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Here is the Jonstown Compendium Index 2023an index to the new RuneQuest & Glorantha scenarios and sourcebooks (and sundry other releases) available from Chaosium's Jonstown Compendium community content web store on DriveThruRPG. The index includes full details for every product released after 1 October 2022, plus summary listings for everything else in the store (for full details of earlier releases, see my Jonstown Compendium Catalogue 2022 or earlier indexes and catalogues).

Detailed listings analyse content (pages split between scenario, stats, maps, etc.), characters, settings and complexity of each scenario. Includes best-seller and ratings charts, RuneQuest Scenarios, Gloranthan Sourcebooks, Questworld Resources, Shorter Releases (inc. maps, tokens, artpacks and random stuff), three Where in the World? maps showing every scenario, sourcebook and map's location, and notes on when scenarios and campaigns are set (by year and season, inc. Chaosium RQG scenarios).

The index will be regularly updated following major releases in 2023. All updates in 2023 are free; the price of the index may increase each quarter as new content grows, so don't wait too long to get on board! If you bought it earlier, get the current version of the index from your Library (top right menu) or from this product page while you're logged in to DriveThruRPG.

Edited by Nick Brooke
New version (twenty-fifth update, 27 December 2023)
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The first new release of 2023 is Beer With Teeth's gorgeously-illustrated scenario The Temple of Twins, by Erin McGuire and Diana Probst, featuring art by Kris Herbert, Lai Suk Yin, Rhys Passafiume and Diana Probst. These Praxians need help! Tribal taboos have forced them to turn to outsiders, who will face the greatest challenge in Prax: surviving as a woman. Success leads to tribal shenanigans and plot-hooks aplenty. Like The Gifts of Prax, the scenario includes 15 pages of evocatively Praxian encounters, including a terrifying peccary swarm and the vicious honey badger. The book can easily be linked with other Praxian adventures from Beer With Teeth. $8.00 for 52 pages (PDF).

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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 8 January 2023

Updated on 8 January 2023 with two new RuneQuest adventures:

  • Crimson King, by Nick Brooke, is a game of intrigue and conspiracy in the highest echelons of the Lunar Empire! Players take on the roles of the heroes and rulers of this Gloranthan superpower, confronted by treachery and betrayal on all sides. This lavishly-illustrated scenario is a sequel to The Duel at Dangerford and Black Spear, and can be used as a stand-alone adventure or in an ongoing campaign. It builds on the Lunar Empire as presented in A Rough Guide to Glamour and Life of Moonson, but GMs do not need either book to run their game. $11.95 for 71 pages (PDF)
  • In Search of Baroshi, by Marc Robertson. Adventurers must rescue a kidnapped godling and his devotees before a fate worse than death befalls them in a cave complex off Snake Pipe Hollow. $2.95 for 27 pages (PDF)

Also, to celebrate the release of Crimson King, the two volumes of our freeform game Life of Moonson have been reduced in price by five dollars in all formats, both print and digital. Book One: The Characters, Book Two: The Freeform.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Updated on 27 January 2023 with details of three recent print releases: Crimson King, my Gloranthan Manifesto and the Jonstown Compendium Catalogue 2022. Plus the usual little updates here and there (sales badges, ratings charts, etc.).

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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 27 January
Posted (edited)

I just shared this analysis over on Facebook. Here's a breakdown of best-seller medals earned by Jonstown Compendium releases (excluding free and low-value Pay What You Want sales, which don't count towards medals):

  • Platinum (over 1,000 sales): 1%
  • Gold (over 500 sales): 4%
  • Electrum (over 250 sales): 10%
  • Silver (over 100 sales): 32%
  • Copper (over 50 sales): 24%
  • No medal (1-50 sales): 29%.
Of the products with no medals: 72% are maps, 11% are foreign language translations, 8% are art packs, 5% are virtual tabletop token sets, 3% are indexes, and one uses an exotic setting. If that's not what you're making, you are practically guaranteed 50 sales.
Same analysis for Copper medallists: 11% of them are normal releases, 26% tokens, 17% short/expensive, 12% recent (last three months), 9% exotic, 9% indexes and play aids, 5% maps, 5% QuestWorlds, 3% random stuff, 1.5% art and 1.5% foreign.
Again, it looks as if 90% of "normal" releases for the Jonstown Compendium (i.e. "none of the above") will hit Silver (100 sales), and the ones that don't will get to Copper.
And combining both analyses, for the 53% of Jonstown Compendium releases that aren't yet Silver best-sellers, here are some common features: maps (41.7%), tokens (14.6%), short and expensive (7.6%), foreign language (6.9%), index or play aid (5.6%), recent (last three months) (5.6%), artpack (4.9%), exotic setting (4.9%), QuestWorlds (2.1%), random stuff (1.4%), none of the above (4.9%).
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 6 February

