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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. 1 hour ago, Diana Probst said:

    I'd start by looking at how Inkscape does its booleans.  That's likely to be open source, and if not, there is definitely at least one plug-in that does it - you can use a shape on your top layer to cut through all the layers beneath it, in one add-on I remember.  This maths WILL have been done already.  You just need to find it.

    polygon - polygin intersection is known math....

    But shape-shape (with bezier curve) is still an open problem, I think... 😕 
    But that stimulated me, gonna give another look.... what's 6 more months hey?! 😛 

  2. 1 hour ago, Diana Probst said:

    If you want to do basic maps then https://dungeonmapdoodler.com/draw/ is worth a look

    Diana! That's not good at all!
    For a pet project of mine I have been trying to do exactly that!

    I mean I am not quite sure what they do.. but I tried to do that eraser / merge with a vector graphic and the maths are killing me! :( 
    After 6 months I gave up....
    But they are doing it in a web app! 😮 

    I am just going to go cry in a corner... 😰

    I wonder if they do raster graphics though.. would be easier...but then, how do they do the nice boundary hey?

  3. Mmm.. on one hand I want to keep it on INT to make it better for Psilon

    On the other hand... I can see how this would be nice for APP and communication skills... mmm... gave me some food for thoughts... digesting.... :)

  4. Better idea yet...

    I tied that to a progression system..

    There is a Focus skill. Each 20% in focus grants 1 focus point, up to INT/3. Each focus point can be used once a day to get a crit (if a second roll is successful).

    Further I make this focus skill a Psilon racial skill.

    This way I achieve 3 good outcomes :)

    - Psilons have their own bad ass kill (like other races)
    - I have another sorta levelling reward

    - it nicely is low for most NPC, except if desired.. 


  5. As I am rounding up my Master of Orion custom BRP ruleset... (though, this is taking a hit, with Assassin Creed Valhalla and Cyberpunk 2077), I reflect that INT does not do enough for my liking...

    I just got an idea... that I share here for fine tuning feedback! :) 

    Me think once for every x INT point (INT/3 i.e. once for every 3 INT ?) per.. day? game session? one could get a chance to upgrade a normal success to crit!
    They then roll again and get a crit if they succeed again...

    This way you need a combo of INT and good skill to use it, and hopefully INT/3 is not too big nor too small...

    What say you?

    • Like 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    Plus, as soon as you have 4 or more ships, you need to keep track of your moves in 3 dimensions.

    I was deep space chase, not around asteroid setttlement.

    Hence it's just empty space.. 3D move is not that important that you must consider it.... There is absolutely nothing to take cover or hide out there, a straight line + some amount of dodging + some amount of hiding behind other space ship moving with you, is your only reasonable option.... no need for 3D map! ^^

    Plus you can't really 3D map on a table...

  7. I plan to do like Master of Orion... mm.. not really any chases there.. if you can survive 2~3 round, you can engage the warp drive!

    But I guess this was a different sort of question.... for simplicity sake one could use round to round relative velocity on the map. which suddenly make the map (kind of) the usual square movement map, like for character.
    The only difference is what happen in case of impact with a large immobile object (like an asteroid...)

    Other than that, in space there isn't much of a chase... either you have a faster drive.. and you slowly (or quickly?) get away. or you don't and, at best, if you are more mobile, you can circle around your pursuer...


  8. I quite like how they squished many thing in 5e!
    Except the HP... it's even bigger than 3.5! :o  So yuk! 🤢

    But yeah, I also like a level 7+ party is unbeatable unless you use lots of big monster of other unlikely high level party... or multiple large wave of monsters.. 😕 

  9. My thought is that you don't need any horror mechanic for that game....
    You will be fighting hordes of undead (won't you?) it will be very different is you throw a bout of madness every few encounters....

    Plus neither D&D (since Ravenloft is a D&D campaign) nor undead / dracula movie take the madness angle, why would you? I mean up to you.. but there is no madness to it.. more like normal fear.. as in.. damn, my health is low, there is like 6 vampires there .. and they regenerate, fly, etc....  No need to add madness, I want to run away perfectly lucidly! :P 

  10. This look like a good start... but a lot is missing, even for character creation!

    such as.. what are those dark art point?

    are you sure that brawn is the average of str and siz, what kind of creature average 30? not many that's for sure?
    you probably mean, the sum! ;) 

    and finally we want maps! with creatures or encounters inside! :D

  11. 19 minutes ago, Vile Traveller said:

    I'm a little confused by  now - in your MoO setting are you using general hit points, location hit points, or both? And are you using fixed or variable hit points?

