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BRP / Mac Software fro Character generation

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some folk may be aware of Lone Wolf Developments HeroLab, which looks quite cool but which was never a great choice for me as it was Windows only and only handled Call of Cthulhu (for which there are a number of free options).

However, it's now available for Mac OS X - see Systems Requirements here, and Lone Wolf are apaprently (see here going to add full BRP support to the existing Call of Cthulhu "License Pack".

So, am now very tempted by HeroLab - anyone here had any experience of it's Windows version who can tell me how well it works?



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So, am now very tempted by HeroLab - anyone here had any experience of it's Windows version who can tell me how well it works?


I never used HeroLab, but I looked into it many times. Problem is, for such an easy RPG like BRP, what would you need an electronic tool for? Let's face it, character development in D&D, HERO, Gurps, AD&D, d20, True20 is much more cumbersome than it is in BRP. If you ever created a level 12 character in AD&D you know what I mean. I can see the benefit of a tool there. But for BRP?

In my opinion, unless you like to have your character ready to print every time, I see no benefit. There might be one, if they bring out the add-ons to support settings and different character creation there within.

So you should question yourself what would you expect the tool can do better than a fillable PDF can do ... maybe buying Adobe Acrobat Pro is a better (although more expensive) investment ;)

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The thing is, I do play some Pathfinder so having it for both pathfinder and BRP/CoC is a possibility.

Now, if it was JUST CoC, I wouldn't bother (there are several perfectly serviceable freeware apps) - but if it can handle the Big Gold Book, especially of it lets me smoothly pick a set of options for a campaign and then remembers them for me, or if I can tweak it to generate "Leader and Follower" sheets of groups of NPC's for a particular set of BRP options...

hence my curiosity as to what one can or can't do with it.


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A mate of mine has Hero Lab and uses it for Shadowrun. It does do a nice job with the print out, although I wouldn't say it has a lot of flavour though. Well not enough for me to change over from my custom excel sheets for BRP/CoC. But he is happy with it. I think it would be a worthwhile purchase if you are running various systems using it, but there's not a great 'wow' factor if used solely for BRP/CoC.

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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I think it's neat to have BRP represented like this. It might be enough of a nudge to get people who enjoy the other HeroLabs systems to give BRP a chance.

I'm also interested in seeing how they handle bundling the whole of the BGB into the software. I'm tempted to pick it up just to see how they handle it.


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If you take the survey, you will also note that they are seeing what sort of general interest there is in more BRP/Cthuhu support. They ask questions about Dark Ages, Invictus, the Alephtar BRP supplements, etc. A slim chance that this could turn into a real boon. Though commercial, I would love something along the lines of PCGen for BRP.


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