Updated on 6 February 2023 with A Vale Ablaze, Vivien Prigent's sequel to In A Merry Green Vale (and don't miss the bundle letting you buy or complete the set at a discount). This has four RuneQuest adventures for members of the Lysang clan, all set in the Arfritha Vale as described in the earlier sourcebook. The first three are relatively straightforward (a cattle raid, chaos baddie and rescue mission); the fourth is a more complicated, politically-charged heroic monster-hunt. Each adventure is designed to have numerous loose ends and long-term consequences, making them excellent fuel for a long-running campaign. Originally written for campaigns set during the Lunar occupation of Sartar, there are thoughts on how to rework each adventure for the post-Dragonrise timeline. Appendices include rules for staging cattle raids, running skirmishes and simplifying NPC statblocks. The author is translating three more scenarios set Beyond the Vale. 137 pages for $11.50 (PDF).

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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 1 March
Posted (edited)

Updated on 1 March 2023 with the truly impressive Elkoi Expansion from Anders Tönnberg, a massive set of maps plus detailed descriptions expanding on the Lunar-occupied citadel in Balazar and its surrounds. This is a snip at 9 euros for 34 pages plus more than 60 maps (variants on 8 locations, from area maps to VTT interiors).

Also! Recent art resources from Dario Corallo (Artpack #5, the Personalities of Dorastor collection) and Zed Nope (two watercolour Wind Lords: Cheerful Vingan & Thunder Caller); Drew Baker's first Rubble Redux book is now available in print, as is the new Spanish translation of Sandheart Volume One: Cuentos de la milicia del Condado Solar, translated by El Runeblogger.

Also also! The GM's Day Sale just started, with 15-30% discounts on several Jonstown Compendium digital titles for the next fortnight.

Edited by Nick Brooke
GM's Day Sale!
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 17 March

Updated on 17 March 2023:

  • Old Pavis: The City that Time Forgot, by Ian Thomson and friends. A Silver best-seller in a few days, this eagerly-awaited second volume in the reissued Pavis & Big Rubble Companion series moves into the Big Rubble big time: the first half of the book describes the people and places of Old Pavis (with adventurer creation, new cults and organisations, and oodles of local colour), while the second half concludes the epic adventure from Volume One (plus plenty more). Highlights are the map and gazetteer of the Real City and the fully-detailed New Flintnail Temple, with 13 pages on Dwarf Drinks! $19.75 for 242 pages (and some extra bits).
  • Applefest 2, by Graeme Atkinson. A sequel to the well-received Applefest. If you’re familiar with that adventure, you won’t be surprised to hear that this follows a three-day festival, introduces a colourful cast of VIP guests and strangers, and rings a few changes on the expected sequence of events. Whichever poor player is Thane of Apple Lane will have their hands full stopping anybody from upsetting the proverbial apple-cart...
  • Plus: two stock art packs by Zed Nope: Tula Landmarks and Call the Fyrd!

In other news, there's a new "standard colour" hardcover edition of Six Seasons in Sartar for $29.95. (The premium colour edition is still $37.95, discounted). Andrew Logan Montgomery's Platinum best-selling coming-of-age saga has been called "a deeply moving story about a community that does a magnificent job of blending together many of the elements that make RuneQuest and its world of Glorantha unique" (Shannon Appelcline). It's probably the best on-ramp for introducing new players to Greg Stafford's bronze age fantasy world of living mythology and RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha.

