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John Biles

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Everything posted by John Biles

  1. I think that the Lightbringer's Quest would definitely suffice to summon Taylor. "That damn dirty Arkat! He blew it all up!"
  2. Barntar's secret power is nitrogen-fixing; he draws down the chemicals needed to renew the land from the sky. I would note that an option for a tribe which was female-led / male hostile would be cultivation of fruit trees. No plowing required, gives fruit every year, also a source of wood for you to some degree.Fruit trees would probably be mainly tended by women, as they would be seen as the gift of Ernalda. Ditto for berry bushes.
  3. Variable, but most people, I suspect, won't actually notice if you don't shove it in their face. Edit: It depends on the town. Jonstown - some Lhankor Mhy notices it, asks you curiously about your position on Argath to add to his compendium. Boldhome - someone thinks it is a Lunar tattoo, you almost get lynched for the wrong reason Dangerford - Priests of Humakt study you, determine you are not undead, they cease to care. Wilmskirk - It is used as an excuse to sell you to the Praxians Svenstown - They assume it's some weird Praxian tattoo and run to get people to kill you but then they realize you don't look Praxian so you probably don't die.
  4. IE, not an honorable man. But being an illuminate basically means you're a sociopath. You do whatever it takes to get what you want and nothing holds you back. This is why illuminates in Glorantha who don't go live in a monastery and seek further enlightenment typically end up blood-soaked killers. (Like Argath and Sor-Eel) Probably the best argument against the Lunar Empire is the large scale illumination it carried out, since that opened the doors to everything else bad.
  5. Orlanth brought back the Sun and ended the Great Darkness. He definitely succeeded.
  6. Steering back towards the original topic. Whether or not you agree with Argath or the Lunars, the apocalyptic ending of the Third Age is the perfect example of how I think Glorantha's mortality works. During the good parts of an age, population booms, swelling in size, then much of the population dies horribly in an apocalypse. In certain places, like Dragon Pass, the continual state of low level war probably keeps the population in check. Any society with regular raiding loses a lot of people over time. This is why people died by violence more in Earth's past despite our better weapons for killing. Certainly, playing King of Dragon Pass, or Six Ages, my population dies in droves.
  7. You probably have drunk gangs of Praxians who roam the streets, beating up locals, in order to get revenge for past offenses, real and imaginary. The connection between Geo's Inns is probably being exploited by Argath to spy in Dragon Pass. You should ask yourself what kind of law code is being enforced now in Pavis. And how many Argaths your game has, which will influence how he rules.
  8. The PC group in Heroquest Glorantha, who perform this quest off stage, are a Priestess of Ernalda, an Orlanthi warrior thane, a Humakti, a Praxian shaman, a Lhankor Mhy scribe, and a renegade Lunar. I like your idea of Valind being the villain here; given it's about rescuing a King, it strikes me as something where Ernalda organizes a rescue of her husband, with the aid of Humakt, Kolat, and Lhankor Mhy and some hangers on (Elmal probably stays behind to run things while Ernalda is in the field)
  9. This presumes Argath actually cares if these people live or die; he strikes me as someone who throws you away the second you're no longer useful. To be fair to Argath, most of the time, he is in total crisis mode and doesn't have a lot of free time to raise people from the dead. (And we don't have an objective, clear-cut record to indicate if he did or didn't try to resurrect fallen companions. Maybe he did)
  10. I'm pretty sure Jaldon is Willy Wonka's father.
  11. My own suspicion is that Glorantha has bigger population growth in the short term than the real world, but then has periodic apocalypses which basically negate a lot of that growth. The end of the first and second age heavily trimmed a lot of populations. But it also flows differently - you don't have to pump out 8 kids to ensure 3 of them make it to adulthood and you have birth control, so you invest more in fewer kids but end up with the same results.
  12. And the last remnant of the Stygian Empire: Biscuit Baron, found all the way from Seshnela to Dragon Pass and Peloria, wherever Arkat's empire went. Don't ask where the bacon is made or how. Just enjoy it.
  13. I think it's a lot harder to do the level of great deeds a Hero should do if you are mainly focused on mundane skills, though of course, the Brave Little Tailor is a counter-example of exactly that from real life myth. But also, if someone is really a Hero, they probably are going to outgrow the village they started in. Someone with 450% Tend Herd who is a Hero is going to end up doing things like saving the kingdom's cattle from a plague. Not sticking around some village.
