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John Biles

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Everything posted by John Biles

  1. The Bowtie Rune One of those really hyper-specialized ones.
  2. I generally pick a country and use elements of its place names to build the names of places, though I'm sure it probably means I end up with cities that would translate as 'potato head' and so on.
  3. This is not canon, though it's based very loosely on some older canon stuff (we're talking long before the Guide to Glorantha). I post it so you can collect some ideas you might find interesting but it's probably too crazy for you; this is just how Ramalia is *in my games*. I hope you find it interesting, anyway: Ramalia, Chaos-Tainted Kingdom of the Primal Unity Wisdom Church and the Boar Hsunchen During the Second Age, this was the breadbasket of the region, full of endless fields of wheat, barley, rye and wild rice. In the hills, grapes grew and the land flowed with beers, ales, wines, and brandies. Chaos was far away and the land was full of joy and contentment. Most of the populace were Hsunchen, boar-people to be precise, ruled over by a noble class of Malkioni. They quietly tolerated the peasants continuing to worship the Great Boar and practicing spirit traditions as long as they attended regular True Malkioni church services once a week. The fanaticism of the Return to Rightness Crusade was not to be found here, just the desire to have a pleasant, peaceful life and enjoy nature's bounty. But then the Middle Sea Empire began to collapse. The Waertagi took their revenge, laying waste to this region and magic itself turned on the Malkioni. Most of Slontos blew up or sank into the sea or both. The ocean began to devour the lowlands. And the rulers of Ramalia panicked. They sold themselves to Chaos, performing a great rite which turned the prosperous county of Malsha into a blasted heath and laid waste to the beautiful forests around it. But by doing so, they saved their land, raising it higher so the ocean could not devour it. Krarsht and Thanatar were true to their words, strange as that is for a Chaos creature. The Great Boar was forced to marry Krarsht and bound into a sacred castle. King Paruzal and Queen Quezal ruled ever since, for the nobility are immortal, periodically kidnapping healthy peasants, cutting off their head and replacing them with their own immortal heads, a rite learned from Thanatar. Those who defy the nobles, their heads are taken and made immortal tools of the noble they defied, shrunken and hung from their belt. There are two groups of priests: the Axemen who serve Thanatar and enforce the law, and the Taxmen, who serve Krarsht, collecting taxes and controlling the treasury. The knights of Ramalia and the Axemen fight together in war time against raiders and conduct raids against the Dragonnewts of the Trachodon Marsh and against the Hsunchen and Elves to the northwest. Only Quinpolic traders are allowed into the country to trade, for the Ramalians fear the ocean and dislike the Safelesterans, who return the compliment. But even the Quinpolics must come by land caravan from their port inside the marsh. The peasants obey because the Great Boar has been made the subordinate spouse of Krarsht, but if the rite of marriage, held once a year during Sacred Time, ever fails, there will be hell to pay. The same period also features major festivals of Krarsht and Thanatar; if those fail, one or both branches of government will collapse and the chaos wastes will erupt with angry monsters and there will be another kind of hell to pay. The beaches of Ramalia are huge; there is a several mile wide strip of sand, for the ocean is pushed back by the annual Sacred Time ceremonies worshipping Krarsht and Thanatar; a wall of upwelled stone tipped with skulls and heads rings the entire coast, fencing the edge of the beach. No one lives close to the ocean anyway for fear of it. The ocean and Water rune creatures take the place of Chaos in the myths of this land, filling essentially the same role. Rivers are only trusted due to annual rites which imprison the spirits and gods of the rivers. Fenwatch: The Alligator Hsunchen like to raid the area and basically, there's nothing to do but wait to be raided and make counter-raids which go badly in the swamp. It's easy to almost forget you are in Ramalia here as the air is often fresh and the world less oppressive and the chaos forces rarely come north of the Price. Peasants live in small timbering and farming villages in the woods and somehow never get hit hard by the Alligator Hsunchen. Custom: Baron Markov von Fenwatch suspects treason is afoot and forces the peasants to do double church services to keep them too listless to revolt; this also ensures his coffers are always bare as they don't seem very productive and keep trying to waller instead of work. Damn boar-people! Forssaa: This village is the market for shepherds and boar-herds in this area; it is almost entirely Hsunchen with a handful of human Malkioni nobles and craftsmen. It would probably be a town by now if not for raids from the ruins of Loimaa. Custom: During Sacred Time, someone who has caused trouble to the Baron is picked as the victim and the nobles and the peasants join in hunting them, killing them, and eating them; whoever is the chosen victim is turned into a deer with magic. Harjoki: This town lives by a mixture of wine production, grain production, and fishing. Custom: Once a year, at the start of Sea Season, the lake god/spirit is reborn and the Slaying of the Lake takes place in which Duke Jalmari enters the lake with a few men in a boat and fights the lake god/spirit, killing it until next year. Its corpse becomes plentiful fish. Once upon a time, the locals chose a Queen to marry the Lake God, but now she is just used as bait. Sometimes the Queen dies but usually she becomes a handmaiden for the Duke's wife now. The High Boar Castle: This fortified temple is where the Great Boar is kept in a pen and then married each year to Krarsht as her subordinate. His submission chains his aggression and that of the peasants; this power contributes to defending the land from the sea, and gives power to the nobility as well. The castle looks like the beast rune overlaid with the chaos rune. Custom: The annual Krarsht-Great Boar marriage. Kankaanpaa: In some parts of Ramalia, it's less obvious the country made a deal with Chaos. But here, chaos creatures walk the streets, coming to trade with merchants who can handle dealing with broo and scorpion men and other freakish things. The wealth they gain is incredible, and some nine thousand people dwell there, enjoying a high lifestyle but risking their lives, minds, and souls. But since even the crate-haulers live here the way a wealthy merchant lives in other cities, it's the same. The King has a rarely used residence here; this is where he starts from to head into the Price for the Sacred Time ceremonies and where he and the Queen rest afterwards. Custom: Everyone in town must consent once a season to sex with any Broo who asks. Anyone who assents becomes immune to Broo diseases until the start of the next season; those who refuse are given to the Broo to do as they will. Kauhojoki: This is a hunting lodge for the King, who comes here to hunt in the nearby forest. A wizard named Maari (a noted master of the Beast rune) normally runs the town, keeping the forest healthy and replenishing the game with magic. Herders come here to trade wool and hides for food and tools and a small group of craftsmen and merchants have built a village. Custom: Anyone caught poaching is kept until the king arrives and then the King hunts them and kills them; their bodies are salted and traded to the creatures of the Price in Kanaanpaa. Kyroskoski: This is a mining community which digs up a lot of bronze and firebone; the castle has three ancient machines made by the God-Learners. One of them turns firebone into lightning by burning; the lightning powers a second machine which empowers lights, running water, and giant lightning wands on the walls. Further, the last of the machines can be used to produce bronze tools; the main limit is that sometimes the tool machine sucks people in and... no one is sure what happens to them. It means the tool machine is not used to full capacity, though. You get the best tools just after it feeds. Custom: Beyond the machine eating its operators, the town must follow the custom that all babies must be left next to the small chapel of Krarsht and Thanatar, untended, for one day, when they turn six months old. Sometimes Krarsht takes the baby to raise as her own. Sometimes Thanatar claims the baby's head and leaves the rest behind. Most of the time, the baby is taught the secrets of the machines. Only a person whose parents followed this custom can use the God-Learner machines without disaster. Kuopio: This town of 8,000 is home to perpetual smoke and ash from the bronze production and metal-working which dominate the city. Baron Oskari is a cruel, oppressive man who always carries a bronze-tipped, rune-carven spear which can be thrown and always returns to him. When it strikes someone, it drains their life force and gives it to him, healing his wounds and