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World to end before 2012


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This just in, new information from the Maya Prophecies indicate that a previously unknown deity, Atgxtg, will in fact bring about the end times upon attaining 2000 posts here on BRP Central. He is currently at 1,921. How could we not see this? Surly with the fact that Chaosium is slowly making a climb from the abyss this should have been foreseen.

We can possibly stop this apocalypse from happening by nicely asking him to take his massive posts elsewhere. This doesn't have to happen, it doesn't have to end this way. Trif, Trif buddy, I have never asked of you before, but I look in the eyes of my beautiful daughter and can't imagine the terror that is to befall her when the dreaded 2000 is attained. Damn it man, I just got my first book published!

I have started this thread as an attempt to come to some conclusion as a group, everyone is welcome to post their ideas to a possible solution here, except Atgxtg, you can start a thread from "1" on some other forum. If we all work together we can make a difference.

Rodney Leary

PS - Atgxtg, if this does come to pass, I've got your back man. :thumb:

Edited by threedeesix

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Damn it, he's here now posting to the firearms thread! I went outside to hold a candle light vigil, but it was too cold and no one knew what the hell I was talking about so I came back in. There has to be some other solution.

Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

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How do I sum this up properly....

Well yes the "end times" are scary and all. Destruction on a massive scale, end of civilization and what not. what most people skip over is the pie. Realy good pie, seriously it's the best pie ever, and it's only around for short while.

The Apocalypse, come for the burning end of all you know, stay around for the Pie. :thumb:

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Well, this is just a minor problem. All that has to be done is what others have

done in similar situations: Create a new calendar, start all over again.

Atgxtg probably does not even have to change his name (although I have to

admit that there are names that are easier to type), all he needs is a new,

fresh account starting at 0.

And with a little board software hacking, it should even be possible to make

sure that the account stays at 0. Forever.

If this solution should prove to be impossible, I am thinking about something

a little more drastic, like an abduction by aliens ...

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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... Atgxtg, will in fact bring about the end times upon attaining 2000 posts here on BRP Central.

If the End of the World is the cost of A's postings, then so be it. A price well worth paying for such gems! :thumb:

Conversely, if he wants to post only tripe from now on, then we can all perish proud that we died defending his Freedom so to do. :innocent:

Either way - bring it on! ;)

Britain has been infiltrated by soviet agents to the highest levels. They control the BBC, the main political party leaderships, NHS & local council executives, much of the police, most newspapers and the utility companies. Of course the EU is theirs, through-and-through. And they are among us - a pervasive evil, like Stasi.

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If the End of the World is the cost of A's postings, then so be it. A price well worth paying for such gems! :thumb:

Clever tactic, get in good with the enemy. We think alike you and I. :thumb:

what most people skip over is the pie. Realy good pie, seriously it's the best pie ever, and it's only around for short while.

The Apocalypse, come for the burning end of all you know, stay around for the Pie. :thumb:

Pie. My one weakness... No I must be strong. I see you now CthulhuFnord, cultist! Spreading the word of "He Who Cannot Be Pronounced". I don't know how I didn't see it before, your name... so obvious. Well I just checked and your posts do not seem to combine with his so your bond is weak. There may be hope for you yet. Repent! Join me, I will complete your training, and together we'll restore order to the galaxy. Wait, that may be from a movie. Doesn't make it less relevant!

And with a little board software hacking, it should even be possible to make

sure that the account stays at 0. Forever.

Trif has not commented on this dire thread, I fear that may no longer be an option.

We must stay strong. Only 75 posts to go. It is getting cold here, too cold.

Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

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In such truly dire situations I usually ask myself: What would the true masters

do, Pinky and The Brain ?

They once had to solve a similar apocalyptic problem. Their brilliant plan was

to build a second Earth from papier-mache, evacuate all they considered im-

portant to this second Earth - and let the original one be destroyed.

So I think I will now begin to collect old newspapers, and if there should be

a severe shortage of wheatpaste in the near future, you know I am using

it to save the world.

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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In such truly dire situations I usually ask myself: What would the true masters

do, Pinky and The Brain ?

They once had to solve a similar apocalyptic problem. Their brilliant plan was

to build a second Earth from papier-mache, evacuate all they considered im-

portant to this second Earth - and let the original one be destroyed.

