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Posts posted by Austin

  1. On 12/2/2019 at 1:38 PM, lordabdul said:
    On 12/2/2019 at 1:20 PM, soltakss said:

    Why not have a base of 15 minutes and allow Extension to extend the Duration?

    Oh right, I didn't think about Extension -- that does indeed create a different mechanism for affecting duration... but I guess it was already a bit weird since RAW Transform Self lasts 1 hour instead of the usual 15 minutes anyway. I'm not sure what you mean by "not worth getting" -- you get all of it, it's just that the spell lasts different times based on how many points you invest in it. Maybe you meant "not worth casting at that level", and yeah, I did mention that in my commentary.

    To make the spell start at 15 min, it would have to still be fairly expensive I think. Like, just 1 point less than RAW.

    One of the challenges in RAW for the transformation suite of spells is that they all have the "nonstackable" tag, which excludes them from use with Extension. One of the things which made me very sad playing my Odaylan; but it does feel reasonable at times—season-long doubled STR is probably overpowered.

    Naturally, house rules can bypass this limitation.

    I think that's why Transform Self as the Duration (special) tag, instead of Temporal. RAW as written you're getting Extension 1 on 3 spells which can't normally be extended. Now, I do agree that blowing 9 Rune points to be a bear for an hour is just... it just isn't good. I'd never consider it; I mostly use my Odayla RP for common spells, Bear's Strength, and an infrequent Summon Air Elemental (small) from Daddy. Not to mention trying to guarantee that I'm adventuring on a Wildday.

    Sort of winging it here, but perhaps this approach is reasonable: Remove the Wildday restriction; the base spells can't be stacked, but the full "I'm an animal!" can be stacked with Extension. Probably reduce the cost of Transform Self by a point, too. For an Odaylan, this still ends up with (3+2+2+1)=8RP for 15min, 11RP for a week's extension as a bear. Which is... hrm. Still really pricy, yeah.

    Also worth noting that all of these are touch spells; perhaps the intent is to have a bunch of initiates casting versions together on their Rune Master.

    19 hours ago, soltakss said:

    I'm talking about Werefolk, not normal Hsunchen.

    In the RQ2 book, there were 4 Werefolk described, all could change form at will, without the use of magic. Maybe that's because Hsunchen were not described until RQ3, but the impression I had was that normal Hsunchen had to use magic, but Werefolk could transform at will, because they were extra special, divinely-blessed people.

    So, Telmori have the Transform spells, but a Wolf Brother can transform without them and then can cast the spells to improve bite, armour and speed.

    My take from the Glorantha Bestiary is that the Telmori are indeed werefolk/werewolves/wolf brothers (their entry is listed as "Wolfbrothers" rather than Telmori). From page 85:


    The Telmori are werewolves. Each Wildday, which happens to be the night of the Full Moon in Dragon Pass, each Telmori must change to their beast form and roam the countryside. Each Telmori takes wolf form as soon as the sun sets and must remain a wolf until sunrise. They can also take wolf form by using their special cult Rune spells.

    It seems to me that the werefolk you're remembering from RQ2 have been removed (although perhaps they'll re-appear in a later supplement).

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/29/2019 at 12:59 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

    Interesting, this implies that RQ G  has changed the old rule that all MPs fueling a spell must come from one source.

    The old RQ3+ campaign I played in used this rule; it was an important limiting factor for keeping us from dumping a zillion MP into sorcery spells on all the party members. (We used some HRs for sorcery, which didn't rely on Free INT.) I was under the impression, however, that this was a house rule. Are you able to verify that it was a official rule?

    From my interaction with old scenarios, it looks to me like a caster's MP was just totaled, and that whether it was drawn from personal POW or Storage 1 or Storage 3 didn't matter when casting a spell.

  3. On 11/29/2019 at 5:20 AM, buckwheats said:

    What I want to know is, how is it done? On the one hand from the point of view of the hero quester and on the other hand ruleswise (RQG).

    Is there a definite (upcoming?) answer? Or does it fall under YGMV (which I could live with)?

