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Vestkarthen Rune Magic and Subcults (Home Brew)


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Here's a write-up for Vestkarthen as he appeared in my home brew Sartarite campaign. So he's not exactly Lodril or Caladril... but he's not NOT them either.


(The Volcano God, Ruler of the Low Fires, Smith God)

Vestkarthen is the god of volcanoes, spears, smiths, farmers and fire. He is a great god and has many other names and aspects. Locally, he is acknowledged as the father of Quinvin, the god of the Quinvin Mountains.  In Peloria to the north, he is called Lodril and worshiped by the Dara Happan peasantry as the God of Men and has dominion over farmers and craftsmen.  In the Shadow Plateau to the south, Trolls recognize him as the slave of Argan Argar who forges his weapons and provides fire magic. And in the far south, in Caladraland, he is Caladril, father of the Volcano Twins, Caladra and Aurelion, and the great god of the Vent, who makes the ground fertile and demands human sacrifice to spare his hot fury from the surrounding lands.

In the Holy Country, he is recognized as one of the husbands of Ernalda and one of the prime movers of the world.

Following is a vastly simplified version of his cult as it is worshiped in Dragon Pass and the Holy Country outside Caladraland. In Caladraland and Dara Happa, Vestkarthen/Lodril/Caladril is a Great God and has as many aspects and subcults as Orlanth.

Vestkarthan is associated with the runes of Fire and Disorder.

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS:  Varies by region.  In Dara Happa, must be male.  In other areas, no restrictions.


CULT SKILLS:  Craft Fire, Craft (Metal), Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Farm

CULT BATTLE MAGIC:  Ignite, Extinguish, Vigor, Heal, Disrupt, Fireblade, Firearrow.  Vestkarthen’s specialty spell is Vigor.

CULT RUNE METALS:  All especially: Iron, Gold, and Copper.  Obsidian is also widely used.

Obsidian is sharp black glass magically hardened to metallic strength.  Cutting weapons made from obsidian are considered magical like runemetals and are +1 to damage.  Armor made from Obsidian counts double against fire or heat or light based damage that allows armor and still counts as armor against fire attacks that do not normally allow armor.




DECREASE FIRE (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.)  Each point decreases a fire by 1 hex or reduces its damage by 1d6.  If successfully cast on a Salamander, the Salamander’s damage and volume are both reduced by 1d6.  This spell also reduces the damage of Fireblade, Firespear and similar spells by 1d6 per point.

EARTHWARM (Rune Magic, Ranged, Duration = 12 hours, Stackable, 1 pt.)  Cause an area of soil 25m in radius to increase in temperature by 5 degrees centigrade.  Each extra point adds +25m to the radius or +5 degrees C. 

HEAT METAL (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.)  Heats one metal item.  1 pt heats normal bronze enough to make it warm to the touch.  Two points make it soft enough to work and makes weapons and armor unusable.  Touching or wearing an item affected by 2 pts of heat metal does 1d3 damage per round to the appropriate location (no resistance roll, magical armor only applies).  3 pts melts the item.  Touching a melted item does 2d6 pts of damage to the appropriate location for a single round.  Rune metal is twice as difficult to heat as normal bronze.  If the object is inhabited by a spirit, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW.  If there is more than one spirit bound into the object, the MP of each additional spirit acts as an aid to the object’s resistance (using normal aid rules).  Each enchantment on the weapon also adds +5% to the resistance.  If a weapon has no bound spirits but is enchanted, the total number of enchantments act as the weapon’s POW.  NOTE:  Touching a weapon or armor in combat requires an Unarmed Attack check vs. (Defense-10) as part of the casting.

IGNORE HEAT (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt)  Allows the target to ignore the debilitating effects of extreme (non-magical, non-volcanic) heat (up to about 50 C).

INCREASE FIRE (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.)  Each point of Increase Fire enlarges a fire by 1 hex or intensifies it by 1d6 damage.  It may be cast on a Salamander to increase its volume.  It can also be used to increase a Salamander’s fire damage by 1d6 per point, but in this case the Salamander itself also takes 1d6 damage each round per point of the spell.



ARDOR (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt.) Umm… you know… makes you hot. And ready. And stuff. Lasts for 15 minutes. Can be extended. Also known as Hunka Burning Love or Daddy’s Little Spear. Works equally well on female targets, though does not work on an unwilling target. Very popular spell. If extended more than three hours, contact your healer. Yeah, moving on.

