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Everything posted by Scornado

  1. I believe Argrath was born somewhere in the Starfire Ridges but is there anything in canon to narrow that down further? It seems to me it might be a place of significance.
  2. The fact that unlike RQ2 (last version I played) it is so much more complete - so Runes particularly
  3. Owing to a GMing cock-up, in my campaign the HIGH holy week is in Earth Season! I was channeling Jeff's GMing approach to adjust the story for maximing fun.
  4. Still no more episodes 😞 - perhaps Jeff is too busy finishing new products
  5. I was wondering the same - two Saturdays without a fix
  6. I was imprecise: I am happy that Uleria's seasonal holy day each season is a whole week. What I am not sure of is whether Uleria has a HIGH Holy day ever (apart from Sacred Time). I like the idea of different types of love on each day of the week though.
  7. In the GM Screen pack the calendar has every Harmony Week as holy to Uleria. However none seems to be designated the High Holy "Day" for her worship. Is there one?
  8. My personal experience is that most people are not good proof-readers. As a Asperger's suffering pedant I consider myself quite good at it, but still miss things. I wonder whether there are different types of proof-reading skill and a good team has a mixture of them.
  9. Very much enjoy this series - perhaps because my age and the ages of some of the players seems quite close.
  10. My hard copy arrived here in London this morning 🙂
  11. 5000 people is a large village by UK standards these days, so not very big. If the population were densely packed it really would not be large.
  12. Sold my A&Es about 5 years ago - I had about 100 issues (from about 60 onwards) and got £520 for them. I don't regret selling but it was only with RQG that I really got into the game and I'd liked to have been able to go back to the early 80s and see what I missed.
  13. I do not believe SAN rules are needed for RQ... it's not the essence of the game.
  14. I would certainly welcome the arrival of season 3.
  15. I'd welcome a third season as I am almost up to date. I find it entertaining stuff.
  16. Jason, thanks for that. I had assumed it was the same village as in Pegasus Plateau - Rattling Wind, which is called Farfield.
  17. I use Midlam Miniatures Ram Men for Broo ... reasonable price although perhaps a little well armoured/equipped (unless they are part of a chaotic Lunar regiment).
  18. CHA4035 North Sartar Map - what I assume is the village of Farfield east of Fair Jowl appears on the map as Farview. Is that an error or an alternative name?
  19. Thanks Bren. It was well-received in our game - when it emerged from the lake trailing weed and dripping wet.
  20. Finally got round to running Rattling Wind this weekend. It went well and we did the whole thing in about 4.5 hours. Here's a picture of the model I made in preparation. It uses a modified Victrix chariot with Wargames Factory and Zvezda skeleton parts.
  21. Half the pre-gens were in the GM screen so not really new (and we're using some of them in our game already), but I am not really going to quibble over the actual percentage. The PDFs look good and I am sure when the box arrives it will be great. As a compleatist, I had to have it anyway.
  22. I expect only 40% of the starter set to be useful for an established campaign or group but at that price its' worth it for that 40% so I bought it. The low price is a master-stroke.
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