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RQG Character Creation Spreadsheet (multi-lingual) now includes Weapons & Equipment! And 日本語! And Lands: Dragon Pass!


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Excel version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wkN9vyyeTRjw7CtCn0PejYuiPoK36vhe/view?usp=sharing

Formulas only needed a small adjustment in the weapon skills, but Roll! macro needed to be ported into VBA, but I'm much more familiar with that than I am with Google's API.

You will need to adjust the height of the header to see all the skill choice tallies.

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Version 1.3 beta 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hJS-bl6EtFOJxCwnKJcWXmqY7vOY7BOEt7LqgUlzqBU/edit?usp=sharing

Added Runes to the character sheet! Just cosmetic, but looks nice.

Simplified the mechanism for selecting CHA as your Rune bonus, now you just delete the Rune name from next to the Rune Bonus column, and it automatically reassigns that Rune to CHA instead.

Removed the Missile hit location chart which is no longer in the core rules.

Added a Shield box, the values are picked up from fixed locations so they will not work if the weapon stats line currently populated with "Shield 1" is not your shield.

If everything checks out and is not broken, I will just rename it to 1.3 and update the top post. I have tested it, but I do have a track record of breaking things and not spotting them so please be on the lookout for anything wrong!

*Update* I've put tickable boxes next to skills. Not sure if Culture skills should be tickable, as the rulebook has a box against one but not the other. Also the Spirit Lore skill has no tick box on the rulebook character sheet, but the skill says it can be increased through experience so I put one on mine.

Also I just noticed that Treat Poison was missing! I've added an extra row, which also gave me the chance to add a second Craft skill which is nice, and I moved the power runes down by a line so they are a little less close to the elements.

*Update* Added section for sorcery spell skills.

In case anyone is curious, I have separate category modifiers for Combat and Sorcery, this is purely so that the lookups on the section headings work.

*Update* Fixed the 1608 and 1610 drop down lists.

*Update* Corrected human Move Rate to 8.

*Update* Fixed incorrect categories for Treat Disease and Treat Poison

1.3 beta 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PBMrJ66ZBLTs36cLIEhYqk7DLQ9lJuUL6CjdTALJmnk/edit?usp=sharing

Rearranged passions, changed the way skill sub-types work to make it easier to enter, added equipment and rep changes section

Edited by PhilHibbs
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v1.3 is now ready for use: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PBMrJ66ZBLTs36cLIEhYqk7DLQ9lJuUL6CjdTALJmnk/edit?usp=sharing

See previous post for all the changes.

One minor glitch I've noticed is that occasionally the Truth rune disappears, but reloading the page restores it. Clearly the Illusion rune is more powerful in this sheet.

Also bear in mind that "Temp Adds" have knock on effects, so if you put 4 in for a Strength spell then it will already figure in the underlying game system changes, rather than applying the occasionally different modifiers as per the spell description. The next version will add a separate section for "Temp adds with no knock-on", and spaces to put in the adds from the spell description. Or I might just put tick boxes in for Charisma, Coordination, Strength, and Vigor, and bake in all the bonuses into the formulae.

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  • PhilHibbs changed the title to RQG Character creation spreadsheet v1.3

v1.4: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AX8aq82mLmFaRd8SF-AEhXLSRGNzD1lqRv-2XzAeZE0/edit?usp=sharing

Added check boxes for Coordination, Glamour, Mobility, Strength, Vigor which add in all the slightly quirky modifications.
Added space for weapon stats, which get populated into the sheet and figure in damage bonus and the SR bonus for Mobility.
Redrawn the rune circle arrows.
Put in check boxes for all runes and characteristics.

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  • PhilHibbs changed the title to RQG Character creation spreadsheet v1.4
7 hours ago, Ian_W said:

Would it be possible to get a set of these with the Cultural skills already "baked in", so we have a Sartarite sheet, an Esrolian sheet and so on ?

I'd need to maintain them separately going forward, what I could do is write a macro to do this. If I populate a new sheet with the cultural bonuses, you select a culture from a drop-down and run the "Culture" macro and they all appear.

