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HeroQuest 2e Eratta


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I don't believe there is one.

We do have a thread which crowd sources errata for HQG (search the forum for errata).

Chaosium distinguishes between errata - errors to rules as written - and typos/grammatical errors. Whilst the latter are mistakes (no publication is ever perfect) errata only covers the former.


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  • 9 months later...
On 4/26/2018 at 12:34 AM, Ian Cooper said:

Chaosium distinguishes between errata - errors to rules as written - and typos/grammatical errors. Whilst the latter are mistakes (no publication is ever perfect) errata only covers the former.

A meaningless distinction as both should be corrected.

See what @MOB wrote here in the "Book of Sires - Errors Thread" :


Please post any typos/errors spotted in The Book of Sires. Please include the page number.

We will review posts on an ongoing basis, making necessary corrections to PDF/POD files.

Many thanks

Typos get corrected directly in the PDF as well as in subsequent printings (if any) whereas rules errata should also be published separately in a proper errata document.

Edited by Christoph Kohring
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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Ian Cooper said:

Our efforts are now focused on the SRD and new Core Rules and then we will review.

It may make good business sense for Chaosium to focus finite resources on shipping new titles (especially hot new RQ & CoC titles) rather than doing things like updating the HQG PDF, but after several years on It seems like there will basically always be something else in line ahead of it.

I hope that the structural approach you chose for the SRD drafts will allow more agile response going forward. Even if scarcity of layout worker-hours remains a bottleneck, revisions and corrections in raw text form can be delivered without waiting months for an opening in the production schedule to put finite layout-time into an already shipped rather than to-be-released project or years for a reprint that may never come.  SRDs are mostly consumed in barebones html format rather than with pretty layout anyway, though I respect the choice to delay its debut until it can make a well polished first impression. 


Edited by JonL
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/5/2019 at 3:00 PM, JonL said:

I hope that the structural approach you chose for the SRD drafts will allow more agile response going forward. Even if scarcity of layout worker-hours remains a bottleneck, revisions and corrections in raw text form can be delivered without waiting months for an opening in the production schedule to put finite layout-time into an already shipped rather than to-be-released project or years for a reprint that may never come.  SRDs are mostly consumed in barebones html format rather than with pretty layout anyway, though I respect the choice to delay its debut until it can make a well polished first impression. 


Yeah, once we have the big release out, we should be able to use the new process to deliver updates faster.

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