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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. The is an article on the Lopers in Rule 1 Issue 10 p.19. The Zaranistangi Mystery by Hervé Carteau. However, one such aspect had been until now little studied and almost forgotten: that of the Zaranistangi, better known as the Loper People...
  2. Of course not, it'd be part of a 20 year saga, back and forth across Central Genertela. The PC with the Halfbird's eye will be looking into another plane, will need a patch over that eye for sure. What if the PC that heals the Halfbird is Androgeus's grandson and why wouldn't they be as they happen to be a Bearwalker from the Yellow Bear Hills... somehow drawn to Apple Lane of all places. Who wouldn't have the urge to pluck their own eye out and replace it with a fossilized bird's eye. Wait a minute, isn't Androgeus the mother of Yellow Bear? This is turning out to be some sort of sick long term plot where a PC goes insane slowly as they look to often into the God's Plane? Imagine the Lhankor Mhy people wanting to interview this Bearwalker who is almost naked all the time and half mad to boot.
  3. This is one hell of a rabbit hole but I like it. Is Halfbird ancient? Does Halfbird have a tail and can it hang from tree branches?
  4. I like the idea the Storm Bulls should be illuminated and so can be more selective in the destruction of chaos. Seems to me if the Storm Bulls could find chaos and then locate the source and eliminate it the more good would become of it.
  5. That is a huge bird! Recall Thumbless Talcon was able to carry the Halfbird... so it might not be that large or possibly Mr. Talcon is really really strong, possibly even a Bearwalker if they were near Yellow Bear Hills? Either way now I am thinking a PC heals/resurrects the Halfbird and as a reward the Halfbird decides to befriend the PC and the eye from Gringle is somehow placed into the PC's head and the Halfbird becomes an allied spirit to said PC. Maybe the PC's eye which is plucked out goes into the Halfbird... you can't make up stuff more messed up than this. It becomes their mount and friend. This is going to be way cool. Will need to sort out stats for sure. WIll need to figure out the whole magical spirit ethereal nature of the Halfbird... More game fun!
  6. I was eating part of a smaller rotesry chicken yesterday and noticed almost half the bird was just a carcass - a skeleton. It was half a bird... Halfbird. Actually I only ate the half the breast and part of the thigh... So if you were to go get some muscles, tendons and what not from say an ostrich or other large birds, and stick it on Halfbird's dead side and cast heal wound, remove curse and then resurrection wound its missing body grow back/come back to life or would you have to take the Halfbird to Hell and try to heal it there or something? How big is the Halfbird anyway? Guessing bigger than an ostrich but no by much if the human Thumbless Talcon was able to carry the Halfbird. I did note from Wyrm's Footprints p.83 the feet of the Halfbird seem to be similar to that of a seagull maybe so however that helps us I have no idea...
  7. Sounds like with FDA approval you be a billionaire "butt" you'd be blamed for over exacerbating the world's overpopulation problem!? Maybe the sword also has the ability something like a harmony spell but it becomes reproduce like a berserker? This would make some game session quite funny... imagine Wolfhelm on your leg like a dog in heat... LOL.
  8. Come to think of it explaining to a group of players how a spear acted like a boomerang, came out of the ground to impale someone's foot behind a stone wall always cracks me up. Blowing it really badly was always funny especially when the 3 details had no relationship. Jar Eel the Razoress' corset strap breaks with the metal clip flying off and impaling the eye of Beat Pot who in turns cuts off your arm while he doing a face plant?
  9. I have 10 goats they have 600... Everyone likes goats.
  10. Wow, might have to get this!? Takes me to the Name of the Wind series and of course it'd be linked to MOB's Getting of Wisdom and somehow involve the Great Library of Lhankor Mhy with ways to transverse between? I am thinking that most larger libraries may have some hidden means to get to the Great Library, portals, way gates inside stacks, you just need the ceremonies and entry points to move through, is it like doorways to the Room of Requirements, Arkat potals, guided teleportation, you actually move to the God's panel in some instances? There some good threads on libraries: Jonstown Library hierarchy 1625 Heroic Lhankor Mhy Questions Who doesn't like goats... it is unfair that they get a 3rd action with horns... the new cover of the Sourcebook shows that a human with deluxe horns should probably get an extra attack as well?
  11. I suppose you could draw a parallel to this thought, rather than uprisings you'd have raids conducted between the nomadic Praxians and the Orlanthi barbarians both against their own culture and more broadly against the others? Civilized areas, I would venture to guess wouldn't raid nearly as much at their interiors if at all, whereas they would suffer more from uprisings. As you move further out from the civilized core you increase chances of raiders... Seems simple enough for someone like me with a basic thought pattern.