ailments. This city is noted for the use of enchanted bronze pillars which reinforce buildings, making them much stronger. There is a school of wizardry here, the Kuopio Earth School, which studies the enchanting of metals. Custom: Whoever commits the worst crime in a year is ritually bound to a rock during Sacred Time; they absorb the town's Chaos, turning into a hideous monster. The Baron must slay them in ritual combat during Sacred Time; if he wins, the bones of the twisted monstrosity turn out to be pure, refined bronze which can be made into magical weapons and armor. If he fails, he dies and Chaos devours his soul. The prisoner turns back to normal and now the Baron is deposed and chained to the pillar to become a monstrosity to be slain by the next Baron. Baron Oskari is the fifth Baron. His weapon was made out of the bones of the Fourth Baron. Kurikka: This is the market town (4,000 strong) for the cattle raised in the local area and is a major center for production of leather goods. Custom: The annual leather festival, held in Earth Season, draws many nobles to watch the annual bull races and bet on them. Convicted criminals are required to race in front of the angry bulls. Any who die are slaughtered and consumed like beef. They even taste like beef. Very high quality beef. Latilla: This city of 6,000 was settled by people fleeing Harjavalta; it continues the tradition of an annual music festival; the rest of the time, the city quietly produces pottery, baskets, and alcohol; endless fields of grains surround it. Custom: The annual music festival is held during the gentle rains of the Sea Season. There are separate contests for best composition, best performance, and best morality play set to music. There are five judges: the baron, his wife, the head of the chapel of Krarsht, a broo, and a Boar Hsunchen chosen by lot. The winner of each is crowned with laurel, gets a cash prize, and has free housing if they stay and periodically perform for free in the town. The worst loser of each is handed over to the broo to be taken back to the Price and no one wants to know what happens to them. Mantta: Baron Noaa is slowly turning into stone all the time; his castle is haunted and most of the inhabitants are now statues or ghosts. No one comes here if they can help it. Custom: Once a year, the Baron randomly stops passers by and instead of collecting a tax, he beats them to death and their friends must help, then he drinks their blood and most of his flesh returns to normal. Anyone who doesn't help will generally die at his hands and also get drunk. Those who do help will have great skill at attracting money to themselves for the next season. Nurma: Most of the rivers of Ramalia flow out of the subjugated Boar Mountains; they are already partly under the will of the nobility. But the Hsunchen River has a powerful god and most of his body is beyond their control; this area floods frequently and the chains have to be reinforced every seaon; even then it's hard to live around here. Rice and other crops that handle water are grown here and rice wine is a popular drink. The city is on elevated artificial hills which will shatter if the rites to reinforce them are not done every season. Count Niko spends most of his time drunk and bitter while his wife Solia runs the place in his name; she is hard-working and effective and extremely cruel to the Hsunchen raiders, whose dead bodies she hangs from the city walls, enchanted to rot the flesh of any living jaguar hsunchen who approach. The city has a large trading station as it is the point at which the Quinpolic league's caravan route links to the nation's road system. The Quinpolics build their own distinctive pentagonal houses on one of the hills. Custom: Each season, the chains must be reinforced by sacrificing a merman and a jaguar Hsunchen. If one or the other is missing, a randomly chosen child from the town is sacrificed. Jaguar Hsunchen are rarely in short supply but getting merpeople when you fear the sea is rather harder. Orivesi: The road runs past this castle but no one goes in or comes out; there are rumors of treasure and glory but no one has ever come back and proved it. What's going on remains unknown. Custom: Unknown. Castle Piekajoki: Duke Petteri and his wife Amalia dwell here, guarding all approaches to the High Boar Castle, their highest responsibility. They also shield the grasslands against the jaguar Hsunchen raiders. The Duke is paranoid about someone getting to the High Boar Castle but afraid to live there either. He never sees peasants if he can help it; they remind him of his fears. His wife is calmer and keeps him in check; she is obsessed with chess instead and has decorated the castle with chess themes. A strong force of boar cavalry are kept here for rapid response to the Jaguar Hsunchen. Custom: Duchess Amalia holds an annual chess tournament; the final game is held with live pieces who are killed if taken; criminals and Jaguar Hsunchen are the first choice but otherwise, anyone who has angered the Dunchess will be made into a piece. The winner of the last game is given an enchanted self-playing chess set, a silver tiara, and a substantial sum of money. They also become the Duchess' 'chess champion'. Chess replaces trial by combat in this city. Piekasamaki: This city of 6,000 is the market for all the sheep raised in this area. Wool is then turned into cloth and lots of mutton is eaten here as well. Boars are trained here to act as sheepdogs. This goes better than you would think due to the magical taming. Every year, they build a shrine to the river-god out of wool, then burn it to help keep him under control. The city sits on the east side of the river on magically elevated ground for defense against the floods that happen even with magic to suppress them and against raids by the Jaguar Hsunchen, who find the herds of sheep to be the best prey ever. Jaguar leather boots and furs are a sign of prestige in this town. The town is governed by the Ducal Steward; the Duke lives nearby in a major castle. Custom: Each year, one of the sheep sheared in this area always turns out to be a monstrous jaguar in disguise; once sheared, it is revealed and rampages, killing people until Duke Petteri hunts and slays it; if he wins, the quality of the sheep wool improves; if he was to die, the sheep would rampage murderously. This has never happened yet but the Duke's growing paranoia is partly linked to this duty. Pori Castle: This is a major center for the Kingdom's Wizards. Many different schools of wizards train here, especially in Earth, Fire, and Stasis magics. One of their goals is to find some way to further raise the land, ensuring the sea never consumes Ramalia. Wizard Jorkki is the head of the school; he is a brilliant man but has been working on this for centuries (see the local custom). Custom: Each year, the wizards of the school search the surrounding countryside to find three special Hsunchen with the Earth, Fire and Stasis Runes hidden on their bodies; they then sacrifice them and melt them down into a tiny gemstone which conveys additional power over that rune. The gems are integrated into a giant lattice Wizard Jorkki is building. There is a matching lattice in Renko; the land between them is slowly rising as more gems are added. Experiments continue to find some way to encompass the entire kingdom with this but Jorkii is immortal and patient. He won't rush this and risk some surprise that takes the whole kingdom down. The Price of Survival: Bands of scorpion-men, broo, and chaos-twisted boars roam this blasted heath restlessly year round, then stream to the Nameless Ruins for the annual Sacred Time ceremonies where King Paruzal and Queen Quezal lead them and the major nobles in worshiping Chaos gods; this drains off most of their built up aggression and restlessness and ensures the waste remains quiet. The energy then reinforces the land's defenses against the sea. The land is marshy but sometimes changes in unpredictable ways; it becomes wetter and wetter as the time for the ceremonies approach but also livelier as plants come to life and animals spread. The heat levels also rise as the ceremonial time approaches. Then it plummets down to cool afterwards. Ramalborg: Home to some 22,000 people, the city is a stark contrast between its three sectors: the nobles live in ancient, giant palaces of basalt with towers topped with human head-designed domes, the craftsmen live in humble but comfortable stone houses, and the poor live in ramshackle wooden slums. The homes of the craftsmen, who are lesser Malkioni who don't get to be immortal but don't have to be oppressed peasants either, are two stories tall with the family living over their workshop. The highest points in town are home to the nobles, the middle slopes to the craftsmen and the lower class are stuck just above the riverbed. Bridges made out of chains cross the river here and every mile along the river, there is a great rune-carven chain. The river is utterly, unearthly placid. But if the chains break during Sea Season rains, then the lower city will flood; this has only happened twice when the great rites which keep the waters enslaved have failed. The city is constantly paranoid about mer-people even though few ever try to come