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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 23 March
Posted (edited)

Updated on 23 March 2023 with some recent developments:

  • Three new print-on-demand releases: Edge of Empire is out in hardcover, with new cover art and a refreshed digital edition ($44.99 for 224 pages); there's a combo edition of DuckPac Books 1&2 in hardcover ($24.95+ for 140 pages), and DuckPac Book 3 is out in premium softcover ($34.99 for 136 pages). We hope to have copies of all these books at Chaosium Con next month, but it's in the hands of the printers and postal service now: wish us luck! :20-condition-luck:
  • Also, Citizens of the Lunar Empire by Chris Gidlow is now a Gold best-seller! Hail Moonson!
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 18 April
Posted (edited)

Updated on 18 April 2023: 

  • Caravan Alley, another Praxian sandbox from Jamie Revell, which details two oases along the route that begins at Day's Rest: Tourney Altar (Humakti!) and Biggle Stone (Fungi!). Nobody is ever going to mistake a Humakti for a Fun Guy, just saying. (37 pages for $4.50.);
  • The long-awaited final release of To Hunt A God, Austin Conrad's Esrolian monkeyquest (139 gorgeously-illustrated pages for $19.95);
  • A photo-report showing the print-on-demand community content pop-up stores at Chaosium Con 2;
  • Charts showing the best-selling products and new medals awarded in the first quarter of 2023; and...
  • Crimson King's just been awarded its Electrum best-seller medal, w00t!, while Dangerford is teetering on the brink of Platinum!
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 26 May

Updated on 26 May 2023:

  • The Queen's Star by Austin Conrad: a beautifully-presented sandbox adventure in which adventurers encounter various fallen denizens of the Sky World in a smouldering crater on the edge of Colymar lands. A very cool, partly-mythic Gloranthan “dungeon” with some fascinating inhabitants, that presents interesting opportunities for exploration, discovery and resolution, and the potential for return visits. (34 pages for $10.00); 
  • Valley of Plenty by Shawn and Peggy Carpenter is back on sale! A childhood saga for QuestWorlds set among the Dundealos tribe of eastern Sartar (the Horse-Orlanthi), we are promised an update and at least one sequel in due course.
  • The Duel at Dangerford is a Platinum best-seller, w00t!
  • Plus a clutch of new Maps by Mikael Mansen:  the Quivin Mountains, Heortland, Skyfall Lake, Leskos and Solung. Usual mix of summer/winter, day/night, labels/none.

And finally, I'll be taking $2,000-worth of print-on-demand community content books from Chaosium's community content programmes to UK Games Expo next week, and hope to see some of you at Chaosium's stall (1-1035, on the corner of Chaosium Street and Cubicle 7 Avenue). 

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Updated on 30 May 2023:

  • The Voralans by Brian Duguid is another ethnographic tour de force. This book takes an in-depth look at the fungal Black Elves of Glorantha. Ironically, this most elusive subspecies of Aldryami (if they are even Plants!) are now the most-detailed, with a full cult writeup, bestiary of related creatures, plunder items and more. The author merges science with Runic essentials to bring us the mycelial master-race. “What the Shaman Says” is a particular delight. (83 pages for $11.99.)
  • The Queen's Star is already a Copper best-seller (more than 50 copies sold, and six   reviews already!).
  • And the Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 itself is now a Silver best-seller! (Still only $1.50 for 70 pages.)
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 9 June
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Updated on 9 June 2023:

  • Veins of Discord by "Fimirage" is a beautifully-illustrated adventure which explores the conflict between two Elder Races of Glorantha: the industrious Mostali and nature-loving Aldryami. Over the course of several seasons, adventurers get to decide which (if any) side they will support, as matters escalate from profitable side-missions to open conflict. It’s not a railroad, and there is copious GM advice on how to let the players choose their path as the situation on the ground unfolds. ($6.90 for 33 pages.)
  • In other news, Mikael Mansen has made even more settlement maps (a Metropolis, Tree-Town and Bronze Age City), and there are photos from Chaosium's community content store at UK Games Expo last weekend.
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 22 July
Posted (edited)

Updated on 22 July 2023:

