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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I think we are running down a gag..,. and beating it to a pulp. I was going to post something similar this AM but decided to double check the thread and came to the same conclusion g33k did. Otherwise the post made would have been a little different but keeping the above quote. Cheers
  2. ALL RIGHT, WHO GAVE ME A SAD FACE! You got some 'splaining to do, Mr Hibbs!
  3. Aye, and there's the rub. Caveats notwithstanding, in a world of magic what is mundane? A vrok halk from Balazar might do. Others have tries to obtain such and train them. Yes indeed. This is approaching that heroplane caravan service from the Malazan Book of the Fallen series... Both are very cool Nice. Ooooo! I'm on the fence as to very cool or munkinerry cool and the same with powering a teleport by Wyter. Precisely with the right kind of victims err players a GM need never buy a module.
  4. Based on the preceding posts I am very surprised that "the first take aways so far" is how sick, sick, sick the denizens of this "board" are. <gr>
  5. Seems to me that @Jason Durall mentioned that there are spells that do require focus. Finding spells specifically that need something to indicate a way... A marble, a drowsing rod, a plumb bob. Mostly agree but there are several circumstances that make it Impractical. The preceding quote in this post for example. Also, if just expressing an opinion instead of a fact well... I will grant you a page number would strengthen an opinion but might just as well make it a fact, and remember opinions have feelings too. Cheers
  6. Just keep in mind it s not arm wresting without beer, some say lots of beer but I don't like to argue when I am arm wrestling. I tend to spill my beer. MORE BEER. <BANG> NEXT!
  7. Oh yeah! and usually with a little assistance from his good buddy Eurmal. "Gather roun' ankle biters, grandpa has another whopper for ya, just doncha tell gramma." There was the time Orlanth had a head ache and Eurmal convinced him it was evil fire spirits from the sky that had got into his head and he would have to fight them, and the best way to do that was to bang his head against an oak tree (sacred to the missus doncha know) unttl all the little fire spirits had left. He would know he had been victorious when his head was surrounded by little stars. Well, mighty Orlanth kept up at all day and al night and all the next day and night. Half way through the next day (or was it night) he would have quit but his good buddy Euremal would not let him! Well, finally, Orlanth figgered there were enough stars about his head and sat down with a big harrumph. "Well, that smarts," exclaimed the god as do we "an Orlanth All" still do in similar straights. "Hey that one sucked, gramps!" "Aw go suck a walktapus ya little sh<BEEP>ts, See yer already too smart fer yer dam britches!" "GRAMMA!"
  8. Well, Charles, on that note, we'll send someone else down that rabbit hole. Cheers
  9. Yep, reading would put me to sleep every time. One chapter, yawn, two chapter, yawn...
  10. 15 bucks cdn, That can't be much more than the original price back when the Canadian dollar was worth more that the American and disco was king. the late seventies early eighties.
  11. They are a thing of beauty, even mine with covers falling off, coffee rings, fallen off If they become available again I will buy replacements, without doubt, When is in question, budget and all, not if. Cheers
  12. Hay, I resemble that remark, bub (seriously dude:)! Ah, you young pups...
  13. Very impressive, thanks for sharing and thank you Lawrence Keogh's mother for having given birth to such a mensch!
  14. This is lovely, where is it from? Well, besides glorantha.com. I mean the original source or book of the faux textured, colour map.
  15. I have done a search of DP - aGoK using the words religion, fake, false, and 2nd as well as second and Stafford and have not found your reference, can you give me another hint? Cheers
  16. Or at least one mother of a hangover!
  17. First heard this when we had successfully set up the Jasper Heritage Folk Festival for the very first time way back in '85, at the Bedfrod Inn in the basement of the Baptist Church. It was led by Mr (Gordon?) Bell and the rest of us bellowed God damn them all! at the top of our voices. I can still feel the goosebumbs! This might be one of my favourite bits of music of all time! Right up there with Ode to Joy, the Brandenburg Concertos. La Sacre Du Printemps, Harmonium, Harmonium or Dark Side of the Moon (et al)!
  18. Now here is a song of a type that I could easily guarantee has been song in this temple, I could even take the truth spell of the greybeards on this, A song of this type has bee song in The Temple. Granted, that temple is on Salt Street... In Pavis... and is now called by the unwashed "Gimpy's", us old grognards still hoist a few at The Temple. I swear! https://youtu.be/UMV34CwNMY0 There are better versions, but this has the lyrics... Cheers
  19. <Add major vibrato to following voice than pitch it incredibly high> Of course not, winged quadruped. Look down, I am referring to us, the little white mice.
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