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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. agreed, Have not played on 10 years now and I truly miss playing it and wished it would run on modern macs, alas.
  2. I have noticed that a few threads are beginning to explore this, not necessarily the big things and, if not directly at least tangentially, The curvature thread comes to mind, the one with the incredible Vingan warrior, the cuisine thread, my thread of Dragon Pass pastimes. It is beginning to happen.
  3. Nice, HreshtIronBorne. Sounds like a win! cheers I have been putting together a pack for my players and have thought a few times of how to intricate HQ voices and have yet to do so The elder speaking to a child is a bit clunky to cut it into relevant passages. Of course one could always make the relevant voice a preamble to the players package as it was meant to be used originally. Your idea seems to be a good one: to personalize them.
  4. I just knew I had to see that. Gorgeous! Any idea about the purple kite and does it have meaning or representation other than to be scary? Cheers
  5. Too many options are not good for the newcomer. When I demoed the Broken Tower for a group of newbies and strangers at Free Games Day a couple of years back it went mostly well till the final battles. With everything happening at once and the tension mounting one of the characters was the classic nonplussed at the number of rune spells he had to make a choice from. Back when the rules threw every single spell a cult had into the possibilities. Didn't know with to do or think for a moment before his girlfriend leaned over and helped him out. But for that moment...
  6. Well, you can play s duck (or even a baboon), that about covers it, we can close this conversion down and now go for broos, I mean brews. On the off chance there is more to say... 4) starts off right but you take a blind alley half way through Low SRs usually (but not necessarily) do more damage. 8) note that boasting in a poetic and grandiose way is a little more potent than posturing and threat and is is considered totally socially acceptable (by the orlanthi at least, others... not so much) while posturing and threat would be a first step down the rung toward (but not all the way to or even close for that matter) unacceptability. 11) yes you forgot to say that it was incredibly FUN!
  7. and I think people have to quit attacking mistakes. It's a mistake!
  8. Don't bother. He came for a fight. We are two of the mellowest people here and who is he going toe to toe with?
  9. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
  10. Awesome, that should be quite colourful, any images to go with this?
  11. I accept nothing, the humour remains. ETA and the hopefully good manners.
  12. I suppose that is a reasonably good reason to imply that I am obtuse. I refuse to answer as to whether I was correct or not. If one is incorrect there seems to be ramifications. That might just put a damper on opinions. Cheers
  13. Please do not enter a public forum and when some one offers an opinion call him obtuse. This is not manners.
  14. I am not sure but it seems that you may be getting mad. I hope not, that would be a drag Again, I said earlier that is there is more damage going in and if it stays in it does more damage again, Pulling it out also causes damage, It has always been this way since I started playing RQ and this argument has happened more than a few times with someone always getting extremely annoyed and yelling why? Now , one last question for you. Are you saying impaing and slashing are the same,? Cheers
  15. That's what I am saying, impaling does do more damage than slashing. I am not a physicist, Physician, or combat technolgist, so I can not tell you why. The larger brains or followers of said disciplines can give you the whys. I am just reapeating what I have heard for 35 years from folk who seem to know what they are talking about. that the spear on the accent battlefield did more damage, more quickly that did the slashing weapons.
  16. Always good to take the high road. Folks, though we might disagree with Julian's opinion (I do, but I am sure he does not mind) I am also sure that attacking him personally is not needed. Cheers
  17. Actually. in fairness, there is a game reason for doing it this way. The ancient battlefield's big hitter with the glass jaw was the impaling spear. Get it into a foe and the damage just keeps coming. Hit it and it could well break. The slashing weapon was more something that took time to bleed a foe, but was more robust and able to take a beating. So, more damage is awarded to an impale initially and again the next round if the weapon remains impaled.
  18. I liked it when it came out in RQ 3 as the average of CON and SIZ because it eliminated the need for a table (yay). Then I didn't give it another thought. When the tables came back in RQ G i groaned a little but... I do admit that I like the design notes of Jeff's when he explained that by large critters having lower numbers it makes it easier for the standard murder hobos to get another silhouette of a dead giant on their shield. Who doesn't want to go collecting dead monster trophies. after all. In fairness I am ambivalent. No tables good, killing big ugly rich things good... Cheers
  19. No, no, he is a collector of rare Nikes, a sole collector , one might say...
  20. The above required much editing and probably still does, It you looked at the revision before now, I ha just finished many corrections so...
  21. Yeah reading is a good skill to have at a high level, I think I fumbled that one and did a lot of work for naught. But it does cover many circumstances. so no use in throwing it out. SO... Now I have had a look at 195 and as you say it does say attack or cast spells in melee. So let's assume that is right so I can salvage all that work and still make something of it . so I will revise the opus to say... Casting Spells in Combat Mk2™ Yes one can can cast spells, offensive or otherwise if you meet the following caveats. 1) If you are not attacking anyone in melee for part or all of the Melee Round and... see 2) 2) ... no one attacks in you (melee/ranged/spells) before the spell can go off (someone moves to engage close enough to get to you before the spell goes off or being hit and damaged by an arrow or a spirit spell disrupt for example. A successful attack with damage will screw with concentration ruining the spell but not costing you magic points. 3) You do not move to attack another (become engaged).in the same round as casting a spell. The attacks mentioned before now are all melee attacks. Ranged attacks are different from melee combat though they can interact with it. 1) You can fire into melee. You can fire at others not engaged in melee 2) You can cast spells into melee.You can cast spells at others not engaged in melee 3) You can cast spells before firing into melee 4) You can cast spells that have noting to do with melee. limitations are the number of Strike rank the actions cost, remember mods... • if not engaged in melee you can advance to attack a ranged weapon user or magic caster see above for concentration for spell casters... • If there is enough SRs other things besides casting spells can be done within the caveats listed above. • See SRs as related to moves, magic, weapons and SR mods on pages 192-195 in RQ RiG core book for explanations of these mechanics of Strike Ranks, they are confusing, but necessary to run combat with or without magic so begin reading now. There is a table in one of the forums around that will help to understand combat and SR, can't recall where. Anyone? Corrections and additions as well as comments are most welcome. Hecklers, not so much (ah go suck a lemon) Cheers
  22. Yes if you aren't engaged in melee (close) combat. 1) That is, you are not attacking anyone the entire MR (Thus, you are not engaged) and... see 2) 2) ...if engaged in melee... no one attacks in you (melee/ranged/spells) before the spell can go off (someone moves to engage close enough to get to you before the spell goes off an arrow a disrupt. A successful attack with damage will screw with concentration ruining the spell but not costing you magic points. 3) The caster takes no damage prior to casting of spells (see strike ranks) Damage will disrupt spell but not cost magic points. 4) You do not move to attack another (become engaged).in the same round as casting a spell. The attacks mentioned before now are all melee attacks. Ranged attacks are different from melee combat though they can interact with it. 1) You can fire into melee. You can fire at others not engaged in melee 2) You can cast spells into melee. 3) You can cast spells before firing into melee 4) You can cast spells that have noting to do with melee. limitations are the number of Strike rank the actions cost, member mods... • Or if not engaged in melee you can advance to attact a ranged weapon user or magic caster see above for concentration... • If there is enough SRs other things can be done within the caveats listed above. • See SRs as related to moves, magic, weapons and SR mods on pages 192-195 in RQ RiG core book for explanations of these mechanics of Strike Ranks, they are confusing, but necessary to run combat with or without magic so begin reading now. There is a table in one of the foruns around that will help to understand combat and SR, can't recall where. Anyone? Corrections and additions as well as comments are most welcome. Hecklers, not so much (ah go suck a lemon) Cheers *
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