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Everything posted by frogspawner

  1. BRP0 has a half-page 'Spot Rule' for "Cold, Exposure, Hunger, and Thirst". Heat/cold increase FP loss rate; similarly after 1 or 2 days without water/food. After CON/2 days, any physical action requires a Stamina roll to avoid 1hp damage. After CON days all actions are Difficult and wounds heal at half rate. Each day on -ve FP lose d6hp. Maybe even lose SIZ! But at least you can stay alive for a day on 0hp. :confused: If that's not detailed enough for your purposes, it might be good to see what 'expanded Spot' (Patch?) Rule you do come up with.
  2. Sorry if I'm giving "onlie the liveliest awfullness" to this long-dead thread, but I think it's worth it. After all... Hurrah! Presumably that's finished now. Any chance your posting could be soon, please, Mr D?
  3. Was that really the exact thought? The "20+" sounds more like an absolute Allegiance percentage to me. Yes, that sounds good. But I'd prefer to use absolute percentages of their 'acknowledged' Allegiance (not Best minus 2nd Best, or whatever). Previously I thought it odd to build up other allegiances opposed to your main one (e.g. a good-guy priest having Allegiance(Law) 90%, but also Allegiance(Chaos) 50%, due to dodgy deeds). But now I'm fairly happy with it - it can give rise to the classic "good priest turns evil"* scenario, flipping over to the Dark Side just by acknowledging the allegiance he has built up (spot-on for those 'Galactic Knights'!). Using the absolute values, they'd still have full powers (or more) but from the other lot - which seems more suitable (more tempting....) than having to re-start from scratch. (* Don't seem to hear about "evil priest turns good" scenarios, though (except DV, of course!). Should it be possible that way round?)
  4. I have a bit of a problem here, in that I think I've gone off Glorantha a bit recently. Not more barbarian culture articles, please! I'd prefer a BRP fanzine. But if BRP stuff is allowed, it's probably worth supporting. (Rules for converting HeroQuest to BRP? >:-> No, I don't have the HQ knowledge to do any, just exploring the limits of heresy... )
  5. MRQ compatible with BRP? Surely not! Easy to convert, perhaps...
  6. Good point. At least there should be a section for BRP Zero at the top - that's the one that's actually published, after all! Mr T? Patience, man! We don't want them to rush it and risk making the rules (particularly for combat) a monumental disaster like Mongoose have with their attempt at RQ...
  7. Oh, yes please! I need this. I was there, all those years ago... And so was the gang of old-time D&D-ers I have just this very evening promised to do BRP with over one big weekend in July (if that timescale is any good to you?). This could sell them on BRP for ever. Also, my regular weekly group is 4 kids, 1 Powergamer and 1 Serious Roleplayer, who normally suffer my own D&D-to-nearly-BRP conversion homebrew. It might be just up their street too. My Hope: they won't notice it's a parody. My Fear: it'll be identical to my usual games! :eek:
  8. Ta. Yes, if anyone knows of other Personality etc systems, please tell us all about them. Hmmm... Status(Temple of Babisiya) versus Allegiance(Babisiya). A fine distinction - but interesting. The former convinces other members of the hierarchy to let you learn Sorcery spells from their grimoires, the latter lets you learn Magic spells from the goddess herself, perhaps? But I must get back to my reading and learn all about such nuances...
  9. Yes, yes, yes. Here: Passionate Roleplaying :focus:
  10. Personality Traits, Allegiance, Status etc in BRP deserves it's own thread. Here are the quotes from the BRP Conversion topic... Seconds out, round two...!
  11. Don't feel bad. Real RPGs for Computer Games is a good idea. No-one's made it work spectacularly well yet, that's all. Would that really be worth it? I suspect not. OK, it's nice the local Waterstones has a shelf of big-name RPGs - but I didn't see a horde of eager young players flocking to it last time I was in there. If supermarkets are more successful than anywhere else, aren't they the outlet to use? I think you're spot-on there. What would we need to include in a Starter BRP? Could it be a kids comic/magazine that supermarkets would sell? Kind of an updated White Dwarf, but mostly the core game rules with just a few extras tacked-on each month. Free weird dice with first issue...
  12. OK, I can't resist - you've made me break off from my reading. I'm very pleased to see the Pendragon-style Personality Traits (which I like, even though they're just given as an NPC option) and an Allegiance(<religion>) skill (which can give extra PP, D.I. and maybe other GM-defined benefits, like more powerful Rune-style magic perhaps) in BRP0. I'd deploy them like this: Allegiance increases when a character has "behaved in a manner favoured by the divine force", which I'll say is by exhibitng traits the god likes (from a list of about 5 per god). Traits would be like skills, but each could only be used successfully once per game session. In a situation where the player can justify it, and is just about to use some other normal skill, a Successful Trait-skill roll would make the other skill-roll "Easy" (i.e. double chance); Special x4, Critical x10, Fumble x1/10 with an option to abort the action but at a cost of immediately decreasing the Allegiance by the usual increment (increasing some 'opposite' instead, as BRP says, seems a bit odd to me). When a character had ticks for enough (all?) of a god's favoured traits, they'd gain a tick for that Allegiance too. Non-allegianced characters could have them too, but obviously get less benefit. Their use is entirely voluntary - only those the player chooses for personality/allegiance need be listed - so hopefully this system would not 'get in the way' of roleplaying. Though cruel GMs might call for allegiance-test rolls (as per Maintaining Allegiance, p312), if they don't act as Brave as they should when the troll-berserkers charge... I'm thinking these trait-skills would represent the amount above normal (i.e. 50%) for that trait, so they would be on the usual 1-100% scale as other skills (not starting over 50%), e.g. an NPC with "Aggressive/Passive 90/10" would be equivalent to trait-skill "Aggressive 40%". Characterful Loves and Hates can be bunged in too. Cool with that?
