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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. From http://www.chaosium.com/article.php?story_id=445:

    A new BRP setting book for Spring 2010.

    The Chronicles of Future Earth

    A Technofantasy setting for Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying

    CHA 2023

    ISBN 1-56882-306-1

    Price $18.95

    96 pages (approx)

    Trade paperback, Illustrated.

    Written by Sarah Newton

    “In the last centuries of the Fifth Cycliad, a great malaise descends upon the lands of humankind. The great civilizations of Urth, which for Aeons had seemed on the verge of slumber, now finally begin to rot from within. From the edges of the world terrible enemies draw close, their hungry claws poised to tear the Venerable Autocracy apart. In this dark hour a cry rises for Heroes, to stand against the dying of the light and save the world from the sins of its past.

    “Some say that it is the end of days. Some say that this is only the beginning. These pages tell the history of a time yet to come. These are the Chronicles of Future Earth.”

    The Chronicles of Future Earth is volume one of the new techno-fantasy setting for Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying, and contains: an introduction to Urth, the world of the unimaginably far future, focussing on the vast and ancient city of Korudav; new races, cultures, and occupations; new magic, artifacts, and religions; rules for demons and divine powers; a bestiary of the Urth’s more deadly denizens; and “The Worm Within”, an introductory scenario showcasing this unique and adventure-filled world.

    Dustin O'Chaosium

  2. It would be nice if the rough details of a BRP license were more public. I suspect a lot of would be authors don't pursue it in part because they feel that they couldn't afford a BRP license. And few people are willing to write something that they can't publish.

    An example of such a license can be found here.


  3. So I notices that Fire and Sword is released under the FreeArt license. Is that a license that Chaosium approves of? I've never heard of it before. I'm curious, because I'm currently working on a setting that I might write up for BRP, and I'm wondering what my options are, in terms of publishing.

    Thanks for anyone who can fill me on licensing and BRP.

    Sorry, it's a newbie-ish question, but I didn't find freeart in a search of the site.


    I guess my question, more clearly put, is this. You have to license the BRP, but there's a freeart game that, in effect, is pretty close to brp. Would it be legit to write a game and use the gaming system that's at the base of the FA licensed game, and not go through chaosium at all?

    The terms of the FreeArt license can be found on page 179-181 in the 4th edition of the Fire and Sword rules. The author, Raymond Turney is a member on this board so you could send him a pm or email about using F&S. The similarities of the rules are probably a result of Raymond being one of the authors of the first edition of RuneQuest, which is the "ancestor" of all the subsequent versions of BRP. You could also go with the OpenQuest option mentioned above.

    If you want to use Chaosium's BRP rules for a game to be published by someone else than Chaosium (commercial, not as a fanwork), you'll have arrange a deal with them to get a 3rd party license. An example of such a license can be found here. Other variations can be negotiated.



  4. I'm a big sucker for campaign books, filled with interlinked scenarios. Don't really need more source info than what's needed to to run the campaign. I prefer the more generic ones, as they're easier to use with existing PC groups. Only the more irrelevant info should be placed in the appendix. Beasts and magic should be baked into text or in sidebars or boxes in the page they appear.


  5. I think part of the reason for the low number of daily visitors is that Chaosium doesn't have forums or a similar community to draw users back repeatedly.

    My typical Chaosium web browsing experience goes something like this:

    Visit Chaosium.com --> Check Blog --> Check Catalog for something new --> Exit site.

    Being so small, they lack the dedicated computer guy. Mongoose's site has a lot of visits much due to their forums.

    Hmm, according to biz the BRP websight is worth $10,132.8. Maybe Triff should cash in for the ten grand and then start up a new site.

    Site-farming! That's a lot of beer!

    I don't think their estimates are very accurate though. According to Google Analytics, we have btw 200 and 400 unique visitors daily.


  6. Uploaded here. I'm not totally sure what the problem is. However, when I downloaded it from the email, the extension for the file got lost, making it impossible to upload. When I edited the filename to include the .pdf it uploaded smoothly. I don't know if this could be it, but at least it's up now:


    You're assigned the uploader, so you can edit the description as you like. The location to (I think, if not - tell me if you want it moved to another section).



  7. You could keep it as the forum's area for longer reviews, and perhaps provide

    links from there to the discussions in the products threads ?

    That's the way it's been so far. Links to and from the review and supplement threads.

    What about a rating system like Amazon has - wherein people can give a simple star rating to a product and those are automatically tallied, and people can also leave a short (or long) written review, too. Is that possible?

    Not currently, at least not with the review software. But maybe I could tweak the threads in this subforum that way. I'll have to check that out.

    If the reviews are buried in threads, new people will never find them. They need to be somewhere that's easy to find, which means they need to be in a dedicated section that you can link to from the product main page.

    That could be easily fixed by adding links from the first post of the product thread to the longer review found in that thread.


  8. I was wondering if there is a section on the website that has more quests and stories available. With the number of people playing BRP I would guess that a lot of GM's have great stories that they have used. It would be cool if their was a page where they could all be shared and viewed by others for their campaigns.

    Are you talking about more downloadable scanarios? We'd love to have more, but I guess many GMs runtheir scenarios with a minimum of incomplete notes.


  9. Yup. I'm actually waiting for an update of that piece of software. Turns out the old version is not compatible with the new forum software. The new one is at Beta 3 now, should go gold in not too long time. Talking about the Review section, do you think it adds usefull value to the site, or could the review aspects just as easily be maintained in the product threads? (Old reviews could easily be transferred there) I'm leaning towards keeping it and putting it back up as soon as the new software is ready, but have noticed it's not really that much used, with most members preferring to voice their opinion in the product threads.


  10. This page should be helpfull: http://catalog.chaosium.com/pages.php?pID=14&CDpath=13

    You might also find some additional information here: http://catalog.chaosium.com/pages.php?CDpath=13&osCsid=1929aee13c17a2a1529495e63f1efcea

    Basically, you have to submit a proposal to dustin@chaosium.com with "monograph proposal" in the subject line, describing your proposed monograph, and what the different chapters will contain. To appear in print, the monograph must be at least 48 pages.

    Then, if your proposal is approved, you have to inform us about it, so we can put up a new news blurb at the front page. ;)

    Cheers and good luck!


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