  • Nochet, Queen of Cities by Harald Smith. A phenomenally detailed, beautifully presented sourcebook for adventures and campaigns set in the Queen of Cities. Nochet is a sprawling ancient metropolis, and this 280-page book brings it vividly to life. After an introduction and overview, the main body of the text (over 150 pages) describes ten major districts of the city, including what local residents and outsiders make of it, prominent personalities, local legends, an overview of the many neighbourhoods in each district, and specific details for practically every building shown on the city map. The book is lavishly illustrated with well-chosen public-domain artwork of ancient cities and temples, for the most part, and comes bundled with a set of high-resolution maps. The last sixty or so pages introduce several established Houses of Nochet that could serve in various roles for adventurers in the city, whether as patrons, kin, allies, rivals or villains; a roster of common city-folk, complete with personalities and catchphrases; a detailed system for generating random events by hour, day, week and season; more than 400 rumours; and a playable outline for the Lunar siege of Nochet, laden with adventure hooks and event tables. It is quite impossible to conceive of anybody running a game in Nochet without referring to this rich, lovingly-crafted and eminently play-centred resource. ($24.99 for 280 pages)
  • Also released: more maps by Mikael Mansen (Sog City, Loral, Teleos and a Fort), a 128-page Character Campaign Book by Michael Bernth, and my free catalogue extract listing 55 of the best-selling Jonstown Compendium books from the last 12 months. (You know by now that my Catalogue and Index have the all-time best-sellers and the highest-rated releases). Plus updated quarterly sales figures and recent medal charts at the back of the Index.
  • But wait! There's more! Ian Thompson dropped updates for his first two Pavis & Big Rubble Companions on 20 July (New Pavis; Old Pavis), so download the new versions from your Library now. He hopes to get Volume Three out this month, so we all have that to look forward to.
  • And finally, DriveThruRPG's Christmas in July sale will be running until the end of the month, with many Jonstown Compendium works available at up to 25% off their usual digital price.
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • 2 weeks later...

A little interim update as the Christmas in July sale ends, mostly to hang garlands off the Queen of Cities (now approaching 200 sales, with a dozen five-star reviews).

If you picked up some cool stuff in the sale, please consider leaving ratings or even reviews at DriveThruRPG, to help other prospective customers (and delight creators!).

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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 2 August
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Updated again on 2 August 2023:

  • Caravanserai, by Ian Straus @Squaredeal Sten: Three scenarios (reopening a ruined caravanserai, a witch hunt and a treasure hunt), plus a detailed business simulation (including payroll forms, profit centres and financial projections). The author weaves his own experience in the lodging business together with flavour and detail worked up from RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment to build a characterful portrait of a Bronze Age enterprise: I particularly liked the vivid hiring interviews which give a slice of daily life. Includes spreadsheets! ($4.90 for 61 pages)
  • Plus a minimalist layered hex map of the River of Cradles, from Pavis down to Corflu (3-mile grid): $1.99 for two A4 maps plus a legend and description.
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 8 August

Updated again on 8 August 2023:

  • Pavis County & Beyond: Secrets of the Borderlands, by @Ian A. Thomson & Friends: The third volume of Pavis & Big Rubble Companion material to be revised and reissued on the Jonstown Compendium covers adventurer creation (inc. family history and local cults) for natives of rural Pavis County and the Zebra Tribe. Four full scenarios follow – The Corflu Connection, Problems with Neighbours, Crimson Shadows Over Prax and Echoes of Evil – with a smattering of ideas for how to link them into your campaign. Next are maps and gazetteers for eight prominent settlements in the Zola Fel Valley: Old Fort, Indagos, Garhound, Ronegarth, Weis, Horn Gate, Sun Dome (Town, not Temple) and Corflu. The book wraps up with twenty pages of room-by-room notes on how the author ran and expanded the classic Borderlands campaign; the Adventures section has more suggestions for how to merge that with a Pavis-based campaign, in which the adventurers become wide-ranging troubleshooters for Duke Raus of Rone. ($18.00 for 254 pages)
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 24 August
Posted (edited)

Updated again on 24 August 2023:

  • All Along a River, by Paul Baker @Exubae: An introductory adventure set in the distant land of Teshnos, leveraging the author’s earlier works Houses of Teshnos, the Teshnos Companion and Hsunchen of the East. The story follows a river barge, the River Rose, as it travels upriver from the seaport of Dajanpol Rapur. The adventurers have been charged with taking a Maguffin from their home village to the city of Zanozar, and encounter Teshnan exotica along the way: contests, jungle shrines, mystics, were-tigers, crocodile-men and river pirates galore. ($16.00 for 171 pages)
  • Furthest: Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh, by Simon Bray & Friends @blackyinkin: The Gazetteer of Furthest walks along each of the city’s main arteries before delving into its quarters, acropolis and sewers. An overview and map of the Kingdom of Tarsh detail the many cities, villages, temples and other points of interest; neighbouring lands are described from a Tarshite perspective. The Kingdom’s organisation is explored: a mishmash of Districts, Clans and Nobles. An overview of Major Players in Tarshite politics describes King Pharandros, his rivals, the Royal Household, civic leaders, military commanders, and two notorious criminals. Jaxarte Whyded provides a street-level view of Furthest. A History of Tarsh runs through Tarshite history at pace. Minor Cults of Tarsh provides a plethora of local spirit cults, detailing their special Rune spells. A Tarsh Bestiary describes several unique species found in the city of Furthest and the land of Tarsh, with full RuneQuest statblocks. Finally, the scenario Something Foul in Newmarket explores the streets, alleys and sewers of the city. ($19.95 for 158 pages)
  • Related: by generous permission of Chaosium, printed maps of the City of Furthest and Kingdom of Tarsh are available from Simon Bray's RedBubble store in a variety of formats, some of them ludicrous. (I've linked to the Large Posters, which are comparatively sane and reasonable.)


Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 6 September
Posted (edited)

Updated again on 6 September 2023:

  • Ships & Shores of Southern Genertela, by Martin Helsdon: @M Helsdon's first book The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass became the keystone of the Jonstown Compendium as one of its launch titles: no mere RuneQuest scenario or sourcebook, his magisterial tome packed with scholarship and artwork gave insights into countless aspects of military life in the imagined fantasy Bronze Age world of Glorantha. And now he’s only gone and done it again, except with out-of-this-world production values for the same low price. Ships & Shores contains everything you could possibly want to know about sword-and-sandal seafaring. Between its thematic chapters are a roster of nautical RuneQuest characters (with glorious full-page group illustrations by Mark Smylie) and seven chapters of the travelogue, A Periplus of Southern Genertela, which knock Biturian Varosh’s travels into a cocked hat. Katrin Dirim’s art is perfect, as always, from full-page mythological views of port cities to cheeky marginalia and the Dormal’s Saga sequence. An appendix includes RuneQuest statistics for ships, expanded seafaring rules based on those in Magic World (themselves a lift-and-drop from RQ3), and notes on sailors’ professional skills.

    This is a work-in-progress digital release; a few illustrations are still line-art sketches, and once these have been completed the final book will be loaded to all customers’ libraries and we can begin work on the inevitable, already-approved print edition. (IOW, "POD Then.") ($24.95 for 393 pages).
Edited by Nick Brooke
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 10 September

Updated again on 10 September 2023:

  • The King-who-Walks, by Vivien Prigent @Minlister, is a grim survival-horror scenario, set in the dead of winter, as nightmarish creatures out of legend besiege a snowed-in stead. Following on from that scenario, Forging the Quested Beast is a superb example of creative heroquesting at its wildest, complete with a synoptic table of competing myth-variants and obscure clues etched onto ancient Dara Happan tablets in cuneiform. Although written for the RuneQuest Classic / HeroQuestWorldWars Lunar Occupation period, the scenario’s introduction provides everything you need to run it in the run-up to the post-Dragonrise Battle of Dangerford*, while the situation leads to epic highjinks and potentially awesome moments of cinematic heroism. Although described as a sequel, the scenario stands alone and does not require Vivien Prigent’s earlier works (In a Merry Green Vale and A Vale Ablaze) : it would work perfectly well for Vasana & Co. An appendix describes the author's WASP system (giving NPCs short-form ratings in Warrior, Adventurer, Sage and Politician), intended for people who found Challenge Ratings (Six Seasons in Sartar) too crude. ($7.50 for 67 pages)

    * and we know from the Dragon Pass boardgame that there will always be more post-Dragonrise Battles at Dangerford, so don’t worry if your campaign’s moved past the first one – another one will come along in a minute; cf. The Duel at Dangerford.
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 24 September

Updated again on 24 September 2023:

  • Ostrich Riders of Prax, by Jamie Revell. A detailed look at one of the minor independent tribes of Prax, the Ostrich Riders, exploring their unusual way of life. The tribal animal is egg-laying, so clans must settle in one place for the length of Fire Season, allowing their ostriches to build nests and incubate eggs. There are descriptions of social structure, costume, tactics and history, a writeup of the cult of Setratha the Ostrich Mother (who replaces Eiritha in their worship), and notes on other cult memberships and shamanism. Half of the book is taken up with full descriptions and RuneQuest statblocks for members of the Yellow Pebble clan, one of the eight clans of the Ostrich People: a page each for the clan leaders (Ostrich Khan, Ostrich Queen and Master Hunter), plus nine other individuals from a range of cults and occupations, each with their own history, ambitions and quirks. This would be an excellent addition to any game set in Prax, with a special resonance for Sandheart campaigns. ($4.00 for 26 pages) 
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  • Nick Brooke changed the title to Jonstown Compendium Index 2023 - updated 29 September
Posted (edited)

Updated again on 29 September 2023:

  • Hydra!, by Peter Hart. A beautifully-presented adventure, Hydra! sees a crack team of chosen Lunar warriors* executing a well-conceived and foolproof plan to deliver a vital strategic resource to the Lunar College of Magic. Venturing beyond the rosy glow of the Glowline, they will encounter chitinous allies and beastly foes, while experiencing all the tensions of the Tarsh Civil War.** Thoroughly detailed and bursting with character, the scenario is richly illustrated throughout by Dario Corallo and comes in two downloads: 65 pages of scenario plus 106 pages of RuneQuest statblocks and bestiary entries, including many deliciously deviant scorpionfolk variants. ($15.00 for 176 pages)

    * Who may include unwilling conscripts or disgraced veterans from disbanded regiments, and who were perhaps even selected by lot for the ‘special honour’ of participating in this mission... but that’s still a sort of “chosen,” right? The supplement Hydra - Adventurers from the Lunar Provinces will be invaluable for creating a diverse band of Provincial Army veterans.

    ** There is no Tarsh Civil War: loyal citizens are urged to denounce anyone spreading malicious Orindori Clan-inspired rumours to the Royalist faction immediately.
  • The Wild Sage's Field Calendar and Almanac, by Michael Bernth. A beautifully designed day-per-page calendar for Glorantha, incorporating holy day details, sunrise/ sunset times, weekly and seasonal summary pages, and seasonal weather almanac pages for all the RuneQuest homelands. ($6.95 for 376 pages)

NOTE: the DriveThruRPG website can take a little time to update. If you're quick off the mark and the updated Index isn't yet available to download, try again soon.

Edited by Nick Brooke
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Tiny update on 1 October to add Tiny Treasures and bring the third quarter and year-to-date sales charts at the back bang up to date. Also, the price just went up by 50 cents as we're into the home stretch: it's now $2.50 for 83 pages, with regular updates. (Hop on board early, and you get a cheaper index plus free updates all through the year.)

  • Tiny Treasures: The first RuneQuest release by Smol Snek picks up where Davide Quatrini’s Trinkets from Dragon Pass left off: while this work gives you six custom magical items for fifty cents (vs. 50 largely non-magical trinkets in that earlier compilation), each of them has been lovingly illustrated with custom artwork to indicate some unique features of the item. Smol Snek creations are written and art-directed by a young person with autism, with a bit of help from some other very cool people. ($0.50 for two pages)
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8 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

Tiny Treasures: The first RuneQuest release by Smol Snek picks up where Davide Quatrini’s Trinkets from Dragon Pass left off: while this work gives you six custom magical items for fifty cents (vs. 50 largely non-magical trinkets in that earlier compilation), each of them has been lovingly illustrated with custom artwork to indicate some unique features of the item. Smol Snek creations are written and art-directed by a young person with autism, with a bit of help from some other very cool people. ($0.50 for two pages)

I really like this, as it has a few simple and useful items presented very clearly.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here


It’s my birthday tomorrow! If you’ve been wondering what to get me, here’s something that’s always welcome: visit the Jonstown Compendium web store, log in to DriveThruRPG, and leave ratings (or even reviews) for recent purchases you’ve enjoyed. (They don’t have to be for my books: spread the love widely, your feedback really matters to community content creators.)

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