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v1.5 beta 1:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QB0VKX-NnoHegCuHqTf84kpERxw6ew1iHhhp5Unt3K0/edit?usp=sharing

Pick culture from the drop down list, click "Culture Skills", and it fills them all in. You can adjust the order of skills by selecting a skill and clicking the arrow buttons (only works if both the current row and the row in the direction of the arrow have a Skill Detail box). Useful for selecting which shield appears on the CharSheet shield box.

If you select "Clear" and click "Culture Skills", it removes all the Skill Details and Culture skill bonuses. Watch out, as this will wipe out any other weapon names that you have entered!

Also I've made the weapon attributes into lookups, so if the weapon name is listed in the Weapons tab, then the SR, damage, etc. will be filled in. Only the weapons that are given as cultural skills are in at the moment.

Hm, I wonder if this could be extended to do Cult and Occupation as well... might not be perfect when it comes to multiple skills, but it should take care of most of the grunt work...

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1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

v1.5 beta 1:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QB0VKX-NnoHegCuHqTf84kpERxw6ew1iHhhp5Unt3K0/edit?usp=sharing

Pick culture from the drop down list, click "Culture Skills", and it fills them all in. You can adjust the order of skills by selecting a skill and clicking the arrow buttons (only works if both the current row and the row in the direction of the arrow have a Skill Detail box). Useful for selecting which shield appears on the CharSheet shield box.


The drop-downs dont appear to be working for me, either in google excel or when I import it into Open Office.

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30 minutes ago, Ian_W said:

The drop-downs dont appear to be working for me, either in google excel or when I import it into Open Office.

At what stage is it not working? When you try to select a culture, or when you click the "Culture Skills" button? The button can take time to operate, and pops up a permission box first. And the macro will not work in Excel or Open Office, the macro language is different. I might re-implement it for Excel at some point.

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17 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

At what stage is it not working? When you try to select a culture, or when you click the "Culture Skills" button? The button can take time to operate, and pops up a permission box first. And the macro will not work in Excel or Open Office, the macro language is different. I might re-implement it for Excel at some point.


I see what I was doing wrong - I hadnt clicked the dropdown before I tried to press the Culture Skills button.

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2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

Hm, I wonder if this could be extended to do Cult and Occupation as well... might not be perfect when it comes to multiple skills, but it should take care of most of the grunt work...

And thus making that whole 'extended family character creation' a lot simpler and easier ...

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v1.5 beta 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14vaDG5FiDmprN9CZZJT-UZqoijPlnNUOzIMeD6XOgtI/edit?usp=sharing

Now fills in culture, occupation, and cult skills. Some numbers will have to be moved around manually, where there are choices to be made such as Climb or Jump, Lores, weapons, etc. but it pops up a message box telling you what you will need to fix for each choice. Don't use Cut and Paste as that will mess up the formatting and formulas.

  1. Pick your Culture, Occupation, and Cult from the drop-down lists in Column F
  2. Click the "Fill" buttons at the top of Columns AU, AV, AW - check the messages in the box, sometimes the numbers only appear when you close it
  3. Fix your choices - Climb/Jump, Lores, weapons, etc.

Ok I think this is good to go. I am going on holiday for two weeks, so that's it until the middle of July!

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  • PhilHibbs changed the title to RQG Character creation spreadsheet v1.5 with automatic skills!
  • 3 weeks later...

I have noticed a minor glitch in 1.5 in that the weapon section is showing the incorrect "temporary" damage. It should be blank, like all the other temp values, if there is no difference between the permanent and temporary damage bonus. However it is showing the temporary weapon damage excluding damage modifier as if your temporary damage modifier were zero. It needs an extra "if" that checks to see if there is no different temporary modifier and show blank.

Oh, and at present the Vigor spell has no effect on Heal Rate, not sure if it should or not! I think it probably should.

And temporary bonuses to DEX do not appear to be added to the base chance for Dodge and Jump. Version 1.6 coming soon, possibly with with language translation built in.

