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RQG Leatherette Slipcase Set price?


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As of last Christmas I was made to understand that the slipcase set [consisting of leatherette editions of the RQG rules, the Bestiary, and the GM Pack] wasn't going to be offered.

Then a friend who reads blogs more than I do tells me that it will be offered, that its publishing date was late, that the product is in transit, ought to be at FLGS distributors by April, and is expected to retail for US$120. Is all that correct?

Thanks all!

Edited by svensson
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17 hours ago, svensson said:

As of last Christmas I was made to understand that the slipcase set [consisting of leatherette editions of the RQG rules, the Bestiary, and the GM Pack] wasn't going to be offered.

Then a friend who reads blogs more than I do tells me that it will be offered, that its publishing date was late, that the product is in transit, should be available ought to be at FLGS distributors by April, and it ought to retail for US$120. Is all that correct?

Thanks all!

Mostly correct, as I understand things.  But the price of $120 is for the STANDARD hardcover slipcase set, not the leatherette:

And it's up to the FLGS's whether to order/stock it, of course!

Note that:

  • some (most?) FLGS's participate in the Brick&Mortar program and IIRC Chaosium will send you a free PDF on proof of purchase from such shops (but not e.g. cheap online discount sellers).
  • if you buy the PDF from Chaosium, you get a discount-code for buying the hardcover, equal to the full cost of the PDF; so, free PDF with the printed book, either way:  PDF immediately, book later, all straight from Chaosium

You can choose to aupport Chaosium with more of the money;  or support your FLGS.  Either way, you end up with both products.  The only buyer who'd be advantaged buying from a discount E-tailer like Amazon (so fast as I can tell) is one who wants ONLY the hardcover book and NOT the PDF.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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Your FLGS will be able to order and sell the RQG Slipcase set, which contains 2 color hardcover books and the GM Screen Pack. The MSRP is $119.99.

The only place you can buy the limited edition leatherette versions of the RQG rulebook and the Bestiary (as individual books or as a slipcase set) is on Chaosium.com or at a chaosium booth at some of the conventions we have a booth at.

Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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7 hours ago, Rick Meints said:

Your FLGS will be able to order and sell the RQG Slipcase set, which contains 2 color hardcover books and the GM Screen Pack. The MSRP is $119.99.

The only place you can buy the limited edition leatherette versions of the RQG rulebook and the Bestiary (as individual books or as a slipcase set) is on Chaosium.com or at a chaosium booth at some of the conventions we have a booth at.

TYVM, Rick!

C'es ne pas un .sig

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