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Elric / Strombringer & CoC Mythos


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I've thought about it. There are several hints in Moorcock's Young Kingdoms about civilisations that are even more ancient than the Melniboneans, and the Great Old Ones would make excellent aberrations from beyond the veil/before time/whatever. Besides, the scenarios and campaigns are already presented in the BRP system, which makes conversion easier. I probably wouldn't use the Sanity rules as they are, though - I haven't decided about that. Besides, there is precedent in Swords & Sorcery type genres for things like ancient frog gods (Tsathoggua!) and some of the D&D OSR blogs verge on the macabre in this way - good inspiration, and they show it can be done in fantasy settings. Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, for example,  would work well as the possible rise of an ancient evil from the ocean floor; just get rid of the technology and site the various campaign elements properly...

Good question!


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Great Old Ones and Elder Gods make for fantastic beings of Chaos and Law. 

I might also suggest that one could create another iteration of the Eternal Champion on another world whose enemies are the Mythos.

Tanelorn as a version of R'lyeh?

And I think CoC could be used to run the versions of Elric in the books set in more modern times that come later on. 

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On 5/28/2019 at 11:06 AM, Paul Innes said:

I've thought about it. There are several hints in Moorcock's Young Kingdoms about civilisations that are even more ancient than the Melniboneans, and the Great Old Ones would make excellent aberrations from beyond the veil/before time/whatever. Besides, the scenarios and campaigns are already presented in the BRP system, which makes conversion easier. I probably wouldn't use the Sanity rules as they are, though - I haven't decided about that. Besides, there is precedent in Swords & Sorcery type genres for things like ancient frog gods (Tsathoggua!) and some of the D&D OSR blogs verge on the macabre in this way - good inspiration, and they show it can be done in fantasy settings. Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, for example,  would work well as the possible rise of an ancient evil from the ocean floor; just get rid of the technology and site the various campaign elements properly...

Good question!


Interestingly when Elric draws runes they seem to flow into other dimensions beyond sight, so it all smacks of eldritch magic.

On 5/28/2019 at 2:33 PM, Sean_RDP said:

Great Old Ones and Elder Gods make for fantastic beings of Chaos and Law. 

I might also suggest that one could create another iteration of the Eternal Champion on another world whose enemies are the Mythos.

Tanelorn as a version of R'lyeh?

And I think CoC could be used to run the versions of Elric in the books set in more modern times that come later on. 

I agree, and on the cosmology side that would make perfect sense really.

Oddly, from looking at the Great Ones, Karakal and Karatal seem identical to me. Plus we have animal gods (not the ones from Egyptian mythology) but deities that are the animal in all its forms. To me, and this may be controversial, I would relegate Yig to being Lord of Reptiles or something like that (I know one in mentioned) but there is no reason there could not be both? As such Yig would also be a Great One.

Thoughts, feedback?



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About the only real questions would be if the Mythos extends to the Multiverse or just local to the Cthulhu dimensions (i.e. our dimension plus a few nearby/related ones), and just how the Elder Gods relate to the Gods of Law and Chaos. Are they actually gods or not, members of the Gods of Law or Chaos, or something older.

But the Mythos could be easily ported over to the Young Kingdoms or encountered in a off-dimension adventure. Maybe a group of Deep Ones tucked away in Oin, Yu or Dholes in the Sighing Desert. It all fits easily enough.  

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23 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

About the only real questions would be if the Mythos extends to the Multiverse or just local to the Cthulhu dimensions (i.e. our dimension plus a few nearby/related ones), and just how the Elder Gods relate to the Gods of Law and Chaos. Are they actually gods or not, members of the Gods of Law or Chaos, or something older.

... or the same.

I mean... "Pyaray" is kinda remarkably Cthulhoid... tentacled giant underwater, destined to come up at the end times...


In the theme of the "blind men and the elephant," maybe the Moorcockian Mythos and the Lovecraft Mythos are just two views of the SAME mythos, hmmm?


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6 hours ago, g33k said:

... or the same.

I mean... "Pyaray" is kinda remarkably Cthulhoid... tentacled giant underwater, destined to come up at the end times...


In the theme of the "blind men and the elephant," maybe the Moorcockian Mythos and the Lovecraft Mythos are just two views of the SAME mythos, hmmm?


Yup. Although if I were to try to port over Mythos stuff, instead of directly copying, I'd Probably just make something similar to a Cthulhu nasty, but in a Stormbinger mold. Rework the stats with D8s and so forth. 

Edited by Atgxtg
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Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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My thoughts was that you could actually have the Mythos be both universal and multiversal.

Some versions of Cthulhu could be advanced space aliens, akin to those seen in Star Trek, Babylon 5, Halo etc.

In the same way I would make the lords of the higher worlds being of pure energy, but split into various factions, one being order, another chaos, and another the void. Within this there are various different beings, some of which could be called Elder gods, Eternals (Doctor Who), hell you could even have something akin to the Endless from Dc comics if you wanted. 

My plan was to make the more god-like Great Old Ones similar to those seen in Doctor Who, massive, universe sized that will extrude part of their bulk into other universes.

But for outer gods I would also use the description Lovecraft wrote; "They are entities of a timeless nature. Genderless, timeless and some say formless. Residing outside of time and space that last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity, beyond time amidst where the absurdly the gigantic beings dwell."

It would also let me use this image for Azathoth


Each dot being a universe, and he resides at the centre of the multiverse, being a force of pure chaos, or renewal. His opposite being Yog-Sothoth which is pure Order.


Edited by RogerDee
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