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Everything posted by Closterphobia

  1. This is really the best response to all RPG rule arguments.
  2. Like many others, I’ll do a debrief for a one-shot, but never for an ongoing campaign. I find for a one-shot players may want to know simple things like “did we miss any clues?,” that type of thing.
  3. The three preview pages have me salivating, I want this goodness in my hands.
  4. “My librarian always has dynamite on hand, in case of emergency.”
  5. Spitballing a couple ideas. How about the drawing of the cards and her readings are unknowingly influenced, perhaps by a trickster type like Nyarlathotep or entity from the Dreamlands? Or perhaps she finds a “special” deck of tarot cards that are actually a “Mythos Tome?” (Could be a great prop opportunity.)
  6. So many good looking books for 7th edition,. My wallet canna take it captain!
  7. Both look great. I have tentative plans to run A Cold Fire Within at some point, so looking forward to checking that out. The Dead of Winter will be a nice bonus though for sure.
  8. I haven't watched it yet personally, but here's the link for anyone interested.
  9. I listened to this last night and am now horribly traumatized by the though of monkey glands. 😂
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