SHIRK (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.)  Makes the caster immune to Detect Husband, Detect Peasant and similar spells.  Additionally, if the caster is subject to the continuous effect of  a Command spell such as Command Husband, Command Lowfire, or Command Peasant, Shirk allows the caster to ignore the required task for its duration.  This spell counteracts any short term Command spell and may be cast while under the influence of such a spell without restriction.

SUMMON VESTKARTHEN (Rune Magic, Ritual, Summon, Stackable, 1 pt.)  This spell must be cast on an active volcano.  For each point of the spell cast, the volcano has a 1% chance of erupting.  Multiple casters can pool their Summon spells to have a higher chance of eruption

SURGE OF STRENGTH (Rune Magic, Self, 2 pt.)  Doubles the caster’s Strength for the duration of the spell.  Does not stack with other Strength enhancing spells like Bear's Strength or Strength of Basmol.

TIRELESS EFFORT (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, Duration = Special, 2 pts.)  Allows the willing target to work without rest to complete a single given task such as forging a weapon, plowing a field, or building a house.  Once the task is completed, the subject will collapse into a deep sleep, and will not be able to work or fight until they have rested for the same amount of time they worked.

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(Lodril Hastus, the Spear God, the Cult of the Invisible Spear)

Vestkarthen first came to earth inside the Spear of Aether, thrown down to destroy a chaos thing.  The Spear broke and the hot fury of Vestkarthen went into the Earth.  Kalavan (or Lodril Hastus as he is known in the North) is the First Spear, the war god of the common people.

While he is worshiped openly in Caladraland and Esrolia, Kalavan’s cult is suppressed in Peloria, Dara Happa and Teshnos, where the ruling class fears his might.  There, his worship is kept alive by the Cult of the Invisible Spear, who honor him in secret in the fields and barns where the overlords never go, disguising their martial drills as “traditional peasant dances.” Worshipers of Kalavan have heard  rumors that a great hero of the Invisible Spear has begun gathering followers in the wild lands near Dorastor. Though who they will fight for in the Hero Wars remains a mystery.

Rune Lords of Kalavan are called Fire Spears.  Candidates must have a POW of 15+, a Mythology (Vestkarthen) skill of 50%+, 90%+ in 1h or 2h Spear, and 90%in four other skills chosen from Battle, Scan, Orate, Sergeant, Cunning, Secretive, Disciplined, Pike and Shield, Lunge, Phalanx Tactics, Volcanic Thrust, Dance, Exotic Weapon (Shoot Lava), Thrown Weapon, or any Cult Rune.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILL:  Sergeant, Cunning, Secretive, Disciplined

CULT SKILLS:  Pike and Shield, Lunge, Phalanx Tactics, Volcanic Thrust, Dance, Exotic Weapon (Shoot Lava).

Lunge (Attack Skill):  A special attack that allows the user to move up to Lunge/20 meters forward in a straight line and attack once in the same melee SR.  Requires Lunge, Balance, and a primary Melee Weapon Attack using either a 1h or 2h Spear, 1h dagger, 1h sword, rapier, or a similar impaling weapon.  Attack is resolved at the lowest of the three skills and cannot be interrupted by held actions. On a successful hit, the number of hexes moved is added to the damage.  Many dueling schools teach this fairly common technique, especially in Peloria (where it’s taught with the scimitar) and in Heortland and Safelster (where the rapier is favored). The cult of Vinga claims Vinga invented this technique and teaches it with spears. 

Pike and Shield (Attack Skill):  Allows the use of a 2h Spear (Long Spear or Pike only.  Halberd and Naginata are too unwieldy) while wielding a shield.  Attack is limited to the Pike and Shield skill or the Spear skill, whichever is lower.  This skill is taught by the Yelmalio cult and several Lunar phalanx gods.

Volcanic Thrust (Agility Skill):  This unusual technique is derived from the religious dances of the god Lodril (called Vestkarthen in Dragon Pass and the Holy Country).  The attacker attacks from a prone position, usually after a fall, thrusting upward with his spear.  This attack negates any offensive penalties from being prone and applies a Skill/20 bonus to damage.  If the attacker can stand, he will be standing (as a free action) at the end of the attack.  Attack is limited by the attacker’s Volcanic Thrust, Dance, and Spear skills.  If the attacker is standing at the start of his SR, he can dive to the ground, move up to 1m, Volcanic Thrust, and return to his feet.  In this case, the attacker’s Dance skill/5 is added to his attack skill.  Note: Pikes, Naginatas and Halberds are too unwieldy to use effectively with this technique. Taught by the cults of Lodril, Vestkarthan, and the Volcano Twins cult of Caladra & Aurelion. 