this far inland to cause trouble. King Paruzal and Queen Quezal live in a high castle with golden domes shaped like skulls at the top of the towers. Their castle serves as the focus for a substantial amount of the weekly worship, though there are cathedrals to Thanatar and Krarsht as well. Boars take the place of horses, pulling carts, grinding grain and doing other labor, with remarkable docility. Should the Great Boar ever burst his chains, though... Custom: During Sea Season, the King and Queen lead the rites which keep the Ramal River enslaved. This requires sacrificing a single Malkioni (who doesn't have to be Ramalian), five Boar Hsunchen, and twenty-five mermen. If there are not enough mermen, more Malkioni or Boar Hsunchen must take their place. When the chains do break, King Paruzal and Queen Quezal have to successfully birth a child, then sacrifice him or her as part of the restoration ceremony. This has happened twice. Rauma: Baron Mauri rules from this castle; there is an attached town of four thousand; there is mining in the hills for stone and a small community of statue makers. Bronze and other metals are dug up here as well and shipped elsewhere. The Baron has extensive boar-herds which graze on the plains to the northwest and east of the chain of hills where the castle stands. He breeds and trains expert steeds for other knights. Custom: There is a deep shaft near the mines. Once a year, there is a lottery and a random person is selected and stripped naked, covered with beef, and thrown down the shaft. Something eats them alive and everyone must listen to them scream. If they don't do so, the earth cracks and gorp erupts, running wild for three days and eating everyone it can find. Renko: Founded by refugees from the wreck of Turenko, this would be a totally normal Knight's holding with little to interest outsiders unless they really like timber, grapes, or copper mining. However, one of Wizard Jorkki's machines is here and a handful of wizards stay here to tend it and add more gems; as it grows, it is slowly raising the land. Custom: Each year, the wizards of the school search the surrounding countryside to find three special Hsunchen with the Earth, Fire and Stasis Runes hidden on their bodies; they then sacrifice them and melt them down into a tiny gemstone which conveys additional power over that rune. The gems are integrated into the giant lattice. Ruins of Alavus: Alavus was a port in the old days but the gulf was much narrower; parts of the city have fallen into the sea and the rest floods frequently and much of the city is covered with layers of thick fungus, seaweed and other growths. At times, hideous amphibious monstrosities wander out of the ruins and have to be put down by local knights. A squad of boar-riding cavalry watch the ruins. From a safe distance. Ruins of Harjavalta: This city was once noted for its entertainment and an annual musical competition; now only the ghost of music can be heard echoing across the land at night. Unusually, the land has not sunk here so the city is intact but ghosts haunt it. Ruins of Kouvala: During the Sea Season, this region floods; this ruins is covered with water-plants and fungus several feet deep but the upper layers are plant free. Anyone who enters these ruins forgets the last season of their life; no one is sure why as explorers of the ruins end up unsure what they did or found. Ruins of Loimaa: Half-flooded like many ruins, this is controlled by merpeople, who unleash monsters from it to raid the area. When counter-attacked, they retreat to the sea, wait, and come back. During Sea Season, the raids are most frequent. Ruins of Sysma: Everyone in this city died; the locals talk of angry clouds of hungry darkness; the city seems covered in smoke all the time now. The city is largely physically intact; the darkness just killed living things. It's not clear where the smoke comes from without the city burning away. Ruins of Tampere: This city was once a site of fruit processing but the inhabitants evacuated when the God Learners fell and the land south of the city cracked open wide, creating a gulf. Half the city has fallen into the sea and the rest is abandoned; fruit trees are busy destroying the ruins, inch by inch. It had not been a port before the fall, just a riverside market town. Ruins of Turenko: As the land slowly rises north of Renko, sometimes the land rises here too and the ruins are now fifty feet above the ocean. Plants grow over everything and wild animals squat in the ruins. A hermit lives here, rumored to have once been a God-Learner. He seems content to keep to himself and drives off anyone who comes too close with powerful fire and luck sorcery. Ruins of Virrat: Abandoned when the God-Learners fell; the Hsunchen and the sea flood the city 10 feet deep every Storm Season and the waters then bury the city until Fire Season, which forces a retreat. This was once a major center for metalworking but most things have rusted by now. Ruins of Vyborg: When Ramalia sold itself to darkness, the inhabitants of this town/castle refused to cooperate and were basically slaughtered / raped by a horde of angry broo. Then the ocean drowned the town, killing the broo. But now the ocean has retreated and the ruins are haunted by ghosts of townsfolk and sea-creatures and dead Malkioni. There is said to be many treasures of the old university but you have to survive the dead to find them. Sahalahti: Baron Tahvo quietly governs the area which is mostly Boar Hsunchen forest communities; the castle is oddly rich despite his poor subjects. Custom: Baron Tahvo has an enchanted crown; any woman who passes through his castle must try it on and marry him for a year if it fits. If she refuses, she must die. If another woman shows up who it fits, the old wife is killed. Any wife who makes it a full year is released with copious rewards. Some years, he goes through four to six wives, sometimes he has a several year streak of survival. Chaos can't be predicted. Sastamala: Duke Jalmari of Sastamala rules from this castle, which has an attached town of 6,000 people. The Duke is known as the Helmet-Warrior, for he never takes his magical red helmet off which gives him power over fire. He has a hall with a large display of stuffed and mounted Jaguar Hsunchen; he honors anyone who gives him a good fight by making them part of the gallery; he is hundreds of years old and still clearly remembers every fight. He spends much of his time on the frontier, raiding the Jaguar Hsunchen and defending against raids and has four bodyguards who have human Malkioni heads but Jaguar Hsunchen bodies. Once a year, he rides down to Harjoki for the yearly Slaying of the Lake. The town itself is a major center for brewing, as the hills are riddled with vinyards among the trees. There are many orchards around the city as well. Custom: Once a year, one of the Duke's prizes comes to life at a random time and begins killing his servants until he kills it again; it then reverts to the status of a trophy. Ylistaro: Count Larssi, vassal of Duke Jalmari of Sastamala, rules this town, which sees itself as the first line of defense against INVASION OF THE MERMEN! It is a frequent target of mer-raids coming up the Pieka River, so this is not just paranoia. The town is walled and up on a hill but they have to guard a high bridge which the mer-men love to destroy; chains keep the river quiet but those are targets too. As always, higher status lives higher up but it would take a really huge tide to even reach the poor tenements here. The poor Hsunchen who live here live in tenements, four to five story apartment buildings with a well in a room on the ground floor. Many also have a bakery on the ground floor with rye and barley breads, subsidized by the city. Count Larssi wants to ensure no one goes traitor and sells out to the MERPEOPLE MENACE. Hsunchen families jockey endlessly to get top floor apartments because they have small balcony flower gardens and in this society, living higher off the ground = more prestige. Lots of fruit is grown in the area and processed here; the town was founded by refugees from Tampere. Custom: Every year, there is an annual search for merman infiltrators. Someone always turns out to be a mer-man or mer-woman in disguise; they are then roasted alive and eaten by a lucky family chosen by lot. Yorijoki: This small market town of 4,000 mainly caters to lumberers and hunters working in the woods and provides services to the small villages of Hsunchen who live in the woods. It's main point of interest are the skilled woodworkers dwelling here and the extensive cherry orchards; the blossoming of the trees is an annual festival for the nobles; peasants, of course, are expected to work. Custom: Every Malkioni must sleep under the cherry trees for three nights during the festival. Those who do so are drained of their guilt and remorse and emerge refreshed. But on the last night, one random person gets all the guilt; this generally leads to suicide, a rampage, or both. For many nobles, it's a gamble they are willing to take. As you can see, this whole country is a bomb waiting for the PCs to set off; the 'Custom' entry is some local practice which can serve as an adventure hook for the location. Hope you enjoy it!
