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Newly arrived in the UK


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I envy you. Living down here in Australia we never find any architecture older than 200 years or so. I'ld give anything to go visit a castle or stay in a medieval township at present. Enjoy the UK!

Edited by Mankcam

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A few years ago I took one of my friends visiting from England to see the Spanish missions in San Antonio. If I remember correctly these were built around 1758 and represent some of the very oldest structures in the U.S. My friend seemed to enjoy visiting the sites but he was clearly not impressed. When I ask him about it he said he had been to pubs older than 1758 and they were much more nicely done. If I envy anything about the UK or Europe for that matter it's their history and culture.

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I enjoyed the California Missions when I visited them but your friend was missing the point. These Missions were built by pioneering Jesuits who didn't have the infrastructure that they would have had in Europe and the Missions are more interesting as an example of transferring the concept of a sacred space to live and work in into a structure that works in a Spanish-American environment.

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