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Psullie was suggesting in a yhread about Cons in the RQ Forum that:


Join the Cult of Chaos and offer to run a game at your local store and you will be provided with scenarios.

Now, does Psullie know what he is talking about here Even without a scenario to run from you guys I have been thinking of approaching a couple of FLGSs here in Edmonton and offering to run RQ RiG (modded RQ 2 and 3 games, Broken Tower, or Stolen Eye (I would check for the correct name but leaving a page in this software sucks) games but if I am doing so as a CoC member and if you might have an ad I could use... A few have suggested putting up posters with my contact info, to organize demo games.


... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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It depends on your local games store. For example there are two over here in in London UK that have space to do games and one that doesn't. Of the two, just speaking to the staff will get you a spot and with the other they've a maximum capacity of over 100 so no problem. You could use meet up or eventbrite to help organise your games if wanted. Recently a group of GMs organised an independent meet up in in Birmingham UK with over 60 attendees. Publicity materials will be coming soon from Chaosium. Perhaps @Psullie could talk about any experiences he has had organising games in the UK, he's one of our regular GMs at cons here and one of his scenarios is one of the RQG winners of the Scenario Writing contest - 



Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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18 hours ago, David Scott said:

It depends on your local games store. For example there are two over here in in London UK that have space to do games and one that doesn't. Of the two, just speaking to the staff will get you a spot and with the other they've a maximum capacity of over 100 so no problem. You could use meet up or eventbrite to help organise your games if wanted. Recently a group of GMs organised an independent meet up in in Birmingham UK with over 60 attendees. Publicity materials will be coming soon from Chaosium. Perhaps @Psullie could talk about any experiences he has had organising games in the UK, he's one of our regular GMs at cons here and one of his scenarios is one of the RQG winners of the Scenario Writing contest - 

Alas, David, it seems that you are mostly answering  different messages then the one i had posted. You are answering a question concerning gaming stores allowing gaming and I am asking if Chaosium is as Psullie suggested providing material to run demos and also my question as to advertising material to push the demo to be run which you did answer. Cheers!  I have written and run a tournament years ago and have run a half dozen demos over the years including The Broken Tower  so  I am not asking of advice on how to run a demo.

Not saying I won't ask in the future but not this time

Seems this is quite common David, misreadings of posts on BRP central. I might have to rethink how clear my notions are to others (nah its them, not me)


... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/19/2019 at 8:55 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

I am asking if Chaosium is as Psullie suggested providing material to run demos and also my question as to advertising material to push the demo to be run which you did answer. Cheers!  I have written and run a tournament years ago and have run a half dozen demos over the years including The Broken Tower  so  I am not asking of advice on how to run a demo.

Thank you for the quick response David, to confirm: Chaosium is looking at putting together promotional (ie. advertising) material/stategiers and is not ready yet?

Now I as still waiting for an answer to the primary question I had: It follows slightly modified... Does Chaosium have any plans to release scenarios/cameos to GM in FLGS or clubs as demos.

... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/1/2019 at 12:10 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

... Does Chaosium have any plans to release scenarios/cameos to GM in FLGS or clubs as demos.

Answer#1 (counter-question):  What is wrong with Broken Tower, and/or Stealing the Eye (or Darkness at Runegate)?

Answer#2:  I think others are planned, yes; but I am _utterly_ unclear as to which one(s) and how soon... @Todd@Chaosium any info?

Answer#3 (accompanied by the crack of slave-drivers' whips):  why are you slacking on the forums like this, Barbarian, when you could be writing RQG scenarios for Cultists to use!!!?!


  • Thanks 1

C'es ne pas un .sig

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On 6/10/2019 at 2:01 AM, g33k said:

Answer#3 (accompanied by the crack of slave-drivers' whips):  why are you slacking on the forums like this, Barbarian, when you could be writing RQG scenarios for Cultists to use!!!?!


