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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. I currently have Basic Role Playing, and the RuneQuest Core Rulebook and I went to the downloads section at this site and downloaded RuneQuest Luxury Edition. I was thinking about picking up RuneQuest Deluxe Edition but with the books I already have, would there even be a point? I thought it would have content the other two books don't but I don't know.

    Is there anything that the Deluxe Edition contains that the other two are missing?

    The RQ Luxury edition you can find on this site is an edited version of all the previous MRQ SRDs layed out in one document. If I was you, I'd dump the MRQ Core Rulebook in the garbage if it's the first edition. The Deluxe edition is a great book if you're talking about the RQ3 one, but if it's the MRQ one, stay away. Now, if you're going to play in any of the MRQ settings from Mongoose, you should consider buying MRQ2, as it's supposed to be a great improvement on the flawed first edition. If not, I'd just stick with BRP!


  2. The author is a member of this forum, but not very active to say the least. Last summer, at the last Tentacles Con, I saw a preview of it that looked pretty close to finished. Haven't really heard that much since then though.


  3. May I ask how it works in publishing over there at Chaosium? Does a specific book need to reach a certain level of sales before they will offer it as a 'printed version' or what?


    Probably not, but we don't really know. The PDFs allways arrive first, which is naturally, then some weeks later usually the book appear.


  4. Recently I became aware of BRP which I have heard some claims that it is RQ3/4 (depends how you number :rolleyes: ) in all but name.

    RuneQuest 3 is available on ebay, a great book. RuneQuest 4 exists only as an allmost completed playtest copy that circulate among RuneQuest fans here on the net. Then we have the MRQ and MRQ2, which like BRP, are a bit more distant relatives. MRQ has another "feel" and another version of the Glorantha you're familiar with. BRP with the correct options can be almost identical to RQ3, but the rules are generic.

    If you want to continue to play in 3rd Age Glorantha, but would like to check out a different system, I'd recommend RQ3, RQ4 or BRP.

    If you like to play a d100 game in Glorantha, and is willing to accept the change in setting which the 2nd Age is, then MRQ2 is the obvious choice.


  5. Won't characters have a weight (and height) in d100, then? Such details are fun to know, like hair/eye colour, etc.

    Yes, they'll have both weight and height. It will be determined by a dice roll, but heavily modified by STR (and race). :)


  6. See this is something I don't get. Why roll a Str vs anything? If they character is strong enough to lift the dwarf, he is strong enough to lift the dwarf. Their shouldn't be a roll, unless some other factor is involved (IMO). I really don't like attribute resistance checks for situations like this, unless there is some seriously dramatic reason for it.

    The STR vs. X resistance roll answer was given to another question than the dwarven one:

    Roll a STR vs. X resistance roll. X just being a number. Handled in almost the same way as before, except the resistance table is replaced by a simpler d20 roll (follows the same mechanics as the resistance table).

    When that is said, an average str 10-11 human would probably have some difficulties carrying the str 23 dwarf.


  7. Now the software upgrade is done, what should I be seeing when I call in ? I'm still seeing the rather ugly blue and white layout. I can remember triff saying that you didn't have to have this i.e it was an option. ( since I don't look at the site at work I don't need to look inconspicuous ;D ) So how do I set the site for the prettier option ?

    Maybe you need to refresh, delete some cookies or something? It should have the new header and parchment. If that doesn't work, go to settings, forum settings, and make sure that the skin is set to "BRP Gamer Style". I'll mess a bit more with the rest when 4.0.2 is out later this week.


  8. Well, I just became an unwilling member of Nysalor...

    But isn't that every character's wet dream? Reap all the benefits, pay none of the duties. :P

    The upgrade of the site has delayed me quite a bit, but a playtest forum should be up before the en of March, with chapters added as they near completion.


  9. Hmmm... OK. Perhaps playing with transparency on the covers background to make the headline and menus stand out more?

    Transparancy, do you mean blurring the covers?

    I was thinking of suggesting adding shadow to the Menus to make them standout, but didn't want to praise and criticism in the same post.

    Yes, the menues would look much better just by changing their colors, but there's a bug in the software that hinders that. Should be fixed with the maintenance release that is scheuduled this week.


  10. I'd suggest a black headline on the main page. The two tone, with "Central" in white, along with the "menu" options get a bit lost right now.

    The "menu" options, or top links, won't change their color. It's a known bug which will be fixed when vB 4.0.2 is released February 4th.

    Conscerning a black headline, the "CENTRAL" part of it gets even more lost than it is now.

  11. Where's the Wiki?!?!?!?!?!?!?



    Still there... Not for long though. :cool:

    Coming back soon, allegedly. And implemented in something called "CMS", which should make it even better!

    ...and that was a week ago, so...?

    Actually, it's only the content that will be transferred over to the CMS at first, to make it accessible. It won't be a true "wiki" before someone makes a wiki-widget for the CMS, which might take some time. Poeple used the first wiki, as the registration and wysiwyg was the same as the rest of the forum, but when that lost all support and the new wiki was installed, allmost no-one used it. Which is why I'm waiting for a new wiki feature for the CMS.

    Heck, have those downloads changed address again??

    Trif, if you must change them, please announce it so I can fix the links in my sigs on those other forums...

    ... but please don't change 'em if you can possibly avoid it!

    Faulty rewrite rule. Can you check your links again? Is it working now?

    Maybe we don't beat him enough. ;)

    Filthy sundomer! :mad:

    [pointing with a sharp stick]

  12. And the old smileys are back! :D:);D:P Together with a :bug: and the last three horsemen... :famine::war::death:

    If you find any other smileys you think should be included, 16px size, post them and they'll be considered. :thumb:

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