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What is a Lod-plow?


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Currently I'm working through Jalk's Book in King of Sartar (2nd edition).

On p. 169 the following sentence appears:


Later, some of the Elmal clans adopted lowland ways because they were more effective, such as when they started using the heavier Lod‐plow, or began weaving gold threads into their tapestries.

I have not the slightest idea, what a Lod-plow might be (except for being a kind of plow more efficient than previously used types).

So if anybody could give any hint or description, I would be very grateful.

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Found the following entry in this forum:

Guide to Glorantha, Vol. I, p.38:


They use a simple plow, little more than a long, sharpened, fire-hardened stick (and blessed by Lodril), pulled by a pair of oxen.

The term 'Lod-plow' is not mentioned explicitly in the Guide to Glorantha, but the connection made in above comment seems to make sense.

So 'Lod' in Lod-plow is a name (short for Lodril)?

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5 minutes ago, Oracle said:

So 'Lod' in Lod-plow is a name (short for Lodril)?

Yes, "Lod" is short for Lodril. It means the heavy (I thought metal-bladed) plow needed to turn the clay soils of Peloria in order to plant seeds.

There's a lighter plow (perhaps was named for Barntar?) that can be used in lighter soils to plow the earth, but are largely unusable in Peloria.


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The Lod-plow is a simple plow, little more than a long, sharpened, fire-hardened stick (and blessed by Lodril), pulled by a pair of oxen. (this is an advanced digging stick)

The Barntar plow is a light wooden scratch plow that requires two animals, typically oxen, to pull. It is normally entirely made of wood, but sometimes its share is made of stone, copper, or bronze. It is most useful on light soils such as loams, loess, or sands, or in mountain fields where the soil is thin, and can be safely used in areas where deep plowing would turn up hardpan.

There is a third type which is a heavy bronze or wooden plow, sometimes called the Pelorian deep plow, also used by the loskalmi.


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