  4. Babeester Gor Initiate This angry woman directs her rage at the enemies of the Cult of Ernalda and at the men who did her wrong and probably a lot of other men as well. Don't ask about what she's drinking, you don't want to know. 3rd level double-strength wrecker [humanoid] Initiative: +7 Bloody Axe +10 vs. AC—21 damage Any Hit while she is using the Escalation Die: She now inflicts 5 ongoing damage (save ends) on the hit R Stomp the Earth +6 vs PD (one nearby target) - 15 damage and stuck (save ends) Avenger of Ernalda: If one of her female allies is injured, she gets to use the Escalation die. AC 17 PD 15 HP 90 MD 11 Babeester Gor Devotee She's bigger and angrier now, but also picks her targets more wisely. Then they get wrecked. 6th level double-strength wrecker [humanoid] Initiative: +10 Bloody Axe +13 vs. AC—42 damage Any Hit while she is using the Escalation Die: She now inflicts 10 ongoing damage (save ends) on the hit. R Stomp the Earth +9 vs PD (one nearby target) - 30 damage and stuck (save ends) Rejuvenating Rage: Once per battle, when a female ally is reduced to 0, she immediately pops free and charges to attack whoever did it; if she hits, she does +4d8 damage and immediately heals 45 HP. (Also, see Avenger of Ernalda below) Avenger of Ernalda: If one of her female allies is injured, she gets to use the Escalation die. AC 20 PD 18 HP 180 MD 14 Babeester Gor Runelady She avenges the biggest, ugliest crimes, and is basically a human wrecking machine when she cuts loose. Don't make her angry. 9th level double-strength wrecker [humanoid] Initiative: +13 Bloody Axe +16 vs. AC—100 damage Any Hit while she is using the Escalation Die: She now inflicts 20 ongoing damage (save ends) on the hit. R Stomp the Earth +12 vs PD (1d3 nearby targets) - 60 damage and stuck (save ends) Crush the Trapped: Her critical range improves to 18-20 against anyone who is stuck or immobilized or unconscious. Rejuvenating Rage: Once per battle, when a female ally is reduced to 0, she immediately pops free and charges to attack whoever did it; if she hits, she does +8d8 damage and immediately heals 90 HP. (Also, see Avenger of Ernalda below) If her blow reduces the target to 0 HP, this power refreshes. Avenger of Ernalda: If one of her female allies is injured, she gets to use the Escalation die. Shield of Ernalda: Pick one Resistance before the encounter at Level 16+ AC 23 PD 21 HP 360 MD 17
  5. The thing is, in Glorantha, you can still do Elmal's quests and thus prove the Elmal version of the story is true and thus assume Monrogh just lied. So it becomes basically unresolvable.
  6. That's pretty accurate, I think. They are extremely heretical, anyway.
  7. Junior Ogre Those who eat human flesh soon find themselves on the road of Cacodemon. And so this man, once a bandit, now hungers for man-meat. And Cacodemon rewards his hunger. The most dangerous thing about him is that he still looks totally normal; the chaos is inside him. 3rd level wrecker [humanoid] Initiative: +8 Spear +7 vs. AC—10 damage Miss: The next time the Ogre attacks this battle, it gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die. R: Thrown javelin +6 vs. AC—7 damage Strength of the Foe: If the Junior Ogre reduces a foe to 0 HP, he heals 12 HP and gains +2 to hit and adds +2d4 damage for the rest of the fight. AC 18 PD 16 HP 45 MD 12 Experienced Ogre Whether he was raised by flesh-eaters or whether he has just survived a long time as an ogre, he now possesses serious power given him by Cacodemon. And you're next on the menu. He's smart enough to flee if you hurt him enough, though. He no longer looks entirely human, though he can fake it for a time. 6th level wrecker [humanoid] Initiative: +11 Blood-stained Cleaver where the stains form disturbing runes +11 vs. AC—21 damage Even Hit: 10 ongoing damage (save ends) Miss: The next time the Ogre attacks this battle, it gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die. R: Thrown javelin +9 vs. AC—18 damage and stuck (save ends). He can use this as an opportunity attack if you disengage from him. Strength of the Foe: If the Ogre reduces a foe to 0 HP, he heals 24 HP and gains +2 to hit and adds +2d8 damage for the rest of the fight. Minor Chaotic Feature: Roll one Minor Chaotic Feature. Mask of Innocence: DC 25 to tell he is chaos-tainted, until he attacks. AC 21 PD 19 HP 90 MD 15 Chaos Runelord Ogre Thankfully, ogres of this power level are rare, but you're the sort of hero who encounters this kind of foe, or you need to fire your DM. He can fake normality but rarely does so, in part because few can stop him. 9th level Large wrecker [humanoid] Initiative: +11 Knife-like Claws and Teeth +14 vs. AC—100 damage Even Hit: 15 ongoing damage (save ends) Miss: The next time the Ogre attacks this battle, it gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die. C Spew Stomach Acid +13 vs. PD (against 1d3 nearby targets)—60 damage and 10 ongoing acid damage (save ends). Strength of the Foe: If the Ogre reduces a foe to 0 HP, he heals 90 HP and gains +2 to hit and adds +4d8 damage for the rest of the fight. Blessing of Cacodemon: He can gain other people's powers temporarily be eating them, so you should give him a special power depending on what he last ate or if he eats someone in-game. You can roll on the table below if you don't have a good idea. He ate an Orlanthi Priest: C Lightning storm +13 vs. PD (1d3 close or nearby enemies)—50 lightning damage and 10 ongoing lightning damage (save ends). He ate a Priestess of Kygor Litor: R: Ancient spirit strike +13 vs. PD—50 cold damage., Natural 11+ against first target: The ogre can target a different enemy with ancient spirit strike He ate an Elven Warrior: R Thorn Shot +13 vs AC - 76 damage and hampered (save ends) He ate a Dwarf: Pick a resistance, give it to him at 16+ He ate a Yelmalio Warrior: His stomach acid attack is now *on fire* and also does 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends) He ate a Duck: Once per battle, if he misses a foe who has 50 or less HP, he can reroll the attack and take the second result Chaos Tainted: Roll one Minor and one Major Chaotic Feature. Mask of Innocence: DC 30 to tell he is chaos-tainted, until he attacks. AC 24 PD 22 HP 360 MD 18
  8. My own experience is that it makes creating adventures and running them way easier, especially if I have to improvise and PCs being what they are, that's often. I did full stat blocks in 3E and it basically slowed everything to a crawl on the DMing side of things
  9. This thread will hold various creatures as I create them. Dara Happan Lunar Footman Officer More experienced, he leads the unit and expects his orders to be obeyed. He's better aware of the strengths of non-Dara Happans than the rest of his forces. Level 2 Leader [human] Initiative: +7 Heartland One-Handed Spear +7 vs AC - 7 damage R Brace of Javelins +8 vs AC - 5 damage and the next ally to attack the target gets +2 to hit. Command Trooper - He can give one of his actions to an ally within nearby; the ally adds +2 to any rolls he makes when obeying the order. This uses up whatever kind of action he is giving. AC 18 PD 16 HP 36 MD 12 Dara Happan Lunar Footman Veteran An experienced warrior who has learned more about spear fighting than most people ever will. But not enough about leading to take charge. Level 3 Blocker [human] Initiative: +6 Spear +8 vs AC - 10 damage Natural Even Hit: He can either pop free from his foe (pushing the foe away) or inflict dazed (save ends). Miss: An unengaged ally can move to join him in the engagement as a free action. Coordinated Assault - Three Veterans can attack the same target together, using their standard actions. This is +12 to hit - 30 damage. Clever players will find ways to break up the formation. R: Hurled Javelin +6 vs AC - 8 damage AC 20 PD 16 HP 45 MD 12 Dara Happan Lunar Champion This warrior is strong in the power of one of the warrior gods of the Dara Happans, like Yelmalio. He is confident of his own superiority to others. Level 4 Wrecker [human] Initiative: +9 Spear +9 vs AC - 14 damage Natural Even Hit: He inflicts 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends) Miss: 4 fire damage R: Arrows of Flame +7 vs AC - 10 fire damage Resist Fire 12+ Nastier Specials: Anti-Rebel Blessing: He gains Resist Lighting 12+ if he's expecting to fight storm tribe folk. Starfall: 1/Battle: R: +7 vs PD (1d3 nearby targets): +7 vs AC - 10 fire damage and 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends) AC 20 PD 16 HP 54 MD 16
  10. A magical beard can be as pretty as you like, though
  11. I now have this mental image of the Trolls discovering the Aldryami have taken over Wonderhome and flipping out.
  12. A suggestion - Have the PCs create their characters who will start in 610 and the fathers of said characters, and use a few flashbacks to the Anarchy early on with the Dads, then have each of them decide how their dad died, leaving them as the heir.
