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Prax and the thousand questions about the place.


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On 9/1/2024 at 6:17 PM, Erol of Backford said:

Does anyone know of published sources of a Praxian tribesman switching to a different clan that rides a separate herd beast than they were born into and then switching to riding the new clan's beast in lieu of that which they were born?

There is a scene in one of the Discworld books where the Wizards needed to go somewhere in disguise and they brainstorm how to disguise themselves. It went along the lines of "Cut off our beards? Never!", "Don't wear a point hat? Sorry, I don't understand." and "Leave our staffs behind? Are you mad?" In the end, they put little hooks over their ears and into their beards. When they approached the guards, they said "We are wizards", but the guards said "Pull the other one, it's got bells on, look, we can see your false beards" and let them through.

I relate this because Praxian Tribesfolk have the same attitude. They will not ride the bests of other tribes, as they do not belong to those tribes. They have their own beasts and have a taboo not to ride other beasts. One exception might be someone whose parents come from different tribes, and they might be able to ride the beasts of both tribes, but that would be rare, I think.

Even in the Pol Joni, exiles from other tribes generally remain on their own tribal animal and do not ride horses unless they absolutely have to. 

If someone receives a geas not to ride their own beast they must break their tribal geas/taboo to ride another beast.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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1 hour ago, soltakss said:

"We are wizards"

"She's a witch"... can't stop laughing 


1 hour ago, soltakss said:

Even in the Pol Joni, exiles from other tribes generally remain on their own tribal animal

Wondering about replacement herd beasts. I'm an exile and I need a new XYZ, if you are exiled from a particular tribe I assume they'd charge double or not even trade with you, likely kill you? I suppose you almost need to have a tiny herd of your beast of choice at hand with the Pol Joni or not.

I don't recall extensive discussion about replenishing herd beasts after combat but with Rune Quest being so deadly I'd imagine you need a surplus of beasts as not likely that any herd beast would be resurrected, if that even happens?

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