Ah, an answer. I got so lonely in here and the echo fro my voice bouncing off the far walls, the sound of the crickets, it drove me mad, mad, mad I tell you, mad...

er, hmm, ahem <cough>

 Sorry I was away and was quite busy you see... I wrote 3 modules and a play complete with an operetta and then thought, damn, did I once upon a time have a post here,  I should check upon it and see. if some kindly soul deemed me worthy of a response

<grin> duck

Ah hell it's only you g33k, what a waste.
(truly kidding, thanks for answering g33k)

I think I said I was happy to run those modules or at least implied it. Heck  will run a great RQ 3 MOB adventure with mello yello as one of the pregens, can't recall the name. but I have it somewhere. Hmm, so did your summon spell for todd work? Todd? What du you say about the future? And understanding the new Chaosium I will not ask when.

Now it seems to me like I have answered your third query first. Bad barbarian!

No, these days I answer to a different whip's crack, summer time, the rock shows are coming through town and I am busy, plus shows that I travel to work or run..  gaming stalled,  my 1000 page rogue galley of all references to all npc that I have modules for is stalled at 500 pages (only ⅓ edited to my satisfaction), my Torkani Campaign handbook is stalled at 169 pages and must become many fewer plus a players book must be calved off from the result... and I am almost finished my incorporated character generation pdf at 100 pages. I might have to release that but at the moment contains much copy-written art (for personal use only hell for that matter I guess the entire text is copywriten I might never be able to share it :().  so cutting out the art would move the text and add a bit of time/could be a bit of work. 

I  have a wedding to plan, a bride to kill and an enemy state to pin it on. I really am swamped. And you know what they say about one's health...


Edited by Bill the barbarian

... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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On 6/1/2019 at 8:10 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

Thank you for the quick response David, to confirm: Chaosium is looking at putting together promotional (ie. advertising) material/stategiers and is not ready yet?


On 6/1/2019 at 8:10 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

Now I as still waiting for an answer to the primary question I had: It follows slightly modified... Does Chaosium have any plans to release scenarios/cameos to GM in FLGS or clubs as demos.

Yes. The 2019 Scenario competition has two RQG scenarios that are debuting at Gen Con.


Remembering Caroman

When a farmer complains that the tenant farm he was just given is haunted by a frightful spirit, the adventurers must resolve his plight. Whether they banish the spirit or take up its plea, the ancestors are watching how the clan treats their progenitors.
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. Author: Paul O'Sullivan.

The Fainting Spirit

Vasana and her band come across a clan stronghold where the adults wildly fluctuate in emotions and the clan spirit seem to be sick or going insane. Only the heroes are capable of going on a heroquest to resolve the issue.
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. Author: Jean-Christophe Cubertafon.

Both of these will be available to the CoC.

However, I'd like to see some short scenarios contributed by CoC members. Stealing the Eye is an ideal 1 hour intro scenario to showcase RQG and I'd like a few more of that length to demo at conventions to new players to RPGs. That is those that have never played an RPG.

  • Thanks 1


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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6 hours ago, David Scott said:

I find the locked forums annoying as I keep having to login, so I rarely do.

The login persists, for at least a while...  @Trifletraxor?  Do we mere mortals have a way to adjust this?

Or could you increase it, pretty-please with a Broo and a Shoggoth on top?

I try to dip my toe in regularly; I think that keeps my Cultic Login Credentials live (or at least animated) until I forget for a while and they fade back into the Dreamlands...  Then I wake them up again (or am I going back to sleep ... ?  ahhhhh... the butterflies and caterpillars are so confusing).

 But yeah.  Dunno WHY I experience the minor passwd-challenge as so challenging, but I second David's sentiment.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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4 hours ago, g33k said:

 But yeah.  Dunno WHY I experience the minor passwd-challenge as so challenging, but I second David's sentiment.

Let's make that three, it might make this area a bit less tomblike. Of course that might not please all the denizens of these tombs. 


... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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