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Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms


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Hi all. I'm the author of this effort, which is coming along. It will be published as a fan publication as a special supplement to the Escalation! fanzine for 13th Age. It will have original art that is frankly brilliant, and for which I can take no credit, and, if they don't give up on me because I am terribly slow, the editorial team of volunteers is going to definitely make a silk purse of my sow's ear of writing and game development.

I am coincidentally the co-host also of Iconic Production's YouTube series, Exploring Glorantha, and the two projects both complement one another, and of course eat time away from one another (as does the whole bother of having to work for a living, etc.).

I can't tell you when Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms will be coming out. We have made a lot of progress, but there are 400 pages of manuscript in a series of Google docs, so, it will be done when it is done. But I am hoping (and thus likely cursing myself) that we may see it this calendar year.

Thanks for your interest. I hope we shall deliver something truly special, thanks to the great leadership from Tim at Escalation!, our artist, and the outstanding editorial team of volunteers.


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Evan Franke | Co-host of Exploring Glorantha (on YouTube for Iconic Production) | Author of the forthcoming fan publication Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms (in collaboration with Escalation! A 13th Age Fanzine)


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  • 1 year later...

I'm sure @eknarfer won't mind if I share here what he said on the 13th Age Discord group:



Happy to report that I have resolved all edits and comments, I have done all final review and revisions, and all chapters of Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms are with Escalation for processing. 

Of course my work does not end. But it is a major milestone, and I am deeply grateful and humbly thankful for everyone who helped, encouraged, critiqued and gave feedback. You all helped make me get this far.


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An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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Thanks Brian!

The journey continues, but it's a major milestone!


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Evan Franke | Co-host of Exploring Glorantha (on YouTube for Iconic Production) | Author of the forthcoming fan publication Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms (in collaboration with Escalation! A 13th Age Fanzine)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

An update on our progress.


I am hesitant to put a date on things and we are still working out details of publication but we are making a lot of progress and because of the layout and art (done by the same talented person (which is definitely not me!)), it is looking incredible!

For sure, it will be available as a free downloaded PDF somewhere.

You can see a lot of the art for the book being posted at our artist's DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/triciab79

The art is incredible!

I am running a companion scenario (not in the book, but likely to be made available by me on the web (hopefully with some other supporting materials) at Chaosium Con. My first table is full, so I put a second running of the game up which is pending approval.


And if you have not seen it, we did an actual play(test) about a year ago which is up on YouTube: 


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Evan Franke | Co-host of Exploring Glorantha (on YouTube for Iconic Production) | Author of the forthcoming fan publication Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms (in collaboration with Escalation! A 13th Age Fanzine)


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8 hours ago, eknarfer said:

I am running a companion scenario (not in the book, but likely to be made available by me on the web (hopefully with some other supporting materials) at Chaosium Con.

While I won't have an opportunity to join your tables at the Con, hopefully we have a chance to meet up at one of the socials there - love to hear more about what you've done with the Lunars in Fronela!

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That would be great! I will be at the meet and greet on Thursday night. I'll be kicking around Friday during the middle of the day (I have a non-con Zoom appointment around 2, so I am not signed up for anything) so will be milling about until I run my game that night. Going to go see Whisperer in the Darkness on Saturday night. I should be findable and would be happy to talk!

Evan Franke | Co-host of Exploring Glorantha (on YouTube for Iconic Production) | Author of the forthcoming fan publication Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms (in collaboration with Escalation! A 13th Age Fanzine)


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17 minutes ago, eknarfer said:

That would be great! I will be at the meet and greet on Thursday night. I'll be kicking around Friday during the middle of the day (I have a non-con Zoom appointment around 2, so I am not signed up for anything) so will be milling about until I run my game that night. Going to go see Whisperer in the Darkness on Saturday night. I should be findable and would be happy to talk!

Sounds good! I'll be at the meet and greet on Thursday too (and am due to arrive mid-day Thursday so will be hanging around somewhere in the afternoon). I think I saw you signed up for my Sat morning seminar, too. Got some other gaps, too (more Saturday than Friday though).

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