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC:  Strength, Bladesharp


DEFEAT HORSE NOMAD (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt).  Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Pentians or similar foes (Char-Un or Grazelanders for example).

DEFEND AGAINST INVADER (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable 1 pt).  Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. invaders who wage war on the croplands of peaceful farmers.  NOTE:  This spell only works when the Spear is fighting on his home territory.

DESTROY OPPRESSOR (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt).  Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. oppressive noblemen or their deputies who abuse their farmers.

PIERCING SPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, 2 pts).  This spell doubles the crit and impale chance of the target weapon.

REACHING SPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt).  Each point of this spell allows the wielder of the affected weapon to make melee attacks 1 additional hex away with no penalties.



FIRESPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Replaces Spear damage with 3d6 Fire damage.  Each additional pt adds +1d6 Fire damage.

SHOOT LAVA (Rune Magic, Touch/Ranged, 3 pts)  This spell allows the user’s spear to shoot lava at anyone in range. Shooting Lava is Missile Weapon Attack with an SR of S/MR.  Damage done is 1d6 per MP expended, and each MP spent after the first adds one SR to the firing time. Preparing another blast costs 5 SR. Armor protects normally.  Shoot Lava is an Exotic Ranged Weapon Skill and can be trained normally.  Lava can crit but it doesn't impale and receives no benefit from  Damage Bonus.

EXAMPLE: Blackkettle has a Dex SR of 1. If he casts Shoot Lava in SR 1, he can ready to fire +5SR, then fire a blast of 6d6 (5 Extra MP and +1 Dex SR) in SR 12. The next round, he decides to shoot a 12d6 blast in SR 12 (11 Extra MP + 1 Dex SR). The round after that, he fires a 4d6 blast in SR 4 and a 3d6 blast in SR 12. He must roll his Shoot Lava skill to hit each time.



UPRISING (Rune Magic, Ritual, Range = 10m x Ceremony Skill per point, Instant, Stackable, 1 pt.)  This spell must be cast from a hearth, Lodril shrine or temple, or specially prepared bonfire in the caster’s home territory.  It informs all Vestkarthen/Lodril worshipers within range, regardless of subcult, to arm themselves and rally to a specific point as quickly as possible.  It may only be cast in times of emergency and anyone using it frivolously will be attacked by Spirits of Reprisal.  Multiple Spears can pool their uses of Uprising to extend the radius, but in this case, only a single rally point can be designated.



FIREFORM (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts)  The caster and his gear are covered in flames.  All the caster’s weapons, including natural weapons, do 3d6 damage as if Firebladed.  Any missile weapons thrown or fired are automatically Firearrowed.  The caster is immune to fire damage for the duration of the spell and anyone attacking the caster with a natural weapon takes 3d6 damage to the appropriate location.  Fireform is also known as Human Torch (by Lodrili) or Walking Volcano (in Caladraland).

Edited by RHW
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I hope you don't mind this post - it's entirely lore-focused, but I like to muse about the "Warm Earth"-complex of gods, so this promising, multifaceted pair of posts brought back some thoughts I've had before, especially on the agricultural side of things (which I feel says more about how most people relate to this related group/complex of gods than spear imagery and volcanic eruptions necessarily do on an everyday level)

EDIT: Just wanted to add that I know you'll be covering agriculture too, so this isn't intended as a criticism, more like a splurge of preemptive ideas, I suppose.

In that respect, I was considering how his main symbol, the phallic pole, can be translated not just to a spear (which is an interesting image, but not always what you need), but other, more immediately useful things:

- In a slash-and-burn horticultural situation like Caladraland, the main symbol of the farming aspect of Veskarthan seems like it should be the Fire Stick. I think it ticks all the boxes: it is primeval (and so likely a very old and immediately associative symbol), it is phallic to some extent, it is practically useful, and of course it is associated with fire.
- In other agricultural situations, the symbol might just be a digging stick. Less of an elegant association, but also works, imho. More clearly associated with his fertility aspect, as it is the means by which the farmer can seed the soil ("you see, the digging stick is my pe-" okay, enough of that.)

