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Are all gods illuminated?


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I find this topic very interesting. I will use an example of a random deity. And of course it is Yelm the life giver 😅. In Yelmic myths every soul has 6 parts. The Red Goddess has shown us the seventh soul after returning from her godhood quest. Illumination. 

After all when we explore Peloria there is the Dara Happan empire which is very strict and follows traditions sent down by Yelm more than 100 000 years ago. 

The lunar empire is quite the opposite. It encourages people to explore the world and gives great freedom. 

it seems to me that the lunar empire is the illuminated version of yelmic society. 

Add + 5% to your illumination score! 

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16 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

I think a case could be made for Subere repelling anything of 'enlightenment', and that for all of those under the Darkness rune some other term should be found.


She fled deeper, seeking the way out that the being of darkness had used, and she ventured to the edge of darkness, the end of matter, and took one step beyond. It was here that she found the Changing Power, which stirred the world and kept it moving, and she touched the Changing Power and realized it was hers, and that the Changing Power was also the powers of Reflection and Creation. She changed her light to one that wouldn't hurt the creatures of the dark, and rose again to the world of the light, changing color and shape and size for the pleasure of it, and the ruler of the world tried to drive her out, but she aided those he had oppressed and they overthrew him. 



But it would be handy to have a less confusing metaphorical term. Troll darksense suggests something related to sound or touch might be most useful.

 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

Eight Arms and the Mask

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My five cents: A God that is bound to do what it has always done is not illuminated. In that way Orlanth is not illuminated as he always is the Storm and challenges the Emperor/Status quo. One could say that he changed when he resurrected Yelm but "saving the world from his own deeds" is as Orlanthi as breath. That doesn't mean that he hasn't a deep understanding and is enlightened.

One could also argue that Yelm can't be illuminated (he is by official canon) because he is also doing what he has always been doing (rising in the East and so on) but Yelm has actually changed. He has evidently accepted the Red Goddess as his daughter and "equal". 

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11 hours ago, Soccercalle said:

One could also argue that Yelm can't be illuminated (he is by official canon) because he is also doing what he has always been doing (rising in the East and so on) but Yelm has actually changed.

But Yelm does change in the Underworld, and does so every day. In the Underworld, he becomes the not-Sun (the Fire dies) and becomes his Other (a Shadow, a Maggot Liege). And he learned how to Relight his Fire and Resurrect. That's the core of his Illumination, not the recognition of the Red Goddess.

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