  12. I suppose this will work in any Gloranthian society where education and questioning of authority is lacking...
  13. So what % of sartarites are able to write and of them on average at what skill level? In RQ3 the rural cow is 200 lunars and in the city 500 and so puts in in a better light. Yes, same for a large number of Americans for pro sports. When a can of beer at a baseball game is over $10 a sporting event can add up to be quite costly. Buy a jersey, the tickets and a few drinks and some food... $$$.
  14. The tragedy of modern times is lack of education for the masses. How many Gloranthians have a read/write skill about 50%? When I look at the RQ3 income table a typical lessor crafter and landed peasants make about 4 Lunars a day or 1440 an earth year... When I look at the cost to stay in the Bouncing Buffalo room and board for a day would be between 5-8 Lunars... What is the standard of living for the majority of Gloranthians? Likely 2 lunares a day? You'd think there would be more uprisings in Glorantha where quality of life has a huge differential?
  15. Do Yelmalians wear flannel and cowboy hats, I think they do, and they are likely from Texas or somewhere south of the Mason Dixon Line? Add a strand of wheat in their mouths. Cyuk cyuk cyuk... https://www.google.com/search?q=Roscoe+P+Coltrain+laughing&gs_ivs=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1924571c,vid:-f3CFzahrRs,st:0
  16. Will assume they are separate but where are they, Hell maybe, around volcanoes? This makes sense but I am thinking they are more like Dyards possibly, able to be humanoid as well as the tree itself. Off the top of my head they could produce crystalline weapons that have something like liquid light instilled, sap made of light? Earlier in this thread, was thinking copper, silver, gold... not sure where it would go but will keep thinking on it...
  17. So reading White Elves are of the sun and related to Yelmalio but are not longer. Makes me wonder if they were somehow the same as Gold Wheel Dancers and or were related on possibly congregated before the Dawn? Something about the third seed of Flamal and it going up Yelmalio, Yelmdrya was born, mother of all plants on the Sun, as well as their collective soul. The White Elves are still a part of Yelmdrya though they are now gone from the world. The great and pure forests at the top of the spike were white? Does anyone recall White Elves?
  18. Was actually thinking they'd be quite deadly, good old Gloranthian high rate of mortality! I think we had one week where most of our 6-8 member gaming group had at least one PC's die, 2 of us had 2 deaths. If anyone recalls the game Boot Hill it seemed about the same related to body count, mold or not.
  19. Therein lies the problem... my sister converted to Houstonianism... whereas she is from near Chicago but now speaks funny.
  20. Since we are from 1600 we'll not need worry about this for a long time! The PC's Caprati mother will be from the a different part of the family.
  21. Eat the wizards! Why not let the masses learn sorcery?
  22. Adding the trollball team the Zing Zongs trollball team. They are from the Zong’s Knuckles, five black stoned mesas, that tower above an area of dense bracken and stunted trees, on the very west edge of Gork’s Hills. (Rule 1 Issue 9 p.3)
  23. Was just guessing as to the steps of the Hero Quest... the PC's can try to get close to the troll in an attempt to get the tears (no idea how, maybe they just ask) and while attempting to heal (no chance of success unless a critical and even then it repercussions are not strong, not like a Gold Wheel Dancer's spirit coming back...) What would Hero Quested Troll tears powers be?
  24. So this this gentle drake is a Sord Sage of Lhankor Mhy and is carrying the sword Shrumgiglorbb which is magical but made of rotten wood and has a mushroom pommel. It was retrieved from a sacred mushroom grotto (a black elf temple). Unlike most swords, this isn't very sharp and doesn't keep an edge well. It is also noted as allowing its bearer to communicate with the voralan group-mind, which can be an unsettling experience, it has worms and beetles? I am thinking it has powers like sprout mushrooms (some sort of itching rash), instant mucormycosis (mind blast) and maybe blastomycosis (smother). On the other hand would it via the voralan group-mind would it be able to communicate via micro organisms so the wielder knows and sees things others cannot? Do they have dark-sense and dark-scan via mold spores underground, maybe it needs to be damp for this feature to work and the sword must be grasped so the voralan group-mind is able to give the wielder information? Maybe it's some sort of moldy soul sight? Would it be able to detect air movements no matter how slight, sense plant life somehow? Ophiocordyceps unilateralis may also be a power which is strangely related to the undead of the Upland Marsh and could be used to generate a platoon of undead to do Shrumgiglorbb's master's bidding or maybe it only works on giant insects? Oh, that might be good when messing with troll giant insects. Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is cast at a giant insect and the insect over time becomes a zombie under the control of Shrumgiglorbb's weilder? Any thoughts on this? (Sord Sage written by Stew Stansfield Rule1 Issue 8, p.25 Spring 2011)
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