Another thing I was thinking of is how to translate the idea of fire and heat to a more abstract and holistic perspect. In the case of Orlanth, he is not just associated with the air and winds in the skies, but also with the air inside people, ie. breath. Breath is an incredibly important symbol for the Orlanthi, and in cultural anthropology breath would probably have been considered a "root metaphor" for an ethnography on the Orlanthi cosmology and conceptions of personhood. A root metaphor is a symbol that can be use to extrapolate and illustrate other aspects of a culture (it's a bit of a dated concept, but fun to use).

In the case of Veskarthan/Lodril/Caladril/Turos, aside from the phallus, I've been thinking that a potential candidate for a "Lodrilic root metaphor" could be body heat. The Warm Earth is a personification of the heat energy that exists within the mass of Earth. It is a force that shapes landscapes and can erupt violently. It adds motion to the otherwise static mass. Similarly, body heat animates the human body, and allows the common man to produce great feats of strength.

As a Lodrili initiate might say to a son, the more work you do, the hotter you get, so clearly you get closer to Lodril - but most people can't take all that heat, so we need to relax. Lodril is fine with that. Unlike what the nobles say, he's not lazy, he just enjoys good times as well, after the work is done, it's time to reap the rewards. When a child is born, Veskarthan/Turos/Lodril has given his great heat into the body in the womb, so that it can grow and work and thrive and be active. Without, we'd all be misshapen, inert lumps - but don't say that in front of the priestesses. When someone dies, their body heat goes back to Lodril, and he keeps it safe in his home.

So that's how the body heat metaphor for most common folk, but they aren't really adventurer material I guess - But some kind of Veskarthan (Or Turos) Rune Lord? What if they could heat up their bodies and become glowing red-hot. It would be great as a weapon, of course, sure - but what if this kind of transformation was equally useful for miraculous, heroic feats of strength, like pulling a plow all by yourself, building a wall in a day and a night, or holding off an avalance. Turos is the God of Strength, after all, and Veskarthan, while probably overshadowed to some extent by Barntar as a stereotypical "burly everyman god", could maybe also have some of this? It would be a cool way to make an initially skeptical village like you, for example. Charisma through strength. Heroic status through... well, work. Works for farmers. - Of course, there's always using it to club a snow monster or somesuch to smithereens. That works too.

Anyway, long ramble, but some things I think could be cool, both lorewise and maybe implemented as powers, if given a gander by someone who understands balance and mechanics more than I do.

Edited by Sir_Godspeed
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^Love all that, and it's the intention behind spells like Ardor, Shirk, Work Tirelessly and Surge of Strength to be sure.

Since these are the most adventurous subcults (because they're tailored to my powergaming combat loving players) I didn't stat up a ton of Hard Working Warm Earth Dad Farmer Crafter spells, but I have no doubt they exist.

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Some less adventurous Vestkarthen subcults, not fully statted up, because my players are combat-loving power gamers:


(God of Forges and Smiths)

Gustbran is one of the three Lowfires, Vestkarthen’s children with Ernalda.  He’s the god of the forge. 

To become an initiate, a candidate must be accepted as an apprentice by an established Redsmith.

Gustbran’s Rune Levels are Rune Lords called Redsmiths.   A Redsmith must have a POW of 15+, know Mythology (Vestkarthen) at 90%+, have at least one Craft skill at 90%+, and have 90%+ in four other skills chosen from Any Other Craft Skill (up to 5 total), Devise, Lustful, Energetic, Sing, Animal Lore and Mineral Lore.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILL:  Hard-working, Taciturn

CULT SKILLS:  Forge (Metal)

MASTERY RUNE MAGIC: Work Tirelessly, Strengthen Metal, Unbreakable Hammer, Unyielding Anvil, Repair Metal Item, See Into Metal

FIRE RUNE MAGIC: Handle Hot Metal, Forge (Rune Metal), Resist Heat, Enchant Forge, Keep Fire Burning

GUSTBRAN’S SECRET: Hammertime! (Allows the Smith to use all his craft skills as combat skills)



(God of Farmers and Plows)

