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Everything posted by badcat

  1. I think he has answered that elsewhere. Old thread on rpg.net, unfortunately I don't have the link. As for GURPS, I once held it in high regard but that was before it became too bloated. It was called 'TFT'...The Fantasy Trip. That was before it, or Steve Jackson, whichever, got delusions of grandeur. I fear it will be hard to find anything with the mixture of resolution and elegance you seek. Me, I'll take elegance over resolution (at least resolution to the extent attempted by games like GURPS or HERO). Just for the record, I don't think GURPS is a bad system, and I would play it...but I don't want to run it. But then, I don't want to run most game systems.
  2. 'up to the level of'...you really think GURPS is better. Wow.:eek: I look at it just the reverse, but we have been over that already, I guess. So whadya think, Jason, is BRP going to be 'brought up to the level of GURPS, err "other multi-genre games"' with the release of this book? I'd sort of like to know, myself. Because if I thought that was the case, it would be a deal-breaker.
  3. Just for clarification...I am a 1st ed. SB man as well...the base weapon stats are based on 1e Stormbringer, you say? And I am not quite sure from the above, are there demon generation rules, per se?
  4. No included scenarios...384 pages of BRP rules....:eek: Want. Want.....WANT.
  5. I kept thinking there was some game last year that would fit the cover quite well, and it just came to me. Hollow Earth Expedition. Yep, kitchen sink more than multi-genre.
  6. Are any modules/adventures included in the book (it's a big book, 384 pages!). If so, which genres? Any rules for enchantment and alchemy? For modifying spells on the fly? Effects for weapons by type...hmmm, would that be the slash/crush/impale of RQ or something more expansive? Is it true that the base rules system is similar to Elric!/Stormbringer5? Are you sure you want to answer all the questions we are probably going to come up with over the next ten weeks or so?
  7. Yes. At this point my reaction to any poll here is to ignore it.
  8. The cover is all right, I guess. My major thought about this is that many of the covers a lot of people these days would like I would probably think hideous, you know, the 'edgy' busy look. Like a lot of the trash flicks they are putting out that are unwatchable. So 'all right' works for me. I would frankly be afraid to see what a lot of the people complaining so loudly WOULD like.
  9. In one of my favorite games elves and dwarves were just humans modified by tyrannical mages to fit certain functions, ie dwarves were miners, elves were woods-runners, etc. The only game effect was modified stats and skill bonuses, about on a par with Stormbringers' nationality modifiers. Elves and dwarves in name only. I don't think the Tolkein clone syndrome is all that common, really. There are only so many different takes on humanoids, after all.
  10. Pointless, because if the book is what has been claimed it will cover all those options and more. If you want to do polls, why don't you come up with something that has a point?
  11. where is the choice, 'who cares'? ?
  12. Whatever. I just don't care for the flavor.
  13. Howard, Leiber, Roland Green, Michael Shea, David Drake, Poul Anderson, Brian Daley, Jack Vance, and many others too. When I was 'discovering' fantasy (and science fiction) it was about the time LOTR was becoming known, and I remember putting the Ace edition of 'Fellowship' back on the shelf after trying to get into it and failing. That was in the early sixties. There was just so much brilliant fantasy and science fiction for alternatives then it was hard to get into Tolkien's prose and style. And other writers of the time had much better interpretations of fantasy (to me), so much more colorful, evocative, and exciting...and exotic...and just plain readable. So I too have to say Tolkien is over rated, especially for the time it was published. LOTR did help make fantasy slightly more 'acceptable' and a broader genre than childrens' literature and pulp fiction, though. I have always found it a better choice than most of the other so-called 'serious' fantasy such as Gormenghast or Thomas Covenant, though. Or Tolkien's contemporary, C. S. Lewis, even though none of them were ever very enjoyable for me. I like the movies much, much more than the books (LOTR). Maybe I just got bad taste. Maybe I don't.
  14. I dunno, it just doesn't appeal for some reason...oh, well. You guys enjoy it.
  15. I don't know. I can see some here are interested, but I have delved into the Icelandic sagas and histories, and from what I can remember it seems it would be a little bland. What sort of adventures would you have, other than raiding and feuding and fighting the occasional troll?:confused:
  16. I have mixed feelings. What, exactly, is the dude with the toy bow supposed to be?
  17. Yeah, but there is a big difference between Cthulhu and the likes of Hastur and Azathoth.
  18. In CoC the Outer Gods, Nyarlathotep, Hastur, etc. basically don't even notice humankind...we are ants. And it's a good thing. Great Cthulhu is a weak godling in comparison. It's not a case of who's the toughest, one of those gods notices you, you are history. Including any lesser 'god'; they are the ultimate power in the universe. Take Jehovah and make him evil and uncaring. Who do you think would 'win'? They have attack 100%, death. You are permanently insane if you get real lucky and the 00 comes up...and that's just Cthulhu. Same goes for every other entity in the universe for the greater Mythos deities. No need for a poll. Most of the time in CoC about all you can do is keep the crazy cultists from contacting them. Just hope they don't notice Glorantha and its gods, or Earth for that matter. As for the EC gods, hey, one of the Mythos deities won the fight already...who do you think Stormbringer WAS, anyway? Process of elimination (no pun intended) the name has 12 letters and starts with an 'N'. 'I was ever more evil than thou', and he is often used as the messenger of the Outer Gods and is known to men by various names including 'Old Scratch'. An entity embodied in a sword designed to kill gods...
  19. CoC game, had a player who lost it and gained a permanent phobia...fear of guns. So he started carrying around a bandoleer of hand grenades.
  20. How about Nyarlathotep and Hastur, though?
  21. I would think you could use the same principles. The SIZ stat determines how many are involved, as I remember.
  22. So why don't you try taking my post in the spirit it was intended? Any reason for the sarcasm?
  23. That's kind of what Warlords is, the armies have all the regular BRP stats.
  24. I once included a felinoid race, with which I graced a very generous DEX stat, something like 1D6+15. The first one in the game never made any sort of climb, jump, or DEX save in the next session. The characters were ambushing some bad guys in the bottom of a ravine and the cat was up above and climbing higher for some reason. He failed the climb roll, failed the DEX save and blew the ambush because he sledded past the bad guys on a sheet of shale rock, which needless to say alerted them something was up.
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