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Hello everyone, I am in the middle of testing some ideas and needed some help. I have included a brief overview of a character race for my Twenty Moons of Toranor Space Opera, but because I am not versed in this forum, I had to include the document as a PDF attachment/download. Please don't let that dissuade you from taking a look. I have tried to generate a complex character using the rules from the BRP manual. It can be difficult and confusing so please forgive the document complexity.

Thanks for your help.


The Corva

The race that created the current Galactic Hegemony and is one of the primary maintainers of the industrial and military might of the Hegemony. A relatively benevolent race with a strong sense of order and desire to create a stable and harmonious galaxy, it has been their goal for millennia. As a member of the Galactic Council, they are a powerful influence for law and order in the Galaxy.

-Biology: A carbon-based life form with two shorter arms, two longer and more sensitive tasting and sensing limbs and two legs and believed to have been descended from an aquatic ancestor, the Corva are now amphibious able to live both on land and in water and their worlds and habitats reflect this dual nature.

-Appearance: Standing 4.5 to 5 feet tall and resembling a Terran octopus or squid, their muscular bodies come in a variety of native colors and they have the ability to change their skin color with pigment altering chromatophores. They are also able to emit light from their bioluminescent pigment organs. Their bodies are supple but resilient.

-Physiology: The Corva have large and complex brains within their carbon-fiber based cartilage and super-dense muscular central body and have tentacles with strong and dexterous cilia at the end of them. Able to speak multiple languages, both sonic, kinesthetic and photochromatic, they were the creators of the Galactic Trade Languages in use in the Hegemony today. Their bodies are covered with an organically flexible sheath that holds water within their bodies and processes their oxygen for them. Physically robust, the Corva have genetically engineered their species to the peak of their genomes capability. Able to remain submerged indefinitely, strong and powerful swimmers able to reach speeds of 100 mph for short bursts, capable of moving over land at speeds of 35 mph for periods of hours, able to suspend their body's functions for weeks and remain alive, and with their technological enhancements, the Corva have one of the most adaptable militaries in the Galaxy.

-Technology: The Corva have a diverse range of technology and are generally at the forefront of technological development. They have been a space-faring race for well over 1 million years colonizing their solar system and nearby stars with generation-ships before their creation of a faster than light propulsion system. They created their fast interstellar drive over 50,000 years ago allowing them to colonize over fifty percent of the Milky Way Galaxy during the peak of the Hegemony. Adaptive and creative, the Corva are constantly pushing the envelope of new sciences. Capable of Corva-forming worlds, there are thousands of planets that are now able to support the Corva and their attendant species. Their technology allows them to build super-dreadnaughts that are the equal of the fleets of other species, so their ability to maintain the peace in the Hegemony has been relatively unchallenged until the First and Second Galactic Wars. With their development of Pulse technology, the Corva have the fastest sentient ships in the Galaxy and the most effective weapons of any other of the Old Galactic Races.

-Temperament: The Corva are a relatively nonviolent species but in their background war has been a part of their development, so they have the ability to wage war but believe themselves to be beyond the need for war and aggression. With their amazing communication abilities, they attempt to interact with alien species diplomatically, culturally and socially before they would consider warfare of any kind.

-Culture: When two Corva are in total communication, they will emit, light, colors, sounds and kinesthetic information. Their language can be communicated completely in any single one of those but when they are using all of them they are using their most advanced multi-tonal, photo-chromatic language. Their overall culture has over 3 million years of recorded history.

Servitor Races


Uplifted Races


Machine Intelligences


The Corva PDF file. Includes an attempted character creation using BRP.


I have some problems visualizing this race. Do you have any images? :P

Judajoi have some calulations and numbers that are a bit difficult to understand. I would like some more spoon-feeding (explanations) for what it means.


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.


Very nice. I'd second Trif's request for a clearer description of the Corva - in the writeup you say they have 2 legs and 4 arms, but the hit location shows 4 legs and 2 tentacles, which makes them a bit confusing to visualise.