  13. Fire Thane of Elmal (Based on the Ranger class) Required: You must be a devortee of Elmal, son of Yelm, who joined the Storm Tribe and watched over it in the Great Darkness. Elmal the Faithful. Or possibly of one of his companion gods who came with him into the Storm Tribe. Play Style: You may fight from horseback (when possible) as a mobile warrior, or snipe people with fire, or get in close with a fire-elemental companion. Ability Scores: Fire Thanes need strength for melee combat and Dexterity for ranged combat; some feats and abilities are stronger if you have more Wisdom. Fire Thanes of Elmal gain a +2 class bonus to Dexterity, Strength, or Wisdom as long as it isn't the same ability you increased with your +2 racial bonus. Backgrounds: You might be a night guardian, trained to keep watch through the night over your home, clan, or tribe. "You might be a former Yelmalio worshipper, who realized Elmal and Yelmalio were one and then were filled with his power. You might be a defender for hire, who sells his spear and bow for good causes. You might be a Elmali preacher, who goes around, telling Yelmalio worshippers to convert to Elmal. You could be a loyal thane, sworn to the defense of your clan or tribe. Perhaps you are a herald, carrying messages for your chief or king. You might be a Keeper of the Old Ways, versed in the lore of the Fire worshippers who followed Elmal into the Storm Tribe but lived on their own for a time in what is now southern Peloria. Gods: You probably serve Elmal, but perhaps your clan or tribe kept knowledge of the other old fire gods and goddesses of your ancestors - like Hyalor, the First Rider, Gamari the Horse Goddess, Osara the Flame Sister (patron of female warriors), Dostal the Hunter, and Tepekos the Smith. Runes: You must have the Truth and Fire runes; your third rune can be whatever you want. (If you serve Dostal or Gamari, you can take Fire and Beast, if you serve Osara you can take Fire and Movement, if you take Hyalor, you can take Fire and Harmony, if you take Tepekos, you can take Fire and Stasis. Level Advancement: I can't do the chart worth squat, so use the Ranger level advancement. Fire Thane of Elmal Stats Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Icon Points, and Feats are level dependent. Ability Bonus +2 Dexterity, Strength, or Wisdom (different from racial bonus) Initiative Dex mod + Level Armor Class (light armor) 14 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level Mental Defense 10 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level Hit Points (7 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart) Recoveries (probably) 8 Recovery Dice (1d10 x Level) + Con mod Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background Runes Truth, Light (Fire), a personal rune of your choice Talents 3 (see level progression chart) Feats 1 per Level Gear You begin with light armor, a melee weapon or two, a ranged weapon or two, and other mundane gear suggested by your backgrounds Armor and Weapons as Ranger Talents Archery, Double Melee Attack, Double Ranged Attack, First Strike, Lethal Hunter: As per the Ranger Rules. If you serve Dostal the Hunter, you can take Tracking. Animal Companion As per the standard (including costing two slots), but there are only two choices: horse and fire elemental. Horse Acts: Before Fire Thane Advantage: The horse gains a +1 attack bonus when it moves before its attack during the same turn. Fire Elemental Acts: After ranger Advantage: The fire elemental's attacks do fire damage instead of normal damage. The fire elemental also deals ongoing fire damage equal to twice your level on a natural attack roll of 18+. Champion Feat: The ongoing damage is three times your level instead. Epic Feat: The ongoing damage is four times your level instead. Fire Arrows of Osara You don't have to be a worshiper of Osara to take this talent, but if you are, you should. On a natural attack roll of 18+, your ranged attacks do ongoing fire damage equal to twice your level on a natural attack roll of 18+. Champion Feat: The ongoing damage is three times your level instead. Epic Feat: The ongoing damage is four times your level instead. Fire Soul Elmal's fire burns inside you and wards off hostile flame. You have Resist 12+ to Fire. Adventurer Feat: Resist 12+ to Cold Champion Feat: Resist 16+ to Fire Epic Feat: Resist 16+ to Cold Hyalor's Blessing: If you are mounted, you can use your move action to get your mount to move. You gain the Background Trick Rider +5. Any horse not currently being ridden will cooperate with you, even if you're in the process of stealing it. Signature talent for Hyalor and Gamari worshipers. Night Watchman: You don't have to sleep if you are on watch duty, and you are very alert, gaining the background Night Watchman at +5. Also, you can see in total darkness as if it was well-lit. Secrets of Tepekos You know how to empower items temporarily with Runes. During each full heal-up, you can empower one item of yours with a Heroquest Gift from one of your runes. It loses its power at the next full heal-up, though you could give it the power again. This does count against the number of Heroquest Gifts you can have in use at a time. This is the signature ability of Tepekos worshipers.
  14. You're welcome! I'm enjoying doing these.
  15. Phalanx Warrior of Yelmalio This is based on the Paladin class, but with some changes. Required: You must be a devotee of Yelmalio, the heroic son of Yelm. Theoretically, you must be human, but you could be something else with an appropriate one unique thing. (A troll Yelmalion would be the greatest thing.) Play Style: You get in close and stab people in the face, or you shoot them with your sacred bow, then stab them in the face. Also, you set them on fire. Ability Scores: Strength is your most important ability score, powering your attacks. Charisma is useful for some feats and to spread the word of Yelmalio. Constitution is always useful for any character but especially for you because you will find life easier the more you can take hits. Phalanx Warriors of Yelmalio gain a +2 class bonus to Charisma or Strength, as long as it isn't the same ability you increased with your +2 racial bonus. Backgrounds: You might be a young idealist, full of the fire of Yelmalio, driven to go out and defeat the darkness in his name. "You might be a former Elmal worshipper, who realized Elmal and Yelmalio were one and then were filled with his power. You might be a defender for hire, who sells his spear and bow for good causes. You might be a Yelmalio preacher, who goes around, telling Elmal worshippers to convert to Yelmalio. You could be a Defender of Pavis, who sees it as the future of Prax and something worth saving. You might be an angry former hermit, who tried to live a monastic lifestyle for Yelmalio but chaos/darkness/Praxians/angry Elmali/bandits/etc burned it down and now you seek revenge. Gods: You serve Yelmalio, heroic son of Yelm. You could also use this class for a warrior of Yelorna, his unicorn-riding sister. Runes: You must have the Truth and Fire runes (technically, Yelmalio has the Light rune, but reworking the rune system to accomodate this would be too hard); your third rune can be whatever you want. Level Advancement: I can't do the chart worth squat, so use the Paladin level advancement. Phalanx Warrior of Yelmalio Stats Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Icon Points, and Feats are level dependent. Ability Bonus +2 Strength or Charisma (different from racial bonus) Initiative Dex mod + Level Armor Class (heavy armor) 16 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level Armor Class (heavy armor + Shield) 17 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level Mental Defense 11 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level Hit Points (8 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart) Recoveries (probably) 8 Recovery Dice (1d10 x Level) + Con mod Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background Runes Truth, Light (Fire), a personal rune of your choice Talents 3 (see level progression chart) Feats 1 per Level Gear You begin with a spear, a bow, armor, a shield, a backpack, a bedroll, and a holy text of Yelmalio (or Yelorna). Armor and Weapons as Paladin Class Features Light Rune: As a free action, you can choose to glow in a thirty foot radius like a lantern. You can turn it off as a free action as well. You cannot do both in the same round, however. Smite Evil: As a paladin. Talents Bastion, Cleric Training, Divine Domain, Fearless, Implacable, Lay on Hands, Paladin's Challenge: As a standard paladin Armor Geas (Based on the Humakti Talent) Yelmalio has told you to leave armor off one part of your body. You pick which body part. While wearing armor, your AC is 1 lower than normal. Yelmalio honors your sacrifice with a return blessing, but you are not supposed to get comfortable with the geas. At the beginning of each day, roll a d6 to find out what blessing Humakt has for you until the end of that day (your next full heal-up). (If you let the Trickster roll for you, on your head be it.) 1. Yelmalio rewards heroism: You gain a +1 attack bonus with spears and bows today but also take a –1 penalty to PD. 2. A good day for someone to die: You gain a +1 attack bonus with spears and bows today. 