    Heroquesting's tough to handle at the table, because while there's a great deal written about it, IMHO none of it feels quite solidified because the minds behind RuneQuest & Glorantha never quite settled on how to run it. The above conversation gives a pretty good summary of what's going on "in world" for different sorts of heroquests (This World/Other World, etc.). As Jajagappa noted heroquest rules will be coming sometime for RQG, but don't hold your breath.

    It's a bit of a running joke in the community that "heroquest is coming next year!" for the last forty years.

    As I recall, some places I've found fruitful for looking at heroquesting are the Guide to Glorantha and the HeroQuest Glorantha core rulebook. The latter and the campaign book The Eleven Lights each have sample "Other World" heroquests--the first written as an example, the second written to be run at a table--which I've found illuminating while trying to figure out how to do an RQ heroquest in my own campaign. Neither of these actually involve RuneQuest or D100 mechanics, so unless you're really interested in getting more Glorantha content, I can't in good conscience strongly recommend picking those titles up.

    (That being said, The Coming Storm & The Eleven Lights are both great sourcebooks I really need to get around to reading cover-to-cover. The titular heroquest in Eleven Lights is probably worth the cost of the hardback on its own.)

    I haven't yet formulated hard-and-fast rules for heroquests at my table. The core concept behind how I've done heroquests or adjacent adventures has been to allow adventurers to use their Rune Affinities as a skill (instead of for augmenting or for casting Rune magic) while in the Other World. For example, during the last Sacred Time while Argrath performed Orlanth Forms the Storm Tribe in New Pavis, the group's Humakti adventurer guarded the city walls. When the Night Tribe attacked at the end of the heroquest, he rolled using his Death Rune to defend the city against the invading trolls and dehori.

    A great resource for heroquests is the PC game King of Dragon Pass. It really was my first introduction to them as part of a game process, and it helps make the idea of "stations" and whatnot more clear. If you're going to make one purchase to learn more, I'd probably recommend that.

    As mentioned above, the Book of Heortling Mythology also discusses heroquests (although I don't own a copy) but so too does the Stafford volume Arcane Lore, according to its descriptor. I haven't read that either, but I reckon it should be mentioned for sake of completeness. King of Sartar also has some mythology & heroquesting stuff in it, but from my memory of reading it, I'm not convinced it would be the most helpful resource for a GM running a game.

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  4. 9 hours ago, davecake said:

    Dehore is probably Darkness shamanism.

    IIRC Dehore is noted as the troll equivalent of the Horned Man in RQ3's Troll Gods supplement, and I don't remember anything in his entry in the Glorantha Sourcebook which leads me to believe this role has been de-canonized.

    The whole entry "Spirits of Darkness" in the RQ3 supplement might make interesting further reading for you, @Qizilbashwoman. I don't know how canon it is nowadays, but I came across it recently while searching for alternatives to RQG's cults for the trollkin adventurer in my playgroup, and it presented an interesting picture on my skim through the article.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Just wait a little bit and there will be whole supplement set in Jonstown and it corrects all my mistakes in Sartar Companion.

    At risk of sounding flippant, is this a "few months" little bit or a "HeroQuest next year" little bit? While I appreciate Chaosium's strive for excellence in their publications, at the same time it's not typically viable for me to wait months to get official information in a new work while running a weekly game. Hence why I come here!

    11 hours ago, Jeff said:

    There are clans and even tribes in all of the cities of Sartar. There are also guilds, associations, and temples.

    At what level of organization is an Esrolian House? IIRC something (maybe Esrolia, Land of 10K Goddesses?) says they're the equivalent of a clan, but I'm curious.

    10 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    The first thing I'm planning do is basically keep an eye on the calendar and play through most of the important holy days, whenever the players happen to be in the village/city. A short scene each time would describe the appropriate rituals ... Roleplaying downtime, so to speak.

    Another thing I'm preparing, which you seem to be doing already, is having a pack of index cards with various events, rumours, and encounters. ... In practice, some of those index cards would have events/encounters that highlight what's going on in the world (like your examples), while some would just be local slice of life stuff (kids stealing apples and husbands cheating on their wife and so on)... of course, players being players, you never know what they'll do with it. They might (will?) follow a hook that you originally wrote just as "local colour", and then you have to improvise the beginning of an adventure.

