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Rq2. Training skills.


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Yes, it includes natural bonuses. 

So, if you have a Manipulation bonus of 20% and had a base Climbing of 15% then you start off with Climbing 40%. Successive Training and Experience might add 35% to that (7 lots of Training/Experience) which gives you 75%. You cannot train Climbing any further.

However, if your DEX is below the threshold, you could train DEX up and pass the skills threshold, increasing your Manipulation Bonus by 5, which in turn increases all Manipulation skills by 5%, increasing your Climbing to 80%.

If any of our PCs contracted the Shakes, we'd let DEX fall down a fair bit, then get cured, train our skills to 75% and then retrain DEX back up to what it was. A bit munchkiny but it worked.


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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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3 hours ago, Pentallion said:

I hope the new RQ does this the way RQ 3 did.  In RQ 3 your bonuses don't add in to figuring your 75% limit.  So if your agility bonus was +10%, you could train to 75% and with your bonus you were at 85%. 

We are going with this in our game.

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10 hours ago, Pentallion said:

I hope the new RQ does this the way RQ 3 did.  In RQ 3 your bonuses don't add in to figuring your 75% limit.  So if your agility bonus was +10%, you could train to 75% and with your bonus you were at 85%. 

This is what we did too.

Skill gain rolls, etc everything was based on WHAT YOU LEARNED (ie excluding skill category mods, excluding base skill percents), not about the gross skill.

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