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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. The post icons can run all night. I'll get them tomorrow.

    I've written some redirectrules which should make all the old links valid again. If you find any broken links, tell me and I'll fix them too! :)

    Good night!


  2. A Special Ability: Immunity from SAN loss caused by the sight of incredibly ugly smilies.

    From now on and for all time no smiley, no matter how ugly, can endanger your SAN.

    You have endured the look of these ones, and it simply cannot get worse. :)

    And then the latest move just killed all the smileys. I'll have to see if I have some resurrect spells laying around here.


  3. Moved the site to the root folder. Post icons are showing up as red crosses, will be fixed as soon as I find the correct place to insert the file path. A .htaccess file has been left in the /forum folder to direct all visitors to the root.

  4. But... <sigh>... I just wanted to look something up on the wiki, and...

    Anyway, ETA for the new, improved wiki?

    Ehh... Around 2 weeks? It's not highest on the priority list.

    Okay, two weeks of posts were sacrificed to the Gods of Open Source. Do we get something in exchange for the sacrifice? Divine magic? A skill? A special ability?

    Yes. We get to live!


  5. Just to avoid confuxion such as that caused by someone asking a question about the Mongoose RuneQuest 2 rules, how about a "Other D100 Systems" forum? I thought there used to be one, but my memory of the old board is fading fast ... what.gif

    Well, that was the purpose of the Systems & Settings forum, but the same types of threads appeared if both forums, so it didn't really have any function. I guess we'll just have to deal with that bit of confusion.

    And another one...

    I have now re-added the lost "alien generation system (PDF version)"

    But it hasn't appeared on in the Downloads list (should be in SciFi|Other) or on the Latest Downloads sidebar list.

    PS: Though curiously, it has updated the uploads count both for me and for that area... (and you can find it if you "Search Downloads"). Weird!

    As suspected, it had been caught in a moderation que. It's now approved, and moderation for the downloads section has been disabled.


  6. Okay, some of the worst stuff seems to be fixed. Getting late here i Norway, so I'm heading to bed. 25 hrs shift at the hospital tomorrow, so I won't get any work done then, but keep the bug rapports coming, and I'll continue working on it on Thursday. Good night!


  7. OK here's a (new?) bug - couldn't upload a PDF file. (I was trying to replace the PDF version of rpgstarwizard's alien-generation one I uploaded the other day, which has been zapped).

    The error message told me the file types I'm limited to uploading is:

    Big bug, fixing it now. No extensions where allowed by default...

    Anyway, I've added: doc, docx, odt, pdf, rtf & txt.

    Help me, what other extensions do we need?


  8. I feel rust's pain on this one. He's posted an absolute shed-load of stuff for his SciFi setting - and it's been totally wiped. Can it - and perhaps other stuff from the Lost Fortnight - be restored, please?

    To be honest, I'm happy that we didn't loose more. I had some hours of gut-wrenching vertigo where I was afraid that we'd lost it ALL. I'm not even going to prod that database for quite some time now. We're stable now, and I probably don't need any more downtime to fix the rest. So, I'm sorry, but it's quite lost. (And I think Atgxtg will refuse to regurgitate any of it)

    I'm also a little saddened the BRP QuickStart downloads count has been put back to 127-ish again. It was up to 357+ and going well. I also don't know if the new download is from the same URL as I have merrily been posting about various forums... will eager new potential BRP-players now just be getting broken link?

    The links files in the download section should still be valid. :)

  9. Just to let you know I just got 'Byron Alexander, you do not have permission to access this page' when I went to http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/ (which is the page I have bookmarked).

    It isn't a big problem, I'm here obviously, I just clicked on the 'Forum' button and got to http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/forum.php

    As it is a bug, though, I thought I'd let you know its happening.

    Do you still have this problem now that the CMS is "up"? The default destination for http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/ is the "Home" (CMS) section, that haven't worked previously.

    And, oddly enough, my own post above appears blank except for the sig as well.

    I think it *may* have something to do with whether the reply was made using the "Reply To Thread" button (my first post, which is blank) or just the "Reply" link tied to an individual message.

    Very weird. Anyone else having this problem? I've tested replies in different modes without being able to reproduce that problem. What kind of browser do you use?

    Me too. The site also refuses to remember my user name and login. I use Chrome, but didn't have this problem under the old regime.

    Okay, I'll download Chrome and see if it's a browser specific problem or something else.

    Hmmm... I still can't find the two recent threads I tried - the one on negative damage modifiers and the one about armour spawned by the linen armour link. Is it just that my search-fu is weak?

    Could they be part of the sacrifice? Atgxtg needed 2 weeks of threads to not end the world you know. If they were startet less than two weeks ago then that could be it.


  10. They're there - well, at least I see the Pharos IV and Interplanetary threads, amongst others. But all threads started in the last two weeks are missing from all sections, so the one you're looking for might be one of those.

    Are those recoverable, BTW, Triff?

    Thay are all here, but all the threads are arranged by time since last post, so some of them might not be on the first page anymore. You could do a simple search if there was a thread that you wanted to resurrect.


  11. Exactly... What happened to Systems & Settings??

    It merged with the main Basic Roleplaying forum. Basically, the forum didn't manage to carve out its own niche, same types of posts in both forum, so the big forum swallowed the small one.

    Here's a stupid question ... what happened to the Downloads section?

    It's down until that piece of software is upgraded too, which will happen today. :thumb:

    They did pack enough posts for two weeks...

    Hehehe. ;)

    Ugh! Ugly smiley!


  12. Triff, if I have never mentioned it before, you have a great site here and I thank you for all the hard work you put in to maintaining it. :thumb:


    Thank you all! Means a lot. :)

    Thirded, despite my kvetching about downloads. Running a board that specializes in an RPG system that's NOT D&D earns you many Allegiance points with the Gods of Gaming. Or something.

    Downloads will be up and running by the end of the day.


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