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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. Fractured Hopes by Charles Green is a pulpy space fantasy setting for BRP which allows for a very varied campaign. The basic premise is that the world has been broken into lots of different fragments as a result of a cataclysmic war between humans, aliens and machines. The players take on the roles of heroes sailing from fragment to fragment on magical voidships. Overall, the writing is very good, making it an easy read. The layout is reasonably nice too. As always, the beetle rating goes as follows: 1=horrible, 2=bad, 3=average, 4=good, 5=great & 6=perfect! Chapter by chapter:

    Chap. 1 - Introduction (p3-6): A short overview of the setting, the contents of the monograph and a short, but philosophical "What is a Roleplaying Game?" Okey-dokey. :b1::b1::b1:

    Chap. 2 - Characters (p7-14): Contains some typical player-professions for the setting, and the background history of the "Fractured Worlds" universe - which works as a good introduction to the setting. :b1::b1::b1::b1:

    Chap. 3 - Skills (p15-17): Changes to some of the existing BRP skills, plus a new one: Own a Voidship(???). Didn't like that skill at all. :b1::b1:

    Chap. 4 - Powers (p18-38): Describes the reason for the presence of all the basic power systems in the setting; magic, sorcery, mutations, psychic abilities and super powers - and does the job well. :b1::b1::b1::b1:

    Chapter 5 - Spot Rules (p39-46): Several spot rules, including minion rules and fate points. Good if you like it pulpy I guess, but my preference is gritty. :b1::b1::b1:

    Chapter 6 - Voidships (p47-62): Describes the basics of the voidships, construction rules, ship combat rules and stats for ships of various size. Some tied up to the aforementioned Own a Voidship skill, but overall pretty good. :b1::b1::b1::b1:

    Chapter 7 - The Post-Sundering World (p63-82): Describes the world of the setting as it exists today, listing the familiar and the strange. It descirbes several fragments, and contains some really good rules for generating new ones. The different "zones" of the world is described, and also the void that is found between the fragments. This ideas you find in this chapter is really where this monograph shines. :b1::b1::b1::b1::b1:

    Chapter 8 - Gamemastering (p83-98): Lots of tips on how to GM... :b1::b1::b1:

    Chapter 9 - Equipment (p99-104): Some descriptions on "old" equipment often found, together with some brand new equpment specific for the setting. :b1::b1::b1::b1:

    Chap. 10 - Creatures (p105-109): Some new creatures found in the setting. :b1::b1::b1::b1:

    Chap. 11 - Putting the Pieces Together (p110-118): An introductory character-creation scenario. Good idea, but didn't really work for me. :b1::b1::b1:

    TRIFF SAYS: Fractured Hopes presents some really great ideas. The fragments works as small micro-settings, and gives the possibility of running a campaing that goes from fantasy to western to modern to sci-fi, without turning to mystical gates or timetravel. I like that a lot. The setting as written is much to pulpy for my style, and there's much in it that rubbed me the wrong way. However, that can be tweak as I like it, and the basic ideas of the setting are really great. Thus, strangely enough I end up with a total impression that is higher than the average for the chapters:

    Total impression: :b1::b1::b1::b1::b1::b2:

    Recommended! :tu:

  2. Not now having a group to play with, I've been on a "rulesquest", looking for the ideal system to mess about with for fantasy and scifi purposes. And BRP feels like it. I'm only just getting (back) to grips with the system, but I like what I read, and the monographs are a fantastic resource - in individual quality the ones I have, Rome and Cthulhu Rising, equal or exceed the best GURPS sourcebooks, in my humble opinion.

    Sounds like a good choice! ;t)

    Rome and CR are pretty amazing.

    Welcome the site Marchand!


  3. My interests are primarily in historic esp medieval settings. Things that touch the language/culture/anthro/archaeo-nerd regions of my brain.
    For historic settings, I'd go with Rome. Veni, Vidi, Vici and Cthulhu Invictus should work well as support. Not exactly medieval though...

    Unless I catch the Trek bug again soon, in which case my desire to craft a suitably accurate 3D star map will destroy my ability to think about much else. Not that I have the software... any recommendations

    Of our galaxy or a made up one?


  4. Heya guys. Who sells runequest miniatures these days? Does anyone? I was looking for some broo and a few other things and the only ones I could find were on Noble Knight's site. They have a pack of broo but nothing else. :confused:

    ps - I'd even buy painted minis if the price wasn't too high.

    Mongoose sells some, but I think they're a bit bigger sizewise than the old ones. Ebay would be the place for the old ones.


  5. I first encountered BRP in the guise of RuneQuest but I'm another of those odd fellows who just couldn't get into Glorantha for some reason. Maybe it was the ducks.

    Yes, those Humakti ducks can scare anyone away. In my game group, there's a Humakti duck who has the alltime killscore for one session - 42. He died too, but only because he refused to run away to get healing. ;)

    I don't get to play much these days, but I live in hope and still write adventures and tinker with games and settings.

    Anything for BRP you could share with us here? We do love adventures!

    So. Hello to you all.

    Hello and welcome Alan! :)


  6. Excuse me...."Thalaba" but you've got some nerve making a statement like that! Mongoose does not now or ever had "Shoddy production quality".

    Their first edition of the "new" RuneQuest rules were horrible. Sound like most of that is fixed with the second edition, but the first edition was beyond shoddy content-wise.


  7. Cthulhu Rising is great.

    Go to http://www.cthulhurising.co.uk/ and start downloading. This is a space horror setting, more like the aliens-movies. Using Cthulhu monsters for that works perfectly. Forget about sanity if you don't like it. No need to get the rules. Most of the rules are found free on the site, and are quite similar to BRP with RQ3 options.


  8. I love CoC! At least in portioned amounts. The setting is solid and the support is great. I'm currently playing a character in the "Mask of Nyarlathotep" campaign. Formerly a stable cop, now a rather unstable sword and thompson wielding investigator wearing a 1st WW breastplate. Sanity is part of setting, but is rarely if ever the thing that kills a character. How deadly the game setting is depends on the GM, but yes, the mortality is somewhat higher than in a fantasy game. However, I've just gotten hold of the spell "Create Zombie", which I guess is almost like Resurrect? We'll see if a group member happens to die...


  9. A thousand thankyous! I love the picture you've chosen to go with it, as well.

    You're welcome! :)

    Well once these books go off to Chaosium they first go up as .PDFs, then I must await them to become "printed" versions before I will buy anything. I am still awaiting "The Green" to become a "printed" version to buy that book still. Sorry I don't buy any .pdfs at all, I like good old tree killing paper copies in my hot hands.

    PDF + laser printer + book binder machine = Dead tree version! ;)


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