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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Played a bit of both...

    Mythras and BGB are quite compatible rule wise... In fact they mostly differ in little details here and there.. But worth a read for increasing your pool of ideas! :) 
    In fact I stole some idea from all.... The most obvious is the use of XP instead of skill checkmark!

    But I too I was drawn to BGB after trying (for quite a while) Classic Fantasy, Mythras, and Revolution D100.
    What I like with BGB, power systems' power feels just right for me and less complicated combat (although I am widening the special effects through what one could call a mini version of combat manoeuvres, but what I call an extended special list, it's slightly different intent / source), ...

    As a side note I am working on a Master of Orion ruleset booklet (70% done) and setting (5% done), I could send you the ruleset if you are interested!? :) 

    • Like 1
  2. mmmm..... for me GoogleSheet is like a whole new world, never used it! Nor have I any idea where to start! 😮

    Though I can see how having Javascript can go further that Excel for example I can use.. variables!

    That said my spaceship designer is now finally complete (only took 8 days! ^_^

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  3. I think Vehicle attacking Character can be worked out.. I do have multiplier, and I  am going to add armor destroying bonus (like, when a canon ball go through that armor, the armor is ruined!!)

    But.. where I am unsure.. what about players attacking spaceship/vehicle?
    Those don't have damage reduction!
    Even if I divide character damage by by, they can still burst the thing "relatively easily".. 😕  I.e. tank should have armor and the hand gun do absolutely nothing instead of chip damage as it will be..

    Mmm.. got it! Handgun don't have "armor destroy" bonus! So.. hey should work differently! 😮 :) 
    Alright back to tuning, thanks! :) 

  4. Added precision.

    The problem is more obvious with some numerical examples.

    If I take the weakest Spaceship weapon (all the other kind of work): Laser Cannon, with D4 damage. And my intended multiplier for Vehicle vs Character of x2. One can see the problem.

    Laser Cannon does 2xD4. Plate Armor does 8, character is immune 😮 While spaceships take chip damage! 😮 
    What about a vehicle with 10 Laser Canons?
    Player is still immune (-8 on each weapon), whereas enemy vehicle take a lot of damage! :o 
    One could maybe use the armor against the end result of the 10x2xD4.. but this is a bit contrived, particularly when, at the same time, vehicle shield damage reduction applies to each dice... 😕 

    And also it's kinda funny, since the hand laser rifle does, as suggested in the BRP for advanced missile weapon, does 2D8....

  5. I guess this document is mostly relevant to someone that wants to publish a game.

    And also, whether you want or not, it's really a matter of personal taste and you could stretched it as much as you like.

    I.e. if your intent is to improve / tweak the gameplay experience of some BRP/CoC/MagicWorld/Stormbringer, however much change there is, it's still based on the BR OGL.

    But if you have a totally new game that just happen to have the famous 6 characteristic and percentile skill. well it could very well have nothing to do with BRP...

    I guess in your case, the answer would be yes, all your change can have the BRP OGL derivative tag! :) 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I am trying to merge the spaceship combat system, inspired by Master of Orion, with the creature combat of BRP.

    Why you ask?
    Fair question! ^^

    Because, I am inspired by the spaceship combat, to design vehicle weapon and armor (since I could reuse many techs / weapons / devices).
    And obviously a character vs an armored vehicle is a possible scenario...

    So.. where is the problem?

    In the spaceship combat there is very little damage reduction, instead a spaceship has 2~3 HP layers. An (optional) forcefield layer (that regenerate), an armor layer, and a structure layer. Damage is taken by the outer layers first, until it reaches the structure when things start to go bad!
    Though, on a side note, forcefield does provide some armor reduction... but it's an optional more advanced component...

    if I scale that to vehicle... I got a problem... character have damage reduction (even huge damage reduction, like 16 for best power armored of their tech level), while spaceship weapon don't do that much damage but they destroy armor. So what  should I do?

    - idea 1. keep things as is and give a 'armor buster' trait to large (i.e. vehicle size) weapon, that destroy a fraction of the player armor on each damage... seems like a good idea!

    - but then.. what about what about when character shoot at vehicle?

    Any ideas?

  7. 15 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    That means what Casus Belli (an old french RPG magazine) did with BaSIC: a 48 pages BRP booklet with roughly 25 pages of rules, the rest being an intro to RPG, a minimalist bestiary and a few examples. I used it and it was very good.

    I used to read Casus Belli when I was at Uni! :)

    But I cant remember any article on BRP or RuneQuest.....

    Mind you, it was back around 1995-1998! 😮

  8. Hi,

    I gave some thought to leveling up rewards and want to share my ideas so far for feedback! :)

    First why? We play BRP to get away from Level!
    Yeah, right.. but when I reflect on RPG video game or D&D session, I think it gives a nice buzz to have some "getting noticeably better" stat thingy.. and just increasing you percent chance of success a bit feels a tad underwhelming...

    But what about 100%+ skills? Yeah, can give a very nice boost... but I would like more such things....

    I started to play with pseudo skills (works better with XP since they are not really skill with skill check mark) which gives an extra bonus

    My ideas so far (all untested.. I am not GMin this year, we taking turn, and the other GM is GM-ing an unholy game that shall not be named!)

