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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 2 hours ago, Scotty said:

    No. While the spells outwardly appear the same, inwardly they are different spells needing to be cast with the runes and rune points of the god the spell is from. Unless of course the spell description say’s specifically otherwise. Note that some spirit cults may be subservient cults of other cults and so use the same rune pool. 

    So does that mean the ruling I received of having having stackable spells coming from different people being combinable still stands if it meets the criteria of MGF? I assume that if so, this is because they are each supplying cult affiliated rune pools. 


  2. 6 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    I was always told that geometry grew out of surveying fields. Certainly on the Egyptian side.

    As best I could tell this was also so, The Sumerians realized early on that irrigating fields would need some sophisticated thinking. The Babylonians a millennium or two later, I believe, followed suit.

    Irrigate or die was the way of it, moving the rivers through the ever growing fields further and further away from the water sources.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    This brings up questions of Pelorian mapping and land navigation  techniques: as far as I observe, the paradigm for the Lunars has shifted from Roman to Mesopotamian.  If that is the case we should not assume Roman.  But it leads to another train of thought: I was taught that the division of the circle into 360 degrees is Babylonian geometry.  So at some point the Babylonians were using it, and I presume they measured degrees as well as just talking about them.  


    They did measure degrees, but the examples of maps I have seen are more symbolic than are ideas of maps. For instance...




    I wonder if the map makers of the day might use narrative as a tool more than a protractor.


    14 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    The reason I was thinking of that today is that I was consideting a possible Lankhor Mhy character who is a geographer.  Possibly under the Lunar domination he even studied mapping in Peloria.  Now post Dragonrise he may be one of the rare people Argrath would want to make maps for both military and civil use.  Of course having studied in Peloria he is sometimes suspected of Lunar sympathies.

    Now that sounds like my kind of a character. The map making might be considered as some kind of sorcery and hid from prying eyes, rivals spys... etc.

  4. 2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    You can die, incur psychic trauma, or lose part of your soul permanently. You're venturing off to the place where the map says "Here Be Monsters" (and they are of course those monsters that most terrify you).

    that seems to be a bit beyond the scope of what we were talking of, hm, or was it? Was this what you meant @g33k?

    hey @Minlister. long time no see!


  5. 17 minutes ago, g33k said:


    I agree mostly with Bill, here.  But I'd add that Heroquesting is inherently dangerous, always.

    Anyone foolish enough to invent "Orlanth goes to buy milk" (for their young children to HQ on), will experience a spike of strange and dangerous stuff happening on trips to market, or to the farmer selling milk, or etc...

    The dangerous stuff doesn't happen every time, but the risks are always there.  The more mundane the activity, the more real-world-based, the less otherworldly and dangerous the HQ.  But remember Jack, who only wanted to go sell some cows.  Magic geese, golden harps and giants ensued.

    There is very VERY good reason not to "make everything a heroquest."
    But at the same time... yes, anything can become a heroquest.

    Thanks, I can buy the inherently dangerous with the caveat of: Define inherently dangerous. Good call on Jack, in his many, many, many incarnations.

  6. 5 hours ago, Darius West said:

    I think that there is a danger of making what qualifies as Heroquesting too mundane.  I mean, if we follow the advice of the HQ rules we can invent "Orlanth goes to buy milk" myth, and send our children off on it every couple of days.


    Usually agree with ya, but not on this. Poets, and musicians, philosophers. and mad men all tell us to look to the mundane for inspiration and wonder in life. In my game, going to the store may not evoke a true HQ, I think going on a first date, falling in love, losing a loves one, getting new animals, and even crossing a dangerous ford all qualify with a great many other mundane and day to day things as true HQs (if only small ones). 

    4 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I disagree, I think it's a continuum. Everything that happens in the middle world is an echo of what happened in the God Time. Building up Heroquesting to be this big crazy thing is what's scared people off it for decades.


    3 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Every Adulthood Initiation is a HeroQuest, so most people start their adult life by HeroQuesting, so why should they stop?

    6 hours ago, Darius West said:



    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Agentorange said:

    Good heavens, do you think we'll be able to manage that ? I'm in my fifties now, I've been waiting for years for it to be my turn to be grumbly and grognardly

    I hear that (must have my hearing aid in for a change)!

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Starglyte said:

    New to Runequest. My favorite genre is Sword and Sorcery followed by Dark/Gothic Fantasy. When it comes to fantasy cultures, I prefer ones based on Vikings, Celts, and Iron Age Germanic tribes. But since I also really love fantasy religions and myths, the announcement has given me the push to look into Runequest. I don't even know what books are in the pipeline, so this is all new to me. 


    Welcome aboard, Starglyte! 


    So, grognards and grumblers alike, be warned. The floodgates are opened with the coming of these magnificent looking 10 books. Newcomers will be arriving hats in hand, looking about wondering what all the fuss is about... it may behoove us to be more welcoming of those who enter and less... well grumbly and grognardly...eh?

    So, welcome! Enjoy.
    There is much to take in here. 


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  9. 11 minutes ago, SDLeary said:

    Can anyone point me to an active archive with the old Glorantha Digest? I was searching last night, and found an index, but when I clicked on the link, it was broken. It was a link to a post from @Joerg from 1994 discussing Elmal.

    More importantly, I’d like to add the Digest “issues” to my local archive of the old various RQ-Digest runs.





  10. 4 hours ago, Darius West said:

    I mean, EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in RQ is basically a cleric, because they have initiated into a Cult at some level.  Then at 10th level they become paladins (rune lords)?  Should Gloranthan Cults become classes in their own right?  


    Very much so, the runelord as paladin was unwritten canon back in the 80s. At least at the tables I played in Victoria, Edmonton and Jasper...


    4 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Then you have the issue of thieves.  In RQ there are a couple of thief deities, but thieves simply aren't as prevalent as in D&D.


    Nor as respected (usually)...

    Harmast: "What? These cows gov, what cows... I don't see any cows... Bosh, have you seen any cows?"
    Bosh: Moooooo!


    4 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Then you have the issue of thieves.  In RQ there are a couple of thief deities, but thieves simply aren't as prevalent as in D&D.


    This made me and my duck adventurers very happy and unopposed at getting rich. Yes, it was the 80's we played very easy and simple stereotypes. Sorry... <hangs head, forgetting about horns... swears...>


    1 hour ago, Darius West said:

    Glue your courage to the sticking point and just do it !

    Did you mean:
    "Screw your courage to the sticking place" 

    Pedantically yours
    Bill, da barbaric one!

  11. 55 minutes ago, Macronaut said:

    Hi all -- Can folks recommend any online collections of unofficial RQ3 scenarios (ie. the Avalon Hill Ed.)?  I'm looking for adventure ideas. 

    I am certain there is not a treasure trove of Public Domain (you did mean PD I assume) collections of RQ 3 scenarios just lying about otherwise I woulda yoinked 'em. But, if ya know someone, well, let's see... I'll try a summoning spell of a certain knowledge daimon who might know where to find such non-canonical PD RQ3 gems.

    Hey@soltakss, any ideas?

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