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Is the Ernaldori Clan Ring described anywhere?


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New GM here, just finished the quickstart adventure and planning to have the party take the Greydog corpses into Lismelder lands. Before that, I'd like to have a small clan moot where they can meet the salient clan NPCs. The Colymar npcs in the adventure book I'm saving for a few sessions from now when they travel to Clearwine. 
Are any notables apart from Baranthos and Zeldah detailed anywhere?

Edited by Ochoa
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I had already found Hastur, Eraninna, Ereneva and Dunorl, but now that I`ve dug a bit more I already started to fill in the blanks and create the missing npcs for my own Ernaldori :D
Perhaps you know if there's a canonical wyter?

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On 4/12/2019 at 4:01 PM, Yinkin said:

The clan wyter of the Ernaldori is shortly described in the Gamemaster Screen Pack. It says that "the clan wyter is a sacred corn snake, and harming such nakes is taboo for clan members." 

The Ernaldori Clan Wyter is fully described in the Core Rules p 287

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On 4/12/2019 at 12:47 AM, Ochoa said:

Are any notables apart from Baranthos and Zeldah detailed anywhere?

A few in SKoH and Sartar Companion (though obviously set in 1618+).

SKoH p.142 Yanioth Brandgorsdottir (Dunorl's sister): One of the members of the powerful and prestigious Ernaldoring family, Yanioth is one of the most respected women in Sartar. Queen of the Clearwine Earth Temple since Starbrow’s Rebellion failed, she is accorded great deference by all who respect the goddess Ernalda. An old woman now, Yanioth is proud and haughty, carrying herself with an aristocratic mien despite her years. Even King Kangharl treats her gingerly and with more than a little fear. NOTE: she'll be retired now as Asrelia priestess giving way to another as Clearwine Earth priestess.

SKoH p.330 more on Dunorl Brandgorsson: Nearly seventy years old, Dunorl is the last of three powerful Ernaldor clansmen called the Brandgorssons. For nearly twenty years, Dunorl and his brothers dominated Colymar politics, and were dedicated supporters of the House of Sartar. After the Fall of Boldhome, Dunorl founded a secret oath-bound cult to struggle for the liberation of Sartar: Sartar’s Band. Dunorl gathered the royal regalia of Sartar and reformed the Iron Ring of Sartar. As the leader of Sartar’s Band and the Iron Ring, Dunorl was a counselor of Sartarite
kings and heroes, but after Starbrow’s Rebellion failed he handed leadership of the Iron Ring and Sartar’s Band, along with the responsibility for liberating Sartar, to Kallyr Starbrow. Now an old man, Dunorl is still passionately dedicated to the cause of a free Sartar. He is known and respected by many important people in Dragon Pass; including kings, outlaws and heroes.

and: An old man wearing a heavy cloak who carries himself proudly asks for the heroes’ hospitality, introducing himself as Dunorl Ring-Guarder of the Ernaldor Clan. The heroes likely know that Dunorl is the last of the Brandgorssons, a powerful trio of brothers; two of whom (his now-deceased older brothers Estavos and Dangmet) were kings of the Colymar Tribe. Queen Yanioth of Clearwine is his younger sister. Dunorl was a strong supporter of Queen Leika (see the Colymar Kinstrife section of the “Colymar Book” chapter) and is not welcome in the hall of King Kangharl.

SKoH p.302 Farnan Ernaldor (maintains the Colymar hall in Boldhome) “Bald” Farnan Findurevsson is a gregarious tribal thane from the Ernaldor clan. His bloodline has managed the Black Spear Manor for “many generations” and they take a strong proprietary interest in the Manor and is assisted by a score of servants (brewer, cooks, grooms, laborers, scullery maids and serving wenches), and is protected by a handful of mercenary bodyguards. Farnan is an influential man in Boldhome and is a remarkable font of information, apparently knowing almost everyone and everything going on in the city.

SC p.33 Kulbrast the Thane: The captain of the King’s Huscarls is a man of fierce honor and a skilled warrior. A devout Orlanthi, Kulbrast nonetheless holds his oath to the king to take priority over his cult (a sentiment shared by Orlanth). Kulbrast is well-respected in Clearwine, even by those who distrust and dislike his liege. However, he carries out his orders effectively, with an iron hand if he has too, even if he disagrees with them. Kulbrast dislikes intrigue and prefers everything honest and open. Kulbrast is from the Ernaldor clan and knows the ins and outs of Clearwine Fort and the surrounding lands. Kulbrast will know of any group entering Clearwine and interviews most strangers entering the fort. A strong, powerful man, Kulbrast is rightly famed for his prowess as a warrior and for his iron sword, named Dragontooth. He is very tall and has a long brown beard. Kulbrast wears a finely crafted suit of bronze scales. NOTE: unknown whether he attended King Kangharl at the Dragonrise. If so, probably died there.

SC p.33 Baranthos Estavosson: A member of the Brandgorsson bloodline, Baranthos is the son and nephew of tribal kings. He is the chieftain of the Ernaldor clan and noted for his prudence and practicality. Well-liked by his clan, Baranthos is skilled at resolving disputes within the clan. He fears and distrusts King Kangarl; however, Baranthos is wise enough to
maintain good relations with the tribal king. Now in his middle years, Baranthos is bald and has a noticeable paunch. He is a quiet, thoughtful man. Baranthos is the captain of the Clearwine fyrd, and a surprisingly skilled horseman. In war, Baranthos wears his father’s iron chainmail, made by the dwarves. Baranthos knows almost everything going on in Clearwine outside of the Royal Hall and most of what goes on in the Nymie Valley. His wife is Kendestra, sister of Chief Gordangar Woodpecker.  NOTE: RQG has his wife as Zarah and son is Harmast. Perhaps Kendestra was a first wife who died? Or simply ignore.

SC p.34 Hareva Weaver: Proprietor of the Ram’s Head Inn, Hareva Weaver is the sister of Beneva Chan, former queen of the Earth Temple, who was exiled by the Lunars along with her husband, Kallai Rockbuster. Hareva is married to Injarlkarth One-Arm, a thane who lost his arm fighting the Lunars during the Rebellion. She is deeply anti-Lunar and plots revenge for her
sister’s exile. She and Injarlkarth now run one of the two lodging houses in Clearwine Fort, which provides her a network of anti-Lunar contacts and information about affairs throughout Sartar. Hareva is a cultist of Ernalda and Issaries. She is a plump, smiling woman and skilled at getting people to confide to her in conversation. Hareva’s gregarious charm makes a striking contrast to her husband’s grim dourness. However, she has a bronze will and bold temperament; even veteran warriors would rather face foes in battle than be the subject of her tongue-lashings.

SC p.37 Darbrand Iron, the king’s blacksmith. Darbrand is a dangerous man who stole the secrets of iron from the dwarves; few humans know how to work iron, as the secret is jealously guarded by the dwarves.

Also more on Erannina Chan on SC p.39.

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