  13. Surely there's already a World of Warcraft P&P RPG?
  14. Yes! The Book is in my hands! (Thanks Mr D, et al!) This could swing my long-time RPG gang, currently voting over what to play in future, from D&D 4e to BRP - hopefully another half-dozen or so players will soon be wanting their own copies of the BRP 'bible'. I'll keep you posted - but other postings will have to wait for a while. I'm just off to the armchair now, and I could some time... :happy:
  15. It strikes me Clerics haven't been handled for D20>BRP yet. (Are they in your big magic conversion/kit bash, STS?). Presumably they wouldn't have their spells as skills - since they just call 'em from on high (or low). This might be useful as a basis for priestly-types... Sounds good. I've been trying out personality-trait 'skills' (like Pendragon) but I'm not quite happy with how it's going - Allegiance/Status might work out better. For "inspiring" I've been allowing rolls against personality trait %s, once per session each, to double a skill for one use in a suitable situation (or halving if it fails). That works well, but my trait-skill increase/progression doesn't. Maybe Allegiance/Status will do the trick. (Is BRP's Status the same thing as S5/Elric's Allegiance? Do traits fit the usage of either?) If you could have Allegiances to several different traits, that might dilute the unbalancing effect of a single, over-powerful Allegiance. Rather than Allegiance(Babisiya) or whatever deity, giving access to more powerful spells at certain percentages, you could have several "Trait-Allegiances" required of the god's priests (perhaps Pious, Cruel, Cunning, Vengeful, Cowardly in her case?). Presumably there'd be some normal skill requirements too, RQ-style - all to the good, I already use that approach in my converted campaign. Trait-skills would fit nicely. :focus: For Conversion from D20 you could have Allegiance(Law) or (Chaos), but presumably not both, and a separate Allegiance (Good) (or Evil) as well. Simplistic, but opens the door for other characterful loyalties/traits, breaking-in the D&D-ers gently. What percentages? Dunno.
  16. England? Or even the U.S. (by Japs in the West, Nazis in the East)? Would that be enough of a twist?
  17. So who's the April Fool? The guy who ordered BRP Zero full price two weeks ago and still hasn't got it.... Yours Truly. Thanks, Chaosium. ;-(
  18. Sorry, but that's not converting D20 characters to the BRP system - it's the other way around! (Basically, though, I agree with you. Apart from combat modifiers, I use those D20 rules in my own BRP-like system. But we are supposed to be doing D20>BRP here...) Yes, I do - but by the back door. Having a 'half-effect if spell-casting roll fails' normally halves damage (given low casting skill), and then defining spell-effects in terms of level of power expended (instead of character level) typically halves it again. Good point - should "Saving Throws" be handled this way?
  19. A good (though formulaic) D20>BRP Conversion system might help D&D3.5-ers (who don't like 4e) seize the opportunity to upgrade to BRP (a more mature, stable system) - even if they don't know BRP well enough to make the subjective decisions that you could. By all means add advice about adjustments for campaign power-levels and keeping character - but I think we should have the Conversion ready for them, just in case. And where better to start than the number one BRP site? :party:
  20. The main trouble with any of these methods is the uncertainty they bring to spell-casting. In D20, you try to cast a spell and it happens. Replace that with one of the above systems (where a spell might only have an 80%, or even 50%, chance of working in the face of an onrushing enemy) and quite soon the wizards are dead. In my (X years old) BRP-style campaign the latest system I've been using for D20-style spells says the spell works even when the skill-roll fails - but with half effect. (With that proviso, any of the above formulae would be fine - including STS's original.)
  21. True - almost. But I'd say there is a point: a formula can provide a good starting point. Certainly it shouldn't be graven in stone, if a particular character doesn't seem to come out right. What makes "a really good fighter" isn't well defined. Some long-standing campaigns can produce Heroes with skills about 150%, others 400%, others 2000%! All are fine. Formulae can give a good objective yardstick to use. (Even if some campaigns apply a multiplier! Though it might be nice to agree an 'industry standard' Hero...)
  22. Yes! And hopefully there'll be a big demand for this particular conversion very soon. I feel like I've been doing not much else for the last 10 years or so :shocked: and would like to hear more details. Is your D20>BRP conversion theoretical, or have you actually been using/living/breathing it?
  23. I'm the first option - but don't actually 'have' it, 'cos it's in the post - I hope that counts. Maybe the second option should read "it's mostly the same and we'll have Jason's promised errata". Won't we?
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