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On 7/10/2018 at 11:31 PM, koletudo said:

Great great job with this character spreadsheet. I'm from Spain and i would like to translate your spreadsheet.

I've had an idea about translation - I might write a macro to do it. I'll add a sheet with English terms in one column and another for the translated term, and the macro would go through the entire sheet and translate everything. That way you don't need to miss out on improvements in future versions, just add any new terms to the translation sheet and click the button.

One problem that that might leave is if a translated term is too long to fit in the space that I have allowed for the English term. Also there's the chance that I might have used the same English term for two things that are different in another language.

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  • PhilHibbs changed the title to RQG Character creation spreadsheet

Ok, v1.6 Alpha 1 is out: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pVKE2JA_npMRxBdBWYabgAb0ZSF6f0RC7_GJ5jV7D9U/edit?usp=sharing

Fixed display of weapon damage when there is a temporary damage bonus due to stat boosts
Fixed effect of DEX boosting to base chance of Dodge and Jump
Implemented language translation - I am hoping that @koletudo will provide me with a complete set of Spanish translation text. If anyone else would like to help out with a translation e.g. German or French please get in touch with me. Language translation is nowhere near fully tested, there may be chunks that I have missed out. *Update* For example, hit location translations are currently broken.

I am unsure whether Coordination spell should affect the base chance of Dodge and Jump. It currently does, which I think is correct.

v1.6 Alpha 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sBJI--PBTGIupdSM3PureR-jrUyUSriHAVhNHRKlbAU/edit?usp=sharing

Fixed the translation of hit locations and added in some more Spanish terms (from Google Translate, sorry if I'm butchering your language).

Bug: Bandits don't get Intimidate as I misspelled it in their skill list.

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v1.6 Alpha 3 is out: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u1LjfWdBVXx9qzB2WiIw2CjetLOywDDNB5td8C2GLvw/edit?usp=sharing

Spanish version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lw5yv9GUkqsNj9UUen-y8WKEySqUf9366AKXjMAZqD8/edit?usp=sharing

Spanish translation is incomplete, @koletudo is working on it. If anyone would like to help out with other translations, please drop in on the other thread.

  • Improved the speed of translating the sheet to another language
  • Fixed automatic skill population which was broken due to translated categories but untranslated named ranges
  • Implemented translation of message box text when automatically populating Culture, Occupation, and Cult skills
  • Fixed Intimidate skill for Bandits
  • Added all weapons including their stats, implemented drop-down selection for weapons
  • Added all the "hints and tips" text to the translation list, and googled a few sample translations - the number column indicates how multiple lines are grouped into sentences

I decided that "Battle Axe" skill is 1-handed, although a Battle Axe can be used with either of two different skills (1H Axe, 2H Axe). I have distinguished between the two Javelin skills by calling them 1H Javelin and Throw Javelin.

It is possible to effectively take the same skill twice - if you want to see both Fist and Heavy Cestus on your character sheet, then just duplicate the skill bonuses on them both, as they are the same skill.

I have not currently done anything with off-hand skills. I think you're on your own with that, it's too hard to automate, and not clear how the half-skill interacts with character creation bonuses. Just figure out the numbers with your GM and alter them manually.

To translate the sheet, go to the I18NTranslation tab, copy the desired language column (currently only Spanish is partly done) into Column B, then click the button. You can translate it back by switching over the contents of A and B - but don't just move the columns, as that will mess up the named range.

Teaser: next major feature will be rolling for skill increases. You tick your skill/stat/rune checkboxes, click the "Experience" button, and it will automatically roll and apply your experience gains.

Bug: The up-and-down arrows for moving weapon skills around break the formulae that look up the base chances, so if you move before choosing (e.g. replacing "Composite Bow or Sling" with Sling) then the base is blank.

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v1.6 Beta 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bXdyGZdblVePiPfJf8x5HdIoMYUadBS2BBL5QxiLFw0

Fixed up-down arrows for re-ordering weapon skills base chances

I think this is ready to call a beta, I've used it a couple of times and not found any further problems.

Teaser: After skill increases, I will add different stat dice for different races.

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Very nice work.