    I am using general HP = (CON+SIZ)/2 + Endurance Skill/10%
    I am plan on using Major Wound like CoC (fixed (SIZ+CON)/3 value), and will do a resistance roll on 1 hit major wound or lose a limb (only case location table for creature will be used)
    I am using fixed armor values. However I just adopted variable AP circumstantially, i.e. when the only armor is Helmet and the character has partial cover (that was what my question was about! :) )
    Oh, and also using toughness (inspired by RD100), = CON/4, that reduce damage, down to a minimum of 1. (that might seem excessive but.. the weapon effect can give you bonus damage  as well! 😮  think double damage with impale, except I tweaked that system too.... 😮

    I hope that makes that clear! :)

  12. Interesting take Questbird... I have to give it some thoughts!

    I dunno if I want to use that for my upcoming Mater of Orion game.. But I can se that as being a good optional rule for some game! :)

  13. 7 hours ago, Der Rote Baron said:

    I would use random AP with a bonus for the helmet 8 (or a -1 if the suit of armor is lacking a helmet).

    yeah... I was think about that (malus when removing helmet and also, of course, give perception malus to armor wearer) but I thought it might be a bit crunchy.. but perhaps not... you motivate me to consider it again! ^_^

    5 hours ago, Kloster said:

    I think the Helmet as a bonus for armor works well only with variable armor. With BRP, for me, fixed armor goes with localized damage.

    Well.. BRP is full of "optional rule" to tailor it to your liking! :) 
    I also though of using random armor with generalised HP but.. after much turning the idea in my head, I dismissed it. thought I think it's fitting for a lonely piece of armor that can be life saving or not (1PA is not much saving, where D6 might be)

    To slightly segway into the various HP setting (i.e. localised, vs generalised, and more!..)

    I would argue that people like localised wound because in a medieval game with super optimised player character and modest weapon damage, because localised wound are good for one shot kill of NPC while increasing PC sturdiness (7 location to wound down separately that have overall way more total localised HP that (CON+SIZ)/2).

    But, in a scifi game with average weapon doing 2D8 damage or more... localised wound become a liability... 
    Well, at least that's my take on it! :P 
    I am sure PC don't enjoy that much being routinely one shot... Plus I also don't like it.. I rather scare PC in retreating or running away, that killing half of them every encounter to motivate the other half to run for their lives...

    Additionally, I even gave me a veteran bonus sorta... instead of using the optional double HP (i.e. SIZ+CON), I use a progressive system, where HP = (SIZ+CON)/2 + Endurance%/10% so HP increase slowly (up to SIZ+CON) as the Endurance skill improves.


  14. Hi,

    working on a custom scifi ruleset / setting for BRP.. for the record I am using general HP (and major wound, like Coc) and fixed armor value.

    looking at the armors at the moment, particularly the helmets....
    I found the whole helmet rule of +1/+2 (+3,+4 for more advanced) a bit crazy, ....

    I am tempted by the following, what say you?
    - if the character has armor, use the armor AP
    - helmet only provide circumstantial cover, i.e. when the character is prone against forward missile, or when behind cover and occasional losing cover to quickly shoot, or with a shield (and failed parry) and helmet
    - in the case the helmet is used, use random AP
    - additionally helmet can have mods, like comms, night vision, psionic protection, holo projector, etc...


    • Like 1
  15. Oooo.. this fading sun stuff is cool! too bad I made so much progress on my Master of Orion setting other wise I would use that for scifi! :) 

    But going to see if I can steal a few ideas! :)

    As for powers.. my version was purposely more simple.. so I can just easily and quickly mash power together to make some holy warrior order, without worrying too much whether they are the same kind of power... But your is interesting too! :)

    BTW I got a vaguely similar But also simplified (only 3 levels at best) for the Psionic in my Master of Orion settings... :) 

    • Like 1
  16. - I was inspired by Diablo. Diablo has both Mana (i.e. Magic Point) and Cooldown. And I thought why not do that too, and make this a cooldown based magic version (a slot is a cooldown that is recovered y meditation). Come to think of it, an easy way to make it decisively less OP is reduce slot significantly.. like 1 every 30~40%?

    - While I was opening the possibility to player to create their own way, it's impossible for starter character to do (not enough spell skill at 100%!) so they would have to follow a cultural and local way that I prepare in advance, if they so wish.

    - thanks going to take a look at that! :)

  17. I was trying to come up with a power concept that I could use liberally to give 1 or 2 power to most NPC in a shameless non op fashion....
    So that I don't end up with the players having 6 casters against either powerless mob, or esoteric powerful one.. but instead common soldiers with a surprise...

    Initially I like the concept .. but then I realize it's a bit like sorcery, except less flexible (less spell choice) yet more powerful (the equivalent MP they cast is higher). So I am wondering whether the concept is sound or not!? 😮 

    Enough with the introductions, here is the power mechanic for you to comment on!



    Adepts are a new kind of magical practitioner. Each adept follows a way, or magical discipline. A discipline is a list of up to 6 magic spells and a skill named after it.

    An adept, or practitioner, has a “Way of the Discipline Name” skill that define how far his mastery of the way goes.

    For every 20% In the skill he can learn one power of the discipline that cost less that skill/20% magic point to cast. For every 10% in the skill and adept get one cast slot. And he can cast any of the power he or she know using a cast slot in the power phase of the round (INT+D10 initiative).

    Adept can recover each slot with 1-hour meditation.

    Magician can create new discipline by teaching their way to a group of students. They can choose up to 4 spell they know at 80%+ or 5 spell they know at 100%+ or 6 spell they know at 120%+ and teach them to new recruit as part of a new way. Spell level / MP cost is decided when creating the discipline.

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