    Lot of good stuff there. I feel like what I'm searching for is more ways to add cultural texture while adding a minimum of time to play; our average session is 3 to 4 hours so doing a set of mini-episodes at my table would probably eat a whole session. (Not always a bad thing!)

    I like your index cards idea a lot. I wonder if a city "encounter deck" could be interesting to develop. Each season, each adventurer gets one draw from it for "stuff happens" to add flavor. Again, the time thing, but downtime & skill checks & market stuff tends to eat a full session at my table anyway. Food for thought.

    I now recall an old RQ3 cities supplement I was directed toward one time by folks on this forum, which might have further food for thought in that avenue. Hrm.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Jeff said:

    I've heard that Melibite food stalls can be found throughout much of the city, selling black rice noodles fried with pork and crocodile. And spiced with local Fire Chilis. Quite a few Sartarite exiles got the taste for that, and I understand that that the Boldhome Geo's serves black rice noodles when they can get it as a patriotic statement.

    I don't really have anything to contribute to the discussion on grain usage & grain goddesses, but I'd just like to note that, as a gamemaster, these sorts of details are wonderful to have! :)

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  7. I'm looking for thoughts and advice on gamemastering a Heortling city as the backdrop to a broader campaign. The only city I know of which is really thoroughly written up is New Pavis, and the quantity of information in that is honestly a bit overwhelming. Further, the info in Pavis & Big Rubble seems more directed toward day-by-day play among the gangs & factions than RQG's episodic paradigm. It's good info, but of a sort I'm honestly not sure how to translate into at-the-table experiences.

    I'm including "Heortling" in the title because I'd like to try distilling what particulars best craft the illusion that the players' adventurers live in an actual city with ongoing events, without restricting it to a particular city. So the sorts of characteristics which could be generalized to fit Pavis or Jonstown or Clearwine, or even Boldhome and the metropolises of Esrolia. It sounds to me from what I've seen on this board that, very broadly, most cities of the game region have a similar Heortling pattern with city ring and king/queen, temple institutions, etc.

    So I suppose what I'm looking for help with is more like half "information on Heortling city-culture," and half "how to present that at a game table" without assigning reading homework.

    In my own game, what I've been doing for a few months now is typing up and printing for my adventurers a sheet with various pieces of info for what's going on in Pavis (although this is sometimes doubling as "what adventure do you want to do next?") and environs. For example, an "Events" section with things like "Vega Goldbreath kicked Belvani out of Sun County" and "A mysterious silver tower appeared in the Rubble" and a Rumors section sharing what the adventurers have been hearing in passing while going about their lives between adventures. And also a "Marketplace" section highlighting anything interesting available for sale, or detailing stuff like "+25% to cost of armor—everyone's buying it up in preparation for Argrath's assault on New Lunar Temple". (These are all examples drawn from my Pavis/Prax campaign, but I would use the same approach GMing other cities.)

    I feel like my approach does work, but only to a limited extent. By just offering a prepared sheet, I worry that the subjective feel of "this is the city and what's going on" is muted, and I wonder how I could, as a gamemaster, make the experience of "living" in Glorantha more vivid for players.

    Thanks in advance for suggestions & advice. :)

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, styopa said:

    TBH it's just considered as part of the "resting" process for us.  You wake up, and if you're a Rune level that last hour before you start your day is a worship service.  We don't play it out any more than most of the mundanities of daily life.  (shrug).

    That sounds heretically close to being "spend an hour each day with your spellbook" mister... ;)

  9. Notes, not necessarily in a particular order...

    My first impression is that this cult is strong. Perhaps stronger than a regional minor cult. I think I get that impression from the strength of Earth Spear and Raise Earth, but another notable element is that the cult gets access to both Heal Body and Shield through associate cults. (A combination which IIRC only Orlanth has direct RP access to otherwise.) That makes the cult very attractive to adventurers, even if some of the other spells don't have as much adventurer relevance.

    I'm unclear on if the raised stone remains after casting Raise Earth; I'm pretty sure it does, but because the spell has the temporal tag that makes me wonder if it lasts only fifteen minutes, then recesses into the ground.

