could be the basis for an Odayla hunt scenario. No arrows involved at all.

    I am sure Eurmal would be involved in that myth in some way.

    • Haha 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Jex said:

    One of the major characters of a RuneQuest adventure I'm working on is missing his right hand.  (I know magic exists in Glorantha that can regrow limbs, but there are reasons his hasn't been regrown.)  I haven't statted him up yet, but when I do, I'm wondering if his missing hand means his right arm should have fewer HP?  I'm thinking it would make sense to reduce the HP of his right arm by a point or so, but I'm not completely sure that would be correct.  Is there an existing rule for this that I overlooked, or does anyone have any thoughts?

    I would agree with svennson and remind you that you suggest he is not much of a combatant anyway. -1 to the limb sounds good and adds incentive for him to remain a non-combatant. Maybe up his communication skills.

  7. 14 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Humans spend 1/3 of their lives asleep.  In Glorantha, sleep is the time when you get your magic points back.  Allegedly, sometimes deities and spirits interact with you in your dreams in Glorantha.  Sleep is also the time when dreams come unbidden into one's head.  We also know that the main users of dream magic are the dragonewts, after all they produce dream dragons, and the Dragonewts Dream unlocked the Big Rubble.  


    I have to wonder if Dreamlands would be of any use here. It is BRP based after all. 

    14 hours ago, Darius West said:

    For that matter, by what process do people get their magic points back when they sleep in Glorantha?

    Note, that one does not have to sleep to regain MPs... 


    Magic points are automatically regained at a rate equal to the adventurer’s POW every day, or 1/4 per six hours. If time is critical, the rate is more precisely 1/24 of the adventurer’s POW per hour. Magic points regained can never exceed the adventurer’s POW, though an adventurer may use other means to have an amount of magic points greater than their POW, such as through magic point storing items, etc.


    4 hours ago, Martin Dick said:

    Based upon the Dream World being a type of Illusion, then in the Storm Pantheon, Eurmal would be the God of Nightmares and Donandar the God of Dreams, but dreams don't really seem to be an important thing in central Genertela.

    Oh my lords and ladies, you are suggesting the dreamworlds are connected to Eurmal? Gadzooks! I may never seep again.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, svensson said:

    Well, I mentioned in the top post that Yinkin is a cat. Cats don't use slingshots much 😂

    Mischievous children do, though... Cats being mischievous, one might be able to make a myth based on that... Dennis the Menace and Mr Wilson's cat (or how Whiskers turned the tale on that brat)?

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, JRE said:

    If they are initiated, sex is no longer taboo, and that Command sheep spell suddenly makes sense...

    So, let's see if I got this right... engagement (in melee fer instance) is not required, but initiation-ship (initiation-sheep?) into cult mysteries... oh, it is all too sordid! Hello, I must be going!

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, Jeff said:

    Foundchild provides Sureshot, Speedart, and Multimissile - which is pretty much ALL the missile spells. Arrow Trance is elf magic - Mr. Archery himself doesn't have it.

    Is the questionreally why doesn't Odayla the Bear God or Yinkin the Cat God provide missile weapon spells?

    Thanks Jeff, I was going to mention the oft forgotten spirit magics but... forgot!

    • Haha 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, svensson said:

    Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

    Have to say I agree on the assertions here. From the meta game design it all makes sense, and coincidentally makes sense mythologically as well. Just one comment. 


    51 minutes ago, svensson said:

    But that doesn't explain why humanocentric deities don't have them.


    I think, for my taste, that mythology should have greater weight than good game design. There should be a myth explaining a spell, before worrying about a spell fulfilling a cult void or need explaining a spell. I get it that from a gaming point of view (and a gamer's POV for that matter) having a select spell is a no-brainer.  But the sun of the son lacks spells or gains spells for reasons explained mythologically. That is the charm of RQ... until one does not get what one wants. Then oft, it becomes nerfed/broken.

    Not saying you are guilty of this, in fact you're asking a question here, not asserting a point, so definitely innocent of such charges. Good exploration to my thinking. That is my 2 bolgs worth!

    39 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    So hunting using missle weapons such as a bow was not the standard way until the invention of firearms. Most of the weapons used by our hunter ancestors were things like spears and clubs.

    Interesting thought, I have not dug into the history of this, so I am unsure of the truth here. Any other historians/anthropologists have a thought on this? Or good articles to parse?



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  12. 1 hour ago, Soccercalle said:

    Young men? Now I need to try to not think about associations between lonely young men and sheep...

    Young man, there's no need to feel down

    I said Young man, pick yourself off the ground

    I said Young man, 'cause you're not in a town

    There's no need to be unhappy...


    • Haha 3
  13. 13 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    I suppose that is correct but I was thinking on the troop of baboons being the "mobile shrine" combined with their ancestors all being worshipers. Could they not build a fire anywhere they had a shaman and dance?

    In answer to the bolded and italicized point, that was the "great question" I suggested EricW post to Q&A... I was wondering about that as well! Shamans and mobile shrines...Hm! But to the first point, it has been a couple of years and I have not thought about WW since then... I seem to recall that a french publication hinted at Hender's Ruins having import to the baboons specifically, beyond it's being a gateway to other realms. Again, there was not a lot of material to hang a theory on. I wonder if Jeff would like to weigh in on that thought.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    When the baboons danced and their ancestors were summoned at Hender's Ruins wouldn't it have been an example of a portable temple/holy site or would Hender's Ruins be a holy site for baboons?

    When I talked on that subject for a podcast a couple of years back, I spent a week looking for details on the ruins and the best I could determine is it is a gateway to other realms. They don't have a lot of material written about them in the more accessible tomes. Maybe in a Stafford lore book. Besides, your topic heading reads mobile shrines... and I am not sure if the ruins would qualify... Of course it is your topic so you can always say they do!

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  15. 2 minutes ago, EricW said:

    Do Shamen have temples? If a Shaman wants to contact Oakfed to obtain fire magic for themselves and their followers, do they build a temple, or do they find a place which is spiritually significant to Oakfed, light a big bonfire, get the worshippers praying, and enter the spirit plane to try to make contact?

    Obviously a Shaman on home turf might have a few wards and props set up, but if the Shaman is wandering around on a spiritual journey, or helping a group because it is part of their personal journey, they still have the power to contact powerful spirits and gods. Though obviously if they are in a place which is significant to a particular god, they have more chance of contacting the god they want to contact.

    I would say you got it right, but I wonder what the rules guardians have to say on that. Have you considered putting this great question into Q&A?

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  16. Got some odd behaviour to report. Ali the Helering says a post I sent him repeated 14 times while I slept... as Avast tells me my computer is safe (and I am reasonably sure it was asleep) might there be a problem with BRP? Or with Ali's machine?

  17. 1 hour ago, svensson said:

    So I guess my question is just as the title of the thread says... How common is HeroQuesting really?

    In my Glorantha, as common as going to church on Sunday... literally! Every worship service, having a chance to change reality for the official in a POW gain at the end of the season, for one (not requiring a change in the rules, just the interpretation) and not RAW but I think RAI, by not doing a worship, the bounds of reality shift just a little... enough that doing this, to my mind in a very magical cubic world where even rocks and creeks are magical (Jeff just said this a couple of days ago, but I have played this for decades), worship will also qualify as a minor HQ. Would I go as far as sincere prayer, yes, I would... but varying and all that...


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