The god of peasants, plows, farmers, and crofters.  Wherever Vestkarthen is known as Lodril, this is the default subcult, most notably in Dara Happa, Peloria, Tarsh and Teshnos.  The Veldraf, the serfs of the Grazelands, worship this form Vestkarthen.  Rune Levels are priests and must have Craft (Farm) at 90%+ in addition to other requirements.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILL:  Hard-working, Secret Pride

CULT SKILLS:  Plow Field, Craft (Farm), Look Busy, Keep Up Appearances

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC:  Plowsharp, Strength

MAN RUNE MAGIC: Work Tirelessly, Dominate (Domestic Animal), Sober Up, Disapprove of Neighbor, Mend Fences

FIRE RUNE MAGIC: Dry Wet Field, Heat Plow, Sear Weeds, Burn Field, Keep Grain Dry

LODARNTAR’S SECRET: Plowshares to Spearheads (Grants the targeted Lodril worshippers Spear attack and parry equal to their Craft Farm or Plow Field skill)



(Goddess of Wives and Home Fires)

Mahome is one of the three Lowfires, Vestkarthen’s children with Ernalda.  She’s the goddess of hearth and home.  Mahome has only female worshipers.  Mahome’s Rune Level’s are Priestesses called Heathwives.


CULT SKILLS:  Carve Hearthstone


FIRE RUNE MAGIC: Burn Intruder, Calm Anger, Cure Burn, Enchant Hearth, Reduce Fever, Warm Child

LIFE MAGIC: Arouse Husband, Command Husband



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(Lodril Ignifer, God of the Inferno)

Oakfed the Wildfire is Vestkarthan’s most dangerous son. He embodies the destructive nature of fire, all-consuming, unstoppable. He has dominion over volcanic explosions and firestorms.  He is sometimes worshipped as a god in his own right by bandits, pyromaniacs and other outsiders. (NOTE: When worshiped alone, Oakfed also provides SUMMON FIRE ELEMENTAL (all sizes), HEAT METAL, and INCREASE FIRE as Fire Rune Magic. Shamanic worship of Oakfed is more common and provides much of the same Rune Magic.)

Oakfed is one of the war gods of Caladraland. This subcult is outlawed in Dara Happa, Peloria and Teshnos.  Oakfed is considered an enemy god in Prax.

Oakfed’s Rune Level’s are Priests called Wildfires.  In addition to the usual requirements, a Wildfire must have Mythology (Vestkarthen) at 90%+ and Destructive, Hot-Tempered or Intimidate at 50%+. 

CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS:  Destructive, Hot-Tempered, Intimidate

CULT SKILLS:  Spread Fire


BLINDING FLASH (Rune Magic, Stackable, Ranged, 1 pt.)  Temporarily blinds the target.  Roll a Resistance Roll against the target.  For each pt the Resistance is overcome, the target is blinded for the duration of the spell. Additional pts add +25% to the resistance roll, add 100m to the range, or add 1 target.

BURN PLANT (Rune Magic, Ranged, Instant, 2 pts.)  This spell causes the targeted plant to explode in flames, destroying it utterly.  If the tree is sentient or is inhabited by a spirit, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW.  NOTE:  This spell does not work on Elves or other Aldraymi.

CONFLAGRATION (Rune Magic, Stackable, Ranged, AE = 1 hex.  Instant, 1 pt)  Must be stacked with Scorch.  Stacking is a free action.  Makes the Scorch hit everyone within 1 meter of the target.  Each additional pt adds 1 more meter to the radius.  Conflagration does not distinguish between friend and foe.  Sometimes known as Fireball or Lavaball.

FIERY RUSH (Rune Magic, Self, Instant, 1 pt.)  Caster may make an immediate move and attack (missile or melee) during magic phase.  Casting the spell, moving, and making the attack count as a single action.

SCORCH (Rune Magic, Stackable, Ranged, Instant, 1 pt.)  The caster hurls a magical blast of heat at the target.  If the caster succeeds in an Resistance roll, the blast does 1d6 damage to a random hit location, ignoring armor (including Woad, Natural Armor and Armor Enchantments, but not runic gold, obsidian armor or temporary magical protection).  Each additional pt gives +25% to resistance roll, does +1d6 damage, or doubles the range.  Scorch is sometimes known as Fireblast or Lavablast.


DEFLECT ARROWS (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt.) Waves of hot air swirl around the caster, subtracting 30% from the chance to hit of incoming missile weapons. 