    Earth Spear strikes me as really strong. I think the core concept of 1/2 current HP as damage is really powerful; I'm not certain if it's more powerful than 3 RP or not. It helps that the spell is nonstackable and therefore not viable for use with Extension. It might be simpler to say damage equal to half CON, so you don't need to muck about with bonus HP and things like Vigor. However, that does also improve an already strong spell.

    I did follow that link to the other thread, but among my first reactions to this cult writeup was "okay, but who is Gerendetho?" Developing a short explanatory paragraph or two would improve the writeup, especially if you plan to offer it to players.

    Does Gerendetho have Rune Lords? Thus far, my impression is of a warlike cult also concerned with fertility things.

    Likewise, the spirit magic selection is also very good, as a player adventurer. You have your debuff/POW Gain spell, healing, protection, damage buff, and HP buff, all in one cult. Plus, Detect Life is another great utility spell as an adventurer (even if it does give your position away).

    I feel like I don't know if this is meant to represent a major or a minor cult. My gut would say minor cult from what I skimmed in the other thread, but your writeup, to me, presents a cult and deity of a fairly substantial power and quantity of worship. Maybe not a major deity like Orlanth, but about as significant, perhaps, as Waha or Storm Bull. In that measurement I haven't run any specific numbers, but I'm rather eyeballing both the quantity and quality of Gerendetho's Rune spells against my memory of what spells those cults have access to. For example, IIRC Waha has small Earth elementals (from Eiritha) and Shield, but doesn't have an obvious "offense" spell like Earth Spear and further is restricted in his access to Heal. So Gerendetho seems to me in my mindset as a player to have more attractive war or "adventure" magic than the main god of the Praxians.

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  10. 16 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    A thing worth keeping mind - the Lunar rule of Pavis became far more oppressive in 1622 after Sor-eel was forced out and a new governor (Halcyon var Enkorth, a creature of the Provincial Overseer) arrives. Sor-eel genuinely liked many of the barbarian peoples, whereas Halcyon views his job as little more than an opportunity to squeeze out a fortune. As the Lunar situation gets worse in Dragon Pass, the regime in Pavis gets far more tyrannical.

    I think part of the challenge, then, is that for many folks around here the primary experience of pre-RQG Pavis is with Sor-Eel running the show, not Halcyon. I'm more distant from the canon than a lot of RuneQuest players, but a sort of semi-benevolent despotism is the image of Lunar Pavis which was in my mind from skimming Big Rubble & Pavis a while back when I started my game. Not good rulership, not compassionate, but far, far better than things were seventy-odd miles west.

    I got much the same image from my more thorough read of Borderlands & Beyond from Duke Raus; didn't want to be here, didn't like the people and surroundings, but overall wasn't that bad a bloke.

    From my perspective, I feel like historically a lot of the Pavis/Prax background has the Lunars as culturally antagonistic, but not automatically villainous.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Glorion said:

    (One player who looked at some of the Glorantha websites has already said he has real doubts about this Argrath character)

    FWIW every time I read an Argrath thread, it reinforces my personal opinion that he's actually just a Trickster who dumbasses his way to ever-greater success.

    I started my RQG campaign in Sea 1625, right after the fall of Pavis, with the players as members of the White Bull Horde or otherwise affiliated. I wrote up a little bit of prose to summarize, and definitely got a bit of player shock at the violence involved. For My Glorantha, there was a lot of murderin'. As I saw it, pretty much anyone who initiated to the Seven Mothers, at a minimum. Mass executions in the square, blood flowing down the streets for weeks. Almost French Revolution in hindsight, with the celebration of slaughtering Lunars.

    And then I juxtaposed that with a NPC Trickster in Argrath's employ pulling a Monty Python bit on them.

    Ultimately, my players seemed more interested in the Rubble-diving stuff than being "we're big bad Argrathi!" so I used the tension between Belvani & Vega Goldbreath, and the continued extermination of Lunar centers of power at Raus Fort and Corflu as background info for what's going on in broader Prax over the next few seasons (after Argrath's failed assault on New Lunar Temple in Fire season, of course).

