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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. I haven't played in the setting so far, but have bought a copy of all the Stormbringer books Chaosium had in their "Stormbringer sale", together with a copy of Elric!


  2. I just bought it and after a cursory read I think it is brilliant.

    I like what's here, and it looks like the structure is well thought through...

    Charles I love Dragon Lines.

    I downloaded Dragonlines form Drivethrurpg the other day and it looks very interesting.

    I LOVE Dragon Lines, guys!

    I was just leafing through Dragonlines, and I really like it very much.

    With so much praise I've got to get my hands on a copy myself. Will there be a Alephtar Games stand at Continuum Paolo?

    Now start rating and reviewing it folks!


  3. I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to play a game set in a historic/low magic fantasy Europe...

    ... the Crusaders of the Amber Coast are so good that I have to write settings using that excellent material ... ;)

    Then rate and review it! With the latest update, the old bugs should have been ironed out. Follow the link in the product-description and check if you can get the rating and reviewing software to work! ;t)


  4. Then they're up! Fall of the House of Malan & Last Voyage of the Santa Anna are the freeforms I signed up for. Looking forward to it. The program for the Con even has boozing on it! I'll bring Norwegian #3 to help with that. ;)


  5. Please note that the approach taken is very different from the previous HeroQuest supplements, which contain a lot of reference to HQ rules. If you have had bad experiences converting, this will no longer be true with Sartar.

    Hmm... Maybe I should give it a try then. :)


  6. I have a question: In the creatures description, there is a Hit Location column, d20 column, and a Points column. I am guessing that the Points column refers to the amount of Hit Points that each body area has. I am confused with the format given. And, unless someone can point me in the right direction, I didn't see any explaination in the text.

    For example: 0/14 Points means what?

    0/14 means 0 AP and 14 HP. The hit points given are for average speciments of that race. I can remember I struggled with this in Apple Lane, my first RQ scenario back in the old days.


    EDIT: Oh, I'm late.... Well, you can't really get a good answer too many times, can you?

  7. rubble-and-ruin.jpgIt is twenty years after the end of the global wars. Our world lies in ruin. Once-great cities are now nothing more than shattered hulks populated with bioengineered soldiers, giant rats, and rogue robots. This is the world of Rubble & Ruin, a setting inspired by the classic post-apocalyptic fiction of the 1970's and 80's, where players take the role of prospectors searching the rubble for surviving technology.

    Here you'll find a description of the ruined city and its denizens, a bestiary, information on hostile elements, common trade goods, and sample gangs. Character generation includes six cultures, seven new races, and a section for biomodifications, cybernetics, nano-psionics, and dozens of new failings. Spot Rules for barter, firearms, the building of and fighting from cars, and the prospector’s best friend; the common dog. Also includes two full-length adventures.

    By Rich LeDuc. 130 pages. Published by Chaosium April 2010.

  8. crusaders-of-amber-coast.jpgThis book contains all the information required to run your Northern Crusade game with the Basic Roleplaying game system, including magic rules for the Christian crusaders and the pagan druids and witches, as well as game statistics for creatures of the Baltic folklore. Create your own scenarios, with your heroes siding either with the Crusading invaders or with the Baltic natives, or play through the included campaign that spans over several years of game time and takes you through the most important events of the Baltic epic.

    It is the year 1206 AD. In the city of Riga, a Christian outpost in the pagan lands of the frozen North, Prince-Bishop Albert founds the Brotherhood of the Sword to subjugate the pagans and convert them to the True Faith. Twenty years later, the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, the Stupor Mundi, decrees in his Golden Bull of Rimini that the lands conquered by the Teutonic Order in Prussia will belong to the warrior monks. Knights, friars and colonists from all over the Empire move towards the Baltic Sea to find forgiveness for their sins and commodities for their trade, as the Baltic coast is home to the strangest of the precious stones: Amber. The age of the Northern Crusades has begun.The path to virtue, glory and riches lies in front of your heroes, but countless enemies stand between them and their goals: the ruthless Lithuanians of Archduke Mindaugas, the Mongol raiders of Genhgis Khan's Golden Horde, and emerging Russian Princes like young Aleksandr Nevskij. And in the deep woods and dark marshes of the Baltic Coast, fantastic creatures and ancient deities await.

    By Paolo Guccione. 160 pages. Published by Alephtar Games April 2010.

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