EXPLODING JAVELIN (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt) Cast on a javelin or other thrown weapon.  When thrown, the weapon will do 3d6 fire damage if it hits.  Fire damage is matched against the target’s highest location armor, including spells, in a resistance roll.  If the resistance roll is a success, target takes full damage to total hits.  If not, target takes ½ damage. 



FIREFORM (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts)  The caster and his gear are covered in flames.  All the caster’s weapons, including natural weapons, do 3d6 damage as if Firebladed.  Any missile weapons thrown or fired are automatically Firearrowed.  The caster is immune to fire damage for the duration of the spell and anyone attacking the caster with a natural weapon takes 3d6 damage to the appropriate location.  Fireform is also known as Human Torch (by Lodrili) or Walking Volcano (in Caladraland).

Edited by RHW
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(God of the Quinvin Mountains, First Guest, Father of the Quinvini Tribes)

Quivin was the first Stranger and the first Friend, the first non-Storm god welcomed by the Storm pantheon and given guest rites.  He is the god of mountains and mountaineers and is worshiped as a founder god by the Quinvini, the tribes and clans who make their homes among his mountains.

Rune Lords of Quivin are called Mountain Lords. They must have a POW of 15+, Mythology (Vestkarthen) and 50%+, Climb at 90%+ and 90%+ four skills chosen from Jump, Balance, Dodge, Honest, Sturdy, Scout Mountain, Scout Hills, Mineral Lore, Craft Prospecting, Craft Stone, Scan or Search.

Mountain gods all over Glorantha provide similar Rune Magic, whether worshiped alone or as the subcult of another god.


CULT SKILLS:  Survive at Altitude, Scout Mountain, Scout Hills, Craft Prospecting, Craft Stone

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC:  Strength, Coordination



FLOW STONE (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.)  Allows the caster to reshape 1 cubic meter of stone per point.  Once the spell expires, the new shape is permanent.  If the caster desires a complex final shape, Craft (Stone) or Craft (Sculptor) or a similar skill roll is required. If cast on a Gnome, Dwarven Construct, or other stones with POW, the stone gets a resistance roll. If the caster wishes, Flow Stone does 2d6 damage per point to sentient stone beings ignoring armor if resistance is overcome.

RUN UP CLIFFS (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt)  The caster can move up any level of gradient (up to 90 degrees) at his normal movement.  If the caster stops or stands still, he loses the benefit of this spell.

STONESKIN (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt.) The next physical attack or impact or other physical damage striking the target does -20 to damage.  This reduction in damage even protects against critical attacks or falling damage which normally ignore armor.  This spell is stackable and each additional point protects against one additional impact or attack.


DODGE FALLING OBJECTS (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.)  For the duration of this spell, the caster gets +100% to Dodge for the purpose of dodging naturally occurring falling objects (such as from a collapsing cave) or objects dropped by a trap and may dodge objects too large or too fast moving for Dodge to normally apply. This does not protect the caster against projectiles fired by sentient beings or animals (anything using a Ranged Weapon skill), but it would protect against a boulder being rolled down a hill or similar situations.

PERFECT BALANCE (Rune Magic, Self, 2 pts) While under the influence of this spell, the Mountain Lord cannot be knocked down.  He has perfect balance and automatically succeeds in any Balance check.

SOFT LANDING (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt) While under the influence of this spell, the caster always lands on his feet and takes no damage from falling. 



MOVE THROUGH STONE (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts)  Allows the caster to move through dirt, earth, or even solid stone at his normal movement rate for the duration of the spell.

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As a great god, Vestkarthen has numerous hero cults, two of which are described below:




This Hero Cult celebrates the many Husbands of Ernalda.

CULT REQUIREMENT:  Be a Rune Level or Argan Argar, Orlanth, Elmal (or Yelmalio), Rozgali the Sea, Vestkarthen (Lodril), or one of the other gods with a mythical claim to the hand of Ernalda. Marry a Rune Level of Ernalda or her associated goddesses.

CULT BEHAVIOR:  Members of this hero cult always wear a wedding ring on their left hand. In the Holy Country they may claim the title “Sir.”

DISADVANTAGES:  Subject to all Husband-controlling magic provided by Ernalda.

CULT SKILL:  Yes Dear.