    @Glorion, if you're in Pavis in early 1626, here's sort of the way I'm playing it in my game (we've just hit the end of Sea 1626): Pavis & Prax are in a state of uneasy quiet. The Lunars are gone, and a lot of the good things have gone with them. Notably trade, which has especially hurt Corflu (one of my players runs an Issaries merchant, and has started helping by establishing an Issaries shrine & market in the port town), and though there's some trade from Adari/Dagori Inkarth and Sartar, that whole area's also sort of holding its breath and waiting for Pharandros's hammer to fall during this summer's campaigning season. Argrath was going to march on Sartar, but after his failed attack on NLT (and Kallyr's success with the Dragonrise), I sort of have him "playing" at king in Pavis. He doesn't really want to rule Pavis, but there's a new Prince of Sartar and it'd be counter-productive to instigate a civil war by asserting his claim while his army's still a bit tattery.

    I've generally not focused on the day-to-day stuff (so a lot of the grit and grimy detail presented in the old RQ2 Pavis material--gangs, miscreants, bully soldiers, etc.--doesn't come up in my game), but in general I have Pavis's state as struggling, but not sinking. A lot of the population was slain after Argrath's conquest, but a lot of the population also wasn't. After all, a good portion was Sartarite, and although the White Bulls weren't merciful to Orlanthi "traitors" who worked with the Lunars, they also weren't really interested in killing other folks. As that vid notes, there'll be a power vacuum when Argrath's folks leave Pavis, but at the moment they've pretty cleanly filled the place the Lunars occupied.

    TL,DR: I figure the basic mood is "Sure was nice of good ol' King Argrath to kill those snooty Lunars and cut taxes in half, but I do sort of wish he'd take all his smelly Praxian nomads and go out noming a bit, y'know?"

  12. 2 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    Just had a test printout made. Now checking for typos.

    1) How did you get it printed? Looks good, from what I can see from the photo.

    2) What're the rules regarding printed works from the JC? IIRC DriveThruRPG's EULA forbids works in a community content program being sold in other venues & media; do you have another way of offering a print product, or is that just a personal physical copy?

  13. On 11/10/2019 at 5:28 PM, Ufnal said:

    The first part of the problem is the feeling that everything is already described and decided. We know year by year, often month by month, what the main players of the region are going to do. We know all the local tribes and their characteristics and attitudes and relationships. [At least we know that if we own all the sourcebooks. I don't, but the pressure of established canon is only lessened a bit that way - this may be stupid, but I feel like I shouldn't make up my own tribes and clans where there are things already brilliantly described]. 

    The second part of the problem is that this "metaplot" of Orlanthi-Lunar war is so powerful and prevalent that I'm finding it hard to imagine a campaign among the Sartarite tribes that doesn't live in its shadow and doesn't pretty quickly have to address the happenings of the war. This leads the characters to become a part of the historical events - but I fear that this practically means playing second fiddle to Broyan, Argrath or Harrek, without much agency in how the war unfolds (unless the characters are powerful enough to stand against those legends or the likes of Jar-Eel).

    I don't really have any advice to give which the other fine folks around here haven't said, but I'd just like to chime in and reassure that you're not alone in feeling this way :). I often say "most detailed" fantasy setting over "best" fantasy setting to describe Glorantha for a reason. I've been playing an RQG campaign for about a year now (and about a year in-game, too!) and it's a devil of a thing to organize a house campaign such that, if and when cool new canon-fitting scenarios are published, I'll be able to slot them in and finally stop writing as much material on my own.

    Now, this is doable. I promise. But there's other gamemasters getting Gloranthan brain-cramps out there too.

    • Like 2
  14. 10 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Yes of course. You don’t need a cult to become a shaman. 

    Would you be willing to describe that a bit more for me? Or point me toward where I should read myself?

    Reflecting, I can see how that's plausible, but I didn't receive that impression from RQG, or generally from most Glorantha stuff I've read (which admittedly hasn't been about Gloranthan shamanism). My impression that shaman="cult shaman" largely comes from the use of a cult as descriptor in scenarios, etc. E.g. Daka Fal shaman, Mallia shaman, and so on. Although now that I think on it, maybe the shaman in the quickstart wasn't? I can't recall; I haven't run that adventure.

