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Thantar Tarnished Silver

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1 hour ago, Darius West said:

Try this on then... A lot of armor people wear is salvaged and resold.  You won't do well wandering into a city wearing reconditioned Lunar armor in anti-Lunar areas.  Similarly, wearing armor of Sartarite origin might not be a popular sight in the streets of Furthest.

I don't see caravan guards changing their armor style between Aldachur and Furthest just to please the natives. Kethaelan style armor and Pelorian style armor are equally common, and will not raise much concern unless still displaying unit identifiers that would not belong to the wearer.

Lunarized Sartarites may have visited their studying offspring in Furthest and bought a decommissioned or made-to-order Pelorian style suit of armor to show off their enthusiasm for the civilization of the Empire. Lunars wearing Kethaelan gear would be rarer, but then there is Sun Domer gear which gets worn and produced both sides of the divide.

Neither would draw half as much comment as a blackened silver(-plated) piece of equipment.

Edited by Joerg
Staying on topic

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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12 hours ago, Joerg said:

I don't see caravan guards changing their armor style between Aldachur and Furthest just to please the natives. Kethaelan style armor and Pelorian style armor are equally common, and will not raise much concern unless still displaying unit identifiers that would not belong to the wearer.

Lunarized Sartarites may have visited their studying offspring in Furthest and bought a decommissioned or made-to-order Pelorian style suit of armor to show off their enthusiasm for the civilization of the Empire. Lunars wearing Kethaelan gear would be rarer, but then there is Sun Domer gear which gets worn and produced both sides of the divide.

Neither would draw half as much comment as a blackened silver(-plated) piece of equipment.

I agree.  You take the armor off and hide it.

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On 9/13/2024 at 12:37 PM, soltakss said:

The song that Jar Eel sings? 

Are those sequenced balloon pants from Glamour?

image.png.b34a0a6000bcaef697046e52dcb67604.png image.png.85c185e3547ea1eab70c5351ccf87af2.png image.png.97335468a3f349848143f8e39b838ad6.png

13 hours ago, Darius West said:

Try this on then... A lot of armor people wear is salvaged and resold.  You won't do well wandering into a city wearing reconditioned Lunar armor in anti-Lunar areas.  Similarly, wearing armor of Sartarite origin might not be a popular sight in the streets of Furthest.

There was a funny article in one of the old zines about Gringle not buying used armor taken from slain foes... get that diseased ridden stuff out of here... or something like that.

Actually wearing reconditioned Lunar armor in Lunar areas might not be a good idea either unless you were sworn/converted. Even then actual Lunars might question you.

We had one character who converted a troll skull, maybe cave troll, I don't recall into a sort of helmet. Every time they ran into trolls it caused some sort of commotion. 

14 hours ago, Darius West said:

Similarly, wearing armor of Sartarite origin might not be a popular sight in the streets of Furthest.

Likely a lot of Lunars would be spitting, throwing shoes, cabbage, whatever Lunars throw at gutter rats... or at least snears it not harassment?

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On 9/11/2024 at 1:41 AM, Erol of Backford said:

Would an Issaries "Spell Trading" traded "Create Head" ritual used by an Issarries priest make them chaotic? (Let's assume they could cast the spell successfully, somehow even if you don't like the idea...)

No Issaries would ever perform that trade.  If a thanatari had an Issaries RP head, they might be able to trade it to another person, but who would want that magic?  If you did cast a traded create head spell, yes, you'd probably become chaotic.

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2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Are those sequenced balloon pants from Glamour?

I think you might mean "sequined", not sequenced, as in "covered in sparkly sequins".  My sister did ballet, and I had to help sew them as a kid.

Edited by Darius West
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1 hour ago, Darius West said:

No Issaries would ever perform that trade. 

That is quite a generalisation. 

Sure, few sane Issaries merchants would make that trade, but an Illuminated one might. There could be a scenario where Adventurers need to use an opponent's magic where the opponent is unwilling, so one solution could be to make a Thanatari Head.

So, it is not impossible, though highly unlikely.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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19 hours ago, soltakss said:

So, it is not impossible, though highly unlikely.

Let's say an illuminated Issaries merchant's friend or family member had their head taken... if they could get the spell and then take the head of the Thantari who took their friend's or relative's head... well then. Glorantha is only limited by your imagination. Some more twisted than others of course.

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