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Call for translators: Arms & Equipment terms for my spreadsheet!


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5 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

We could invent a regional reference, like "Poing Wenéliain" of "Poing Seshnelain". Would an average French gamer get the reference?

This is an alternative. The reference, would need to be about an urban center/culture with potentially a criminal or possibly gladiatorial connotations.

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13 hours ago, Ladygolem said:

Let me know if you ever decide to put out a Polish translation, I'd be willing to help! I'm not sure why you would, but you never know...

So far I've done the languages that have an official translation of the rules, but there's no reason why I can't do other languages.

As to why I would, well, if there are Polish players who want to use it in Polish then that's a reason! The Hungarian guy who did the translation reckons nobody is using it in that language.

If you want to, please do, I'll share you a sheet that you can enter the slightly over 1000 translations in.

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8 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

This is an alternative. The reference, would need to be about an urban center/culture with potentially a criminal or possibly gladiatorial connotations.

Ralian? What would the French style be for Ralios? "Raliain"?
Safelster? "Safelstrain"?

Edited by PhilHibbs
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12 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

Ralian? What would the French style be for Ralios? "Raliain"?

You could use 'Ralian'. It would not sound like in english. It could also be 'Ralien', more than 'Raliain'. My personal choice would be to use 'Ralien' because the way it sound' in french (not very easy to explain).

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v1.19.10 Beta 3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uN0KAhyP5jCQMhJHZjeFFKL9-3NTKy4Ir5E-_vz35V0

  • Added Arms & Equipment weapons, including translations for French, German, & Spanish.
  • Fixed an issue where translating from one language to another to another would leave some terms in the last language for which I have a translation. It now leaves them in English. Mostly affects weapons in Hungarian and spells in Spanish.

Known Issues:

  • Some translations are still missing.
  • Stats for shields from Arms & Equipment are missing, as the PDF currently lacks the table.
Edited by PhilHibbs
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I think that the translation of dart in French is incomplete.


'une fléchette' in French is either an ammunition for a blowpipe or the thing thrown during a dart game.

the spiculum sized dart is 'un dard' in French.

a longer sized dart is 'une javeline' in French


a hunting spear meant to be thrown with an atlatl is 'une sagaie' in French


I hope it helps



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13 hours ago, jean said:

'une fléchette' in French is either an ammunition for a blowpipe or the thing thrown during a dart game.

Nothing I can do about that - "fléchette" is the official translation of the large 1D6 damage javelin-class dart. Where I can, I stick to the official terms unless it needs a qualifier where two are the same.

13 hours ago, jean said:

the spiculum sized dart is 'un dard' in French.

a longer sized dart is 'une javeline' in French

A spiculum is pretty big, I'd say it's about the same size as a javelin and I don't think that there are two distinct weapons of that size in RQ.

13 hours ago, jean said:

a hunting spear meant to be thrown with an atlatl is 'une sagaie' in French

There's no specific ammunition for an atlatl in RQ, I think you just use the same Dart or Javelin that you would throw.

13 hours ago, jean said:

I hope it helps

Thanks! I don't see anything that I can change though.

In the rules, there are several distinct weapons that have the same name. It may be that in the official French translation, the small throwing dart will also be "fléchette". I don't have that luxury as I need a distinct thing to select in a drop-down list, that is clear to the user what they are picking. so "fléchette" and "petite fléchette" will have to do!

Edited by PhilHibbs
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