3. Armored Assault: You gain a +2 attack bonus with bows and swords, but lose access to all other talents while using a shield. 4. Death is a sword: Your critical hits while using a spear or bow deal triple damage instead of double damage. 5. Today you are the slayer: Your melee attacks with spears deal an extra WEAPON damage die when you hit. 6. Be blessed, be swift: Your ranged attacks with bows deal an extra WEAPON damage die when you hit. 7. Today you will not fall: You gain a +1 attack bonus with spears and increase your recovery dice by one size (for example, d8s become d10s). 8. There is no weakness: You gain a +1 attack bonus with bows and increase your recovery dice by one size (for example, d8s become d10s). 9. Death is certain: All your attacks with a spear or bow inflict your level + your strength bonus in ongoing fire damage (save ends), even if you miss. 10+. You are Death: Choose your geas from the list above. Adventurer Feat: Roll a d8 for your geas instead of a d6. Champion Feat: Roll a d10 for your geas instead of a d8. Epic Feat: After rolling, you can add 1 to your geas roll, if you wish. Darkness Hunter Understandably, many Yelmalio worshipers hate Zorak Zoran and lots generalize it to a hatred of trolls and the creatures of the Darkness Rune in general. You have learned how to limn your weapons with holy light to smite such horrors. Conveniently, it really helps with smiting just about anything. You gain the power Darkness Hunter. Darkness Hunter Close-Quarters Spell Daily Quick Action to Cast: Effect: For the rest of the battle, your weapons inflict 5* your level ongoing fire damage (save ends) on a successful hit. Champion Feat: This power gains a 16+ refresh. Fire Soul Yelmalio's fire burns inside you and wards off hostile flame. You have Resist 12+ to Fire. Adventurer Feat: Resist 12+ to Cold Champion Feat: Resist 16+ to Fire Epic Feat: Resist 16+ to Cold Heroic Defender (Altered Path of Universal Righteous Endeavor) Your nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to saves Adventurer Feat: All allies within far away gain the bonus Champion Feat: As a free action, you can give an ally a bonus to a save equal to your Charisma bonus +1. This uses one charge of your Smite Evil. Epic Feat: When you Smite Evil, an ally within far away can make an immediate save against an on-going condition with the usual +1 bonus. . Smiter of Foes (Way of Evil Bastards Altered) When one of your Smite Evil attacks drops a non-mook enemy to 0 hp, that use of Smite Evil is not expended. Adventurer Feat: Once per day, you can save against all on-going conditions when you use this power. Champion Feat: When one of your Smite Evil attacks drops three or more mooks, it is not expended. Epic Feat: Once per day, when you use this power, you can spend a recovery. Unicorn Companion (Yelorna only) This consumes *two* Talent slots. Treat it like the Ranger Animal Companion ability. Unicorn Acts: Before Phalanx Warrior Advantage: The unicorn gains a +1 attack bonus when it moves before its attack during the same turn.
  16. 9th Level Spells Child of the Man Rune Close-Quarter Spell Daily Quick Action to Cast and sustain Target: The caster Effect: You can take on the appearance of any creature which is linked to the Man rune (Aldryamai, Duck, Human, Merfolk, Mostali,. Troll, etc). You must have seen this person or you can become a 'generic' person of this type. This lets you eat what they can eat and breathe what they can breathe, but you otherwise retain the same powers, abilities, etc. This is a physical change, not an illusion. Epic Feat: You can use their appropriate racial ability while changed under its normal conditions. Lhankor Mhy Talks And Talks and Talks Ranged spell Daily Target: 1 close-quarters or nearby enemy Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Hit: 160d10 psychic damage. Until the target disengages and moves away, they take 30 psychic damage each round as you keep blathering at them. Miss: Half damage. Epic Feat: This does not draw an opportunity attack when used in close quarters. Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth Close-Quarter Spell Daily Quick, Move, and Standard action to cast; Quick action to sustain. Target: The caster Effect: You are now heroforming your God, the power of his runes surging through you. You gain Resist 16+ against Illusion and Disorder magic and creatures and add your Wisdom bonus to any saves against magical conditions. You can also use this power before doing ritual magic, out of combat; in that case, you roll twice for the ritual and take the best result. Epic Feat: Any ongoing conditions on you when you cast this are immediately cancelled. Scrying (as page 152 of the Core) Water Rune Binding Ranged spell Daily Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 160d10 cold damage and 30 ongoing cold damage (save ends) Miss: Half damage. Epic Feat: The targets need not be in a group. This should cover this. Let me know if you have comments / suggestions / laser eyes.,
  17. Seventh Level Spells Circle of Protection: As core rules, page 100. Command the Earth Close Quarters spell Daily Target: 1d3 enemies engaged with you Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 10d10 damage and you ride away from them, popping free and taking a move action; you are on top of a stone pillar at the end of the action; you can get down with a quick action and it vanishes, until then, you are out of melee range while on top of it. Miss: You ride away from them, popping free and taking a move action; you are on top of a stone pillar at the end of the action; you can get down with a quick action and it vanishes, until then, you are out of melee range while on top of it. 9th level spell 16d10 damage. Champion Feat: You gain cover until the start of your next turn, adding +4 to your AC Epic Feat: Your foes are hampered (save ends) on a hit. Darkness Rune Binding Ranged spell Daily Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 10d10 necrotic damage and until they disengage (if necessary) and take a move action away from the Lhankor Mhy, they are blinded. Miss: Half damage. 9th level spell 16d10 necrotic damage. Champion Feat: The targets also take 20 ongoing necrotic damage (save ends) Epic Feat: The targets need not be in a group. Invisibility Purge: As core rules, page 157. Orlanth's Gift (As per the flght power, core rules, page 156.) The Sword Story Close-Quarter Spell Daily Quick Action to Cast and sustain. Effect: This summons Death itself, or at least a shadow of it, allowing the Lhankor Mhy to make Intelligence based melee attacks which do their level in d8s of necrotic damage and 25 ongoing necrotic damage (save ends). This lasts to the end of the battle. Anything which boosts sword attacks works on this power. Champion Level Feat: The blade has a critical range of 19. Epic Feat: The blade has a critical range of 18.
  18. Fifth Level Spells Fire Rune Binding Ranged spell Daily Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 10d10 fire damage. Miss: Half damage. 7th level spell 12d10 fire damage. 9th level spell 20d10 fire damage. Champion Feat: The targets also take 20 ongoing fire damage (save ends) Epic Feat: The targets need not be in a group. Heroic Legend Ranged spell Daily Quick action to cast Effect: One nearby ally deals +4d6 damage with melee attacks this battle or they can add your Wisdom to all saving throws this battle. 7th level spell Power +4d10 Broad target two allies 9th level spell Power +6d10 Broad target three allies Invisibility (as Core, p. 156.) Painful Truth Ranged spell Daily Target: One nearby creature Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD. Against creatures who have the Disorder rune, it criticals on a 12+. Hit: 8d6 psychic damage, and hampered (save ends). Miss: 1/2 damage 7th level spell 11d6 psychic damage 9th level spell 14d6 psychic damage Champion Level Feat: Add 25 psychic ongoing damage (save ends) Epic Feat: You can now target two foes. Trapped in Contemplation Ranged spell Daily Target: One nearby creature Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Hit: 8d6 psychic damage, and the target wanders around, distracted by the problem; they must move in a random direction on their turn and do not attempt to properly disengage (save ends) Miss: The target is vulnerable (save ends) 7th level spell 11d6 psychic damage 9th level spell 14d6 psychic damage Champion Level Feat: This does not draw opportunity attacks. Epic Feat: You can now target two foes. Wrath of Orlanth Ranged spell Daily Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 8d10 damage and the target pops free and is pushed to far away range, landing prone. Miss: Half damage. 7th level spell 10d10 damage. 9th level spell 16d10 damage. Champion Feat: The targets also take 20 ongoing damage (save ends) Epic Feat: You can use this in close-combat on people engaged with you, without drawing an opportunity attack.
