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Occupation for maritime areas


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In RQG, the characters are supposed to come from Dragon Pass and around

But if the characters are coming from an part of Glorantha where sea is very important. What should change?

If I want to have a pirate, I thought of taking the bandit and modify it slightly. I would remove track and hide and add Shiphandling and boat. Change Lore(Plant) to Lore(Sea)

Or take the fisher and modify it


For Merchand and Noble, remove horse riding and add Ship-handling

Any other skill you think should be added for these areas?

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1 hour ago, Manu said:

Any other skill you think should be added for these areas?


3 minutes ago, Manu said:

the famous 'celestial lore'...

What can it be used for? I mean in the game?

Besides gaining bearings based on the positional objects (Pole Star, the Jumpers, the planets), as it says in RQG "The great starry bowl contains secrets, and the stars are the key to events that occur regularly upon their annual passage, as well as to long-term events and occurrences."

So, reading the stars for omens, myths, stories, possible places of danger, signs of good or bad fortune, etc.  For those at sea after the rise of the Boat Planet in 1624, I might use the points at which the path of the boat/celestial river cross the paths of Orlanth's Ring, Shargash/Tolat, Lightfore, and other planets as having specific impacts for sailors in the mundane world.  Orlanth's Ring is a sign of a coming storm, Shargash of violence and destruction, travelling with Lightfore might be a sign of divine protection, an intersection with Lokarnos a sign of good trade.

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13 hours ago, Manu said:

Here is the first try on the occupation for the Umathela region. Any comments are welcome

Thanks for posting and sharing. One very quick comment is that Black Fang brotherhood I think has been tied down to Pavis and the Rubble and is not a general cult - it is very location specific. No doubt others have feeling about this and will comment. However, there is no reason why you can't re-skin the spirit cult and just change the name while keeping as many of the other details as you want.  I think the re-purposing the bandit and the fisher is definitely the way to go. I spent a few hours looking at how I could home brew a wolf pirate for a player who was interested in playing one of those and was coming up with many of the same conclusions you seem to have reached.

As we are still in the very early days of the publishing cycle for RQG we are missing some things needed for building maritime characters - one of the really key things is the cult of Dormal and the way it approaches sorcery and rune magic. The cult book is on the slate for publication so hopefully we should see some answers there. We already have a few of the pieces of the puzzle in the RQG book, with the important Open Seas spell on p397 and Lhankor Mhy as a model of how a cult could combine sorcery and rune magic. My guess is that based on some postings elsewhere the write up of the cult in Tales of the Reaching Moon no 10 will be a useful source.

Also tales of the Reaching Moon number 17 has some useful information too - although I am well aware referring you to fan magazines from over 20 years ago isn't the most helpful of feedback.

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Indeed, the Black Fang is an extremely localized cult prior to them accompanying Argrath from Pavis to Sartar. Afterwards they appear to have been active wherever Argrath had need of discreet killings.

The size of the organisation appears to be just right, however.

In Umathela, a society like that may have formed from trainees of the Gift Carriers of the Sending Gods who never got to learn about the secret, and who had the honor to eliminate the last Gift Carriers who knew about the secret, their teachers.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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