So I think I will now begin to collect old newspapers, and if there should be

a severe shortage of wheatpaste in the near future, you know I am using

it to save the world.

Yes, there yeah go. Planning for the survival of all mankind. You take the initiative rust, and more will follow.

Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

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Relax mortals. I. in my infinite wisdom have diced to spare this pitiful planet. Bow down and send chocolate, a hot babe, and a new PC with 4GHz+ processor, 8 GB RAM, and at least 2TB hard drive.:P

I wondered when You would find you way here Mr. Apoc. You may be a threat to watch for down the road, and I will. But right now your piddly 4 posts do not threaten the existence of all humanity like Atgxtg, "He Who Cannot Be Pronounced" with his 1925 posts.

And what all powerful entity cant get his own hot babe?

Someday you may be a concern Mr. Apoc, and we will be watching.

Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

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I wondered when You would find you way here Mr. Apoc. You may be a threat to watch for down the road, and I will. But right now your piddly 4 posts do not threaten the existence of all humanity like Atgxtg, "He Who Cannot Be Pronounced" with his 1925 posts.

You can pronounce "Atgxtg" by simultaneously sneezing and coughing. It just hurts a little. An please do not confuse me with those Cthulhuian wimps who are too afraid to leave home without the right horoscope. :)

And what all powerful entity cant get his own hot babe?

Ah, oh ignorant one, I never said I couldn't. Only that you should send me one. It is expected of powerful beings to delegate minor task to the flock that we could easily accomplish ourselves. It is supposed to make you feel like you are being watched over. At the least, it gives you something to do and keeps you out of pool halls.:cool:

Someday you may be a concern Mr. Apoc, and we will be watching.

Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to keep the curtains closed. :eek:

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But right now your piddly 4 posts do not threaten the existence of all humanity like Atgxtg, "He Who Cannot Be Pronounced" with his 1925 posts.

Ah, good. I was already wondering what to do with the 4,575 cubic meters

of wheatpaste I have ordered if the apocalypse were postponed. There are

not that many uses for such a lot of wheatpaste, apart from building secon-

dary homeworlds, you know.

And now I have to find me a real long ladder to reach the construction site,

and some way to pump the Atlantic over to my own world ("Rustworld" does

not exactly sound nice ...?) once I have finished the seabeds and the Hima-

laya ...

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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/Rurik abrubtly does an about face and leaves the pool hall he just entered in search of a suitable babe to use as an offering.

A wise move, Runespear. I promise not to leave you twisting in the wind when you are surrounded by Trollkin like that solar Deity Elmal.

But what would you expect from that guy. Everyone seems to have kicked his butt during godtime, and in the last decade of so he lost and eye (as well as an "y" , and an "o").

"Oh, why did I lose and eye?"

-Elmal to Greg Stafford

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Ah, good. I was already wondering what to do with the 4,575 cubic meters

of wheatpaste I have ordered if the apocalypse were postponed. There are

not that many uses for such a lot of wheatpaste, apart from building secon-

dary homeworlds, you know.

Amazing the things you can find on eBay these days.

And now I have to find me a real long ladder to reach the construction site,

and some way to pump the Atlantic over to my own world ("Rustworld" does

not exactly sound nice ...?) once I have finished the seabeds and the Hima-

laya ...

Just wait until someone builds a space elevator. It's too far to climb.

Perhaps you could call you world the Oxydationsphere? But, as it is made of wheatpaste, it isn't likely to rust. I'd be more worried about weeavils. Better take along a handy muzzle-loading smoothbore mass thrower.

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I was right, all the signs are coming to pass.

Yep, as Nostradamus used to say (although he did it in late medieval French):

"When the Unpronouncable reaches Twenty-and-Twelve, fear that day,

because the harsh sound of clicking mandibles will be coming your way."

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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Yep, as Nostradamus used to say (although he did it in late medieval French):

"When the Unpronouncable reaches Twenty-and-Twelve, fear that day,

because the harsh sound of clicking mandibles will be coming your way."

What are the odds that it would still rhyme when converted to English. Proof of it's validity I say.

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Didn't I read that on a BurmaShave ad?

Hey, hey, hey! No posting to this thread you "Who's Name Cannot Be Pronounced" I will not have this thread contributing to the end of humanity.

Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

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