  14. You may remember from many years ago that someone did this 'Bert is Evil' page, which included a picture showing Bert talking to Osama Bin Laden that some foolish Jihadi *made into a flag*. I'm now imagining Bert riding with Arkat (or possibly that Arkat IS Bert) Also, reading about the Grotarons... wow, they are ludicrous. They remind me of some of those lunatic creatures from old medieval texts about the rest of the world. Which is probably deliberate.
  15. Jar-Eel is a person who looked at the Harmony rune and asked 'how do I use this to murder'. Though she's unlike Cersei in that she's a lot better at binding people to her will. That being said, Phargentes the Younger is way too competent to be Joffrey. Some of that might be possession by the Red Emperor, but he: retakes Arrolia takes tribute from Sog City and reaches the Neliomi Sea Burns down the Reforestation in some part of Peloria Takes Boldhome and erects a bragging Stelae So this is a man of accomplishments (and certainly a step forward from Argenteus. Admittedly, a random murder hobo would probably improve on Argenteus.
  16. Starting when they do pretty much means the PCs are going to be low-powered through a lot of stuff until they can catch up, yes. By the time Argath lights the Flame of Sartar, a bunch of big things are happening. But starting there is like starting a Pendragon game right as the Grail Quest starts. You'd have an easier time in 13th Age Glorantha.
  17. When Argath tries to get Kaethela to make him King, they could do something like bringing back Belintar or the Great Old One, so it doesn't bow to him. When Argath gets mad at Harrek for sacking Black Horse Country, they could recruit Harrek to fight Argath on the side of the Lunars. That would probably result in Argath being crushed at the Battle of Heroes.
  18. I am dubious that solar hero is Sheng Seleris because there's nothing to indicate he went to Kralorela and the Kralorelans *hate his guts*. Can Shu and the Blood Son are connected to the Kingdom of Ignorance and Sheng reborn is focused on murdering Pelorians. And Argath had no connection we know of to the Kingdom of Ignorance.
  19. 13th Age Glorantha PCs are assumed to be people on the Hero track. Some dude with 450% Tend Herd probably is not.
  20. Argath wants to see the Lunar Empire laid waste, and well, Sheng is good at that. Pelorian death is as meaningless to him as stepping on a cockroach is to us.
  21. Becoming a god yourself forces you to soon ascend and leave the field. You become bound by the Compromise. Create a god, and you have a tool which can do anything. Of course, it always blows up in your face somehow.
  22. The Metaphorical deluge (It's a Louis XIV reference). And to be fair, the deluge you mention isn't his fault, assuming it's the one triggered by the Trolls.
  23. The Mongol version of the White Man's burden is the necessity of generating as many corpses and burnt out ruined cities as possible. They contemplated genociding all of China to use it as pasture, but got talked out of it. *********** I don't think Argath's trail of destruction is due to him being an emperor, though. Argath's central goal isn't to create some lasting kingdom, it's to kill the Red Goddess and destroy the Lunar Empire. He's an Arkat-style monomaniac. Anything state-like is a way to get power to destroy the Lunars/Red goddess. If there was a button and it would destroy the Lunar Empire and the Red Goddess without him having to rule anything, he'd hit it. But since there is no easy button, he builds up power, but after him, the Deluge.
  24. Sending a human typhoon is a pretty good way to ensure there's no one in Peloria to welcome you. Also, when the Pelorians know you turned Sheng loose on them, that's not a plan that's going to work very well.
  25. Sartar built alliances, brought groups together, reconciled the Telmori with everyone else by creating a king for them and basically went around radiating niceness, which is what his homeland needed, was someone to rise above the feuds and murdering and bring them together. Also, there's a difference between the amount of damage a normal emperor does and the kind of blood-soaked hell-wake that Sheng Seleris brought in all his careers. Sheng makes Harrek, who is a gore-soaked sociopath and plunderer, look like some dude stealing candy from babies. Sheng probably doesn't know how to eat breakfast without causing a massacre. I think bringing back Sheng had to be deliberate on Argath's part and generally reflects that Argath is the same kind of monomaniac that Arkat and the EWF leaders were.
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