  19. Third Level Spells Air Rune Binding Close-Quarters spell Daily Triggered when someone attacks you Target: 1 close-quarters enemy Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence damage and the target is stuck and can't make ranged attacks (save ends both), The Priest pops free of the target and can move as a free action. 5th level spell 5d6 damage 7th level spell 5d8 damage 9th level spell 7d10 damage Champion Feat: You can use this on someone who attacks you from up to nearby range. Epic Feat: The save difficulty rises to Hard (16+). Curse of Incompetence Ranged spell Target: One nearby or far away enemy. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs PD Hit: 5d6 psychic damage and hampered (save ends) 5th level spell 8d6 psychic damage. 7th level spell 10d6 psychic damage. 9th level spell 12d6 psychic damage. Adventurer Feat: Until the target saves, they must roll any disengage checks twice and take the worst result. Champion Feat: Until the target saves, they also must roll any attack rolls twice and take the worst result. Epic Feat: If the target rolls a 1 on an attack while still hampered, they hit themselves. Expose Flaw Ranged spell Once per Battle Target: One nearby creature Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Hit: 4d8 psychic damage, and the target is vulnerable (save ends) Miss: The target is vulnerable (save ends) 5th level spell 6d8 psychic damage 7th level spell 8d8 psychic damage 9th level spell 10d8 psychic damage Adventurer Level Feat: This does not draw opportunity attacks. Champion Feat: You can now attack a foe at far away range. Epic Feat: You can target two foes within range. Inspiring Tale Ranged spell Daily Quick action to cast Target: One nearby ally Effect: One of your allies adds your Wisdom bonus to their crit range until they score a critical hit or the battle ends. 5th level spell When the ally criticals, they add two extra damage dice 7th level spell When the ally criticals, they add five extra damage dice. 9th level spell When the ally criticals, they add eight extra damage dice. Adventurer Level Feat: The ally can be far away. Champion Feat: This benefits two allies. Lightning Bolt (as Core, p. 155) Punish Crime Ranged spell At-Will Target: One nearby creature which has inflicted damage on an ally in this battle Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Hit: 4d6 psychic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends) Miss: The target is weakened (save ends) 5th level spell 4d12 psychic damage 7th level spell 6d12 psychic damage 9th level spell 10d12 psychic damage Adventurer Level Feat: This does not draw opportunity attacks. Epic Feat: You can now shout at foes at far away range.
  20. First Level Spells Berate Close-Quarters or Ranged spell Daily Target: One nearby or close creature Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Hit: 4d8 psychic damage, and the target immediately moves away from the Lhankor Mhy. This may trigger opportunity attacks. Miss: The spell refreshes on a roll of 11+; you may roll each round as a free action at the start of your turn. 3rd level spell 5d8 psychic damage, and the target immediately moves away from the Lhankor Mhy. This may trigger opportunity attacks. 5th level spell 8d8 psychic damage, and the target immediately moves away from the Lhankor Mhy. This may trigger opportunity attacks. 7th level spell 2d4 x 10 psychic damage, and the target immediately moves away from the Lhankor Mhy. This may trigger opportunity attacks. 9th level spell 4d4 x 10 psychic damage, and the target immediately moves away from the Lhankor Mhy. This may trigger opportunity attacks. Adventurer Level Feat: Any opportunity attacks triggered by the spell get +4 to hit. Epic Feat: You can now shout at foes at far away range. How Death Came Into the World Close-Quarters spell Daily Triggered when someone attacks you Target: 1 close-quarters enemy Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Hit: The first five points of damage they did to you is reflected back onto them; you take the remaining damage. If this blocks all inflicted damage, any inflicted condition is also reflected, otherwise, you suffer it. 3rd level spell The first ten points of damage 5th level spell The first eighteen points of damage 7th level spell The first twenty-eight points of damage 9th level spell The first fifty points of damage Adventurer Feat: Any condition inflicted by the attack automatically rebounds on the attacker, whether you hit or not. Champion Feat: Add your Wisdom bonus to the attack roll. Javelin of Vinga Ranged spell Daily Target: One nearby or far away creature Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 4d10 damage, and 5 ongoing lightning damage (save ends). Miss: 5 ongoing lightning damage (save ends), and you regain the spell during your next quick rest. 3rd level spell 5d10 damage, and 10 ongoing lightning damage (save ends). 10 ongoing lightning damage (save ends) on a miss. 5th level spell 8d10 damage, and 15 ongoing lightning damage (save ends). 15 ongoing lightning damage (save ends) on a miss. 7th level spell 3d4 x 10 damage, and 25 ongoing lightning damage (save ends). 25 lightning damage (save ends) ongoing on a miss. 9th level spell 5d4 x 10 damage, and 40 ongoing lightning damage (save ends). 40 ongoing lightning damage (save ends) on a miss. Adventurer Level Feat: If this attack draws an opportunity attack which hits you, the attacker also takes the ongoing damage automatically. (But you still get hit) Orlanth and Aroka Ranged spell Target: 1d4 nearby enemies in a group Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Hit: 2d8 fire damage, and stuck (save ends) 3rd level spell 4d6 fire damage 5th level spell 6d8 fire damage 7th level spell 10d6 fire damage 9th level spell 10d12 fire damage Adventurer Feat: The target cannot attack you while it is stuck. Champion Feat: It also inflicts 15 ongoing acid damage (save ends). . The Unstoppable Curse Ranged spell At-Will Target: One nearby or far away enemy. Attack: Automatic hit Effect: 2d4 psychic damage. 3rd level spell 2d8 psychic damage. 5th level spell 4d6 psychic damage. 7th level spell 6d6 psychic damage. 9th level spell 10d6 psychic damage. Adventurer Feat: You can choose two targets; roll half the damage dice for one curse and half the damage dice for the other, then assign one set of damage dice to each of the two targets. Champion Feat: Roll a d20 when you use the spell; if you roll a natural 20, the curse crits and deals double damage. (Rolling a 1 is not a fumble; this roll checks only to see if you can crit.) Epic Feat: The 7th and 9th level versions of the spell now use d8s as damage dice. Tongues of the Inanimate Close-Quarters Spell Daily Target: Yourself! Effect: You can hear the constant running commentary made by your enemies' possessions during battles, whether you want to or not. They're so chatty, it's hard to focus on everything. But this gives you some warning of what is coming... well, what they *think* is coming. Roll once at the start of your turn, each round: When a foe attempts to engage you, his clothing gives it away; you can react to their engaging you by disengaging as a free action that goes before they can attack you, once before your next turn. Your shoes warn you when you mis-step; if you fail a disengage check, you can roll it a second time and take the second result. Your foe's weapon or maybe your own clothing warns you of incoming attacks; gain +2 AC until the start of your next turn. Your foe's armor talks too much and you find a weakness; your next attack against AC gains +2 to hit The ground guides you where you need to go; you can move twice as far with one move action until your next turn. Your clothing reassures you that you are right. +2 to MD until the start of your next turn.