    • Endurance, where every 10% give +1HP. i.e HP are now (SIZ+CON)/2 + Endurance/10% up to (SIZ+CON)
    • I got one for MP as well: Arcane Knowledge
    • Veteran (x), where X is a fuzzy general purpose group of skill (like combat, magic, science, etc...) and every 10% gives 1 advantage roll per session (i.e. a roll can be rolled a second time).. although I am not sure about that idea... it doubles up with Luck point.. and, say, 5 advantage roll.. isn't that much?
    • Additionally combat veteran point can be used to add +1D6 damage or reduce incoming damage by +1D6
  9. I was mostly using INDEX function so far....
    Gotta check out INDIRECT, VLOOKUP and think of using cell to store tmp data....
    I shall try harder indeed, Excel is a perfect choice indeed...

    Although I quite like my C# (9) declaration of all Techs so far.. took me 1 hour of thinking, 5 hours of typing (so far).... 😮 :)

  10. I know, I know this is not a programming web site! But just you wait a moment, I think it shall soon all be clear...

    I am working an my Master of Orion booklet for BRP, and the Spaceship construction rule closely follow the rule of the video game. Which is a tad involved to calculate how much space is left, how much is taken by current device, how much it cost over all, etc.... to say the least.

    And I thought to myself! Hey maybe I should make an Excel spreadsheet that does it?
    But, well, Excel is not my forte, so I dunno if I do something in suboptimal fashion but, I am ending-up with very very long incomprehensible formula.. 😕  Oh mighty Anders Hejlsberg, I beseech thee, gimme some C#!

    So I am thinking why not make a simple desktop program, that would be good! But then there is always the trust issue of random exe on the web... Hell perhaps I can even make it a web page?
    But I don't really want to maintain a website.....

    Any idea what medium would be good?
    Come to think of it, perhaps a single page javascript web app might do the trick.. just the behind the scene data will be a bit.. less friendly format than excel.. 

    and you know what? gotta ask my favorite programmer forum too! ^_^


    Actually... since I am making a desktop app for doing galaxy map, can as well have spaceship design in it!

  11. g33k you make some good point...

    an idea comes to mind, if I make it a conflict (in fact it was my proposition :P )  with a very high value (say the MoO research cost / 10, like 400) with a penalty to player roll... it becomes.. while theoretically possible, quite very unlikely...

  12. On 11/9/2020 at 3:47 AM, RosenMcStern said:

    This would most certainly break the system, unless you apply so many counterbalances that you would basically be rewriting the BGB. The game is built on the assumption that the first 1-2 attacks in a round "lower the defenses" in preparation of the finishing blow. If you take this away, the problem ofunbeatable parries at high level kicks back in.

    I missed that because I gave them haste.. the PC were just too fast... (and I think I might have messed up the calculations as well..)

  13. One trope of Master of Orion is that if one successfully capture an enemy ship, one *might* be able to reverse engineer it... (if they have any unknown technology, including advance tech)
    Wanted to introduce that at the player scale! :)
    In the unlikely case it happens to them! :)

  14. 15 hours ago, soltakss said:

    I would keep the Skills/Traits/stunts from RD100 in any D100 game that I GM. 

    There are some things in RD100 that are truly excellent and that I would love in any game that I GM. There are also things that I ignore or don't use. However, this is not particularly a criticism of RD100, I have played enough D100-style games over the years that I have picked bits from each of them to make a game that works best for me.

    Yeah this thought came to me as I thought I need to tidy up the MoO skill list once I finished the tech and equipment list...
    But then I thought, my tidying up is never gone be good enough, but the general skill + trait is very forgiving and (as a nice bonus) gives an added mechanic to add non quantifiable abilities (i.e. stunts)...

    As for the rest I am unsure... I might keep everything else BRP like.... (HP, resistance table/roll, powers, weapon damage, my custom combat effect...)(I stress combat effect, as opposed to combat manoeuvre.. same mechanics, but much shorter list, coming mostly from weapon damage type)

  15. Well... I like firebolt... though I'd like them to be around the strength of arrows... (I did consider them having no level and being fixed power like arrows)
    And I like fireball but I am unsure how it would fit in there (which I guess was where the worst of my indecision really show)
    I guess that summarise 50% of my latest various message on this forum... hahah....

  16. On 11/7/2020 at 11:57 PM, GothmogIV said:

    Thank you, Lloyd. That's very generous. I'll give it a read. 

    Hey, feel free to share if you have any feedback...
    While on one hand it's both and unfinished and try to emulate my personal magic vision (which I know for a fact is not shared that much around here.. the RuneQuest, Mythras, RevolutionD100 tradition is totally into over the top magic, much more so that D&D I think), I am always curious to know if you had a few ideas that could fit in! :) 

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  17. 12 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

    I still do not see the problem. A magician can do more damage than anyone else in a fantasy environment (not in Urban Fantasy), and more than once per round. So what? He willl overkill goblin#1 while goblin#2 impales him with a spear. My question: how do all these changes make the game more exciting? And how does having the wizard be "as intimidating as Gandalf" make the game less exciting?

    I think you nailed our difference. It's not a rule mechanic issue! It's just a fundamental difference on the vision about what a wizard is or can be!
    Maybe when I say there was a "problem" I used the wrong word... not sure how better I could have qualified it though...

    I just do not like the powerful wizard fantasy. They can fly, teleport, polymorph... that's more than enough for me... The "problem" is even more pronounced in RD100 where they can almost do that at will, as a starting character! 😮 

    It's particularly grating to me when a starting wizard is already a lot more OP than other people.

    And here, I will add if necessary, there is not any particularly more realistic option, it's all really just a matter of taste... so it might be confusing, I guess... But there is nothing wrong either way! :P 


    I hope you understand now and see the point I was making when I specified it most certainly was a personal preference of mine! ;) 

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