SPELLS PROVIDED:  Dismiss Shade, Dismiss Salamander, Dismiss Sylph, Dismiss Lune, Dismiss Undine



This hero cult worships the dark side of Vestkarthen, his seething rage. He incarnates everything fearful and terrible about the god. It is suppressed by authorities whenever possible.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: The applicant must be a Rune Level of Vestkarthen, Lodril, or any other mask of the Great Volcano God. The applicant must be righteously offended (in the eyes of the god) by the ruler of the applicant’s homeland, sacrifice for and cast Smoldering Rebellion at least once. No POW sacrifice or further initiation right is required.

DISADVANTAGES:  Joining Monster Man puts the applicant in rebellion against his or her ruler. Membership in Monster Man is nearly always a capital crime.


SMOLDERING REBELLION (Rune Magic, Ritual Summon, One-Use, 1 pt.)  The caster sacrifices for this spell and casts it in a dire and secret ritual. As part of the casting, the caster names one specific ruler as the target. The spell then smolders in the heart of Vestkarthen and waits until it either becomes active or the ruler retires or dies. This spell cannot be dispelled. If the ruler continues his wicked ways, more and more Vestkartheni will be inspired to join Monster Man and sacrifice for this spell. Eventually, once this spell has been cast hundreds or perhaps even thousands of times, the spell will reach critical mass and the entire land’s peasant population will be inspired to rise in armed rebellion. The last documented time this spell was activated, in 1460, Peloria rose against Sheng Solaris, resulting in his overthrow and permanent death.

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That's all I've got for Vestkarthen/Lodril. Other subcults not detailed include a subcult for stonemasons and sculptors, Urdera the Basket Maker, Venurtera the Potter, Gerndetho god of hunters and scouts, the Ten Servants who specialize in household management, a specialized cult that battles locusts and other insects, a subcult for siege warfare (same rune magic as Shargash Purataka the Leveler), a subcult for fighting Mostali, and subcult for lovers and gigolos (found mostly in Esrolia and Teshnos, similar rune magic to Niskis).

Who next? I'm thinking Argan Argar since it's the cult I took by far the most liberties with, even more than Lodril.

That said I still have: Argan Argar, Caladra & Aurelion, Chalana Arroy, Donadar, Elmal, Eurmal, Heler, Issaries, Kolat, Kyger Litor, Lhankor Mhy, Odayla, Orlanth Thunderous, Urox, Vinga, and Yelmalio, plus various Spirit Societies.


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Doesn't Lodril/Veskarthen have an Underworld Ruler aspect? Is that outside of what you wanted to cover, maybe?

EDIT: I guess that maybe is Monster Man / Derdromus. The number of hells and underworlds and gods meeting themselves all make it a bit confusing, tbh.

Edited by Sir_Godspeed
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^It hadn't occurred to me to make one, but yes, that would be a valid subcult using this approach. In Caladraland, the Great Volcano God probably also has a rulership aspect as well.

One interesting cultural issue for Caladraland is that SMOLDERING REBELLION is probably legal to cast and might have a lower threshold for success, so that if the Volcano Priests and Lords don't like whoever is in charge locally, they can vote with their POW. It appears that Caladraland is something of a democracy with elected Governors under the God-King. This is probably the only way they could have a functional government, since SMOLDERING REBELLION would quickly end the life of any unpopular unelected monarch.

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1 hour ago, RHW said:

One interesting cultural issue for Caladraland is that SMOLDERING REBELLION is probably legal to cast and might have a lower threshold for success, so that if the Volcano Priests and Lords don't like whoever is in charge locally, they can vote with their POW. It appears that Caladraland is something of a democracy with elected Governors under the God-King. This is probably the only way they could have a functional government, since SMOLDERING REBELLION would quickly end the life of any unpopular unelected monarch.



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9 hours ago, RHW said:

It appears that Caladraland is something of a democracy with elected Governors under the God-King. This is probably the only way they could have a functional government, since SMOLDERING REBELLION would quickly end the life of any unpopular unelected monarch. 

Caladraland probably has something like an electoral monarchy, similar to the USA. The early description in the Holy Country article in RuneQuest Companion called the office the President (ignore pained cries of certain posters here).

Kingship for life is unusual in Theyalan cultures. There are lineages wih Vingkotling inheritance that don't have any case of retirement other than death or apotheosis, like the princes of Sartar or the kings of Tarsh (whose early Illaro dynasty had a lethal term of office). Tribal kings are an elected position that can be challenged.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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