  15. 2 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Now we are getting to the nut of the situation and a tough nut it is. A fair sized group with a diverse cult membership could keep the holy days hopping off the calendar pages. I like the idea of the strategy of keeping track of the calendar days on paper but the reality could entail much more book keeping than I thought. Definitely granular, but all those holy days and associated cult holy days times adventurers. Wow!

    Yep. Speaking as a GM using, more or less, RQG's magic rules as written, it can be a right pain in the arse. I've printed out the one-page calendar from the PDF in the GM's Screen Pack for each player, and that does help them keep track of their holy days, somewhat.

    The other challenge is that if an adventurer is trying to optimize their access to and use of Rune magic, then the "one adventure per season" paradigm RQG encourages breaks down. For example, I can't just narrate "Weeks pass, and it grows hot as the world turns to Fire Season, when a mysterious courier comes to Pavis..." because my Issaries merchant player will go "hang on hang on hang on! I've got weekly holy days, and I want to be poking around each week to see if there's any new opportunities to Spell Trade with my bonus 1D6 Rune points on those weeks!"

    So my game process at-table has instead become something more like "Death Week, anyone doing something? Okay, moving to Harmony Week," etc. between adventures.

    @weasel fierce My old RQ3 game didn't really use much Rune magic—I was a sorcerer-knight, and we had a couple other sorcerers and a shaman for support, plus one lonely theist—but I'd say the play experience of using Rune points is really fun. It's both strong and flexible. However, I do agree that something a bit more slow and granular than RQG would best fit my taste, both in terms of starting skills as well as in terms of magic access.

    In hindsight, if I were to re-start a campaign with new rules & norms, I'd really like to try implementing some of @soltakss's suggestions above. Probably have adventurers start without "free" Rune points, but eligible to become initiates if they meet the skill requirements. Probably have to buy the common spells (maybe each cult would have one or two for free, instead of the whole gamut), and initiates only able to replenish their Rune points on a seasonal holy day.

    Fortunately, if you like the RQ3 engine better (and I do as well in several places) IMHO it's not too difficult to tack RQG's Rune magic and cults on top. I'm not quite convinced that D100 games are as modular as some folks claim they are, but in this case it seems pretty cut-and-paste to me. If, of course, that would suit your table and Your Glorantha.

    • Like 1
  16. I'm gonna take y'all's example as an excuse to spoiler my own work's cover. :)


    Winter Descends on Dragon Pass!

    When the child Rolf goes missing after a blizzard, his parents Rastolf and Serla grow frantic. They come to the village of Apple Lane begging for help from any who will listen. They come seeking any who will brave the wind and snow of winter to find a little boy. They come seeking adventurers.

    The search will lead adventurers to a mysterious cave, known to locals as the Throat of Winter for the howling winds which blow forth. Inside, they face a terror from before the Dawn—Krampus. In this Gloranthan take on Scandinavian myth, the adventurers will find their bravery and Loyalty tested as they decide how best to protect Apple Lane from the demon’s predation.

    This site-based adventure is intended to provide one to three sessions of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha play for four to six beginning to intermediate adventurers. While it is integrated into the Colymar campaign provided in Chaosium’s Gamemaster Screen Pack, this adventure is designed for use in any Dragon Pass campaign.


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  17. 10 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Wow those minis look awesome, good job. Mine are still shamefully unpainted, because I suck.

    Don't worry, most of mine are too. :) @Dissolv, lovely work with those minis! They look really good.

    My favorite from Mad Knight's line are probably the broo, because there's such a diversity of animals involved. In particular, the elephant and the bison broo are fun. The one problem I've had is that some minis have uneven bottoms, making standing them upright tricksy.

  18. I'd just like to publicly say thanks to everyone who offered to help, both here and in PMs, as I move through the last stages of layout & production. Your generosity is appreciated! Putting this together has definitely been a learning process, albeit a fun one. Able to appreciate all the hard work the Chaosium folks put in a bit more now.

    I'd also like to apologize to anyone who wanted to assist, and was unable. I didn't schedule an appropriately long time for playtesting, and it's something I plan to work on improving in the future.

    Once again, thanks to everyone at BRPCentral for feedback, and for useful discussions & advice generally. I appreciate this community. :)

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