2 things. At a few points in skill selection you have to select a number of  skills to boost by an amount. Without refering to the game manual there's no way to know HOW many skills can be boosted by 25% or 10% etc. The header tells you haw many HAVE been boosted but not the limits.

Also - when I used the Cult fill button, it didn't fill in values for Cult lore(deity) +15%, Worship (Deity) +20% 7 Meditate +5%

Not sure why. I added them in manually.


When doing the family history, a number of event give specific bonuses - +battle% comes to mind. Are these automatically figured in to the total or do we have to add them up separately and add them to the totals manually?

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On 7/21/2018 at 4:10 AM, Nevun said:

Without refering to the game manual there's no way to know HOW many skills can be boosted by 25% or 10% etc. The header tells you haw many HAVE been boosted but not the limits.

Maybe a conditional format to make the header tally go red? I'm not bothered about this lack of a feature, it's the same for rune ratings and characteristic rolls.


Also - when I used the Cult fill button, it didn't fill in values for Cult lore(deity) +15%, Worship (Deity) +20% 7 Meditate +5%.

Well spotted, I will fix that soon.


When doing the family history, a number of event give specific bonuses - +battle% comes to mind. Are these automatically figured in to the total or do we have to add them up separately and add them to the totals manually

None of the family history bonuses are figured in. There is space to note them down.

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v1.6 Beta 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rH8Sr3wwFHewR9kW76j_pPzCBtU1Ua1SE9kqCzlo2zI/edit?usp=sharing

  • Fixed translation of weapon names.
  • Added in Lore, Worship, Meditate skill for all cults.
  • @koletudo has provided more Spanish translation, anyone fancy taking on any other languages?

I think I am going to swap the priorities on the next major feature - race support will come in ahead of skill tick automation.

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v1.6 Beta 3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cZyhM4msZNK28kj1P6W2Djo2EaxalN_FiSfeeLuHVk4/edit?usp=sharing

  • Fixed bugs in culture/occupation/cult to do with parenthesized skills, also a few skill numbers were wrong
  • Added Assistant Shaman, which was mysteriously missing
  • Spanish language translation complete


  • Crafter was missing a Lore +10
  • Herder was missing a melee weapon +10
  • Hunter only got +10 Animal Lore instead of +30
  • Hunter missile weapon bonus was put in the wrong place
  • Nobles weren't getting Intrigue as I had mis-classified it as Knowledge
  • Priests weren't getting Dance as I had mis-classified it as Agility, this also meant they weren't getting the note to add 10 to any cult skill
  • Heavy Infantry was not getting Large Shield or a second weapon at +25
  • Engizi was not getting Speak (Boatspeech) as I had mis-classified it as Knowledge
  • Issaries Speak (Tradetalk) was being placed on the wrong row
  • Orlanth got +10 to Stormspeech instead of +20
  • Yinkin wasn't getting the 3 standard cult skills
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I'll be posting the final v1.6 soon when I've done some more testing, but here's a teaser for race support.

v1.7 Alpha 1 Test 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvKv13JoWxoNr83sz7Cqy9bQT949ULaf-8tWCVVRocw/edit?usp=sharing

  • Pick your race. A few races are included so far - humans, baboons, ducks, uzko, uzdo, uzuz. Stats for more are trivial to add.
  • Roll stats.
  • Reassign numbers from one stat to another, it will seamlesly convert D4, D6, D8 etc. based on the original random entropy of each roll.
  • Most of the features of homelands, occupations, cults are working, there are probably a few bugs.
  • Specific lore skills (animal, plant, mineral etc.) are now grouped as Lore (...) and are initially blank with space for 7.
  • Racial lore skills and other racial skill base chances will be filled in, but are not currently.
  • Cultures, occupations, cults that give lores will fill in the first blank line, this is also the way languages and insights etc. work now.
  • Fly skill is included.
  • Second verions of Search and Scan are included, to be filled in for non-humans (not currently implemented).
  • An additional Speak slot has been added.
  • An additional Worship slot has been added.
  • To do: replace the hit location chart with a species-specific block.
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