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Episode 1 - List of Possible Corrections

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Found some possible typos whilst reading tonight.  I thought I might as well get this thing started.  :-)

I used Mike's suggested format for corrections (except I also added "column" as a description...I hope that's fine.  If not, I'll go back and change them).


Ep 1, page 38, column 2, para 4, line 7: Under Harold Higgins Common Knowledge, Louis Gibbons first name is misspelled "Lewis."  Or it's misspelled all of the other times.  :-)

Ep 1, page 39, column 1, para 3, line 4:Under William Noakes Insider Information, it reads "his uncle saw smart he was."  Perhaps need to insert "how" between "saw" and "smart.

Ep 1, page 39, column 2, para 6, line 2:  Under The Maclearan Farmhouse, "Sugar Maples" isn't normally capitalized, unless it's the name of a forest.  This could just be a stylistic choice though.

Ep 1, page 40, column 1, para 2, line 2: "hand stitched"  - I believe that this is normally spelled as one word, or sometimes with a hyphen.

Ep 1, page 40, column 1, para 2, line 8: "Sugar Maples" again.

Ep 1, page 42, column 2, para 1, line 5: In "The Sheriff's Speech" ...."speakeasy's" - the plural form of speakeasy is "speakeasies."

Ep 1, page 42, column 2, para 1, line 8: In "The Sheriff's Speech"...  the sheriff let's the investigators know "Well not here!"  Should there be a comma after "well" so it reads like this: "Well, not here!"  That reads better to me.


That's all I have for now. 

Thank you so much for providing this for us keepers.  I'm anxious to get started playing it with some of the locals. 

With fiendish delight, I am


Spooky Mizu

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Ep 1, page 61, col 1, para 7(?), line 39 (excluding blank lines): Moon beast stats appear incorrect. Stats are not listed in 7th edition rulebook, nor Dreamlands supplement. Unless this is intended to be a 'smaller' moon-beast, change stats (converted from 6th edition rulebook p169 / malleus monstrorum p65 / size illustration on p114 of Peterson's Field guide): SIZ: 100   INT: 80  POW: 50  HP: 17  DB: +1D6 

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EP 1, page 53, col 2, Para 2 (not including Handout block text), line 1: Faced wth Jeffrey’s request...


Also, for what it's worth... A couple inconsistencies with the word "Mi-Go" - sometimes it capitalized, sometimes it's missing a hyphen, not sure what the proper form should be though.

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EP 1 Page 14, RH column, line 6: you use 'effect' when it should be 'affect'

EP 1, Page 15 RH Column, Mi-Go Stats (I don't know what paragraph it is at that point) in 'ARMOUR': you say it 'causes all piercing weapons...' when it should be 'impaling weapons'

EP1, Page 20, Map of Vermont: The map description on the left-hand side is clipped when printed and bound; maybe move it more centrally so that it causes no issues for people when you are printing it properly?

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EP1 Page 8, column 2, para 4, line 1: "mi-go" is misspelt "mi go".





Also, for what it's worth... A couple inconsistencies with the word "Mi-Go" - sometimes it capitalized, sometimes it's missing a hyphen, not sure what the proper form should be though.


I think that the document capitalizes Mi-Go when the word appears as part of a title, it is the first word of a phrase, or it appears as part of a skill (as "Read/Write Mi-Go").In all other instances, they seem to write always "mi-go".

Edited by Agrivar
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Ep 1, page 31, column 1, para 6, line 1: In "Brawl 25% (12/5), damage 1D3 + 1D6" - should be no bonus 1D6 according to stats. 

Ep 1, page 59, column 2, para 4, line 1: In "40% (20/8), damage 1D3 + 1D4" - should be no bonus 1D4 according to stats. 

Edited by Bazil
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I've sent my list of mistakes to Dustin Wright via email. I pointed all that I could find (37) in the pdf file. That way they will be much easier to spot and to correct on the go.
If Dustin reads these posts - check your mail. I hope they will come in handy.

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2 hours ago, Baniak said:

I've sent my list of mistakes to Dustin Wright via email. I pointed all that I could find (37) in the pdf file. That way they will be much easier to spot and to correct on the go.
If Dustin reads these posts - check your mail. I hope they will come in handy.

Thanks Baniak - we got them.

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  • 1 month later...

Episode 1, pg. 8.  Pasquallium Ore, Crystal System.  I believe it should be written as 6/m 4 3/m.

Episode 1, pg. 29. Text box for Deputy Cutter's Cult Artifacts.  The box has the description for the Horn of the Black Goat first, then has what appears to be the statistics for the Mi-Go Disc Books, and then the description for the Mi-Go Disc Books.  Should the statistics appear after the disc book description?

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  • 1 month later...

You might consider giving Amanda Well's stats in episode 1; my players decided to interrogate her regarding the deaths of young people and I was making up her stats as i went.  Not hard to do mind you, but still, for some newer Keepers it might be harder to wing it. 


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