  21. Priest of Lhankor Mhy Required: You must be a devotee of Lhankor Mhy, the scholar god. You can be a human or a duck. Play Style: You are a cranky old man, whether or not you are a man or old. You function as a mixture of artillery and talking people to death on the battlefield, but you also command some utility magics, because your god is the god of purified sorcery. Ability Scores: Intelligence is your most important stat, given your god is the god of scholars, literacy, and Lore. You may sometimes find Wisdom useful as well. You gain +2 to either Intelligence or Wisdom; this must be a stat different than your racial bonus. Backgrounds: You might be a keeper of clan lore, who keeps the history and laws of your clan. You might be a song-line walker, who traces out, studies, remembers, and expands on the song lines which record traditional lore about places. You might be an artifact collector, with an interest in First and Second age artifacts. You might be a reincarnated sage with flashes of your past lives. You might be a book collector, who finds and restores old tomes. Or you could have been an urban tutor, teaching wealthy city children to read, write and think. Gods: You serve Lhankor Mhy the scholar god. HIs runes are Truth and Law. Runes: You must have the Truth and Law runes; your third rune can be whatever you want. Level Advancement: I can't do the chart worth squat, so use the Wizard level advancement. Priest of Lankhor Mhy Stats Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Icon Points, and Feats are level dependent. Ability Bonus +2 Intelligence or Wisdom (different from racial bonus) Initiative Dex mod + Level Armor Class (light armor) 10 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level Physical Defense 10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level Mental Defense 12 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level Hit Points (6 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart) Recoveries (probably) 8 Recovery Dice (1d6 x Level) + Con mod Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background Runes Truth, Law, a personal rune of your choice Talents 3 Feats 1 per Level Gear You begin with robes (and underwear), a staff, a dagger, a set of ink, pens, and paper for writing, boots, a lantern, and oil. Armor and Weapons as Wizard Class Features Beard: Whether you are male or female, you have a beard now. If someone shaves it, it grows back overnight. You gain the background Magical Beard at +5; this mainly lets you identify yourself as a Lhankor Mhy to others and be recognized as such. Literacy: You are able to read, write, and make copies of written material; you can treat this as the Background Scribe with a rating equal to your Wisdom bonus. Lorekeeper: You gain 2 points of backgrounds related to lore, stories, or mythology; these can boost one of your Backgrounds to a rating of +6! Ritual Magic: Priests of Lhankor Mhy can cast their spells as rituals (13th Age core rulebook, page 192). Spell Choices: Like the standard spellcasters in the 13th Age core rulebook, you choose the spells you will be able to cast after each full heal-up. Talents (Choose 3) Cleanser You have studied the use of the Law Rune to free people from hostile magic. As an at-will quick action, you can target a nearby ally, allowing them to save against a magically-induced condition of your choice. Adventurer Feat: Your ally adds your Wisdom bonus to the saving throw. Champion Feat: You can target two allies within nearby range. Epic Feat: Targets can be up to far away. Lawspeaker: In any social interaction with people who follow Orlanth's law, you can cite obscure laws and tell stories about past law cases (try to restrict yourself to a few sentences, unlike a real Lawspeaker). This allows you to substitute your Intelligence + Scribe for Charisma + Aprorpriate background in a Charisma check once per interaction or battle. Purified Grimoire Access Choose another spell-casting character class. You can choose one spell from the spell list of that class, of your own level or lower, as an extra spell you know how to cast. You can even improve the spell you’ve jacked by taking its feats up to your tier, if it has any. The spell still uses the stat it is normally based on, unless you get the Adventurer feat. This spell is a bonus spell, not included in your Priest of Lankhor Mhy class count. You can’t purify spells that come from class talents. You should rename the spell to suit the Orlanthi myth view. Adventurer Feat: You can use your Intelligence as the ability score that provides the purified spell’s attack bonus and damage bonus (if any). Other ability score references remain unchanged. Champion Feat: Choose a second spell-casting class. Purify a spell from that class as well. Epic Feat: Choose a third spell-casting class. Purify a spell from that class also. Read Omens At the beginning of each battle, you roll an omens die (d20). Record what you got. As a free action, during the battle, you can substitute the omens die for something you or an ally or a foe just rolled, explaining what omen predicted the actual result. The action continues as if what was rolled on the omens die was rolled all along. Secrets of Writing You have mastered the Three Sacred Scripts and they do a jig for you; you can hide secret messages among normal writing that only your intended target can see, unless they also have this talent. You can also decipher secret scripts and hidden writing by others (this is basically ritual magic keyed off your Literacy Feature). You gain the Spell Wards of Lhankor Mhy: Wards of Lhankor Mhy Close-Quarters Spell Once Per Battle Quick Action to create and sustain. Effect: When a foe attacks you at Close-Quarters, the spell is triggered: Attack: Intelligence + Level vs MD. Hit: 1d8 * your Level psychic damage. Miss: The target is dazed (save ends) Adventurer Level Feat: The target is also dazed (save ends) on a hit. Epic Level Feat: If the attack hits, the Lhankor Mhy pops free immediately and can take a free move. Truthtalker Lhankor Mhy's job is to find and tell the truth. When you are attuning a rune, if you roll a 1-3, you can choose to attune the Truth rune; you still get a random rune on a 4-6. While the Truth rune is attuned, you can use Wisdom instead of Charisma for any Charisma check based on convincing people of the truth.
  22. Thirteenth Age Glorantha adapts the Thirteenth Age system to Glorantha. Thirteenth Age is a 4E D&D Variant which uses level and class. Thirteenth Age Glorantha has these standard classes: The Orlanthi warrior The troll warrior The Humakti The berserker (Storm Bull or Zorak Zoran) The wind lord The storm voice The rebel The monk The trickster The earth priestess The hell mother This is a writeup for a Shaman of Kolat class. Right now, it has rules for Trolls, Humans, and Ducks. Thirteenth Age Glorantha is set during the period after Argath liberates Sartar and the country is a disaster area that needs rebuilding. Time for heroes to step up.
  23. 9th Level Spells Blizzard (Wrong Seasons) Ranged Spell Daily Standard action each turn; 11+ to sustain Opening & Sustained Effect: Make the following attack against 1d4 + 1 nearby enemies. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Hit: 10d12 + Charisma cold damage. Miss: — Epic Feat: Two of the targets can now be far away instead of nearby. Heler's Spout (Deep Well) Ranged Spell Daily Standard action to activate Effect: The first person who attacks you after you use this spell is interrupted and counter-attacked: Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD Hit: 12d8 + Dexterity damage. If they are engaged with you, you pop free of them and may take a move action. Miss: The spell resets to try to attack the next person after that. Epic Feat: When the spell triggers, you gain Resist 16+ until the start of your next turn. Howling Winds of the North (Uncle Frost's Family) Ranged spell Daily Standard Action Effect: This summons an Epic Air Elemental (see p. 192 of Thirteen True Ways). It fights for you for the rest of the battle; you must command it with a standard action or it takes a random action; roll 1d6: 1-3: It moves in a random direction, disengaging if necessary 4+: If unengaged, it engages the closest of your foes; if engaged, it inflicts +2d8 with opportunity attacks until the end of its next turn. Spirit Ways Close-quarters spell Daily Special: This must be done outdoors, out of combat. This opens a route through the spirit world to any destination on the surface of Glorantha; it takes about one hour per thousand miles of travel and you must end your travel outside any buildings. As ritual magic, you can use this to enter the Hero Plane or the Underworld. Okay, I think this does it for the Shaman; let me know if I left any obvious holes. This draws in part from Clerics, Bards, and Necromancers.
  24. 7th level Spells Come Endless Darkness (Hell Demon) Ranged Spell Daily Standard Target: One nearby foe Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD Hit: The target takes 7d10 + Charisma necrotic damage and is blinded (save ends) 9th Level: 9d10 necrotic damage and is blinded (save ends) Champion Feat: Until the target saves against blinded, you can see through their eyes what they *would* have seen, and you can cast spells that use them as the starting point. Epic Feat: Until the target ceases to be blinded, they take 1d4 * your level ongoing necrotic damage. Find the Unseen Soul (Sky Defender) Ranged Spell Daily Standard Target: One nearby foe Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD. Further, you ignore all visibility penalties and you can attack through walls as if they did not exist. Hit: The target takes 7d10 + Charisma psychic damage and is soul-marked (save ends). Under the soul-marked condition, until they make their save, all your attacks on them ignore all visibility penalties and you can attack them through walls as if they did not exist. 9th level: 9d10 + Charisma psychic damage and is soul-marked (save ends). Champion Feat: While the target is soul-marked, you can aim any attack you make at their MD. Epic Feat: You can target a far away foe. Spirit Form (Breath Friend) Close-quarters spell Quick action to cast Recharge 16+ after battle Effect: You release your soul to fight while your body lies on the ground and sleeps. You lose 10% of your max HP when you use this spell, because those are left behind in your body. Your spirit form can perform spells and has Resist 12+ to untyped damage (normal physical damage). It can only make physical attacks against spirits, essences, and the like, and you gain +2 to hit such creatures in this form. If you return to your body voluntarily, you regain the 10% you lost when you activated the spell and can spend a recovery. If you are knocked unconscious, you return to your body, regaining the lost 10%. Champion Feat: Recharge check is now 11+. Epic Feat: While you are in Spirit Form during a Heroquest, you can reroll one failed roll per battle.
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