Also, I was doing fine thinking "these guys are like octopuses" until it seemed they can also speak "sonically" - perhaps indicate how they do this, and perhaps give a biological note. Everything else seems very well derived from established biological principles, it just seemed a bit weird that you've got a squid-like aquatic beastie with a voicebox - I'll buy it, I just want a description! :D

As far as the whole thing goes, though, it's very nice. You get a good SF feel from the character writeup, and the racial background is very alien, which I like (I tend to dislike Space Cats and Space Dogs... :lol: - I like my aliens to be ALIEN).

I'm intrigued - do humans fit into this milieu? If so, how? What's the campaign flavour like?



"The Worm Within" - the first novel for The Chronicles of Future Earth, coming 2013 from Chaosium, Inc.

Website: http://sarahnewtonwriter.com | Twitter: @SarahJNewton | Facebook: TheChroniclesOfFutureEarth


I happen to like space dogs and space cats :)

But yeah, I also like alien aliens. It really depends on the game setting though. A Star Trek/Star Wars setting is just fine for Space Cats and Space Dogs. But its not fine for just every setting.

Personally I like Space Rats (Skaven in SpAAAAAAce)!


I'm going to go with Trifletraxor on this one...need spoonfeeding.

As far as the non-crunchy bits go, the Cova seem pretty cool...I get the impression they look a bit like Shuma-Gorath (for some reason :eek:) though you don't describe them that way...and way more cool than a space cat!

As for Skaven in space...oh yeah! Of course when you show up at the WH table with your Necron/Vampire Counts...you get odd looks...although High Tech Skaven (modded off orks??) would get some odd looks too...Bah!



Actually, now that you mention Shuma Gorath it would be an adequate mental representation of the Corva, with a few choice technological bits and multicolored photo-chromatasphores (light emitting, pigment changing cells in their skin) that they use for communication thrown in. I am ashamed to admit that I did not even remember him from my Marvel arcade days... Thanks for the refresh.



Actually, now that you mention Shuma Gorath it would be an adequate mental representation of the Corva, with a few choice technological bits and multicolored photo-chromatasphores (light emitting, pigment changing cells in their skin) that they use for communication thrown in. I am ashamed to admit that I did not even remember him from my Marvel arcade days... Thanks for the refresh.


Argh! Are these beings part of the Mythos!?! Shuma-Gorath with tech and photo-chromatasphores...I think they would scare a lot beings on first contact.

That, my friend is "muy awesomo", which is Spanish for Muy Awesomo!


  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I am in the middle of testing some ideas and needed some help. I have included a brief overview of a character race for my Twenty Moons of Toranor Space Opera, but because I am not versed in this forum, I had to include the document as a PDF attachment/download. Please don't let that dissuade you from taking a look. I have tried to generate a complex character using the rules from the BRP manual. It can be difficult and confusing so please forgive the document complexity.

Thanks for your help.


Will you be sharing anymore stuff from your Twenty Moons of Toranor space opera game with us? Or are you planning on writing it all up as a supplement for DBRP so that Chaosium can publish it?

If it were a published supplement, judging from the quality of the Corva article, I would buy it.

http://www.basicrps.com/core/BRP_quick_start.pdf A sense of humour and an imagination go a long way in roleplaying. ;)


Using Excel, I made some major changes to the character creation process because I felt that the first description of the character did not jibe with the racial description of the character. Yes, I know there is a bunch of other stuff I need to finish but I wanted to revise this first. I think it will help me in defining how other races will be made later.

Changes include:

1. Using mutations to describe species characteristics and abilities

2. Using superpowers to describe technological devices

I will (as soon as my son will let me sit down at the computer again):

1. Rewrite the racial profile to improve its overall quality showing more descriptive information about the Corva and its attendant races and technology.

2. Include a profile for the Diplomat whose character is described in the PDF to round out what a potential character might look and sound like in terms of the game.

I was mainly trying to show how I generated a character using the BRP ruleset. I have included a link to the PDF below so that the formatting of the Excel document would remain unchanged. Any ideas YOU might have on generating alien races using BRP would be greatly appreciated. I will get the other stuff here done as quickly as I can.


Updated Corva Character Description

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